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Sep 13, 2022
I'm currently trying to order Meto from an online pharmacy (idk if I'm allowed to name it, I've seen the Administrator name it in posts before but I don't want to accidentally break the rules just in case lol. It's initials are IHP though.) for the SN method, but I'm super nervous that I'll screw this up or something and so I have some questions:

1. Should I make an account with the online pharmacy or is it not a good idea?

2. It requires me to tick a box saying 'The medications I am purchasing are in accordance with advice from my healthcare professional. I have not used this site as a substitute for proper medical advice.' Guess I'll have to lie and tick it.

It then says to put 'Patient's Name', which I guess is fine, as well as saying 'Please name your doctor whom you have received professional guidance from in the selection of the medicine in this order. This information will be included in your order when shipped.' which they'll print on the medicine container.

The Doctors details are optional but 'speeds our processing. We will not be contacting your doctor. If provided, the doctor's name will appear on the directions label applied to your medicine.'

I don't mind putting these, but I do feel it might be somewhat dodgy putting a Doctor's name on something they have no clue about. Almost feels like fraud. Should I just put the Patient's Name or is it safe to put the Doctor Details too?

3. The only payment method (that I have access to) is called International Money Transfer [IMT]. It seemingly only requires me to put my 'Bank Name' and 'Account Name'. I looked into it and from what I can tell from my banks website, I have to put the full name of my bank, which I've done. However, I'm not sure what to put for the 'Account Name'. My bank's website seeming to indicate I should put my account name (Which is my actual name, seemingly) as well as my IBAN number. But I wonder if it might be asking for my Bank Account number instead of my IBAN number. And whether I'm actually meant to put my name (which is listed as my Bank Account name.) I'm not sure, it's all confusing to me. For now I've just put my Account Name and my IBAN Number together. Is that all they need to take payment?

4. There are two options for shipping (with same delivery dates):
Free Standard Airmail Postage, No Signature, No Tracking
Free Registered Airmail Postage, Limited Tracking

The thing is is I don't live alone and I'm concerned about what happened with my SN happening again, that it'll arrive when I'm not around and someone else will get to it first and discover it. I don't think there's a *huge* risk of this happening, as I'm only scheduled to leave my house once in the next 6 weeks, but it still concerns me. A part of me wonder if I should select the 'No Tracking, No Signature' option with the hope it might just slip through the door and I can swiftly pick it up with no one noticing. Apparently the packages aren't very discreet, especially if they go through customs. The people I live with would think it's very weird and suspicious if they discover I've ordered tablets online, especially after the SN debacle, even if they are only anti-sickness ones. They'd probably be more concerned about the tablets than they were of the SN (they didn't know what the SN was, but a package saying 'Pharmacy', etc, etc, would raise concerns I think).

Not sure what to do, it concerns and stresses me out quite a bit.

Well I think that's it.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide. :) Thank you! :)
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Jun 18, 2022
1) There is only illegality if the law in your country says it is illegal to hold prescription drugs without a prescription when ordered from abroad. In the UK that's not illegal for example. So it wouldn't matter about names or whatever, but you may want to consult your local laws wherever you're based to understand what the risks are.

2) You don't need to put a doctor's name. Makes no difference.

3) It's not your details you're supposed to be entering to make payment. You need to tell your bank where the money is going. It's their details on the invoice. They don't accept IBAN. The relevant details are the Swift/BIC, Account Number, Bank name and address etc.

4) It might be better that it's tracked because the delivery service may update you and then you can be ready for it. Just a thought
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Mar 7, 2020
Curious to know how well respected the online pharmacy is? All the ones I've had suggested to me have had horrible reviews anywhere I look on Google which has put me off ordering meto online and resorting to other options.


Sep 13, 2022
1) There is only illegality if the law in your country says it is illegal to hold prescription drugs without a prescription when ordered from abroad. In the UK that's not illegal for example. So it wouldn't matter about names or whatever, but you may want to consult your local laws wherever you're based to understand what the risks are.

2) You don't need to put a doctor's name. Makes no difference.

3) It's not your details you're supposed to be entering to make payment. You need to tell your bank where the money is going. It's their details on the invoice. They don't accept IBAN. The relevant details are the Swift/BIC, Account Number, Bank name and address etc.

4) It might be better that it's tracked because the delivery service may update you and then you can be ready for it. Just a thought
Ahhh, yeah I'm in the UK so I guess it should be alright then, I guess I'll make an account. :) And yeah that's true, I guess I won't bother putting the doctor's name, it just feels kind of wrong to do so to me I guess. And yeah I think I'll do the tracked one, it's my best bet I suppose.

So just to clarify about the bank thing, here's what it's got on the pharmacy website during checkout:


So, for 'Bank Name' I should put the full bank name (i.e. National Westminster Bank Plc) and for 'Bank Account Name' I should put my standard bank account number?

