- Aug 27, 2018
- 3,009
The song below is one I listened to a lot back when I was a 16 year old teenager, in the beginning the lyrics says translated.
Days turn in to years
Time keeps going forward
Slowly we start to forget
The life that was forever is no more.
Song: Burhan G Jeg I live
Life in childhood seemed to last forever when I was a child it felt like I would never become an adult the same as a teenager adulthood seemed so far away and life just seemed to be about enjoying it as much as possible, the years felt so long. it´s just like childhood was a world of it´s own like it´s own universe the same with teenage years kind of a NeverLand world (Peter Pan) where in those ages it feels like childhood is forever and as a teenager it feels like teenage years will last forever like it´s two completely different universes if that makes sense? You couldn´t comprehend how it would feel like to be anything other than a child or a teenager you could only imagine how but never truly understand.
- In childhood every day was heaven on Earth so I was excited for something every day I lived in the moment and as for my teenage years these exciting days spread further apart but I wouldn´t have to look much more than weeks or a month, as an adult I can look years months or years ahead and there won´t be any excitement (I am apathetic and have anhedonia so this is a huge factor too of course)
I think another important factor is all the hope there is as a child or teenage because the only thing between us and our dreams are time and in adulthood we will get what we our dreams desire because subjectively I can say I thought that adults could do anything so I imagined my shyness and other problems would disappear when becoming an adult. The difference between these two exciting and amazing worlds I think is where hope and prosperity is an important factor because I lack both of those in adulthood, as a child or teen it´s only time there is between us and our dreams and subjectively my physical and mental health was none existent compared to now. As children and teenager we had dreams for the future but couldn´t predict it, like I thought as an adult everything would magically come into place, as an adult I know it´s not going to happen it´s up to me to fix it but my mind and body is too broken to do it I am not strong enough for this world and it´s insane how much effort it would take even if I did have the strengths to go through with it.
Days turn in to years
Time keeps going forward
Slowly we start to forget
The life that was forever is no more.
Song: Burhan G Jeg I live
Life in childhood seemed to last forever when I was a child it felt like I would never become an adult the same as a teenager adulthood seemed so far away and life just seemed to be about enjoying it as much as possible, the years felt so long. it´s just like childhood was a world of it´s own like it´s own universe the same with teenage years kind of a NeverLand world (Peter Pan) where in those ages it feels like childhood is forever and as a teenager it feels like teenage years will last forever like it´s two completely different universes if that makes sense? You couldn´t comprehend how it would feel like to be anything other than a child or a teenager you could only imagine how but never truly understand.
- In childhood every day was heaven on Earth so I was excited for something every day I lived in the moment and as for my teenage years these exciting days spread further apart but I wouldn´t have to look much more than weeks or a month, as an adult I can look years months or years ahead and there won´t be any excitement (I am apathetic and have anhedonia so this is a huge factor too of course)
I think another important factor is all the hope there is as a child or teenage because the only thing between us and our dreams are time and in adulthood we will get what we our dreams desire because subjectively I can say I thought that adults could do anything so I imagined my shyness and other problems would disappear when becoming an adult. The difference between these two exciting and amazing worlds I think is where hope and prosperity is an important factor because I lack both of those in adulthood, as a child or teen it´s only time there is between us and our dreams and subjectively my physical and mental health was none existent compared to now. As children and teenager we had dreams for the future but couldn´t predict it, like I thought as an adult everything would magically come into place, as an adult I know it´s not going to happen it´s up to me to fix it but my mind and body is too broken to do it I am not strong enough for this world and it´s insane how much effort it would take even if I did have the strengths to go through with it.