I only have meto though, and weigh approx 106kg. Meto should be sufficient with N no?
Yes I haven't seen any sources saying meto isn't sufficient.
This guide is for elderly and terminally ill, so my thoughts were that this combo with the lower meto amount is just an alternative to avoid a "meto OD", since the patients could be very light from illness and being bedridden, or maybe can't tolerate EPS.
I lost the link and just searched and couldn't find it again, but today I read two articles about vomiting. One was about 26-ish N deaths. Only 12 used anti-emetics and only 3 used meto. All died without signs of vomiting. The other was from the updated German or danish version of that yellow book, I'm not sure the title, which said that out of around 161 assisted suicide patients some large proportion didn't use anti-emetics, and vomiting was very rare.