

Aug 4, 2018
So in the space of 2-3 months I've broken up with my ex who I still live with, been referred to get sterilised, had to start working from home, started the process of buying a flat.. Started sleeping with the ex again because I'm so fucking lonely... head is not able to manage all of this change. I'm having pure meltdowns. I want to cut. I think I will today just because I need something to let off steam.

Is anyone else feeling really on edge all the time? I don't even give a shit about the virus itself. My issue is that the vibe everywhere is so tense and I soak up negative energy like a sponge.
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Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
I'm sorry to hear that your life is also a rollercoaster atm. I'm an emotional sponge too and literally cannot handle the collective energy rn on top of personal problems. I hope you don't cut... my coping mechanisms aren't cutting so I can't relate to that but I hope you find a less violent alternative. x
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Feb 2, 2020
I don't think humans are designed for all this change. I've heard it called futer shock.
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