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Nov 6, 2022
Please tell me about your kitties. I've been a cat person my whole life.

I have 1 tuxedo cat named Peanut. I've had her since she was 4 weeks old. She is 14 months old now. She's actually really mean. I can't even pet her with out her biting me. She sleeps with me every night. I can tell by the way she slow blinks at me, she loves me.
I'm thinking of getting another cat. I would like one that is more lovey and calm. Hopefully Peanut won't mind..
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Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022
That's funny, how mean she is to you... but deep down loves you all the same.
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Jul 3, 2022
Some cats just have such a attachment style and you there's really nothing you can do but accept her how she behaves. I've read in the book that this style of attachment that you described develops if a kitten is separated from mother too early. The fact that she sleeps with you proves that she loves you but probably her mother didn't make it to teach her that biting other cats/humans without reason is not desirable.
Or maybe you pet her in wrong way? Some cats are very picky when it comes to petting and they accept only a few specific types of petting. Learn (if you didn't learn it earlier obviously) cat body language and analyze it. Maybe you pet her when she doesn't want to?

My kitty was a very peaceful and affecionate cutie. She loved when I hugged or petted her and often purred loudly. I loved her so much. She slept with me almost every night and often slept next to me on my computer or keyboard when I was working/studying. However she was very scared of every stranger that came to my house. Yet that's wasn't a big problem as me and my late mother were types of loners and people rarely used to visit us.
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Dec 4, 2022
Please tell me about your kitties. I've been a cat person my whole life.

I have 1 tuxedo cat named Peanut. I've had her since she was 4 weeks old. She is 14 months old now. She's actually really mean. I can't even pet her with out her biting me. She sleeps with me every night. I can tell by the way she slow blinks at me, she loves me.
I'm thinking of getting another cat. I would like one that is more lovey and calm. Hopefully Peanut won't mind..
cats can be like that! I have a cat called Donna. she never really liked me. my family found her on vacation as a kitten; she followed them home on a walk. but she eventually warmed up to me. cats can be stubborn, but the key to their love is to be even more stubborn! give them food and love whenever the opportunity arises, and they will one day love you back ;) I think they always love you, but for some it is hard to show it.
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Aug 26, 2022
Please tell me about your kitties. I've been a cat person my whole life.
I have a black kitten named Lucy Furr
She seems affectionate, or so I assume. Is an outdoor only cat now(raised indoors, won't return inside) but comes running up to me any time I leave the house. Likes to roll around on the ground waiting to be petted/played with.
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Is it necessary?
Nov 27, 2022
I have a long haired black cat with a small white patch of fur on her belly. She's very noisy, loves to scream at me to open the windows so she can sit in them even if it's freezing outside. Her tail is permanently bent near the top, some kind of deformity I guess. She loves to greet me at the door when I come home and demands me to pick her up and hold her. If she lays on me she will get very mad if I pet her too much, she gets overstimulated by touch I think. She is very friendly, absolutely loves humans and demands everyone to pay attention to her. She also has this one rainbow string toy that is like the only toy she will play with and I think if she could she would force me to play with it with her all day. She does enjoy being chased too. She used to play catch when she was younger but now she doesn't for some reason. I used to have a roommate who had an old man orange cat and she would always tackle him and they would always play together. I'd love to get her another friend someday because it did seem like she enjoyed having another cat to play with but its something I can't afford currently nor do I have the energy for.

I love her to death, when I dreamed of my "ideal" cat in both looks and personality she is what I dreamed of. So it almost feels like she is my only wish granted in life lol. It was very unexpected that I got her though, I never intended on actually getting a cat because I am allergic but she really needed a home and I just took her. Very impulsive of me but I have no regrets. Thankfully my allergies are pretty much gone now after being around her for so long.
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May 26, 2022
I have two female cats. One is black. The other one gray with black lines mix. I had other three cats before but they passed away. I am a cat person since i was a small child so i think i can handle cats very well
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Feb 8, 2023
i have 3 cats, one of them is paralysed. he can only stand of his feet for about 10 seconds then he will fall on his butt, he is the cutest cat and i love him so much
i hope we can ctb on the same day


un chat perdu
Feb 9, 2023
Mine is a tabby cat. He came to my house a few months ago so I don't really know his age, but I guess he's 1 year old now.

