

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
We are social animals and thrive best when we have a sense of purpose and a connection to a tribe/community. Yet, what happens when you don't find your tribe? Besides the rare few who are naturally wired to prefer solitude, most people's brains are wired towards socialisation and finding a sense of belonging.

You don't have to be extroverted to long for a modicum of social interaction, we all need human contact on some level and total isolation will drive anyone mad. There is a reason why solitary confinement is used as a punishment and a method of torture for prisoners. It goes against our every instinct and sends our minds scrambling into a state of despair or fear as the faulty meat computers in our skulls helplessly fire off tons of electricity, trying to prompt us to act and find our human companions once more.

When you don't have connections with other people, life feels empty and meaningless. That isn't to say that we can't find purpose through other outlets, like learning skills, hobbies, exploring, working, etc, but social interaction is a large piece of the puzzle and most people who would surmise that their life is worth living probably do have a robust social circle that is providing them with fulfillment. Most activities do have a social component to them and it is nearly impossible to find a job where you are not working with people.

Being autistic makes it a herculean task to connect with people and form meaningful bonds with them. You are in an even worse position if you were neglected or bullied as a child due to your condition, as autism is a developmental disorder and the scientific community is not really interested in the outcomes of autistic adults. Childhood intervention is their priority, and that's where the heart of most research lies. You will rarely see studies where a researcher is keen to study adults who have autism, it is always children.

So what happens when an abused and disabled child grows up? That child is thrown to the wolves, even though they are no more ready to take on the world on the day the law arbitrarily decides they've reached adulthood, than they are during the weeks and months before it. I learned this the hard way, and I have been paying the price for it the past 5 years since I have became an adult.

I have always hated hearing the bullshit line that it gets better. My whole life, even during early childhood, I was told that opportunities and improvement were just around the corner. The reality was simply that no one cared. It was up to adults to give me those opportunities, and they failed in their duty of care. I know I have told my story many times, but it helps to get it out and air out the reasons why I want to leave this hell world. This is the only place where I can be candid and honest, spilling out the realities of what I've had to endure and why all of this has been my undoing.

Neither of my parents wanted me. My mother decided on the day that I was born that she could not love me and didn't want me, for she was severely mentally ill and had no emotions or motherly instinct whatsoever. After my father died when I was 10, his mother smirked triumphantly and told me that he NEVER wanted a child and I wasn't meant to be born.

As a toddler, I was prevented from receiving an autism diagnosis by this vile and abusive woman, because of her hatred towards disabled and "weird people." There were many documents stating that my grandmother was an abusive nutjob, as she has spent her whole life tormenting her family members and the people around her.

Yet, no one took this seriously, even though she had conspiratorial delusions and sincerely believed that everyone around her is evil and satanic, not giving her love when she perceives herself as a caring and loving figure.

Due to where I grew up, there was really no help available unless you were completely incapacitated or your family tried to kill you. Teachers were not trained about things like autism, and the area is so impoverished and rural that you had to drive hours to even access a doctor or most types of professional offices. You have to go to the one school in the area, everyone goes to the same church, you truly have no escape because everyone knows each other and cares more for reputation than sincerity. My family maintained a very well composed and likeable facade, and would do lots of posturing like buying me some new clothes or toys to look like they were good people.

Because I was forced to grow up in such an environment, I wasn't socialised properly and basically was left to fester with a very obvious and profound disability. I was dyspraxic and was the only one in my year who couldn't play a sport because of it. I endured what I believe to be CSA and could not verbalise to anyone why I did not want to go to the "well child physical exams" because I was afraid doctors were going to violate me again.

I have always had a speech impediment and at one point was pretty much mute because my family neglected me and locked me away when an older boy at my school whom I had a crush on started molesting me. I didn't know what sex was and I was very confused about what was happening to me. I grew up having no friends and being bullied heavily at school, I was always the weird girl, the prime target for people to pick on, trip in the hallway, ask on a date as a joke, and in some cases thrown into a fight and beaten up because my school was full of a bunch of delinquents who legally had to be in education.

Even the friends I eventually made treated me badly. The girl who became my first ever friend in school, at 12 years old, would beat the shit out of me during gym period, wrestling and punching me, and I would go home with bruises all over my body because of her, when I never wanted her to touch me. I believe she was autistic as well and also went undiagnosed, because her behavior was extremely bizzare.

Nonetheless, she was my only friend besides the girl whose parents would eventually foster me, and she was the only person who would accept a weirdo like me. She remained my only close friend for many years. I put up with a lot of maltreatment from her because I genuinely cared about her, appreciated her when she wasn't being mean, and found her funny, likeable, and interesting.

I stopped going to school shortly after I was molested, because the police didn't provide me with any protection and pretty much no one at school, children or teachers, believed my story. Up until the day I graduated, I had to be taught by several teachers who were friends with the boy who groped and molested me, and they despised me for "trying to ruin a good, hard working religious man's reputation". Other teenagers threatened to brutally kill or assault me. My family decided I could not be trusted at school after I begged to be somewhere else, and they locked me away, paying for some dodgy homeschooling software which wasn't actually educational and was just religious brainwashing.

For two years, I had to endure so much abuse from my aunt and my father's horrible mother. They would both take turns screaming at me and verbally degrading me almost daily, then would scold the other for being abusive, rinse and repeat. My aunt was a violent person, much like my drunkard father was, and despite her being disabled and terminally ill would smash and bust glass everywhere when she had an episode, throw a chair at my door and bust a hole on it, or take my things and throw them outside threatening to make me homeless as a 14 year old child. She attempted ctb in front of me many times and would get sent to wards for weeks at a time.

I had no one, no friends, no one to rescue me, and not even a single social outlet besides the Internet. My family chastised me so badly about being weird and retarted that I could not verbally speak much, and as a result I could never join online games or anything requiring voice chat. I think my record was going 6 months without leaving the house at a crucial period where children were meant to socialise and experience those pivotal kodak moments which they can look back on fondly.

During this time, I cycled through 4 different therapists and not a single one of them cared about how abused and isolated I was. They either referred me back to psychiatry to get on pills, or told me to write gratitude journals and do hobbies to distract myself from my nightmarish life. To them, I was mentally ill and not resilient enough, when in no universe should a child be considered mentally ill to deflect blame from familial abuse.

My other grandparents who actually cared about me took me to counselling, but they couldn't do much because they were forced to raise more children popped out by our deadbeat parents. During this time, I was threatened by my aunt and grandmother that if I kept "tattletailing" on them that they were going to blackmail me and get my grandparents to disown me, because they were devoutly religious and hate gay people.

My aunt found out that I liked girls and constantly used that wave that fact in my face to keep me in line, because being gay was social suicide where I grew up and it was not uncommon for people to be estranged from their families because of their "sinful lifestyle."

Despite all this going on, the therapists would cheerily tell me that it was going to get better as I aged, that hope was just on the horizon. I have always hated bullshit platitudes like this because they are not productive and offer no path forward, they are simply well intentioned words that serve no purpose but to piss in the wind and make the other party feel better about themselves.

Even though these "professionals" were meant to report abuse, they could not do anything unless my family started directly hitting me and leaving marks, and all of my relatives had stopped beating me with belts and whipping me when I was around 10 years old. I had to watch life passing me by from a window from the ages of 14 to almost 16. Eventually I was in contact with my other friend from school, and her parents just happened to be working in the social care system. They got me out, legally fostered me, and put me back in school.

Perhaps, you might think that this was Matilda finding her Miss Honey, and that there was a storybook ending to this tale. I wish that was the case. Even though there were some improvements, life continued to spiral downwards. My best friend in school, the girl, confessed she liked me, but was afraid of other people finding out she was gay as well.

