Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Guys, you shouldn't die without watching this movie. A really strong and stubborn pro lifer vs. Suicidal man.

The Sunset Limited 2011 poster afi

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Nov 5, 2018
Well I was riveted by the trailer. I'm sure this movie will generate a lot of interesting discussions here!
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Going to see if I can steal it from the web somewhere
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Cool I'm dead
Sep 26, 2019
Only the ending was interesting.


L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
It's on Amazon Prime video, if you've got access to that. I'll give it a watch.


Compassion makes the world go 'round.
Jun 19, 2019
I watched it a couple of years ago, and I thought it was very interesting. They aren't meant to be brilliant philosophers presenting perfectly prepared arguments. They're just two normal people arguing and debating from their own perspectives based on their own lives and experiences.

It reminds me a lot of My Dinner With Andre. It's not flashy or exciting. It's just about two people having a really interesting conversation.

I haven't seen the original play, but the movie looks exactly like a stage play on film.
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
I watched it a couple of years ago, and I thought it was very interesting. They aren't meant to be brilliant philosophers presenting perfectly prepared arguments. They're just two normal people arguing and debating from their own perspectives based on their own lives and experiences.

It reminds me a lot of My Dinner With Andre. It's not flashy or exciting. It's just about two people having a really interesting conversation.

I haven't seen the original play, but the movie looks exactly like a stage play on film.

"It's not flashy or exciting" I think you're not personally affected because maybe it doesn't match your perspective on life or your life story. It's a great movie for me because the life story of the professor is very similar to mine.
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Compassion makes the world go 'round.
Jun 19, 2019
"It's not flashy or exciting" I think you're not personally affected because maybe it doesn't match your perspective on life or your life story. It's a great movie for me because the life story of the professor is very similar to mine.
Oh that wasn't meant to be a criticism. I just meant that it have doesn't car chases or gunfights or explosions. It certainly is a great movie, even more so considering that it relies entirely on acting and dialogue.

As a suicidal non-believer myself, I found myself agreeing with the professor throughout the movie.

I am going to make use of your link to watch it again, probably this evening.
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Oh that wasn't meant to be a criticism. I just meant that it have doesn't car chases or gunfights or explosions. It certainly is a great movie, even more so considering that it relies entirely on acting and dialogue.

As a suicidal non-believer myself, I found myself agreeing with the professor throughout the movie.

Sensitive about this movie, man. This movie is my red line. If you don't pay attention to your words, you will fight me in a cage !!!
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Nov 5, 2018
"It's not flashy or exciting" I think you're not personally affected because maybe it doesn't match your perspective on life or your life story. It's a great movie for me because the life story of the professor is very similar to mine.
I think he meant "not flashy and exciting" in the sense of no frantic car chases, extended fight scenes, shootouts, explosions, etc. It can still be a completely riveting character study that resonates with you without being flashy or exciting.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
There are a few good films out there (not related to tour subject matter) that focus on the people and a subject. For anyone as old as me, the one I remember is "12 Angry Men" (1957 version) which is solely based in a jury room where they deliberate the case
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
I think he meant "not flashy and exciting" in the sense of no frantic car chases, extended fight scenes, shootouts, explosions, etc. It can still be a completely riveting character study that resonates with you without being flashy or exciting.

Google translate. Because of it, sometimes I feel stupid. But I can't do without it.
There are a few good films out there (not related to tour subject matter) that focus on the people and a subject. For anyone as old as me, the one I remember is "12 Angry Men" (1957 version) which is solely based in a jury room where they deliberate the case

It was a really impressive film. I love this kind of movie.
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Compassion makes the world go 'round.
Jun 19, 2019
I think he meant "not flashy and exciting" in the sense of no frantic car chases, extended fight scenes, shootouts, explosions, etc. It can still be a completely riveting character study that resonates with you without being flashy or exciting.
Wow you completely read my mind. Check my reply above.

Sensitive about this movie, man. This movie is my red line. If you don't pay attention to your words, you will fight me in a cage !!!
Lol someone hold my purse, I'mma about to go go crazy white girl!

But seriously though, I get it. The movie speaks to you on a very personal level, and I did not mean any disrespect at all. I suppose I would feel the same, but right now my depression has me feeling kind of numb. Excitement is beyond me at the moment.
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Nov 5, 2018
Damn. Link's not working for me now.


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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Damn. Link's not working for me now.

Another. This site is really good. full of 1080p movies.

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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
It would be interesting to have a remake of 12 Angry Men with assisted euthanasia as the subject matter when I think about it
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Apr 27, 2018
Great film .

Mr.Bleak of "The Road" McCarthy .

The marrow in the bone for me was this bit of dialogue :

( Spoiler alert I guess ... this is a copy and paste direct from the PDF script )

You know them chefs

in them uptown restaurants?

- Not personally, no.

- You know what they like to fix?

- No.

- Sweetbreads...

Brains, tripe, all that shit don't

nobody like to eat.

You know why that is?

Because it's a challenge.

You have to innovate.

You're pretty smart

for a honky.

That's right.

It's a challenge.

The stuff they fix...

dead cheap.

Most folks throw it out,

give it to the cat.

But poor folks...

They don't throw nothing out.

I guess that's right.

Anybody can make a porterhouse

steak taste good.

But if you can't buy

no porterhouse steak

and you still wants to eat something

that tastes good, what do you do then?

- Innovate.

- Innovate. That's right.

And who is it

that's got to innovate?

- Poor people.

- That's right. Poor people.

You fixing to get an a+.

My interpretation ...
(cough )

When we are cut off from the communally accepted / celebrated "Riches" of society ,
When those values are poisoned and have become toxic ...
There is no porterhouse steak :

Innovate . Create .

The well spring of art .