He used to be a spicy boi, biting everyone who tries to pet him. But since he met other local felines, he then vented the energy fighting with them.

He's now very much calm and affectionate towards me. He's also very talkative.


Bug friend
Feb 15, 2023
I have two cats!

Oldest one is named Gizmo and he's a orange tabby cat and he's turning 1 on the 27th of this month! He's super big though. He became a huge softie after he grew out of his kitten phase and he loves being carried like a baby like if you were hugging a baby. He just likes to be hug carried. But he's very awkward and shy so he gets very anxious when it's too loud or too many people are around so I leave my room door open so he can hide. He's a good boy he only scratches when annoyed multiple times. I got him after my cat of 12 years passed away last year during March. His name was principe, he was the best as well.

The youngest cat is technically my moms but I do everything for him including taking care of him when he was a kitten as well so I say he's mine. His names Voldemort (I hate the name but my mom loves Harry Potter so she named him that. I call him Sherlock as in Sherlock Holmes sometimes cuz he's a curious cat). He's not fully grown yet but I'm pretty sure he's a mix between a tabby cat and a Maine coon (mostly Maine coon) his fur is black/grey/brown. He's so pretty but he really is a little demon. He likes biting toes and scratching anything that moves. I've caught him eating the peeling paint off the wall twice now but he's getting to being nice. I've been raising him with unconditional love and I've found that he's started to randomly hop on my bed and flop beside me and sleep there instead of on his bed and he likes me petting him while he sleeps so that's a good change. He likes to be carried like an actual baby like how people carry their new born infants and I brush his cheeks and head and he falls asleep on my arms.

I grew up with cats all my life and a bit with dogs but I've never liked dogs really they just aren't very clean and they're messy too (my stepdads dog has eaten a stack of papers, a mom wood sign in front of my grandmas ashes box, a waist harness, multiple cardboard, attempted to eat a metal lisence plate, and he also destroyed a box of tea with tea going everywhere. Dogs aren't my thing. Cats are great. Soft, cute, loving, adorable, funny, lowkey smell decent to well, playful, and wayyyy cleaner than dogs also less work with still same attention giving

This was very long sorry I really love cats but thank you 4 readingg
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Jan 7, 2023
I also have two cats!

One is a rescue cat named Merlin, he is a fluffy black with cute little white toes. He's very playful but he's quite the troublemaker. He also doesn't like cuddles - he'll be affectionate, but only when he wants to and it has to be on his terms. My parents don't like him because of his more feisty personality - I'm the only one who loves him which I think is a bit sad! He sleeps on my bed most nights and has the cutest little trill he uses to greet you.

The second is still a kitten and a pedigree ragdoll as we wanted a cat who would be more cuddly. So far he's lived up to that as he's very friendly and loves to curl up on laps. He also likes to play with Merlin, they chase each other all over the house and wrestle. He's extremely pretty with bright blue eyes. He also is obsessed with treats - he ate an entire licky stick, plastic and all! Luckily it passed through okay, but all treats are now carefully shut away in a tin, lol.


Maggot (they/them)
Feb 14, 2023
Right now I have 3 cats. I used to have 4, but sadly my lifelong companion, a really fat striped tabby, passed away at the age of 18. I have a really fat tuxedo cat who always yells and lays with me. I have a very old striped tabby, like super old. He's around 23. I also have an American shorthair who always tries to groom my hair and is very skittish. I love cats so much!
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I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
My cats called Peanut Butter, she's just me if i was a cat. She only lets me hold her or else she will bite, she's sensitive to noises and always cuddles with me in the morning. She knows how to open my door and it get on my nerves since she likes to destroy my room. I got her last year as a kitten and she's the most pretty cat I've ever seen

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