Not having any experience at all with proper relationships or dating, I tried to coax her into kissing and exploring being romantic in private where no one could see us, and kept it secret. This was the biggest mistake of my life because she used it to manipulate people into thinking something bad went on behind closed doors.

Eventually an argument broke out between her and my sister in the foster home, and she wanted revenge, because my sister had lied and placed the blame on me for what started their quarrelling. So my closest friend went around our very small high school telling everyone that I raped her. Of course this never happened, but who were they going to believe? An outgoing, athletic, successful girl, or the weirdo autist who was already being slung through the mud because no one believed she'd been a victim of molestation and was pitiful enough to be living in foster care?

Thus, my school life was just two more years of torture. My sister did not defend me, even when our mother scolded her and told her off for orchestrating all of this. My life in the foster home was unstable due to arguments with my sister, and not getting enough to eat, but it was still better than constant abuse. Things did get worse and worse though and eventually, I ran away after almost two years, because my parents let our pets die right in front of us and I had had enough of not even getting half a plate to eat while our parents had steaks.

At this point, I lived with whoever would let me through their door. Teachers at school gave up on me and thought I was lazy and a lost cause, when the reality was that I was beginning to get physically ill and had no stable home. At first it was another teenage girl and her mother from the internet who kicked me out for being autistic and not being social 100% of the time, then back to my abusers, then I got groomed by a 26/27 year old man who had similar nerdy interests as me and had no qualms about hanging out with and flirting with a 17 year old.

Because I was a developmentally stunted child who knew no better and had never had a proper romantic relationship, I sincerely thought that this man had good intentions and loved me. Though I should have realized it sooner, as his first encounter with me alone was nudging me into doing sex acts which I'd never done before. I became dependent on him, and graduated high school with a 27 year old man and two abusive family members being the only ones sitting in the audience.

I spent years getting abused yet again, lured in by sweet promises and saccharine lies. It always starts out so loving, fun, and wonderful, until the abuser sinks their talons into you and never lets go, unmasking their true sordid nature. Out of all my abusers, I think he was the worst one. He degraded me and would yank my wrists or grab me in public, yelling in my face that I acted like a stupid child and a baby when I'd become nonverbal or show other autistic behaviours like being unable to make eye contact. He took loads of naked photos of me and sent them to all of his friends, even sometimes posting them publically.

I had became ill around this time and like everyone else my ex would gaslight me and tell me that I was mentally ill and lazy. My main complaint for many years had been relentless fatigue, despite this I was never given any blood tests or proper investigations besides being poked by a doctor while severely uncomfortable, laughed at, and told that I needed SSRIs and therapy for my supposed depressed malaise.

It turns out that likely as a result of malnourishment that I had serious vitamin deficiencies, but nothing improved once this was corrected. Once again, was informed smugly that I am depressed and unmotivated. My ex went around telling everyone that I didn't want to work and how I was a lazy leech, despite the fact that I quit my first try at university and was working full time in a physically demanding job.

I was told that you get used to the pain, but I never did. Work made me want to cry, I was always in constant physical pain and it was not taken seriously. I was told that being uncomfortable is a part of life and I needed to suck it up and deal with it. When I would get home, in great suffering and physical pain because every inch of my body was burning and sore, my ex would make me sit in one corner of the room and I wasn't allowed to speak to him while he was watching TV.

He treated me worse and worse. One time I got a skin infection, and he screamed in my face and told me that I was such a spoiled complaining little brat and that he wanted to make me homeless, even though I'd gotten the infection from being in the hospital with my grandfather as he was DYING. This scumbag forced us to live in a shed of a house with no heat and rotting floors because he spent all of his money on luxuries, then threw a tantrum when he had to replace a bedsheet because my sores had touched it.

Around this time, his best friend raped me and despite having visible injuries, I was not believed because I did not feel comfortable dealing with the incompetence of the police again. Later on my ex told people that I was bruised and swollen because I was a whore who wanted to cheat and have rough sex with another man, not because I was raped until I was bleeding.

My ex also became a criminal and developed a compulsion for stealing. He would go to small businesses and figure out how to bypass their security systems, stealing thousands of dollars of books, games, and anime merchandise. I did not want to be involved in this whatsoever, and when I attempted to tell our mutual friends about it, they didn't believe me and thought I was trying to slander him. My ex was very outgoing, charming and funny, and throughout all of the abuse I was never believed because all he had to do was play the "mentally ill crazy suicidal woman" card and I was instantly disenfranchised and silenced.

When I reached out to people online and tried to escape this, I was accused of being a cheating whore because the only person who offered to help me get out of that living situation, an online friend, was a man who didn't have the purest intentions himself. My ex told me to kill myself, adding that I should do it because I am a worthless whore. He would harass people who tried to defend me when I came out and admitted what was happening. When I had enough of this, I tried to take the phone from him and he punched me so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

To this day, most of the people I knew during that time, all through my ex and our community of shared interests, do not believe me even though I have so much evidence of his abhorrent behavior, including messages, proof that he was posting nude photos of me online, conversations with his friends where he discussed manipulating me and wanting to film a sex tape so he could use it to blackmail me, proof of his thievery, etc. In the end my ex stole probably 1000$ worth of things from me including game consoles that I'd had since childhood, and he posts photos of them online, yet I am the liar, huh?

All of this taught me that I must be inherently defective due to my disabilities and my trauma history, because somehow I am seen as far less credible simply because I am not charismatic and confident. My health problems were framed as a moral failure, a sign of laziness and weakness, and it took many years and worsening symptoms for me to stop invalidating myself and realise that I did have physical diseases and these people were using the term mental illness as a weapon.

I went through another abusive relationship after that, though it was mostly happy and the abuse was sexually coercive rather than emotional. All the while, my health deteriorated and I was so far behind everyone else my age due to this checkered past. I did not get an autism diagnosis until I was 17, so I was told that there was nothing that could be done. Multiple tests could not pin down my illnesses or what is causing them.

Due to being locked away and out of education during my youth, I was lagging behind academically and didn't have the foundations to succeed in any degree program. I have no support system and have had to meander through life without a single person believing in me or holding my hand, a 180 to most people my age who have been nurtured by their parents, teachers, or peers and were primed for success.

All this time, I have consrantly been told that I am making excuses and that I am an adult now who needs to take responsibility for my own happiness and wellbeing. The prevelance of this attitude has made me severely jaded, because it has made it crystalline that there is no actual help out there. It's either motivational speeches for people who need nothing more than a little push, or individualistic self help nonsense which is like a bandaid on a festering bullet wound. One needs to already have a lot of basal needs met before they could even begin to contemplate individualistic solutions.

All I have ever needed in my life is love, care, respect, community, stability, security and my health problems taken seriously. Apparently, this is too monumental of an ask. Ever since I found out that I have CFS, and PTSD, and autism, and IBS, and a myriad of other problems, I am understandably castigated and outcast because I am objectively a drain, providing no benefit to greater society or other people on a microscale.

I have tried many times to make myself more likeable and desirable, developing a unique fashion sense, growing my hair out, learning how to become more invested in socialising by asking people questions and showing interest in their answers, but fundamentally I cannot connect with anyone because I don't do anything fun, I am often mute and have nothing to say, my life is nothing like most people's, and my sense of humor is very weird and heavily influenced by proto shitposting online culture. It is a futile effort.

I don't have the configuration of autism that gives you hyperfocus and creativity. Besides having aphantasia, chronic fatigue siphoned away any ability I had to be creative, imaginative, or spontaneous. My cognitive abilities, especially learning and memory, processing, etc are impaired, and I have permanently blurred vision and brainfog. I have only survived my third attempt at university only because I gave up my dream of doing computing and am doing Neurosciences instead, which is something I already had a great deal of knowledge about and don't have to actively learn too much in my course.

