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May 3, 2024
Please excuse this potentially long post, I'm in a really shitty situation all because everything got a bit too heavy to carry and I ended up blurting out how bad things really are during a breakdown I had whilst with my care-co-ordinator (CC) yesterday.

Everything has been piling on top of me for a long time now, the crushing depression that never f*cks off for long. Meds not working, sh*t at work, money issues, not getting the help I actually need, planning my CTB plan. I have had to shut down and limit what I say to people that I usually would go to for support, purely because it's not like I can sit there and tell them how I plan to die, without them wanting to do something. Though saying that, I get ignored a lot when I try to get help for suicidal thoughts, so when that happens, I stop talking and it all goes underground.

Anyway, my situations is such now that everyone around me is admitting that there is no other help they can offer me therapy wise. I have over 25 years worth of trauma that I've been denied the proper treatment for over the years. Now the NHS funding is at an all time low, I really can't access anything now. 3/4 months ago I was told that I could have longer term trauma therapy for up to a year, and it was like I allowed myself to finally have some hope and I really started to pick up. However, when I went to the first appointment they told me it was only going to be 12 sessions. It was like someone stole what little hope I had and threw it out the window. Since then I've been meticulously planning my CTB plans because I know that even if my therapist wanted to offer me more help, he can't. They tell me to go private, which I can't because I have no money. Aside the therapist, who now has a bit more of a grasp about why I've been on about 12 sessions not being enough, everyone else just thinks I'm being dramatic. I have a history of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect from my family, I've been in two relationships when I was mentally abused and sexually assaulted and raped on numerous occasions - 1 relationship was 6 months, the other was 9 years. I've barely been able to acknowledge or address the latter two. I have trauma from the way I've been mistreated by the MH team itself and as a result, I mistrust them all unless they show me otherwise. I don't think all that is going to be dealt with in 12 sessions.

Yesterday my CC asked me how my self harm thoughts were and I don't know why I did it, but I blurted out 'Bad, but not as bad as the suicidal thoughts'. Long story short, she knows I have a plan and a rough date in place but I refused to tell her what the plan was. She called the Home Treatment Team (HTT) and asked them to assess me. They came out today, assessed me, told me I'm not well enough for work at the moment, how they need to get the psychiatrist to check my meds (I'm taking myself off lithium slowly because it's not helping but because I've only just mentioned it to them, they are trying to blame my depression on that, which is p*ssing me off because I knew that would happen) and how they'll visit me daily for a bit.

I get the feeling, they aren't taking me seriously. When they asked why I wouldn't tell them what my plan was, I told them it was because I didn't want to be stopped. They replied saying ' Well if you're determined to do it, there's nothing we can really do to stop you'. That should be comforting in a weird way, but all I heard was 'Yeah, we don't care.' I have agreed to work with them, but I don't know why. I've told them there's nothing they can do. They said there's potentially a fund they can apply for for private help because the help I need, they can't offer, but I stopped them talking because I said don't you dare try and get my hopes up because I cannot afford for it to be taken away again.

I don't know how I feel. In some ways the pressure of all that I've been carrying has released a little bit, but at the same time, I feel like I've just exposed myself for no reason. Like I've said on here before, I don't want to die, but I have no other choice. I know I could easily say all the right things to the HTT and they'll have me discharged ASAP and even if they don't, they only stay involved for 2 weeks max, so it'll be back to me, myself and my plans soon enough. I'm surprised they even agreed to see me in the first instance. I wonder if they'd take me any more seriously if they knew the lengths I've gone through to make my plan - come to this website to find people who can relate and help me find a way to end my pain, order SN, suffer paranoia that I'd be welfare checked, - all of it. This is the furthest I have even gone in a mission to ensure a suicide plan would work. In some ways, the embarrassment that I have fallen this low in myself and done these things, keeps me from admitting it. (Not saying that anyone needs to be embarrassed, this is just how I feel about myself). I desperately want them to give me some kind of hope, but I know they can't, and even if they tried, I can't trust anything.

I'm so sorry for this being so long, I appreciate you reading.
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Jun 24, 2023

I'm sorry you've been through so much.

