Wow, a shout out thread!
Thank you very much
Congratulations on reaching your 1,000th post
It is only me who associates members with certain colours? I need to get used to your new colour now!
I've been offered the job - I was interviewed for it last year! Long story.
As I've been out of work for a while with depression/suicidal thoughts, my financial situation isn't great, but the guy at the benefits office has said they'll help me with car insurance, car tax and even fuel money.
I was offered the job on Saturday morning of all times, the same day I was originally planning to end my life.
My depression is still telling me that this isn't going to work out and that something terrible is going to happen tomorrow, such as finding out the job is only temporary and that I'll therefore be in the situation again in 3/6 months time and therefore I should just use the SN because this is all going to be one final kick in the teeth.
Funny how depression makes negative thinking your new normal, isn't it?
However, I'm holding off and I'm meeting with the guy tomorrow to discuss some of the details of the two company group and the accounting systems, etc.
Don't worry M, I haven't forgotten about holiday entitlement
The job is, firstly, managing the transition of the accounting functions over to a new system for two companies, putting all 19/20 accounting data into that new system for both companies then looking after it going forward, plus updating some of the data processing procedures.
Well, that's what it was last time we discussed it.
I'm anxious that this person is being used as a cover for the intelligence agencies to get me into a room where I'll then be asked to become an NHS spy to target this website!