Being alone just seems like the outcome fate has always had in store for me, and that is not the life that I want to live. I already struggling so much to survive, depending on a boyfriend who resents me and is only with me because he has autism himself and cannot find anyone else who will accept him. If he did, he would be gone in a heartbeat. He constantly threatens to leave me on my own because he knows that I have no close friends, no family, no support, and no hope. He knows that all of my chronic illnesses make it nearly impossible for me to work or function.

I have put myself through so much to try and improve my life, and it never pans out. Despite my ptsd which goes into hyper drive around medical staff, I forced myself to have more scans, a 4th round of blood tests, and to see an optometrist. Like everyone else they did not listen to a word I said and didn't really believe me that I am having drastic vision issues because "my glasses prescription doesn't change".

It makes me sick to have to consrantly see people's full, happy lives where they are surrounded by family, friends, and success. Since I don't really have any interest or hobbies anymore, I don't have any way to benefit people or connect with them. I cannot relate to the vast majority of people my age who are in good health and didn't experience years of trauma. I have heard a lot of nonsense about finding a chosen family, but I think this is only possible if you are not greatly impaired and are healthy enough to do loads of activities, have no social deficits, and so many other caveats.

I have come to accept that no one is ever going to let me into their family. I am never going to sit around a dinner table with people who love me, engrossed in conversation and laughter. I am never going to have lovely memories of adolescence or young adulthood, no crazy adventures during university, no aspirations or achievements. I will never be able to feel healthy, functional, or whole.

It really sunk in for me, when I tried one last time to do an internship and immediately got ill the first day because my immune system fails me, that it is over for me. There's no one to call when I'm on my knees and have nowhere to go. Most of my family is dead now and I was disowned by the grandmother who abused me and her husband when I ceased contact and wouldn't tolerate her spamming vitriolic messages at me anymore.

Normal people don't fall asleep 5 times trying to work an 8 hour day. Normal people don't have to mask and hide every detail of their lives to avoid making other people uncomfortable. Normal people don't have their illnesses invalidated and told that they aren't real and all in their head. Normal people don't have burning pain all over their body and crash from trying to sit at a desk.

I hate being told that as I age, things will improve. I have been invalidated so many times, even by people on this website, and been told that I am "only 23" and there is so much hope and time for things to change, but I don't want to put in the work or whatever nonsense cope is convenient for their argument at that point and time.

Sure, there may be hope for some people, but when you are unhealthy, autistic, alone, and suffered a lifetime of abuse, you cannot simply trudge through life alone. You need tangible help from other people to survive, and that help doesn't exist. Every intervention is designed to blame YOU for your problems, and ascertain that any failure to overcome them is faulty psychology. My mind is empty and foggy, yet people will always peg it on the convenient scapegoat of depression. I am not depressed, in fact I would consider myself quite motivated and happy when something goes right, but I have neurological issues that make it impossible to concentrate, socialise, focus, and immerse myself which makes it hard to enjoy anything. People just don't want to admit that illnesses like this exist where there is currently no cure or treatment.

I don't think people understand that in my situation, there is no option but to kill myself. There is no magical hope on the horizon, it has been getting worse for years and years, and I am sick of being forced to sit in my bed, alone, suffering every day. Keeping me alive is cruel when there are never any positive changes. I will not be one of those people with mourning family members, with tributes plastered all over social media, I am part of the dregs of society and many people won't even admit to themselves quietly that they view truly hopeless people like myself in this manner.
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Reactions: Infernal, DisillusionedDragon, Journeytoletgo and 28 others


Oct 20, 2021
The worst is not plague and cholera; the worst is not being noticed and loved by anyone.
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Reactions: absurd_to_the_end, Cathy Ames, Nemeshisu and 3 others


Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
I read your story and I am deeply empathize with you.
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Reactions: Eternal🌈Rainbow, Nemeshisu, Dead Meat and 2 others


running out of time...
Feb 12, 2019
damn dude. it really saddens me to hear your story. there are a lot of nasty people out there :/ i believe everything you have said. you deserve better. we are all here for you here. i don't care if I'm your last resort or whatever if you need a friend or just someone to talk to just reach out anytime.
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Jun 26, 2022
I am feeling truly pathetic with my own problems having read this story. I hope you'll find the peace you deserve.
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Reactions: Eternal🌈Rainbow, Nemeshisu, Dead Meat and 2 others


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It sounds like you have suffered so much. Life is so unfair and cruel and I'm sorry that you have had to endure all of this. I hope that in whatever happens, you find relief from your pain.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I am feeling truly pathetic with my own problems having read this story. I hope you'll find the peace you deserve.
We all have burdens to carry here, don't feel bad that your pain has resulted from other sorts of life experiences and events. I think that suffering can be very subjective, as I have seen some people online who have similar conditions as me, yet manage to maintain boundless optimism and a strong desire to keep living. No two people are the same, and your pain is as valid as anyone else's!

The worst is not plague and cholera; the worst is not being noticed and loved by anyone.
This is incredibly poignant and unfortunately true. I have come across many people online who have health problems, but carry on due to the outpouring of love they receive from their partners, spouses, and communities.

Hell, I tried asking on a forum for chronic illnesses once how other people cope if they are in a similar boat and have no one to take care of them, and my post was flooded with, "Oh gee, I couldn't imagine being you! My husband/kids/parents/siblings/cousins are incredibly supportive and are always by my side!"

Love is very much a need rather than a want and I don't think many people truly comprehend this nor the gravity of being unloved. It isn't just romance, I would go so far as to argue that familial and platonic love are more crucial and important than romantic intimacy, because these connections tend to be more stable and lack conditions to maintain them.

The only time I can say that I've ever wanted to live in the past 12 years is when I was spending time with my best friend who I am in love with, but could never be with. He gave me a reason to want to keep going but we will never be together because he's schizoid and doesn't want to work, would rather ctb than have a life with me. Which I understand this, but it still wounds me deeply.
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Jun 26, 2022
We all have burdens to carry here, don't feel bad that your pain has resulted from other sorts of life experiences and events. I think that suffering can be very subjective, as I have seen some people online who have similar conditions as me, yet manage to maintain boundless optimism and a strong desire to keep living. No two people are the same, and your pain is as valid as anyone else's!

Very well said. I think the positive side is that you still seem like a kind and loving person despite all you had to go through. As for me i am unfortunately cold and not capable of love whatsoever despite me brought up by a loving and caring family.
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Dec 25, 2019
I'm sorry that you had to endure mistreatment from so many people through your life. I have read all what you have written and I fully emphatize with you. I imagine that having to experience all of this must have felt horrible.

I agree with you that in most cases, meaningful relationships are what gives people's life sense of purpose. Life often feels meaningless when person is socially isolated and do not feel any connection to other people. Absolute loneliness is such an painful feeling.

I also feel like that it is such cruel reality about social relationships, that the other people are willing to hang out with the other person, only when they feel benefit of that person being fun to be around. A person that is not seen as fun by others must go to insane and often impossible lenghts in order to obtain social relationships, which other more socially skilled people can do almost effortlessly.
As someone having autism aswell, i know how nightmarishly hard struggle it is for us, autistic people to form meaningful relationship with someone else.

I also agree with you that most people can't and won't provide any meaningful help when a person needs that help the most. Most people just do seemingly kind acts to just make themselves feel like they are good person. When other person problems are too much to deal with they just blame that person for their problems. They know that when they do not receive the benifit of being seen as 'good' by others is when they can just safely ignore someone's problem. And then again there are also some problems they can't help with, so they just offer some empty platitudes to pretend they are doing something.

