
Aug 20, 2021
I was called upon by my university professor to answer a question, and I answered it correctly. I participate in the class as I am supposed to, answering questions and being friendly to those around me. Yet again for doing nothing I am being picked on by a group of guys sitting in the back of the class. They groan in annoyance when I talk and share insults about me to one another without any provocation. They make entirely fabricated things about me, stating I have Ds in all my classes thus can't answer questions directed towards me. Or the typical I'm a slut. I never shared a conversation with any of them. I don't even know their names.

This happened throughout my entire school experience. From elementary to now university. If you say something to them, now you harmed their pride and are even more vindictive towards you. You don't say anything and they double down and the harassment escalates. Its bringing back memories back from all the trauma I experienced throughout school. The cutting of my hair when I fell asleep in class because I couldn't sleep at home. The rumors and lies spread about me without evidence, and everyone believing them despite me always have smiled and tried to be nice to others. How authority figures like teachers and bus drivers siding with the guys ten times my size throwing me onto the ground, punching me, and throwing objects at me. All for simply being a small special needs girl.

There is other post I made talking about portions of my past, and how those around me treated me. Or posting images of my self harm scars. This is finally a place were I talk about all these things I carried alone that used to seem no one else has went through. For once, I do not feel alone. I appreciate the kindness offered to me here, it made it ironically easier to live despite me having initially came here as a means to gather the insight needed to take my own life in an effective and painless matter.

I'll probably post another self harm image soon, I am not sure.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm sorry- those guys sound like idiots- you'd really hope by the time people reached university age- they would be more mature.

I'm guessing this will seem impossible to you but I want to share a story of what happened to me at work once. I hadn't worked at this place for long. One of the employees obviously had long standing issues with another one. They happened to come up to me and whisper something once- it wasn't utterly awful but it was definitely a dig. Anyhow- this other person saw them do this- they walked straight up to me and said that they wouldn't put up with bullying- they would go straight to the manager. Honestly- it frightened the life out of me! I didn't want to be involved at all- we actually became friends in the long run.

Still- SOMETIMES- standing up for yourself in a calm but no nonsense manner works. Not to sling insults back at them but to say- you've been dealing with this kind of thing all your life and you're not prepared to anymore- you'll simply report them if it goes on.

I don't know- maybe it won't work. You've got to be confident but remain calm to do it effectively. Still- I think you have to tell yourself as well- you're too old to be dealing with this playground nonsense. I imagine you're all paying for that course? Those idiots are simply throwing their money down the drain if they are treating their classes like nursery school. I just hope you can find a way where you can put a stop to it- or- that it doesn't get to you so much.
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Nov 5, 2022
This is so seriously messed up that these things are just not taken seriously by those who are supposed to protect students. Like Forever Sleep said, one would really hope that these cruel types of people would have had the experiences required to learn empathy and stop being malicious by the time they reached university age but I guess the world sucks in this way.

I went through a lot of bullying throughout my school years (by groups of students and individuals), so I know how bad it feels. People used to take pictures of me as well and it was extremely upsetting for me so I really empathize with you on this type of behavior.

I also agree with Forever Sleep about very calmly taking up for yourself. It can be really difficult to do this when you feel outnumbered and threatened but if you're able to do it, calm is definitely more productive than angry and unhinged in my experience.
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Dec 11, 2022
Surprised, you would thin by University they would have grown up
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Aug 20, 2021
I'm sorry- those guys sound like idiots- you'd really hope by the time people reached university age- they would be more mature.

I'm guessing this will seem impossible to you but I want to share a story of what happened to me at work once. I hadn't worked at this place for long. One of the employees obviously had long standing issues with another one. They happened to come up to me and whisper something once- it wasn't utterly awful but it was definitely a dig. Anyhow- this other person saw them do this- they walked straight up to me and said that they wouldn't put up with bullying- they would go straight to the manager. Honestly- it frightened the life out of me! I didn't want to be involved at all- we actually became friends in the long run.

Still- SOMETIMES- standing up for yourself in a calm but no nonsense manner works. Not to sling insults back at them but to say- you've been dealing with this kind of thing all your life and you're not prepared to anymore- you'll simply report them if it goes on.