Two memorable times when Uber-conservatives ( worshippers of the Porterhouse Steak )
have walked into a room where I am trying to create :

1 " Are these paintings , are they ? "
2 " You're just playing "

These folks never tried to make a tasty meal of brains n tripe .
There is a fuck ton more tripe in this world than steak .

That's just my personal / emotional response .

Maybe the professor is the conservative steak worshiper and the other man is the
artist , in a Zen , living as art , cooking up good stuff from rejected ingredients prophet-like
person ?

As we roll along on this conveyor belt of life , I guess culture evolves .
New interpretations of the old values can have utility .

The professor has cut himself off from the humblest haiku of personal feedback .
He has associated art with the great abyss of meaninglessness.
"The primacy of intellect " , has separated him from emotional connection .
Sometimes our shit , our feedback , our 'art' is unrecognized more by ourselves than by others?

Our 'art' , our individual 'beingness' is under valued by ourselves ?

@ThatsEnoughForMe ... I google translated the above ...
( I don't know how different it will be from your google ... )

@ThatsEnoughForMe ... Yukarıdakileri Google'a çevirdim ...

(Google'dan ne kadar farklı olacağını bilmiyorum ...)

Güzel film .

Bay "Yol" McCarthy'den.

Benim için kemik iliği bu diyalog biraz oldu:

(Spoiler uyarısı sanırım ... bu direkt olarak PDF betiğinden kopyalayıp yapıştırın)

Onları şefler biliyorsun

şehirdeki restoranlarda mı?

- Şahsen değil, hayır.

- Ne düzeltmeyi sevdiklerini biliyor musun?

- Hayır.

- Sweetbreads ...

Beyinler, işkembe, bütün bu saçmalıklar

kimse yemek yemeyi sevmiyor.

Bunun neden olduğunu biliyor musun?

Çünkü bu bir meydan okuma.

Yenilik yapmak zorundasın.

Çok zekisin

Bir honky için.


Bu bir meydan okuma.

Tamir ettikleri şeyler ...

Ölü ucuz.

Çoğu insan onu dışarı atıyor.

onu kediye ver.

Ama fakir millet ...

Hiçbir şey atmıyorlar.

Sanırım bu doğru.

Herhangi biri porterhouse yapabilir

biftek tadı iyi.

Ama satın alamazsan

porterhouse bifteği yok

ve hala bir şeyler yemek istiyorsun

Tadı güzel, ne yapıyorsun peki?

- Yenilik.

- Yenilik. Doğru.

Ve o kim

Bu yenilik var mı?

- Fakir insanlar.

- Doğru. Fakir insanlar.

A + almak için tamir ediyorsun.

Benim yorumum ...

(öksürük )

Toplumun toplum tarafından kabul edilen / kutlanan "Zenginlikleri" nden kesildiğinde,

Bu değerler zehirlendiğinde ve zehirlendiğinde ...

Porterhouse bifteği yok:

Yenilik. Yaratmak, yapmak, tasarlamak, üretmek .

Sanatın kuyu baharı.

Uber-muhafazakarların (Porterhouse Steak tapanları) ne zaman unutulmaz iki zaman

yaratmaya çalıştığım bir odaya girdim:

1 "Bu resimler, öyle mi?"

2 "Sadece oynuyorsun"

Bu millet asla işkence yapmadan önce lezzetli bir yemek hazırlamaya çalışmadılar.

Bu dünyada biftekten çok daha fazla işkembe var.

Bu sadece benim kişisel / duygusal cevabım.

Belki profesör muhafazakar biftek tapanı, diğer adam ise

Sanatçı, bir Zen'de, sanat olarak yaşamak, reddedilen malzemelerden peygambere benzeyen iyi şeyler pişirmek


Bu yaşam kuşağı bandında ilerlerken kültürün evrim geçirdiğini tahmin ediyorum.

Eski değerlerin yeni yorumlamaları faydalı olabilir.

Profesör, kişisel geribildirimlerin en kaba haikularından kendisini kesti.

Sanatı, anlamsızlığın büyük uçurumu ile ilişkilendirmiştir.

"Zekanın önceliği", onu duygusal bağlantıdan ayırdı.

Bazen bizim bokumuz, görüşlerimiz, 'sanatımız' kendimiz tarafından diğerlerinden daha fazla tanınmıyor mu?

'Sanat'ımız, bireysel' varlığımız 'kendimizce değer altında mı?
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Jun 9, 2019

^^^ full movie

if your after a movie with just dialog. this movie is fantastic. it's about an immortal man and his view of the world and living in it. it one movie i watch often to make me self realize that humanity is not all bad.
there is a sequel to this movie too on youtube. but it's not as good
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Sep 27, 2019
Here's another link with multiple servers for most movies
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Dec 17, 2019
The sunset limited and The Man from Earth are great movies, I loved watching them !


Feb 15, 2019
Without looking at the trailer, I wonder who I cast for the suicidal man and who the pro-lifer. Both could do either, just Samuel Jackson would do it louder. Thanks for the tip.


Dec 25, 2019
There are quite a few suicide movies such as 'night, Mother and The Hours which I like. I'm especially careful to check the synopsis of suicide movies to ensure they are not pro-life films disguised as suicide movies noticeable when the movie doesn't end in an actual suicide. I was initially worried by this post about The Sunset Limited thinking it's another pro-life movie. Fortunately, I'm relieved to discover it's not and the pro-lifer lets the suicidal man go his own way.
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Jan 19, 2019
I think he meant "not flashy and exciting" in the sense of no frantic car chases, extended fight scenes, shootouts, explosions, etc. It can still be a completely riveting character study that resonates with you without being flashy or exciting.
I love the flashy and exciting films, but I got hooked by the film dialogues. I loved the film, but it's a bit overwhelming.
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