
Jan 7, 2024
After much waiting, I've finally acquired everything I need to CTB via SN and am ready to do so. However, I never considered *where* I would actually do it. I currently rent a room in this guy's house. I don't want to do it here because I feel like it'd be wrong to do that to him. My next best idea is to park someplace where no one will find me, but I'm not sure what that would look like. Any ideas?


Apr 21, 2024
I've been think about it since learning you make noises after you pass out so can't do it at home.

Car parked somewhere isolated would be good but how long would it take for someone to find you? Could be there for weeks so maybe a rental car for a day - they'll track the GPS and be found once you don't return it.

Hotel room would be ok but would be too much effort for me personally as I would have to travel to the city.

A tent set up on the beach or in a park somewhere, I think no one would disturb you for a while.

That's all I could think of so far.
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Apr 8, 2024
Personally, I focus a lot on comfort.

The place you CTB is the last place you'll ever be. You probably want it to be a place you're comfortable with, to make things at least a little bit more easier and peaceful for yourself. In terms of comfort only, I'd honestly do it in my bedroom if I could.

But obviously, there are other things to consider, mainly if other people can find you as you CTB. So for a lot of people their own homes aren't an option. There's also not wanting to burden the people around them with the discovery.

If you're nearby a beach or a mountain, and if you can find your own little secluded spot somewhere, I think that could work. Some sort of woods could work too, or maybe even a large park. If you cover up your windows and park somewhere secluded, I doubt you'll be found either. Getting a hotel room also works, but that also does leave the hotel staff having to find you eventually, which you'll have to consider.

If you're going somewhere new, try making sure that nobody actually does pass by that area frequently for whatever reason, no matter how secluded it may seem. Just being extra safe.

...and if you're going outside, pack some extra clothes. You don't want to be cold!!!

Hope you find your rest


Jun 15, 2024
Hotel room, easily.. nobody to interrupt you (the main fault with this method).
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Jun 15, 2024
Mine is also hotel room, but not just so I'm not interrupted but so I can also get as comfortable as I want(i came into the world naked, might as well leave it naked....)
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Jun 17, 2024
I've been thinking on this myself. I don't want to do it at home, it's not fair on family. I thought about a couple of natural places but I don't want to taint them for others. They're truly beautiful and I don't want them to be remembered by 'oh its that place where that person topped themselves' . I want people to think of them for their awesome views and other reasons. I thought of parking up somewhere but I didn't want to be found by a random person and give them ptsd.

I know quite a nice place that's abandoned and means nothing to anyone. It's quiet and I can drive there and padlock the gate at the top of a long drive. I thought of trying the CO method at a public event and making it look like an accident but again I don't want to taint the event for anyone.

I like the idea of disappearing into the wilderness but I'm not sure on that yet. All I'm sure of is I don't want to do it somewhere that means something to someone if that makes sense


Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
Personally, I would do it outside, but in a place where I won't be found immediately, so I won't be saved. I live with my family and don't want to traumatize them, so I can't do it at home.

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