And then I have to contact my bank or something?

Curious to know how well respected the online pharmacy is? All the ones I've had suggested to me have had horrible reviews anywhere I look on Google which has put me off ordering meto online and resorting to other options.

I think this one is well respected but I'm not certain so I wanna try it out. I tried another one a week ago and it did not go well, I think I may have gotten phished lol. Probably why I'm so paranoid about this now.


Jun 18, 2022
Ahhh, yeah I'm in the UK so I guess it should be alright then, I guess I'll make an account. :) And yeah that's true, I guess I won't bother putting the doctor's name, it just feels kind of wrong to do so to me I guess. And yeah I think I'll do the tracked one, it's my best bet I suppose.

So just to clarify about the bank thing, here's what it's got on the pharmacy website during checkout:

View attachment 104667

So, for 'Bank Name' I should put the full bank name (i.e. National Westminster Bank Plc) and for 'Bank Account Name' I should put my standard bank account number?

And then I have to contact my bank or something?

I think this one is well respected but I'm not certain so I wanna try it out. I tried another one a week ago and it did not go well, I think I may have gotten phished lol. Probably why I'm so paranoid about this now.
Yes, on that part it would be your details. That is purely for the site to track your payment. They do this automatically manually each day, but you can prompt them to check by email once the payment has left your account.

You don't have to necessarily contact your bank. Once you place the order they send you an invoice and the invoice contains instructions. An IMT can usually be done through your online banking portal. Try a desktop if the app is limited. But yes, you can go into a branch and do it too if you want.
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Mar 7, 2020
Ahhh, yeah I'm in the UK so I guess it should be alright then, I guess I'll make an account. :) And yeah that's true, I guess I won't bother putting the doctor's name, it just feels kind of wrong to do so to me I guess. And yeah I think I'll do the tracked one, it's my best bet I suppose.

So just to clarify about the bank thing, here's what it's got on the pharmacy website during checkout:

View attachment 104667

So, for 'Bank Name' I should put the full bank name (i.e. National Westminster Bank Plc) and for 'Bank Account Name' I should put my standard bank account number?

And then I have to contact my bank or something?

I think this one is well respected but I'm not certain so I wanna try it out. I tried another one a week ago and it did not go well, I think I may have gotten phished lol. Probably why I'm so paranoid about this now.
Interesting, mind dming me the site? Thank you sm !


Jul 18, 2022
I am also in the UK and whenever I've looked at online pharmacies they always seem to say you need a prescription from your doctor.

Might be a dumb question but how can you get around this ??


Sep 13, 2022
Yes, on that part it would be your details. That is purely for the site to track your payment. They do this automatically manually each day, but you can prompt them to check by email once the payment has left your account.

You don't have to necessarily contact your bank. Once you place the order they send you an invoice and the invoice contains instructions. An IMT can usually be done through your online banking portal. Try a desktop if the app is limited. But yes, you can go into a branch and do it too if you want.

Okay, fantastic, thank you! :) Finally got the payment through after a few days of trying. For some reason the bank's website wouldn't do it so I downloaded their app yesterday and it let me straight away lmao. Got confirmation this morning that the money has left my bank account and should be with the pharmacy in a couple of days I think.

Do you happen to know if the pharmacy sends an email to let me know they've received the money, or do I need to message them or something for confirmation that they've received it?

Interesting, mind dming me the site? Thank you sm !

I would but it seems like you have DMs turned off in the settings I think. :)
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Mar 7, 2020
Okay, fantastic, thank you! :) Finally got the payment through after a few days of trying. For some reason the bank's website wouldn't do it so I downloaded their app yesterday and it let me straight away lmao. Got confirmation this morning that the money has left my bank account and should be with the pharmacy in a couple of days I think.

Do you happen to know if the pharmacy sends an email to let me know they've received the money, or do I need to message them or something for confirmation that they've received it?

I would but it seems like you have DMs turned off in the settings I think. :)
Sorry I hope I've fixed that now!


Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
I think I used the same exact online pharmacy. I'm still waiting for my package to arrive. It's been a couple of weeks


Jan 19, 2023
1) There is only illegality if the law in your country says it is illegal to hold prescription drugs without a prescription when ordered from abroad. In the UK that's not illegal for example. So it wouldn't matter about names or whatever, but you may want to consult your local laws wherever you're based to understand what the risks are.

I'm sorry, that's not correct. If you have a controlled drug and no prescription it is illegal wherever it was from.


Edited to add: I have checked and meto is not a controlled drug therefore simple possession isn't an offence.

However, my comment above is still correct. To give an example of where it would be illegal - methadone is a prescription only drug but it is also a controlled drug of class A under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 therefore it would be illegal to possess it without a prescription even if imported from abroad.
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