

Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
When I was in high school, hang on, let me back track. A high school is a place where young people are trained to stop thinking for themselves and start fucking listening! Hang on again, let me back track even further. Why do I keep harping on about the past? Because, I want to understand my past so that my past doesn't happen to young people coming up now. So that when I'm old and I'm walking down the street with my walking stick; I'm not beaten to death by a gang of these angry youths just like in Clockwork Orange……which was a movie. Clockwork Orange was a movie that pissed a lot of people off because it pointed out that reality was happening and you can't do that.

So I'm at the yuppie training academy, school, and here's how I was all but trained to kill indiscriminately. And again, the reason I nurse, bathe, and care for my bad attitude is I know millions of fuckwits are being created as we speak. The reason the world is full of self help books and stupid bastards reading them is; You start with a small child who believes in his/her self because what else are you gonna do? "I'm here, I think I can believe in me. It's just common sense." And what you do is, you train it out of the little prick.

So I'm at the personality reorganization center and I'm doing a drama class. The teacher says, "Can you write a short play Med, class, people?" I do, I turn up the next day, I hand it to her. She reads it and says, "You didn't write that." I said, "I did." She says, "No, you didn't." I don't know if you know much about raising or training children, but that kind of approach is considered to be discouraging. Which it was.

I know that many people believe there is a system and the system is working. In fact, I tend to agree because from a very young age I was thinking for myself, I had my own ideas; And the system bent over backwards to slap that shit right out of me. If you tell a young person often enough that they are a fuckwit, they will reach adulthood suspecting, "Perhaps, I'm a fuckwit." When I handed in my piece of work, the short play, and the teacher said to me, "You didn't write that." Do you know what happened? I thought, "Maybe I didn't." I think this kind of stuff is happening to millions of people. They're being told to ignore their inner creative voice and listen to the outer uncreative system. The voice that says basically the Nazis won world war II. We live in hell, and you know shit like that.

I'm a creative person and by that I don't mean I sit around making fucking dream catchers. Forget that. Anyway, I'm talking to a person who recently considers herself to not be creative. And she said, "You know, I just think that you either can do it or you can't." And I said, wait for it it's brilliant. I said, "You're either doing it or you're not." The big problem is the yuppie-death-machine-fuck-face-complex will try to convince you that you are not even when you are. Being creative and thinking for yourself is kind of odd because you've got your inner voice, If you use and follow that, you will be led down a garden of wonder into a paradise, a universe of ecstasy basically; But there are the outer voices that also crowd your mind and they will fill you full of shit, trip you up, and rape you to death.

So crank up rage against the machine, get out all your little creative bits and pieces, put them on the kitchen table and start putting together a wonderful dream catcher. Because these fucking voices can only be stopped by arts and crafts….it's true.
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