

Jul 29, 2021
Canadian chef Kenneth Law who allegedly sold suicide poison linked to dozens of deaths including 97 in Britain is facing £1.1million legal action.

The parents of Canadian Jeshennia Bedoya Lopez, who was 18 when she died by suicide, are suing Law and the hospital where their daughter was treated for her mental health issues, the Times reports.

The so-called merchant of death is linked to the deaths of 131 worldwide, including the 97 in Britain, and is facing 14 first-degree murder charges.

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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Someone go and open him a GoFund.
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
society refuses to help us but they'll punish us for trying to help ourselves. disgusting.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
society refuses to help us but they'll punish us for trying to help ourselves. disgusting.
Which is why we'll push methods even harder. :)
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
cn undrstnd Y famly wnts 2 su hm bt h/ = brke - hw d/ thy xpct t/ gt £1.1m frm hm

Ppl wnt SN & h/ ws sourc fr tht bt persnlly slf stll thnk tht h/ = weasl & slf hve 0 sympthy fr hm
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
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Jan 29, 2024
It's a ridiculous argument to say he is responsible, I could go to the supermarket right now and buy a razor sharp kitchen knife, if I slit my own throat with it who is getting sued or having their collar felt by Johnny Law? The supermarket for selling me it or the manufacturer for making it? It's a mind numbingly stupid take.
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Jun 5, 2024
if only the right to die was defended as vehemently as conservatives treat the right to bear arms
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Dead already. Just need to dispose of my body now.
Aug 6, 2024
Pro-lifers gonna pro-life.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
So people are suffering extremely. And they arrest the only people that were willing to help those escape extreme suffering . What an evil upside down prison world

They arrested N from D and Kenneth Law .Why would it make a difference to these government monsters if I decide to kill myself today or die later anyway of a natural cause. I'm gonna die either way . We all will die anyway. It's no one else's business what I do or when I kill these 30 trillion monstrous cells they call a human body only I'm imprisoned in.

Only I know I'm suffering extremely and D from N from d or Kenneth law were the very few people for me and others suffering extremely that would help us stop our torture. Anyone who arrested them sued etc are torturing me and many people

The most important right is to be able to move away from pain or suffering and be able to choose when and how u die.

That they stole those rights by imprisoning anyone that would help someone escape pain is pure evil .

N from D and Kenneth Law both were arrested. So was dr Kevorkian. Kenneth law was selling a legal product.

He didn't force anyone to take anything or do anything.

People sought his products out to escape extreme suffering .

They have further made any guaranteed suicide methods like Nembutal, suicide booths , assisting suicide, cyanide capsules etc into crimes. Thus they have turned this world into a prison .

It's totally evil that they criminalized assisting suicide because we all die anyway and many people are suffering unbearably with no way out. We all will die anyway but can't choose when we go but have to decay into old age . It's about controlling everyone

It's another reason on top of other reasons for me to suicide asap that they made this world into a prison
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Mar 18, 2024
Someone go and open him a GoFund.
I don't know the first thing about that sort of thing. I'm a senior and can barely use my tablet. But if someone does open him a fund to help pay legal fee's etc. I'll certainly contribute to it!
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Dead already. Just need to dispose of my body now.
Aug 6, 2024
Why would it make a difference to these government cretins if I decide to kill myself today or die later anyway of a natural cause.
The longer you're alive, the more taxes you will pay them. The more stuff you will buy thus sending more money into their pockets. Etc. It's just not profitable for them to let you or anyone else go while they still can make a buck off of you.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
The longer you're alive, the more taxes you will pay them. The more stuff you will buy thus sending more money into their pockets. Etc. It's just not profitable for them to let you or anyone else go while they still can make a buck off of you.
The thing is that people are dying anyway, so it's barely working if at all. The people who report getting saved the most usually back off by their own choice, and actual attempt recidivism is concerningly high. On top of that, the current culture about suicide cultivates it on many people while preventing it poorly.

This people are killers IMO. I laugh when someone points flaws on their methods and get accused of "blame-shifting", if you want to repeat the same mistakes that's OK, but my sons aren't the ones dying. ;) (in the case of this people only obviously, there are good parents who know this issues and try their best to avoid them)
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Dec 12, 2023
He didn't make them take it, just supplied, he should not be facing murder charges when he did not force them to take it. Just like a drug dealer won't het charged for murder if the user ODs
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Mar 8, 2024
He didn't make them take it, just supplied, he should not be facing murder charges when he did not force them to take it. Just like a drug dealer won't het charged for murder if the user ODs
That's a very good point actually
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Apr 6, 2024
It is illegal to aid someone in suicide which is what they are claiming he is doing by selling the product. Also people only really buy it for one thing (suicide) which is why it's different to another method which might have many other uses (knife, gun, rope) so he will struggle to say he didn't know what people buying it where using it for which is were the murder charge comes in. I'm not sure the product is legal either since you have to buy it on dark web and tricky to get hold of so might be charges for that. It's very risky to supply it.

