
Sep 5, 2024
Therapy works, it can be effective in some ways. But a lot of it isn't, particularly therapy that is built on trying to keep people moving moving moving all the time. Perhaps it is a luxury to find therapy that helps someone stand still enough to find their feet and their footing. Perhaps this culture is the problem, the internet and social media is like a herd that never stops stampeding and if you stray a little too wide off it or out of it you might find yourself the one stamped on. It makes suicide more of a reasonable thing to aim for and therapy, asking for help, doing anything to live pointless. I lost the will to live over a decade ago. I worry a lot of things that could have worked as genuine suicide methods say 20-30 years ago are so obsolete now that suicide is actually practically impossible, even if rates are going up. Either way, I'm not going with the move move move pressure of therapy when it just breaks me down and stops me working on anything. It's impossible to get anything right if you don't adhere to these endless standards and this endless stampede
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Jun 2, 2024
Therapy never worked for me and actually made my relationship with my wife worse. Her therapist basically just reinforced her stances of being a "strong independent woman" to the point that she cheated on me with multiple men because one guy suggested she do what she wants and then she bragged about it and gave me an ultimatum that we open the marriage or we get a divorce. Next thing you know she hooks up with a meth dealer who ended up becoming her pimp and she hasn't seen me in over half a year and has supposedly be in and out of jail a handful of times for domestic violence and assault.

Therapy WOULD work if therapists didn't push people to expect unrealistic expectations and give their patients a plethora of "homework". Then you have society being engineered to suggest therapy by default. Seldom does anyone suggest that spouses, family, or friends talk to eachother to solve differences. Differences are almost always settled with police involvement, therapy, or both and when it isn't you have supposed "friends" who gave zero constructive criticism and also reinforced extreme behaviors.