I don't know- maybe it won't work. You've got to be confident but remain calm to do it effectively. Still- I think you have to tell yourself as well- you're too old to be dealing with this playground nonsense. I imagine you're all paying for that course? Those idiots are simply throwing their money down the drain if they are treating their classes like nursery school. I just hope you can find a way where you can put a stop to it- or- that it doesn't get to you so much.
I appreciate your words, thank you for your kindness.

I am wondering if reporting to the professor can stop the behavior, but I am uncertain it will work. I know saying anything to them directly will cause more issues as it always has with these kinds of groups. I tried asking nicely with them, and you'll get mocked and insulted more. Especially if you try to state how much you already been through, oh boy it definitely makes it worse. You'll just be giving them ammunition. They'll go with "This is why nobody likes you.", and the "Kill yourself." routes. There is no empathy involved, it is why they do it after all. I wish I got to see that sometimes, but I never had.

Remaining calm and confident has always been effective, though it makes them out to break your spirit through destroying any semblance of "ego" there is. Proud of your artwork? They'll insult and try to destroy it. Good at a certain thing? They'll try to embarrass and shame you for the skill you have, and if they are capable use that skill to shame you. People are extremely vindictive if they perceive themselves superior to you. They get a level of entitlement to hurt you, and believe you have some form of audacity for even having a modicum of resistance. And if you complain, or express your pain elsewhere there are hordes excited to join on the bandwagon and dismiss you. Placing you under the label of playing the victim, looking for attention, and so on.

Semi offtopic, I knew of someone who took their own life from bullying. Their bullies did the same things as all do. However, when she was gone they said they were her friends. Everyone sided with them, and supported the same people who pushed her to kill herself. This experience showed me another dimension to the abusive dynamics surrounding us; It is very purposeful for these people to try to drive someone to end their own lives. To them it is comparable to double dipping in profits. Profits beings social credit between the peers outside of their group to garner more ability to inflict suffering.
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Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
Some of the ways that I dealt with bullies is to honestly have a nonchalant attitude and give sassy insults back. It hurts their ego. You have to pretend you don't give af. If they say something just be like "..........ok and the fuck?" or "I don't give a fuck what you say, wasting my fucking time" etc "If you're that ignorant and stupid, (I mean what else can I expect from you) enough to believe in those rumors then go ahead" OR "Aw is this is the only way you feel more of man does it boost your ego to bully a girl? How embarrassing" Use intelligence to knock them to the ground! Say remarks like this with a straight bitch face or a little smirk. Show them YOU hold the power. They get the thrill from the bullying, when they realize they are no longer effecting you they get bored or even start looking at you as "cool" it's a sick fucked up world we live in but the reverse psychology works. As for the physical assaults.....when defending yourself ALWAYS go for their weakest point yup the penis and balls twist stomp punch and kick as hard as you can. Also if you can record with video or voice recording as much as you can so you have evidence. Hide your phone with voice recording on or buy a tiny spy camera to record all the bullying.
I appreciate your words, thank you for your kindness.

I am wondering if reporting to the professor can stop the behavior, but I am uncertain it will work. I know saying anything to them directly will cause more issues as it always has with these kinds of groups. I tried asking nicely with them, and you'll get mocked and insulted more. Especially if you try to state how much you already been through, oh boy it definitely makes it worse. You'll just be giving them ammunition. They'll go with "This is why nobody likes you.", and the "Kill yourself." routes. There is no empathy involved, it is why they do it after all. I wish I got to see that sometimes, but I never had.

Remaining calm and confident has always been effective, though it makes them out to break your spirit through destroying any semblance of "ego" there is. Proud of your artwork? They'll insult and try to destroy it. Good at a certain thing? They'll try to embarrass and shame you for the skill you have, and if they are capable use that skill to shame you. People are extremely vindictive if they perceive themselves superior to you. They get a level of entitlement to hurt you, and believe you have some form of audacity for even having a modicum of resistance. And if you complain, or express your pain elsewhere there are hordes excited to join on the bandwagon and dismiss you. Placing you under the label of playing the victim, looking for attention, and so on.