Again, so sorry that you had to endure such cruelty from other people.
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Jun 26, 2022
First off just wanted to say that you are an incredible writer and highly articulate and intelligent. The amount of trauma you have went through is extremely unfair. No one should have to endure that much suffering. Not having a proper support system is probably the top reason I want to CTB too. I can relate I hate this feeling of being damaged, ill, and just knowing that things would be better if you could just log out of life.
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, houseofleaves, Eternal🌈Rainbow and 1 other person


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
First off just wanted to say that you are an incredible writer and highly articulate and intelligent. The amount of trauma you have went through is extremely unfair. No one should have to endure that much suffering. Not having a proper support system is probably the top reason I want to CTB too. I can relate I hate this feeling of being damaged, ill, and just knowing that things would be better if you could just log out of life.
Everyone needs a support system to get through rough times, especially if the bad is out weighting the good.

that last bit you said there made me think of these meme I saw the other day, though I don't wanna return to the main menu I wanna log out of the game for good, fuck doing another play through when the RNG is so bad in this one.

EbNusd XYAEfhnS
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Jun 5, 2022
We are social animals and thrive best when we have a sense of purpose and a connection to a tribe/community. Yet, what happens when you don't find your tribe? Besides the rare few who are naturally wired to prefer solitude, most people's brains are wired towards socialisation and finding a sense of belonging.

You don't have to be extroverted to long for a modicum of social interaction, we all need human contact on some level and total isolation will drive anyone mad. There is a reason why solitary confinement is used as a punishment and a method of torture for prisoners. It goes against our every instinct and sends our minds scrambling into a state of despair or fear as the faulty meat computers in our skulls helplessly fire off tons of electricity, trying to prompt us to act and find our human companions once more.

When you don't have connections with other people, life feels empty and meaningless. That isn't to say that we can't find purpose through other outlets, like learning skills, hobbies, exploring, working, etc, but social interaction is a large piece of the puzzle and most people who would surmise that their life is worth living probably do have a robust social circle that is providing them with fulfillment. Most activities do have a social component to them and it is nearly impossible to find a job where you are not working with people.

Being autistic makes it a herculean task to connect with people and form meaningful bonds with them. You are in an even worse position if you were neglected or bullied as a child due to your condition, as autism is a developmental disorder and the scientific community is not really interested in the outcomes of autistic adults. Childhood intervention is their priority, and that's where the heart of most research lies. You will rarely see studies where a researcher is keen to study adults who have autism, it is always children.

So what happens when an abused and disabled child grows up? That child is thrown to the wolves, even though they are no more ready to take on the world on the day the law arbitrarily decides they've reached adulthood, than they are during the weeks and months before it. I learned this the hard way, and I have been paying the price for it the past 5 years since I have became an adult.

I have always hated hearing the bullshit line that it gets better. My whole life, even during early childhood, I was told that opportunities and improvement were just around the corner. The reality was simply that no one cared. It was up to adults to give me those opportunities, and they failed in their duty of care. I know I have told my story many times, but it helps to get it out and air out the reasons why I want to leave this hell world. This is the only place where I can be candid and honest, spilling out the realities of what I've had to endure and why all of this has been my undoing.

Neither of my parents wanted me. My mother decided on the day that I was born that she could not love me and didn't want me, for she was severely mentally ill and had no emotions or motherly instinct whatsoever. After my father died when I was 10, his mother smirked triumphantly and told me that he NEVER wanted a child and I wasn't meant to be born.

As a toddler, I was prevented from receiving an autism diagnosis by this vile and abusive woman, because of her hatred towards disabled and "weird people." There were many documents stating that my grandmother was an abusive nutjob, as she has spent her whole life tormenting her family members and the people around her.

Yet, no one took this seriously, even though she had conspiratorial delusions and sincerely believed that everyone around her is evil and satanic, not giving her love when she perceives herself as a caring and loving figure.

Due to where I grew up, there was really no help available unless you were completely incapacitated or your family tried to kill you. Teachers were not trained about things like autism, and the area is so impoverished and rural that you had to drive hours to even access a doctor or most types of professional offices. You have to go to the one school in the area, everyone goes to the same church, you truly have no escape because everyone knows each other and cares more for reputation than sincerity. My family maintained a very well composed and likeable facade, and would do lots of posturing like buying me some new clothes or toys to look like they were good people.

Because I was forced to grow up in such an environment, I wasn't socialised properly and basically was left to fester with a very obvious and profound disability. I was dyspraxic and was the only one in my year who couldn't play a sport because of it. I endured what I believe to be CSA and could not verbalise to anyone why I did not want to go to the "well child physical exams" because I was afraid doctors were going to violate me again.

I have always had a speech impediment and at one point was pretty much mute because my family neglected me and locked me away when an older boy at my school whom I had a crush on started molesting me. I didn't know what sex was and I was very confused about what was happening to me. I grew up having no friends and being bullied heavily at school, I was always the weird girl, the prime target for people to pick on, trip in the hallway, ask on a date as a joke, and in some cases thrown into a fight and beaten up because my school was full of a bunch of delinquents who legally had to be in education.

Even the friends I eventually made treated me badly. The girl who became my first ever friend in school, at 12 years old, would beat the shit out of me during gym period, wrestling and punching me, and I would go home with bruises all over my body because of her, when I never wanted her to touch me. I believe she was autistic as well and also went undiagnosed, because her behavior was extremely bizzare.

Nonetheless, she was my only friend besides the girl whose parents would eventually foster me, and she was the only person who would accept a weirdo like me. She remained my only close friend for many years. I put up with a lot of maltreatment from her because I genuinely cared about her, appreciated her when she wasn't being mean, and found her funny, likeable, and interesting.

I stopped going to school shortly after I was molested, because the police didn't provide me with any protection and pretty much no one at school, children or teachers, believed my story. Up until the day I graduated, I had to be taught by several teachers who were friends with the boy who groped and molested me, and they despised me for "trying to ruin a good, hard working religious man's reputation". Other teenagers threatened to brutally kill or assault me. My family decided I could not be trusted at school after I begged to be somewhere else, and they locked me away, paying for some dodgy homeschooling software which wasn't actually educational and was just religious brainwashing.

For two years, I had to endure so much abuse from my aunt and my father's horrible mother. They would both take turns screaming at me and verbally degrading me almost daily, then would scold the other for being abusive, rinse and repeat. My aunt was a violent person, much like my drunkard father was, and despite her being disabled and terminally ill would smash and bust glass everywhere when she had an episode, throw a chair at my door and bust a hole on it, or take my things and throw them outside threatening to make me homeless as a 14 year old child. She attempted ctb in front of me many times and would get sent to wards for weeks at a time.

I had no one, no friends, no one to rescue me, and not even a single social outlet besides the Internet. My family chastised me so badly about being weird and retarted that I could not verbally speak much, and as a result I could never join online games or anything requiring voice chat. I think my record was going 6 months without leaving the house at a crucial period where children were meant to socialise and experience those pivotal kodak moments which they can look back on fondly.

During this time, I cycled through 4 different therapists and not a single one of them cared about how abused and isolated I was. They either referred me back to psychiatry to get on pills, or told me to write gratitude journals and do hobbies to distract myself from my nightmarish life. To them, I was mentally ill and not resilient enough, when in no universe should a child be considered mentally ill to deflect blame from familial abuse.