I am from the UK and can relate to the struggle with support through the NHS and I (personally) think the HTT are a waste of space. I found they were inconsistent with who visits, they had no clue what was going and it was incredibly stressful having to go through everything each time a new person visited; they usually brought a surprise student with them and asked as they were walking into my house if they were okay to come in and I also got the impression most of them couldn't give a flying crap.

Also annoys me that they offer therapy based on 6-12 sessions … agree that it's hardly enough! It's like you just start to open up and explore things but your sessions have ended, so you're back to being on your own to deal with reopened wounds.

Have you ever tried the acute therapy service? Not sure if it's offered all over the UK but near where I am it's a week long programme (I know it's short term) but it's really helpful. I've done it twice; it's offered as alternative to being sectioned. You have to be referred but the HTT can arrange it.

Also, I obviously don't know your financial situation but you could look at applying for PIP? That could help with medical bills if you chose to try the private sector.

It seems like you still have some hope and would like the help and support to move forward.

I really hope you can get some ongoing and meaningful support.

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Failed hard to pull the trigger - Now using SN
Feb 5, 2023
fuck..im sorry for your experience..

they can't 'truly' help. it'll all come down to drugs that will change how you feel and think, and your willpower, but everything else around you will stay the same. shit work, money problems, and poor quality assistance. that's the reality of it.

whatever you choose to do, may it work well for you in the end.
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May 3, 2024

I'm sorry you've been through so much.

I am from the UK and can relate to the struggle with support through the NHS and I (personally) think the HTT are a waste of space. I found they were inconsistent with who visits, they had no clue what was going and it was incredibly stressful having to go through everything each time a new person visited; they usually brought a surprise student with them and asked as they were walking into my house if they were okay to come in and I also got the impression most of them couldn't give a flying crap.

Also annoys me that they offer therapy based on 6-12 sessions … agree that it's hardly enough! It's like you just start to open up and explore things but your sessions have ended, so you're back to being on your own to deal with reopened wounds.

Have you ever tried the acute therapy service? Not sure if it's offered all over the UK but near where I am it's a week long programme (I know it's short term) but it's really helpful. I've done it twice; it's offered as alternative to being sectioned. You have to be referred but the HTT can arrange it.

Also, I obviously don't know your financial situation but you could look at applying for PIP? That could help with medical bills if you chose to try the private sector.

It seems like you still have some hope and would like the help and support to move forward.

I really hope you can get some ongoing and meaningful support.

Completely agree with the HTT being different people and repeating yourself all the time. I've never heard of the acute therapy service. The area that I live in is one of the lesser funded counties so we have f*ck all here.

I did apply for pip, they called me in for a face to face and still they awarded me 0 points across the board. I've currently asked for a mandatory reconsideration but I doubt much with come from that and then I'll have to go to tribunal..

I would like help and support to actually start living and 'recovering' - whatever the hell that is, but at the same time, it's not there and so I really don't have any hope. All I get offered are things to help me 'cope' with my illnesses. I'm not interested in just coping anymore. This is breaking point.
fuck..im sorry for your experience..

they can't 'truly' help. it'll all come down to drugs that will change how you feel and think, and your willpower, but everything else around you will stay the same. shit work, money problems, and poor quality assistance. that's the reality of it.

whatever you choose to do, may it work well for you in the end.
Medications don't help, I've been on so many that I'm now deemed 'treatment resistant'. I'm nearly 40 and I've dragged myself through uni, fought back from brain damage and the edge of death caused by anorexia, ran marathons, climbed literal mountains, fundraisers, ran support groups - anything that might help me feel better and improve my life - nothing has worked. I can't keep fighting when there is no pay off.
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Oct 15, 2023
I really hope you're able to get to support you need to find some relief. Sounds like you've been suffering for a long time and no one deserves that. For what it's worth me being a random person on the Internet I truly hope you're able to be successful in recovery. Mental health struggles are always a constant battle.

