

Jul 29, 2021
I feel like I've been lied to all my life. Everything is extremely difficult. Getting a job, having money, having good health, having good mental health, having relationships. We are alone. Constantly. There is no princess waiting to hold you for the rest of you life until you die. We are alone always. Lately I've been feeling like life is just surviving until you someday die. What's the point? It's awful Do you feel the same? Is it like this for everyone? It's just a hard pill to swallow?
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I also see life as survival for 99% of humanity. In my view, the only types of people who are truly living life are the billionaires and the neets. For the rest, it's just survival from adulthood to death.
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Nov 1, 2023
Life is suffering. It can be nice to paint a picture of life's beauty, but happiness is always a fleeting thing. There is no point to it all. I think the ultimate thing that keeps people going is survival instinct, but that's nothing more than biology forcing us forward.
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Low intelligence . Bad English
Sep 1, 2024
it's so painful to extend my life without meaning or value in it. I want to get out of everything I have to do to compete, earn money and maintain a life...
And in addition, suffering from chronic diseases and innate things
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Aug 27, 2024
It's unbearable đź’”
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Jun 28, 2024
I feel like I've been lied to all my life. Everything is extremely difficult. Getting a job, having money, having good health, having good mental health, having relationships. We are alone. Constantly. There is no princess waiting to hold you for the rest of you life until you die. We are alone always. Lately I've been feeling like life is just surviving until you someday die. What's the point? It's awful Do you feel the same? Is it like this for everyone? It's just a hard pill to swallow?
I agree. I feel the same though ive made "the right" and "smart" decisions. It all feels empty. At least i do.

im religious, so the point for me is to love the max amount of people possible. I do my best to do that. Outside of that, my life holds no meaning.


Jan 1, 2024
Life is a Scam . They lied to us as kids saying our dreams could come true. Our parents didnt prepare us for the hardships of life. Seems like all life is about survival and procreating
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Oct 4, 2023
It's sad knowing that you are completely alone and that your life has no meaning. There is no reason to get up and work a job you hate everyday. The only thing keeping me here is fear of a painful death.
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permanently tired

permanently tired

I know you're laughing
Nov 8, 2023
There might not be satisfaction/contentment in life despite making your dreams come true. There are many things I haven't accomplished, but I think there's much I've achieved for myself and it ultimately didn't mean anything. Am I supposed to keep going in hopes it'll be different in the future despite my history? Whether it be I wasn't handsome enough, smart enough or successful enough those achievements offer temporary complacency at best. Everything I do is keep me from feeling worse, not to feel better. If I let myself go any lower I'll be more miserable. I'm so tired of trudging forward.
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Sep 16, 2024
Getting a job, having money, having good health, having good mental health,
Adulthood in a nutshell. And ofc, having it is not easy, specially if you have "obstacles" placed in front of you.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah, it just feels like one long slog to be honest, where it's a matter of picking out the lesser of the evils but I don't know anyone who has it easy. Even the non suicidal people I know are struggling with something or other.

But yes, I agree. All the stuff we're taught at school- just work hard and you'll be rewarded. All the fairytales we grow up on don't resemble reality.

Still, I suppose I don't see what else they could do- to be fair. Asides from not bringing children in to this- which is my preference, what's to be done when they're here? I do believe that any amount of success depends more on effort than luck. You have to try- and that's across the board- careers, relationships, friendships, even hobbies. And- in order to try, you need to believe it will be worth it. You need hope. Would life have turned out any better if we'd been told from early on: 'You can work as hard as you can on these things and still so easily fail.' Then, we probably wouldn't even bother at all! And then, we almost definitely won't succeed at anything.
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Jul 29, 2021
Yeah, it just feels like one long slog to be honest, where it's a matter of picking out the lesser of the evils but I don't know anyone who has it easy. Even the non suicidal people I know are struggling with something or other.

But yes, I agree. All the stuff we're taught at school- just work hard and you'll be rewarded. All the fairytales we grow up on don't resemble reality.

Still, I suppose I don't see what else they could do- to be fair. Asides from not bringing children in to this- which is my preference, what's to be done when they're here? I do believe that any amount of success depends more on effort than luck. You have to try- and that's across the board- careers, relationships, friendships, even hobbies. And- in order to try, you need to believe it will be worth it. You need hope. Would life have turned out any better if we'd been told from early on: 'You can work as hard as you can on these things and still so easily fail.' Then, we probably wouldn't even bother at all! And then, we almost definitely won't succeed at anything.
I totally get where you're coming from. It really does feel like life is just a constant grind, and I don't know anyone who's not struggling with something. The whole "work hard and you'll be rewarded" thing we were taught growing up feels like a lie when reality hits. Life doesn't play out like the fairytales we were fed.

But like you said, what else can be done? Once people are here, they have to try, even though there's no guarantee it will pay off. I agree that success usually requires effort, and across the board—jobs, relationships, everything—trying is essential. And you need hope to try. If we'd been told from the start that hard work doesn't always lead to success, we might not even bother with anything. Without effort, failure is almost certain.

It's a tough truth, but it's what we're stuck with. I guess it's about finding small reasons to keep going, even if the bigger picture feels bleak.
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Sep 20, 2024
I feel like I've been lied to all my life. Everything is extremely difficult. Getting a job, having money, having good health, having good mental health, having relationships. We are alone. Constantly. There is no princess waiting to hold you for the rest of you life until you die. We are alone always. Lately I've been feeling like life is just surviving until you someday die. What's the point? It's awful Do you feel the same? Is it like this for everyone? It's just a hard pill to swallow?
Yes. This is pretty much exactly how I feel. I look around, and EVERY other person I see seems so happy compared to me, looks so normal. I talk to people and no one can relate to my relentless feelings of hopeless. I see couples in public and it makes me want to run into traffic because I know I will NEVER have that feeling of knowing what it's like to love someone who loves me back. People tell me to set up therapy or do this or do that and I literally can't even get out of bed. I'm paralyzed psychologically. I'm worthless. I'm useless. My anxiety makes me unable to function what's I'm this world. I am angry at my parents for not aborting me. Would have saved everyone a lot of problems in my life, most of all me.