My other grandparents who actually cared about me took me to counselling, but they couldn't do much because they were forced to raise more children popped out by our deadbeat parents. During this time, I was threatened by my aunt and grandmother that if I kept "tattletailing" on them that they were going to blackmail me and get my grandparents to disown me, because they were devoutly religious and hate gay people.

My aunt found out that I liked girls and constantly used that wave that fact in my face to keep me in line, because being gay was social suicide where I grew up and it was not uncommon for people to be estranged from their families because of their "sinful lifestyle."

Despite all this going on, the therapists would cheerily tell me that it was going to get better as I aged, that hope was just on the horizon. I have always hated bullshit platitudes like this because they are not productive and offer no path forward, they are simply well intentioned words that serve no purpose but to piss in the wind and make the other party feel better about themselves.

Even though these "professionals" were meant to report abuse, they could not do anything unless my family started directly hitting me and leaving marks, and all of my relatives had stopped beating me with belts and whipping me when I was around 10 years old. I had to watch life passing me by from a window from the ages of 14 to almost 16. Eventually I was in contact with my other friend from school, and her parents just happened to be working in the social care system. They got me out, legally fostered me, and put me back in school.

Perhaps, you might think that this was Matilda finding her Miss Honey, and that there was a storybook ending to this tale. I wish that was the case. Even though there were some improvements, life continued to spiral downwards. My best friend in school, the girl, confessed she liked me, but was afraid of other people finding out she was gay as well.

Not having any experience at all with proper relationships or dating, I tried to coax her into kissing and exploring being romantic in private where no one could see us, and kept it secret. This was the biggest mistake of my life because she used it to manipulate people into thinking something bad went on behind closed doors.

Eventually an argument broke out between her and my sister in the foster home, and she wanted revenge, because my sister had lied and placed the blame on me for what started their quarrelling. So my closest friend went around our very small high school telling everyone that I raped her. Of course this never happened, but who were they going to believe? An outgoing, athletic, successful girl, or the weirdo autist who was already being slung through the mud because no one believed she'd been a victim of molestation and was pitiful enough to be living in foster care?

Thus, my school life was just two more years of torture. My sister did not defend me, even when our mother scolded her and told her off for orchestrating all of this. My life in the foster home was unstable due to arguments with my sister, and not getting enough to eat, but it was still better than constant abuse. Things did get worse and worse though and eventually, I ran away after almost two years, because my parents let our pets die right in front of us and I had had enough of not even getting half a plate to eat while our parents had steaks.

At this point, I lived with whoever would let me through their door. Teachers at school gave up on me and thought I was lazy and a lost cause, when the reality was that I was beginning to get physically ill and had no stable home. At first it was another teenage girl and her mother from the internet who kicked me out for being autistic and not being social 100% of the time, then back to my abusers, then I got groomed by a 26/27 year old man who had similar nerdy interests as me and had no qualms about hanging out with and flirting with a 17 year old.

Because I was a developmentally stunted child who knew no better and had never had a proper romantic relationship, I sincerely thought that this man had good intentions and loved me. Though I should have realized it sooner, as his first encounter with me alone was nudging me into doing sex acts which I'd never done before. I became dependent on him, and graduated high school with a 27 year old man and two abusive family members being the only ones sitting in the audience.

I spent years getting abused yet again, lured in by sweet promises and saccharine lies. It always starts out so loving, fun, and wonderful, until the abuser sinks their talons into you and never lets go, unmasking their true sordid nature. Out of all my abusers, I think he was the worst one. He degraded me and would yank my wrists or grab me in public, yelling in my face that I acted like a stupid child and a baby when I'd become nonverbal or show other autistic behaviours like being unable to make eye contact. He took loads of naked photos of me and sent them to all of his friends, even sometimes posting them publically.

I had became ill around this time and like everyone else my ex would gaslight me and tell me that I was mentally ill and lazy. My main complaint for many years had been relentless fatigue, despite this I was never given any blood tests or proper investigations besides being poked by a doctor while severely uncomfortable, laughed at, and told that I needed SSRIs and therapy for my supposed depressed malaise.

It turns out that likely as a result of malnourishment that I had serious vitamin deficiencies, but nothing improved once this was corrected. Once again, was informed smugly that I am depressed and unmotivated. My ex went around telling everyone that I didn't want to work and how I was a lazy leech, despite the fact that I quit my first try at university and was working full time in a physically demanding job.

I was told that you get used to the pain, but I never did. Work made me want to cry, I was always in constant physical pain and it was not taken seriously. I was told that being uncomfortable is a part of life and I needed to suck it up and deal with it. When I would get home, in great suffering and physical pain because every inch of my body was burning and sore, my ex would make me sit in one corner of the room and I wasn't allowed to speak to him while he was watching TV.

He treated me worse and worse. One time I got a skin infection, and he screamed in my face and told me that I was such a spoiled complaining little brat and that he wanted to make me homeless, even though I'd gotten the infection from being in the hospital with my grandfather as he was DYING. This scumbag forced us to live in a shed of a house with no heat and rotting floors because he spent all of his money on luxuries, then threw a tantrum when he had to replace a bedsheet because my sores had touched it.

Around this time, his best friend raped me and despite having visible injuries, I was not believed because I did not feel comfortable dealing with the incompetence of the police again. Later on my ex told people that I was bruised and swollen because I was a whore who wanted to cheat and have rough sex with another man, not because I was raped until I was bleeding.

My ex also became a criminal and developed a compulsion for stealing. He would go to small businesses and figure out how to bypass their security systems, stealing thousands of dollars of books, games, and anime merchandise. I did not want to be involved in this whatsoever, and when I attempted to tell our mutual friends about it, they didn't believe me and thought I was trying to slander him. My ex was very outgoing, charming and funny, and throughout all of the abuse I was never believed because all he had to do was play the "mentally ill crazy suicidal woman" card and I was instantly disenfranchised and silenced.

When I reached out to people online and tried to escape this, I was accused of being a cheating whore because the only person who offered to help me get out of that living situation, an online friend, was a man who didn't have the purest intentions himself. My ex told me to kill myself, adding that I should do it because I am a worthless whore. He would harass people who tried to defend me when I came out and admitted what was happening. When I had enough of this, I tried to take the phone from him and he punched me so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

To this day, most of the people I knew during that time, all through my ex and our community of shared interests, do not believe me even though I have so much evidence of his abhorrent behavior, including messages, proof that he was posting nude photos of me online, conversations with his friends where he discussed manipulating me and wanting to film a sex tape so he could use it to blackmail me, proof of his thievery, etc. In the end my ex stole probably 1000$ worth of things from me including game consoles that I'd had since childhood, and he posts photos of them online, yet I am the liar, huh?

All of this taught me that I must be inherently defective due to my disabilities and my trauma history, because somehow I am seen as far less credible simply because I am not charismatic and confident. My health problems were framed as a moral failure, a sign of laziness and weakness, and it took many years and worsening symptoms for me to stop invalidating myself and realise that I did have physical diseases and these people were using the term mental illness as a weapon.

I went through another abusive relationship after that, though it was mostly happy and the abuse was sexually coercive rather than emotional. All the while, my health deteriorated and I was so far behind everyone else my age due to this checkered past. I did not get an autism diagnosis until I was 17, so I was told that there was nothing that could be done. Multiple tests could not pin down my illnesses or what is causing them.

Due to being locked away and out of education during my youth, I was lagging behind academically and didn't have the foundations to succeed in any degree program. I have no support system and have had to meander through life without a single person believing in me or holding my hand, a 180 to most people my age who have been nurtured by their parents, teachers, or peers and were primed for success.