I'm going back and forth myself between wanting to CTB and recovery. My younger cousin jumped in front of a train at the start of this year and I've been barely holding my Head above water. I received my first Batch of SN last week but it didn't come with any documentation so I Ordered a confirmed 99% From another source just now to increase my odds so I guess I'm not doing any better.
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May 3, 2024
I really hope you're able to get to support you need to find some relief. Sounds like you've been suffering for a long time and no one deserves that. For what it's worth me being a random person on the Internet I truly hope you're able to be successful in recovery. Mental health struggles are always a constant battle.

I'm going back and forth myself between wanting to CTB and recovery. My younger cousin jumped in front of a train at the start of this year and I've been barely holding my Head above water. I received my first Batch of SN last week but it didn't come with any documentation so I Ordered a confirmed 99% From another source just now to increase my odds so I guess I'm not doing any better.
I'm so sorry about your cousin, it's never an easy situation to cope with.
I hope you didn't have too many problems with the SN.

The HTT are involved still but things aren't good. It's been decided that I need to take time off work (despite not really being able to afford it). Sometimes they are helpful to talk to, others, not so much. I tried calling for help a couple nights ago and now, long story short, I have full thickness burns to my leg. I couldn't work now even I felt able. I'm such an idiot.
I have a psych appt a week tomorrow and if I'm honest, all I want right now is to be sedated so I don't have to be in my head. I was giving zopiclone yesterday by the team to help my sleep in general, but I need to be sedated in the day right now. Knock me out before I really do some damage - or maybe I should just go along with it.

I feel fucked in the head.
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Oct 15, 2023
I'm so sorry about your cousin, it's never an easy situation to cope with.
I hope you didn't have too many problems with the SN.

The HTT are involved still but things aren't good. It's been decided that I need to take time off work (despite not really being able to afford it). Sometimes they are helpful to talk to, others, not so much. I tried calling for help a couple nights ago and now, long story short, I have full thickness burns to my leg. I couldn't work now even I felt able. I'm such an idiot.
I have a psych appt a week tomorrow and if I'm honest, all I want right now is to be sedated so I don't have to be in my head. I was giving zopiclone yesterday by the team to help my sleep in general, but I need to be sedated in the day right now. Knock me out before I really do some damage - or maybe I should just go along with it.

I feel fucked in the head.
Yeah I definitely have those days where I want to just be sedated and to be honest sometimes sleeping for 12 hours can kind of just reset the brain a little bit. I'm never more self destructive towards myself than when I've been awake for 24 hours usually at least in my case. Fortunately I have enough medication to try to sedate myself. I was trying to talk to a psychiatrist earlier today to see if they could give me access to Klonopin or some sort of benzo to make passing with SN easier. Unfortunately they said no and Gave me a blood pressure medication instead.
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May 3, 2024
Yeah I definitely have those days where I want to just be sedated and to be honest sometimes sleeping for 12 hours can kind of just reset the brain a little bit. I'm never more self destructive towards myself than when I've been awake for 24 hours usually at least in my case. Fortunately I have enough medication to try to sedate myself. I was trying to talk to a psychiatrist earlier today to see if they could give me access to Klonopin or some sort of benzo to make passing with SN easier. Unfortunately they said no and Gave me a blood pressure medication instead.
It's shit isn't it. Luckily I get prescribed diazepam regularly anyway so I don't need to worry about that too much when it comes to SN.
The team are coming to see me later today and I'm just going to straight up say that I need something to knock me out. Last time I was with their crisis team, the psych put me on quetiapine short term, which helped, but I stopped taking it due to increased appetite and weight gain. I really need something similar to that as apposed to benzos. The team are saying they don't have access to a psych atm (which makes zero sense to me as they are the bloody psychiatric crisis team!) which is why I have to wait another week to see the community one. The team must be able to do something surely. They said on the phone last night that they might be able to liase with the psych before next week at least, but we'll see. I'm getting confused and a bit overwhelmed with the amount of different people I'm having to talk with, the plans we make and then don't happen because they don't come back and don't pass the messages on.. I'm really feeling like I need to just shut down because I can't cope with my thoughts.
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Oct 15, 2023
It's shit isn't it. Luckily I get prescribed diazepam regularly anyway so I don't need to worry about that too much when it comes to SN.
The team are coming to see me later today and I'm just going to straight up say that I need something to knock me out. Last time I was with their crisis team, the psych put me on quetiapine short term, which helped, but I stopped taking it due to increased appetite and weight gain. I really need something similar to that as apposed to benzos. The team are saying they don't have access to a psych atm (which makes zero sense to me as they are the bloody psychiatric crisis team!) which is why I have to wait another week to see the community one. The team must be able to do something surely. They said on the phone last night that they might be able to liase with the psych before next week at least, but we'll see. I'm getting confused and a bit overwhelmed with the amount of different people I'm having to talk with, the plans we make and then don't happen because they don't come back and don't pass the messages on.. I'm really feeling like I need to just shut down because I can't cope with my thoughts.
Unfortunately while they might be individually well intentioned they plan fairly poorly sometimes. I am sorry you're going through all that. Do you have any other services you could look into?
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May 3, 2024
Unfortunately while they might be individually well intentioned they plan fairly poorly sometimes. I am sorry you're going through all that. Do you have any other services you could look into?
Yeah, I am fairly sure too that they mean well, it's just there is a big lack of communication, which is a real big issue in a crisis team (me aside, just the principle).