Disclaimer; don't attack me this is just my thoughts on what I've read and making sense of it/why he is arrested and given murder charge.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
He didn't make them take it, just supplied, he should not be facing murder charges when he did not force them to take it. Just like a drug dealer won't het charged for murder if the user ODs
I imagine it's because normal drugs aren't made to be lethal. If something it's more like gun dealership where the product is made to kill.

Anyway the whole lawsuit is down moronic, literally no suicides have been reduced since the arrest and SN took a serious rise, but at least they have someone they can lynch.

hw d/ thy xpct t/ gt £1.1m frm hm
Oh BTW, the goal in this cases isn't money, I doubt losing a daughter can ever be compensated by money. These lawsuits are made to cause the maximum possible damage on the defender. They probably know he can't pay, in which case he can be in lifelong debt or he'll have to face other punishment. In both cases they aim to ruin his life, it's about hate really.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's a ridiculous argument to say he is responsible, I could go to the supermarket right now and buy a razor sharp kitchen knife, if I slit my own throat with it who is getting sued or having their collar felt by Johnny Law? The supermarket for selling me it or the manufacturer for making it? It's a mind numbingly stupid take.

I agree on the one hand. I did buy from him and a detective later called me- after the initial welfare checks. I made this point exactly- in my particular situation, he didn't do anything wrong. I simply bought a product from him with absolutely no mention of suicide. I argued that in my case, it would be ridiculous to try and add that to any prosecution case- it would indeed be like suing a hardware store that sold a person rope that they then used to hang themselves with.

BUT- he didn't leave it at that... He was entrapped I believe by a journalist into giving instructions on how to use it to suicide. That probably would be a problem in a hardware store. Ok to buy rope- not so ok to ask them and be shown how to tie a noose with it!

Sellers also can be held responsible for selling potentially dangerous or restricted products. They can get into trouble for selling alcohol to someone who's drunk or, underage. The fact that KL began to insist on ID being submitted to buy SN suggests he was very aware of the risks he was taking.

I think he knew full well people were buying his products to kill themselves with. Potentially minors and people going through psychosis too. Kind of depends on just how available a person thinks assisted suicide should be. Personally, I think it does need some gatekeeping. It's not his fault it isn't regulated but, I think he knew what he was doing full well.

Maybe this is unfair but I'm not sure whether his reasons for doing this were humanitarian- he wanted to ease people's suffering or, financial. I believe he was in a lot of debt.

I have these weird contradictory feelings where I'm grateful to him- so long as my SN works eventually. It's a brave thing to do. But then also, I'm not sure his motives were actually so pure. Hypocritical I know but I know I couldn't do it- knowingly sell people I'd never met suicide aides.

Still- ultimately, if assisted suicide were reguated but available to more people, retailers wouldn't be having to take on this enormous responsibility. I do actually feel kind of bad for genuine companies. They must be dreading having law suits filed against them.
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Sep 11, 2024
it's so funny. they killed themselves, but he murdered them? hilarious
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Jul 29, 2021
it's so funny. they killed themselves, but he murdered them? hilarious
Many jurisdictions have specific laws that criminalize aiding or assisting someone in taking their own life. Even if the substance itself is legal, if it was sold with the knowledge or intention that it would be used for suicide, the seller could be charged with assisting suicide. Penalties for assisting suicide can vary widely depending on local laws.
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Sep 11, 2024
Many jurisdictions have specific laws that criminalize aiding or assisting someone in taking their own life. Even if the substance itself is legal, if it was sold with the knowledge or intention that it would be used for suicide, the seller could be charged with assisting suicide. Penalties for assisting suicide can vary widely depending on local laws.
yeah. i get that. it's just funny sounding
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Aug 29, 2024
It's a ridiculous argument to say he is responsible, I could go to the supermarket right now and buy a razor sharp kitchen knife, if I slit my own throat with it who is getting sued or having their collar felt by Johnny Law? The supermarket for selling me it or the manufacturer for making it? It's a mind numbingly stupid take.