All this time, I have consrantly been told that I am making excuses and that I am an adult now who needs to take responsibility for my own happiness and wellbeing. The prevelance of this attitude has made me severely jaded, because it has made it crystalline that there is no actual help out there. It's either motivational speeches for people who need nothing more than a little push, or individualistic self help nonsense which is like a bandaid on a festering bullet wound. One needs to already have a lot of basal needs met before they could even begin to contemplate individualistic solutions.

All I have ever needed in my life is love, care, respect, community, stability, security and my health problems taken seriously. Apparently, this is too monumental of an ask. Ever since I found out that I have CFS, and PTSD, and autism, and IBS, and a myriad of other problems, I am understandably castigated and outcast because I am objectively a drain, providing no benefit to greater society or other people on a microscale.

I have tried many times to make myself more likeable and desirable, developing a unique fashion sense, growing my hair out, learning how to become more invested in socialising by asking people questions and showing interest in their answers, but fundamentally I cannot connect with anyone because I don't do anything fun, I am often mute and have nothing to say, my life is nothing like most people's, and my sense of humor is very weird and heavily influenced by proto shitposting online culture. It is a futile effort.

I don't have the configuration of autism that gives you hyperfocus and creativity. Besides having aphantasia, chronic fatigue siphoned away any ability I had to be creative, imaginative, or spontaneous. My cognitive abilities, especially learning and memory, processing, etc are impaired, and I have permanently blurred vision and brainfog. I have only survived my third attempt at university only because I gave up my dream of doing computing and am doing Neurosciences instead, which is something I already had a great deal of knowledge about and don't have to actively learn too much in my course.

Being alone just seems like the outcome fate has always had in store for me, and that is not the life that I want to live. I already struggling so much to survive, depending on a boyfriend who resents me and is only with me because he has autism himself and cannot find anyone else who will accept him. If he did, he would be gone in a heartbeat. He constantly threatens to leave me on my own because he knows that I have no close friends, no family, no support, and no hope. He knows that all of my chronic illnesses make it nearly impossible for me to work or function.

I have put myself through so much to try and improve my life, and it never pans out. Despite my ptsd which goes into hyper drive around medical staff, I forced myself to have more scans, a 4th round of blood tests, and to see an optometrist. Like everyone else they did not listen to a word I said and didn't really believe me that I am having drastic vision issues because "my glasses prescription doesn't change".

It makes me sick to have to consrantly see people's full, happy lives where they are surrounded by family, friends, and success. Since I don't really have any interest or hobbies anymore, I don't have any way to benefit people or connect with them. I cannot relate to the vast majority of people my age who are in good health and didn't experience years of trauma. I have heard a lot of nonsense about finding a chosen family, but I think this is only possible if you are not greatly impaired and are healthy enough to do loads of activities, have no social deficits, and so many other caveats.

I have come to accept that no one is ever going to let me into their family. I am never going to sit around a dinner table with people who love me, engrossed in conversation and laughter. I am never going to have lovely memories of adolescence or young adulthood, no crazy adventures during university, no aspirations or achievements. I will never be able to feel healthy, functional, or whole.

It really sunk in for me, when I tried one last time to do an internship and immediately got ill the first day because my immune system fails me, that it is over for me. There's no one to call when I'm on my knees and have nowhere to go. Most of my family is dead now and I was disowned by the grandmother who abused me and her husband when I ceased contact and wouldn't tolerate her spamming vitriolic messages at me anymore.

Normal people don't fall asleep 5 times trying to work an 8 hour day. Normal people don't have to mask and hide every detail of their lives to avoid making other people uncomfortable. Normal people don't have their illnesses invalidated and told that they aren't real and all in their head. Normal people don't have burning pain all over their body and crash from trying to sit at a desk.

I hate being told that as I age, things will improve. I have been invalidated so many times, even by people on this website, and been told that I am "only 23" and there is so much hope and time for things to change, but I don't want to put in the work or whatever nonsense cope is convenient for their argument at that point and time.

Sure, there may be hope for some people, but when you are unhealthy, autistic, alone, and suffered a lifetime of abuse, you cannot simply trudge through life alone. You need tangible help from other people to survive, and that help doesn't exist. Every intervention is designed to blame YOU for your problems, and ascertain that any failure to overcome them is faulty psychology. My mind is empty and foggy, yet people will always peg it on the convenient scapegoat of depression. I am not depressed, in fact I would consider myself quite motivated and happy when something goes right, but I have neurological issues that make it impossible to concentrate, socialise, focus, and immerse myself which makes it hard to enjoy anything. People just don't want to admit that illnesses like this exist where there is currently no cure or treatment.

I don't think people understand that in my situation, there is no option but to kill myself. There is no magical hope on the horizon, it has been getting worse for years and years, and I am sick of being forced to sit in my bed, alone, suffering every day. Keeping me alive is cruel when there are never any positive changes. I will not be one of those people with mourning family members, with tributes plastered all over social media, I am part of the dregs of society and many people won't even admit to themselves quietly that they view truly hopeless people like myself in this manner.
I've also been abused. Just got diagnosed with autism in my 30s, have EDS, CFS, a million chronic illnesses. All of my disabilities neglected by my family and the system. I really relate to this. I don't think I'd be depressed if I weren't in chronic pain and fatigue 24/7 with no way to have independence or safety, no family to truly rely on, no system that will help me, and now a fucking pandemic that I'm high risk in and can't even leave my house. Feel free to DM if you want to chat. I really get where you're coming from. No one believes my illnesses and they blame me for not getting better, not that there's actually no cure and they're medically neglected. What choice do I have?
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Reactions: Per Ardua Ad Astra, KuriGohan&Kamehameha, Nemeshisu and 1 other person


I wanna be a baby and cry and be held forever
Jun 27, 2022
I have autism too. Growing up not being understood. I developed schizoid personality disorder, most likely due to neglect. I learned that people could change the rules at any moment. I learned to lose. I learned futility. People say they dont bite, then they bite. People say i should never give up, until they tell me to quit. That i have value, except when i talk and boring everybody. I Was diagnosed in mid 20s.

I notice that lots of autistic people are in non constructive relationships. Often being relegated and treated differently. Always losing respect. Always talking while expecting to be interupted, retorted or ignored, at any moment.
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Aug 10, 2021
That is hard life you had, your story made me cry.

I wish you peace no matter what path you choose.
If you stay, i hope you find someone who treats in a good way, that make your life enjoyable or at least bearable.

Existence is such a nightmare, why do we have to go through experiences like this...
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, Nemeshisu and KuriGohan&Kamehameha


Doing the work
Jul 8, 2022
I've also been abused. Just got diagnosed with autism in my 30s, have EDS, CFS, a million chronic illnesses. All of my disabilities neglected by my family and the system. I really relate to this. I don't think I'd be depressed if I weren't in chronic pain and fatigue 24/7 with no way to have independence or safety, no family to truly rely on, no system that will help me, and now a fucking pandemic that I'm high risk in and can't even leave my house. Feel free to DM if you want to chat. I really get where you're coming from. No one believes my illnesses and they blame me for not getting better, not that there's actually no cure and they're medically neglected. What choice do I have?
I just wanted to say I hear you both. I was also diagnosed with autism, have eds, CFS and many other illnesses.

I have a mind that wants to find peace in balance, equality and engagement for positive good. And instead I find the opposite in the world, in my mind and in my body.

I'm ready for the struggle for nothing to be over.
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Reactions: Per Ardua Ad Astra, Nemeshisu, Emmie and 1 other person


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I can't help you with the IRL NT menace, but here's something you can use for protection against normals that got their hands on an iPad (or whatever they use now):
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Your story is more tragic than I imagined. It must be hard, perhaps impossible to recover from all of that. On top of everything these people did to you, which was already enough to destroy a person, now you have a debilitating chronic illness. Obviously life hasn't been a gift for you in a long time...

