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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020
I am in desperate need of CTB!
I am planning on OD, but want EXTRA reassurance of NOT being RESCUED!

I was wondering if you could somehow use a generator indoors and get Carbon Monoxide poisoning. I have been looking into some, however, they ALL seem to be EPA approved though. Therefore, they would not emit carbon monoxide, right? Even indoors?

However, IF it was possible to find one that does emit Carbon Monoxide, would it be extremely LOUD? No stealth mode?
Would it be possible to muffle the sound if used indoors?

This is a secondary measure, used along with OD.

Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


I tried
Feb 29, 2020
Modern generators will turn off after a few minutes when detected CO levels get too high. And it would be very loud and likely cause nausea
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020
Modern generators will turn off after a few minutes when detected CO levels get too high. And it would be very loud and likely cause nausea

Thank you so much for responding.
I do realize that the modern generators will normally do this.
However, I was hoping there was a way to either rig the new ones by taking something off maybe? Or finding an OLDSCHOOL one?
But to know it's just TOO Loud, sort of kills the whole idea.

Fuck Me Freddy...!!! Agghh....!!!


I tried
Feb 29, 2020
Charcoal method seems more peaceful to me assuming you can enclose the space properly and get a high enough CO concentration.
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020

I have been EXTENSIVELY trying to CTB for over a year now...RESEARCHING...EXPERIMENTING...THIS CANNOT FAIL!!!

My ORIGINAL idea HAD been Carbon Monoxide by charcoal.


After investing in hibachis, charcoal, 6 chimney starters, a carbon monoxide meter, 3 pails to put charcoal inside van or tent (have both).

Tested this method 3 different times.

The LAST time I tested it, and Using the meter, (mind you it was 65 degrees OUTSIDE and in the evening) and put 3 metal pails of charcoal into the van. Within no time, the heat jumped all the way up to 101 degrees.
Hotter than HELL!!!

I have to ALREADY kick the covers off me at night with even the fucking air conditioning going FULL THROTTLE!!!
How the Hell, do I really EXPECT to be able to withstand that kind of temperature for ANY amount of time. (Hell, AND, for that matter,...I was STILL going to OD!!!)

How fucking hard can it be?

Thus, the question about the generators...hoping it might NOT be SO HOT!!!

Please HELP!!! (For Real...PLEASE!)


Mar 22, 2020

I have been EXTENSIVELY trying to CTB for over a year now...RESEARCHING...EXPERIMENTING...THIS CANNOT FAIL!!!

My ORIGINAL idea HAD been Carbon Monoxide by charcoal.


After investing in hibachis, charcoal, 6 chimney starters, a carbon monoxide meter, 3 pails to put charcoal inside van or tent (have both).

Tested this method 3 different times.

The LAST time I tested it, and Using the meter, (mind you it was 65 degrees OUTSIDE and in the evening) and put 3 metal pails of charcoal into the van. Within no time, the heat jumped all the way up to 101 degrees.
Hotter than HELL!!!

I have to ALREADY kick the covers off me at night with even the fucking air conditioning going FULL THROTTLE!!!
How the Hell, do I really EXPECT to be able to withstand that kind of temperature for ANY amount of time. (Hell, AND, for that matter,...I was STILL going to OD!!!)

How fucking hard can it be?

Thus, the question about the generators...hoping it might NOT be SO HOT!!!

Please HELP!!! (For Real...PLEASE!)

Every method has its pros and cons. If you can't tolerate the heat from a hibachi I'd suggest CO is not the way for you.

Generators (or any fossil fuel burning appliance) can have their safety features bypassed. But if you don't have the knowledge to do so, you may end up in a vegetative state. Hypoxia can cause brain damage. Additionally, the exhaust fumes are smelly and contain irritants. Well before the CO concentration reaches critical levels, you'd be coughing, your eyes would be streaming, your nose running, and have a headache. Plus exhaust gases are pretty hot in themselves.

Maybe consider other options?
Last edited:


I had seven faces thought I knew which one to wear
Jan 18, 2020

I have been EXTENSIVELY trying to CTB for over a year now...RESEARCHING...EXPERIMENTING...THIS CANNOT FAIL!!!

My ORIGINAL idea HAD been Carbon Monoxide by charcoal.


After investing in hibachis, charcoal, 6 chimney starters, a carbon monoxide meter, 3 pails to put charcoal inside van or tent (have both).

Tested this method 3 different times.

The LAST time I tested it, and Using the meter, (mind you it was 65 degrees OUTSIDE and in the evening) and put 3 metal pails of charcoal into the van. Within no time, the heat jumped all the way up to 101 degrees.
Hotter than HELL!!!

I have to ALREADY kick the covers off me at night with even the fucking air conditioning going FULL THROTTLE!!!
How the Hell, do I really EXPECT to be able to withstand that kind of temperature for ANY amount of time. (Hell, AND, for that matter,...I was STILL going to OD!!!)

How fucking hard can it be?

Thus, the question about the generators...hoping it might NOT be SO HOT!!!

Please HELP!!! (For Real...PLEASE!)
Have you considered instead of buying a generator making a Common gasses generator using formic and sulfuric acid? When I first heard of it I was turned off by the use of acids i thought I'd have a hard time finding them but I got them in about two weeks the formic from Ebay and the sulfuric from the science lab (online store) now all I have to do is make a reaction and filtration chamber using a couple glass jars some tubing and a plastic tub of water. If you wanna learn more about it I can share what I've figured out but I'm still looking for more information and answers myself

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