Semi offtopic, I knew of someone who took their own life from bullying. Their bullies did the same things as all do. However, when she was gone they said they were her friends. Everyone sided with them, and supported the same people who pushed her to kill herself. This experience showed me another dimension to the abusive dynamics surrounding us; It is very purposeful for these people to try to drive someone to end their own lives. To them it is comparable to double dipping in profits. Profits beings social credit between the peers outside of their group to garner more ability to inflict suffering.
Use dark humor. It works.
"This is why nobody likes you.",
Reply "Bitch I don't give a fuck, I like myself"
"Kill yourself."
Reply "Glady I'd rather do that then be here with you fucking dumbass incels"
Proud of your artwork? They'll insult and try to destroy it. Good at a certain thing? They'll try to embarrass and shame you for the skill you have, and if they are capable use that skill to shame you.
Reply "Well I love it and think it's fucking brilliant and that's all that matters, you dunder heads are just mad that you have no skills at all so you pick on others, eessshh that's embarrassing sweetie" add in a laugh


I have learned that karma does not exist, It's not going to come save you. You have to be their own karma. Respect is not earned it has to be stolen.
Be a bitch and be mean only to the bullies though
"Aw did you father not love you enough growing up is that why you go around seeking the most desperate sad ways of validation so you fragile ego doesn't crush into a million pieces? oopps I see it now, poor thing's holding on by a thread. THEN LAUGH
Have you ever seen Avatar the last airbender? Id you have be like Azula, her demeanor her presence screams power, intelligence, manipulation. Only be Azula to the ones that deserve it obviously. You have to manipulate them and get them confused.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I appreciate your words, thank you for your kindness.

I am wondering if reporting to the professor can stop the behavior, but I am uncertain it will work. I know saying anything to them directly will cause more issues as it always has with these kinds of groups. I tried asking nicely with them, and you'll get mocked and insulted more. Especially if you try to state how much you already been through, oh boy it definitely makes it worse. You'll just be giving them ammunition. They'll go with "This is why nobody likes you.", and the "Kill yourself." routes. There is no empathy involved, it is why they do it after all. I wish I got to see that sometimes, but I never had.

Remaining calm and confident has always been effective, though it makes them out to break your spirit through destroying any semblance of "ego" there is. Proud of your artwork? They'll insult and try to destroy it. Good at a certain thing? They'll try to embarrass and shame you for the skill you have, and if they are capable use that skill to shame you. People are extremely vindictive if they perceive themselves superior to you. They get a level of entitlement to hurt you, and believe you have some form of audacity for even having a modicum of resistance. And if you complain, or express your pain elsewhere there are hordes excited to join on the bandwagon and dismiss you. Placing you under the label of playing the victim, looking for attention, and so on.

Semi offtopic, I knew of someone who took their own life from bullying. Their bullies did the same things as all do. However, when she was gone they said they were her friends. Everyone sided with them, and supported the same people who pushed her to kill herself. This experience showed me another dimension to the abusive dynamics surrounding us; It is very purposeful for these people to try to drive someone to end their own lives. To them it is comparable to double dipping in profits. Profits beings social credit between the peers outside of their group to garner more ability to inflict suffering.
Yeah, I take your point- what scumbags! They really are disgusting by the sounds of it.

I do think you should get your teachers involved if it doesn't stop... Still- I actually don't think it would hurt to warn them- be the mature one about it. People REALLY don't like snitches. It might be worse if you go behind their backs- I don't know.

Maybe don't even wait for the next insult- approach them and say- I'm paying (however much) for this course- I really need to concentrate. Maybe you don't mean it but all this stuff you're saying about me is getting to me. The next time it happens- I'll report you. I'm not out to get you into trouble but I will if that's what it takes to stop all this.

That seems fair- if they do it again- just say- 'you've brought this on yourselves.'

It doesn't help I know but know that the community here knows what you're going through. I expect most of us have been bullied at some stage. Although- you seem to have been targeted so much. I'm sorry.
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