When it comes to not being believed against the testimony of someone confident and charismatic, that's something most of us have experienced. Hell, many politicians and executives are literally psychopaths, and they're the ones with a suit and tie while we are the downtrodden. Image and appearance are a large part of success.

During my first year at the programming course I managed to finish being a gameless, carless virgin I feigned normalcy so well with my classmates that I was chosen the representative and was even told that they were glad I didn't play League of Legends 'because my life was going so well'. Fools! I was just so tired or ill that I couldn't even play videogames or find them interesting. What can be surmised is that SEEMING something suffices to convince most people that you ARE that, so abusers only need to project a pleasant facade when in public.

I want to inject something hopeful into you with my post, but I can't. You laid out a strong case for euthanasia. In cases like these, unless we manage to access some kind of understanding social circle and just experience belonging and the magical properties of 'hanging out with friends", or find the love of our lives, which has to be similarly challenged, we are set on a dark course that ends up begging for termination. In my case, I have an understanding family and it still feels almost impossible to become part of society and survive in some form with autism and physical disability.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
I can relate with u, it's not in your head. Our society is a lot more harsh than some people realize who have been lucky to get dealt a good hand in life. Your autism may have been caused by the routine childhood vaccines. 😔 I'm also a vaccine injured but to a lesser degree. I have ADD and learning disability and mostly just survived in life. I had a hard time holding a normal job for very long. I was also sexually abused as a child at age 10. I'm age 45 now and out of options, wanting to exit life.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I have autism too. Growing up not being understood. I developed schizoid personality disorder, most likely due to neglect. I learned that people could change the rules at any moment. I learned to lose. I learned futility. People say they dont bite, then they bite. People say i should never give up, until they tell me to quit. That i have value, except when i talk and boring everybody. I Was diagnosed in mid 20s.

I notice that lots of autistic people are in non constructive relationships. Often being relegated and treated differently. Always losing respect. Always talking while expecting to be interupted, retorted or ignored, at any moment.
Sorry to hear that you and many of the others on this thread have experienced similar devastating issues, it's simply unfair and cruel that so many good people are suffering for absolutely non reason. I hear all of yous and I understand. Lots of people do bite, even if they never bark.

I've found that it only gets harder and harder as we get older to find supportive environments where social mistakes and hiccups are tolerated, as in most adult social environments there's no one there to encourage struggling individuals and instill a sense of pride and value in us. We're just expected to have that already, and are shit out of luck when life had other plans for us, depriving us of that necessary care and nurture during critical developmental periods.

Children are allowed to stumble and learn from their social mistakes, they are expected to morph into confident, independent people and learn to fine tune their mannerisms and values to suit this role. Adults don't have this luxury, as people assume you are 100% responsible and in control of every behavior you have simply because a piece of paper arbitrarily says you've matured.

I agree completely that autistic people are more susceptible to abusive or one-sided relationships. There is a lot of cheap talk in this world about how the weak/vunerable are protected and valued, however, this is a white lie. I've noticed that every person I've ever dated eventually acted like they were doing me a favor, because they knew that I was undesirable, especially in the culture where I grew up which is characterised by extoversion and execessive loudness.

It is hard to believe that we have value when the actions of other people and wider cultural norms they adhere to always contradict this sentiment.

I've also been abused. Just got diagnosed with autism in my 30s, have EDS, CFS, a million chronic illnesses. All of my disabilities neglected by my family and the system. I really relate to this. I don't think I'd be depressed if I weren't in chronic pain and fatigue 24/7 with no way to have independence or safety, no family to truly rely on, no system that will help me, and now a fucking pandemic that I'm high risk in and can't even leave my house. Feel free to DM if you want to chat. I really get where you're coming from. No one believes my illnesses and they blame me for not getting better, not that there's actually no cure and they're medically neglected. What choice do I have?
You're not to blame for being sick, their ignorance is to blame for why so many people remain sick and ailing. If more people took these dehabilitating symptoms seriously, then there would be a lot more funding for research, and generally a lot more push/campaigning in society to seek out an etiology for them and subsequently, a treatment or cure.

Think of how many charity shops, social media donation campaigns, fat donor cheques etc are going to multiple sclerosis research, when 100 years ago people said the same things about MS that they do about things like CFS, EDS, fibromyalgia and other invisible illnesses with no known biomarker. Before we had the technology of advanced radiography like MRIs, people with MS were treated akin to insane malingers.

It took a miraculous discovery and a widespread change in social attitudes for MS to be acknowledged and treated as a real, serious illness. Right now, we are living in the stone ages when it comes to chronic, invisible diseases. I can confidently say that most researchers in academia or industrial organisations don't want to touch diseases like ours with a 10 ft pole, because not only is it harder to justify the need for funding, but they want to do research that is more likely to net a positive, publishable result.

It will take a lot of reevulating the organisational hierarchy of academia- no more publish or perish- and adjustments in social attitudes before people will take us seriously. The time will come, if the world doesn't end first. At the moment, the vast majority of people think the scariest and worst outcome for any illness is death. Doctors and other clinicians do not really care if someone spends their whole life suffering, as long as they've prevented a death.

If one could open their eyes to the possibility that there are worse outcomes than death, for example being profoundly disabled for years and years with no support whatsoever, then perhaps our peril would be taken seriously. Most people have no sympathy for someone who struggles to get by in the day to day, they'll tell us to suck it up or get better work ethic which is unproductive and harmful, and this "advice" is ruining the lives of many disabled and sick people.

I hope you'll be able to go outside soon and do any of the things you enjoy. Currently, I have covid for the very first time, and it has considerably slowed me down even though I didn't get any of the classic symptoms like excessive coughing or struggling to breathe, since my breathing patterns are already abnormal. The constant pressure in my head, increased cognitive impairment, and limited tolerance for walking about is really a pain in the ass. Though, I am lucky to not have it worse, I suppose. Most people I know were fine within a couple of days and I'm the oddball who can't get this sinus pressure outta my head with the max dose of decongestants.

Your story is more tragic than I imagined. It must be hard, perhaps impossible to recover from all of that. On top of everything these people did to you, which was already enough to destroy a person, now you have a debilitating chronic illness. Obviously life hasn't been a gift for you in a long time...

When it comes to not being believed against the testimony of someone confident and charismatic, that's something most of us have experienced. Hell, many politicians and executives are literally psychopaths, and they're the ones with a suit and tie while we are the downtrodden. Image and appearance are a large part of success.

During my first year at the programming course I managed to finish being a gameless, carless virgin I feigned normalcy so well with my classmates that I was chosen the representative and was even told that they were glad I didn't play League of Legends 'because my life was going so well'. Fools! I was just so tired or ill that I couldn't even play videogames or find them interesting. What can be surmised is that SEEMING something suffices to convince most people that you ARE that, so abusers only need to project a pleasant facade when in public.

I want to inject something hopeful into you with my post, but I can't. You laid out a strong case for euthanasia. In cases like these, unless we manage to access some kind of understanding social circle and just experience belonging and the magical properties of 'hanging out with friends", or find the love of our lives, which has to be similarly challenged, we are set on a dark course that ends up begging for termination. In my case, I have an understanding family and it still feels almost impossible to become part of society and survive in some form with autism and physical disability.

Fake it till you make it is the mantra to live by. Have you ever heard people tell someone that they couldn't notice their autism because the other party could mask so well? I think masking and crafting this sort of persona is the only way we can survive in an artificial world driven by appearances, the lucky few who don't have to put on an act typically have already been blessed with very supportive friends, families, and greater communities since early childhood.