I've pretty much exhausted all other options that I'm aware about. I have my therapist this morning (2 more left after today), so unless he comes up with anything, i have no idea. I think it's pretty much back to the drawing board of CTB, even though those thoughts have never left me, they've just been distracted because of all what's happening.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
I think I understand your feeling about them saying they wouldn't stop you. I can't really explain why, but as much as I'm afraid of someone learning how suicidal I am, I often wish that someone would find out somehow and comfort me. I don't want to be stopped, but sometimes I daydream about someone stopping me.

I can't understand your own experiences, but I've said before that I don't want to die, but feel like I have to, so I get that

I'm sorry so many people failed you đź«‚
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May 3, 2024
I think I understand your feeling about them saying they wouldn't stop you. I can't really explain why, but as much as I'm afraid of someone learning how suicidal I am, I often wish that someone would find out somehow and comfort me. I don't want to be stopped, but sometimes I daydream about someone stopping me.

I can't understand your own experiences, but I've said before that I don't want to die, but feel like I have to, so I get that

I'm sorry so many people failed you đź«‚
Thank you, I appreciate that. I wish none of us had to feel so alone with it all.

I was going to write this elsewhere, but I thought I'd put it here instead, as it's relevant.

I'm genuinely wondering.. could the pressure/stress, whatever, of finding a way to CTB and accrue all you need, whilst not telling a soul and not really wanting to die (but you don't have a choice) and leading a kind of double life, make you ill in itself? I mean that I have been suicidal a lot in the past, made plans, etc etc, but I've never gone to this degree or trouble. I have noticed that i'm feeling more unwell in my head as it progresses, not just depression or PTSD wise or whatever, but in a 'this is not normal behaviour' - 'or is it? My thoughts don't feel quite right and I'm questioning everything and I don't feel right in myself (even by my standards). This isn't normal for me and I guess I wondered if there was enough stress, it could cause stuff like this.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Thank you, I appreciate that. I wish none of us had to feel so alone with it all.

I was going to write this elsewhere, but I thought I'd put it here instead, as it's relevant.

I'm genuinely wondering.. could the pressure/stress, whatever, of finding a way to CTB and accrue all you need, whilst not telling a soul and not really wanting to die (but you don't have a choice) and leading a kind of double life, make you ill in itself? I mean that I have been suicidal a lot in the past, made plans, etc etc, but I've never gone to this degree or trouble. I have noticed that i'm feeling more unwell in my head as it progresses, not just depression or PTSD wise or whatever, but in a 'this is not normal behaviour' - 'or is it? My thoughts don't feel quite right and I'm questioning everything and I don't feel right in myself (even by my standards). This isn't normal for me and I guess I wondered if there was enough stress, it could cause stuff like this.
Of course I'm no expert, but yeah, I definitely think it's possible

