

In the wrong timeline
Nov 14, 2019
No good music except shitty mumble rap and robotic songs that had three words repeated over and over again with a bland melody. Also autotune. No characteristic clothing styles (or maybe I just didn't notice correct me if I'm wrong). All I remember was that middle schoolers back in 2011 had this obsession with rubber bracelets in different shapes and that in 2012-2013 there was a weird phase when everything had to have a moustache on it. Of course there was the fidget spinner obsession in 2017 but my generation was too old for that and everyone agreed it was cringy.
Where I lived everyone was so fake and obsessed with their dumb Facebook and Instagram statuses no real friends anymore the peak of going out was if you got drunk as much as possible.
Also the pressure to succeed in our generation was insane, we had to have all As to make it into a good uni despite the fact that the job market is so competitive nowadays that not even people with two degrees can find a well-paying job. I'm not even gonna talk about the effects of climate change and shitty GMO food.
Fellow 2010's teens (18 or older now), do you agree or disagree with me? What was it like for you? Do you wish you lived out your teens in a different decade?
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
i agree with you. did we grow up in the same country? i remember the silly bandz craze in my school, i didn't know it was universal. i never participated in it because i didn't see the point of them as they just looked like normal bracelets when you put them on your wrist. they're just good for showing off... that line applies to a lot of things nowadays, doesn't it. i disliked FB and IG and never would've had accounts for either if i wasn't pressured into it. at least we had really good memes this decade. my misfit friend group didn't bother with grades, so at least i had a bit of a good time without that kind of pressure.

for music, it depends what genres you listen to. there is still good music out there and artists who aren't just out for money but who have their unique style. i noticed some trends in clothing, i really liked the florals, but overall i think the gap between men's and women's clothes has gotten more evident. i buy my clothing in both departments so it personally doesn't affect me, but i worry about the effect on the next generation. in general, i worry about what kind of world the kids born today will have to live in.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
No good music except shitty mumble rap and robotic songs that had three words repeated over and over again with a bland melody. Also autotune. No characteristic clothing styles (or maybe I just didn't notice correct me if I'm wrong). All I remember was that middle schoolers back in 2011 had this obsession with rubber bracelets in different shapes and that in 2012-2013 there was a weird phase when everything had to have a moustache on it. Of course there was the fidget spinner obsession in 2017 but my generation was too old for that and everyone agreed it was cringy.
Where I lived everyone was so fake and obsessed with their dumb Facebook and Instagram statuses no real friends anymore the peak of going out was if you got drunk as much as possible.
Also the pressure to succeed in our generation was insane, we had to have all As to make it into a good uni despite the fact that the job market is so competitive nowadays that not even people with two degrees can find a well-paying job. I'm not even gonna talk about the effects of climate change and shitty GMO food.
Fellow 2010's teens (18 or older now), do you agree or disagree with me? What was it like for you? Do you wish you lived out your teens in a different decade?
I'm going to tell u the truth. If you are in the US, we are in a state of decline because of the central banking system and government is simply too big, two powerful, and most of all too expensive. So it's impoverishing especially the middle and lower classes because taxation and currency devaluation harms the poorer people most, the rich can protect themselves a lot more. In previous gens people could afford kids and most people had good stable jobs but there has been a long term agenda to destroy the freedom in the US, it's been in the works for decades and u are seeing what happens as this is being carried out.

The quality of things are going down, and the people will become less unique and there's going to be less great music, less inventions, less options, more poverty, this is what happens as the government takes away freedom incrementally. Humanity goes into decline. Oh and climate change is bullshit please don't buy into that political scam to scare us into accepting socialism/communism. Which basically means the gov will have total control over your life and outcome. You will basically be a slave. Anywhere socialism and communism is tried it leads to mass starvation, death, murder of the citizens, slave death camps.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
No good music except shitty mumble rap and robotic songs that had three words repeated over and over again with a bland melody. Also autotune.

Agreed. Have some real music:

Sorry ;)
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Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
I began highschool in 2011 and I agree with you. I was "trying to fit in" by listening to all those latest songs on the TV. I remember "Like a G6" was the popular one in our school. I hate new music, it's utter garbage. I grew up with old music from the 1960s-2000s because my father always blasted Magic FM and all the other stations and I'm so glad I grew up with it. Although, looking back from right at this moment, I'd do anything to go back to my teen years. I wish I was a teen in the 80s, 90s or early 2000s. Those were my favorite decades. Or even the 60s and 70s. Just anything than the 2010s. I truly fear for the next generation. I stopped listening to new music altogether a few years ago and I strictly listen to only old music because that's REAL MUSIC. Everything that is played nowadays is auto tune and they don't use real instruments. Also not to mention the horrible garbage lyrics full of filth. There's nothing pure or wholesome left in music anymore. Old music talked about true love, peace and all the beautiful things. Old music is very meaningful, not the crap from today. I was born in the wrong generation, I only wear vintage clothes, listen to old music and watch old films and tv shows. I'm completely cut off from the trends of today. I'm even an old school person in the way I think and act. I think I vaguely remember the fidget spinner, I was in college at the time but I honestly don't remember much of it since I was busy in my "old dreamland" :D

I could rant all day about how shit this decade is. I would do anything to be in the older decades right now. Someone build a time machine, I beg you!!!
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