It's not the same thing. If you go to the store and buys a knife or a rope, they don't know what you are going to use it for. They wouldn't know that you were going to use it to ctb. Most of their customers are using it for a legitimate purpose.

He knew what his customers were using it for. He had an account on here. He knew that anyone on here who bought it from him were not going to use it to cure meat.

He even offered phone consultations where he gave people tips on how to increase their chances of a successful attempt. That is crossing a line. He didn't know how old these people are or what their reason was to want to end their life. He didn't care. He was just exploiting people's suffering and profiting off of their death.
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Apr 5, 2022
Its outrageous, totally unfair--If he never supplied them with SN or the N2 setup, they would have killed themselves anyway, he was just trying to give them an easier exit--I talked to Kenneth Law on the phone 15 months ago, he was a helluva nice guy
It's not the same thing. If you go to the store and buys a knife or a rope, they don't know what you are going to use it for. They wouldn't know that you were going to use it to ctb. Most of their customers are using it for a legitimate purpose.

He knew what his customers were using it for. He had an account on here. He knew that anyone on here who bought it from him were not going to use it to cure meat.

He even offered phone consultations where he gave people tips on how to increase their chances of a successful attempt. That is crossing a line. He didn't know how old these people are or what their reason was to want to end their life. He didn't care. He was just exploiting people's suffering and profiting off of their death.
You're out of your mind, there was no 'crossing the line', he provided a service, to help them ease their suffering, so glad you're not on the jury, if i was the defense lawyer, you'd be the first person I would disqualify
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Jul 29, 2021
He even offered phone consultations where he gave people tips on how to increase their chances of a successful attempt. That is crossing a line. He didn't know how old these people are or what their reason was to want to end their life. He didn't care. He was just exploiting people's suffering and profiting off of their death.
i think he did a good service for this community without people like him there would be no sn
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Nov 10, 2021
I bought from him during my first attempt. Had to purchase twice, having a delay. I'm glad I didn't CTB with his supply. This guy is most likely a psychopath from taking pleasure in knowing people die with his tools. Just my interpretation after reading on his case. The downside is, now I've to supply and assemble my own device to CTB. I wish there was regulation in place to CTB and exit peacefully. I liked this about the eebd kit he supplied. It all assembled easily (except the first time).
  • Aww..
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Jan 29, 2024
it's so funny. they killed themselves, but he murdered them? hilarious
Remember the law is pure spaghetti code so blood sucking lawyers can skin you alive for money.
The "law" is not for the common man, it's for the elites and their kin.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
He knew what his customers were using it for. He had an account on here. He knew that anyone on here who bought it from him were not going to use it to cure meat.

He even offered phone consultations where he gave people tips on how to increase their chances of a successful attempt. That is crossing a line. He didn't know how old these people are or what their reason was to want to end their life. He didn't care. He was just exploiting people's suffering and profiting off of their death.
Yes, he did more than just selling to these people. @Emeralds is entirely correct here. There is no question, under Canadian law, he is guilty of counselling and aiding suicide.

As to the murder charges, it's looking virtually impossible for the prosecution to make those charges stick under current case law.

First, identifying a couple players here:
  • CBC (Canada's federal public broadcasting network)
  • The Province of Ontario (prosecuting the case)
  • Court of Appeal for Ontario (hears appeals relating to provincial cases)
  • Supreme Court of Canada (has final say over all matters of law in Canada)
Information up to date as of this morning's news cycle...

Kenneth Law is charged with 14 counts of first-degree murder, as well as 14 counts of counselling and aiding suicide. These charges have not yet been contested in court.

According to the CBC, the Province of Ontario is asking the Supreme Court of Canada to make a ruling on a separate case that would clarify the law on aiding suicide.

In this separate case, the Court of Appeal for Ontario had previously ruled that in order for a case to be potentially considered murder, the defendant must have "overbore the victim's freewill in choosing suicide." Otherwise, the "the offence strictly amounts to abetting suicide."

This is currently the highest legal ruling on the matter. The province wants that changed.

They believe that under current law, they're (obviously) not going to be able to make their first-degree murder charges stick, so they're pushing the Supreme Court of Canada to make a ruling that would increase their chances of success.

The Kenneth Law trial is scheduled to start in September 2025, and the province wants the Supreme Court of Canada to hear their appeals case and make a ruling on it before his trial begins. Regardless of how that ruling goes, he'll definitely still be prosecuted for counselling and aiding suicide.
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Aug 18, 2024
I wonder when the DMC supplier will get arrested. They've already identified him.
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