There's already a ton of pressure in trying to accept your own death, I think it's harder the closer you get and the more "real" it becomes. Having to keep up a facade is always exhausting, it adds even more to deal with. And the stakes feel pretty high, which is stressful

I envy the people who can think deeply about death without getting uncomfortable or scared, but I know that most people can't. Of course, I don't think it's wrong to think about death and suicide, but since our natural instinct is to try and survive no matter what, it's definitely unnatural, so it's probably a bit straining to think about.
(To clarify, I don't think something is wrong/bad just because it's unnatural.)
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Nov 9, 2023
I'm sorry... I'm sorry, for what/& all--that you are going through. Another brilliant tale of NHS success~
I wish I knew what to do?
You seem to have your head on straight, and to have approached the problem, or your condition(s)
from as many multi-pronged angles as possible.
And done everything in your power then - each & every step of the way
to try & fight, and give yourself the best opportunity to survive
& to have some semblance of life, and all of the success that that entails...
However, at each turn: it seems you are met w/another
who or whom; wants or tries to, "pull the rug out from underneath you!"
I know the feeling--certainly not to your, or this degree.
But, I just want you to know, that I find it tragic your situation & your circumstance
given what is given
And that, you shouldn't feel too badly, or have very much remorse
over the fact that - you were just simply trying to do,
what you could (& all that you could)... to pull out~
All of the stops^
Before exiting stage-left, as they say!
Wishing you the best, with everything from here. :)
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May 3, 2024
I'm sorry... I'm sorry, for what/& all--that you are going through. Another brilliant tale of NHS success~
I wish I knew what to do?
You seem to have your head on straight, and to have approached the problem, or your condition(s)
from as many multi-pronged angles as possible.
And done everything in your power then - each & every step of the way
to try & fight, and give yourself the best opportunity to survive
& to have some semblance of life, and all of the success that that entails...
However, at each turn: it seems you are met w/another
who or whom; wants or tries to, "pull the rug out from underneath you!"
I know the feeling--certainly not to your, or this degree.
But, I just want you to know, that I find it tragic your situation & your circumstance
given what is given
And that, you shouldn't feel too badly, or have very much remorse
over the fact that - you were just simply trying to do,
what you could (& all that you could)... to pull out~
All of the stops^
Before exiting stage-left, as they say!
Wishing you the best, with everything from here. :)
Thank you so much for your kind words, you've just made me cry (not in a bad way)
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May 3, 2024
I think I'm just going to use this as a journal/update thing whilst all the crap is going on.

I'm still with the HTT team. It's been really difficult because some of them are OK, some really aren't. None of them are even bringing up what happened with my injuries, more that they are ignoring it unless I bring it up. I find that slightly strange considering how serious it is. Maybe it's better we just ignore the elephant in the room when they visit.
I had to go back to the plastic surgery trauma clinic are the same hospital I work at today (awkward because the last thing I want is to bump into my colleagues). My leg is pretty bad but because of the travel back and forth there, they're getting me to change my own dressings every day at home and then go see them again in a week. The HTT said to call them to check in with them after I got back today and when I did, because there is always different people, they were asking why I was calling in. When I said for a check-in, we spoke for a bit but then they said they were busy and had to go, and that they wouldn't be in touch til Sunday now because of being busy.

I'm feeling them pulling back away from me now. They tend to do this right before they tell you you're being discharged. I'm assuming they are going to wait til I've seen the psych on Tuesday, and then discharge me. Regardless of whether they carry on or they discharge me, I still feel the same. I still have the same thoughts of CTB. If anything, talking about it with them in a 'general' manner, has turned the pressure down in my head, and left me more calm about CTB. I still don't want to do it, but I still don't have any other option.

I spoke with my CC yesterday, which was actually OK. Between her and my therapist, I am starting to feel like they are beginning to 'get it' and treat me more like a human being and less of just some kind of mental case. It's just really sad that my therapist is only about for another 2 weeks, and between them, they are stuck from helping properly because of lack of services.
I agreed to take my old quetiapine from now until my appt with psych so that I can at least try to get some rest from my brain.

I really don't know what the way forward is right now or even if there is one. One stupid day at a time still right? Fuck.

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