We have similar experiences in uni, except that I never connected with my peers, it is moreso the teaching staff who thinks highly of me and I have gotten similar leadership style positions because I can give off the illusion of a passionate and hard worker. The reality is I have to read a sentence five times over to truly grasp and comprehend it, and that it takes me triple the time of my classmates to accomplish anything because my attention span, focus, ability to generate any ideas, etc is completely shot.

Exact same shit when it comes to video games, I can't get immersed or find anything interesting because at all times my vision is like a foggy mirror that never becons an inkling of clarity. Most of the time if I see my eyes they aren't even fully open and half lidded, so I permanently look groggy, exhausted, and as if I've been splatted by a lorry.

To add insult to injury, one of my housemates said I had a very autistic looking facial structure that only appeals to a niche. So trying to conjure up a beautiful, successful falsetto is impossible when not only am I mentally challenged, but physically unattractive and so many textures and sensations give me sensory issues. I spend hours trying to find comfortable clothing while NTs don't even have to think about this stuff and can wear tight and sexy outfits without wondering if they're going to go into an overload or have their extremities turn purple from poor circulation.

Having a family that is accommodating is one crucial foundation of the hierarchy I think, but without the other steps of the ladder presenting themselves, a person will always be peering up at those unmet needs. Ultimately I think most people would agree with you that this is inherently unfulfilling, especially when we are forced to see so many motivational narratives oozing with positivity where a person carries on through hardships because of their wonderful friends, family, romantic partner, and usually offspring too.

Or they find their dream job, which is nearly impossible for anyone with a disability because from the getgo we are a financial liability and have the potential to call out sick more often or face challenges in the workforce that able bodied NT people don't. Being forced to be around people who couldn't care less about you and don't share any common goals, interests, and experiences besides wanting to gtfo at 5 pm and go home is extremely isolating for an autistic person.

It adds to the distant, alienating feeling of how modern society operates, where you may come across dozens of strangers in a day and they are nothing more to you than a name and a face. No one means anything to each other, unless you were lucky enough to share their genes, or you're providing something for them. When people can easily go run after new strangers if they get bored, it's no wonder how the lower rungs of society get treated, because beauty standards and social standards are always getting higher and higher.

How are we meant to keep up? Think it's just easier for me to die than participate in a losing game, for nothing but bread and circuses.
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I wanna be a baby and cry and be held forever
Jun 27, 2022
Abuse is the american way. People dont wanna be kind. They wanna be loud and rude.
They vote for rude and unkind people.
They watch "Bill Burr" rants on youtube , and they dream of moments like that.
They want that vocabulary so they can address everything they are mad about.
And there is so much to be angry about. Everyone have problems of some kind.
Problem is they just take it out on those who have a hard time and makes mistakes.
You see it all the time. In the subways, traffic , fastfood lines.
Some poor sob loses his mind and pay the price. People judge and laugh.
There is no break, just aggression.
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Why Me?

Apr 5, 2022
"Autism, abuse, aging, and being alone" Well, you just summed up my life in 4 words.
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Apr 11, 2022
We are social animals and thrive best when we have a sense of purpose and a connection to a tribe/community. Yet, what happens when you don't find your tribe? Besides the rare few who are naturally wired to prefer solitude, most people's brains are wired towards socialisation and finding a sense of belonging.

You don't have to be extroverted to long for a modicum of social interaction, we all need human contact on some level and total isolation will drive anyone mad. There is a reason why solitary confinement is used as a punishment and a method of torture for prisoners. It goes against our every instinct and sends our minds scrambling into a state of despair or fear as the faulty meat computers in our skulls helplessly fire off tons of electricity, trying to prompt us to act and find our human companions once more.

When you don't have connections with other people, life feels empty and meaningless. That isn't to say that we can't find purpose through other outlets, like learning skills, hobbies, exploring, working, etc, but social interaction is a large piece of the puzzle and most people who would surmise that their life is worth living probably do have a robust social circle that is providing them with fulfillment. Most activities do have a social component to them and it is nearly impossible to find a job where you are not working with people.

Being autistic makes it a herculean task to connect with people and form meaningful bonds with them. You are in an even worse position if you were neglected or bullied as a child due to your condition, as autism is a developmental disorder and the scientific community is not really interested in the outcomes of autistic adults. Childhood intervention is their priority, and that's where the heart of most research lies. You will rarely see studies where a researcher is keen to study adults who have autism, it is always children.

So what happens when an abused and disabled child grows up? That child is thrown to the wolves, even though they are no more ready to take on the world on the day the law arbitrarily decides they've reached adulthood, than they are during the weeks and months before it. I learned this the hard way, and I have been paying the price for it the past 5 years since I have became an adult.

I have always hated hearing the bullshit line that it gets better. My whole life, even during early childhood, I was told that opportunities and improvement were just around the corner. The reality was simply that no one cared. It was up to adults to give me those opportunities, and they failed in their duty of care. I know I have told my story many times, but it helps to get it out and air out the reasons why I want to leave this hell world. This is the only place where I can be candid and honest, spilling out the realities of what I've had to endure and why all of this has been my undoing.

Neither of my parents wanted me. My mother decided on the day that I was born that she could not love me and didn't want me, for she was severely mentally ill and had no emotions or motherly instinct whatsoever. After my father died when I was 10, his mother smirked triumphantly and told me that he NEVER wanted a child and I wasn't meant to be born.

As a toddler, I was prevented from receiving an autism diagnosis by this vile and abusive woman, because of her hatred towards disabled and "weird people." There were many documents stating that my grandmother was an abusive nutjob, as she has spent her whole life tormenting her family members and the people around her.

Yet, no one took this seriously, even though she had conspiratorial delusions and sincerely believed that everyone around her is evil and satanic, not giving her love when she perceives herself as a caring and loving figure.

Due to where I grew up, there was really no help available unless you were completely incapacitated or your family tried to kill you. Teachers were not trained about things like autism, and the area is so impoverished and rural that you had to drive hours to even access a doctor or most types of professional offices. You have to go to the one school in the area, everyone goes to the same church, you truly have no escape because everyone knows each other and cares more for reputation than sincerity. My family maintained a very well composed and likeable facade, and would do lots of posturing like buying me some new clothes or toys to look like they were good people.

Because I was forced to grow up in such an environment, I wasn't socialised properly and basically was left to fester with a very obvious and profound disability. I was dyspraxic and was the only one in my year who couldn't play a sport because of it. I endured what I believe to be CSA and could not verbalise to anyone why I did not want to go to the "well child physical exams" because I was afraid doctors were going to violate me again.

I have always had a speech impediment and at one point was pretty much mute because my family neglected me and locked me away when an older boy at my school whom I had a crush on started molesting me. I didn't know what sex was and I was very confused about what was happening to me. I grew up having no friends and being bullied heavily at school, I was always the weird girl, the prime target for people to pick on, trip in the hallway, ask on a date as a joke, and in some cases thrown into a fight and beaten up because my school was full of a bunch of delinquents who legally had to be in education.

Even the friends I eventually made treated me badly. The girl who became my first ever friend in school, at 12 years old, would beat the shit out of me during gym period, wrestling and punching me, and I would go home with bruises all over my body because of her, when I never wanted her to touch me. I believe she was autistic as well and also went undiagnosed, because her behavior was extremely bizzare.

Nonetheless, she was my only friend besides the girl whose parents would eventually foster me, and she was the only person who would accept a weirdo like me. She remained my only close friend for many years. I put up with a lot of maltreatment from her because I genuinely cared about her, appreciated her when she wasn't being mean, and found her funny, likeable, and interesting.

I stopped going to school shortly after I was molested, because the police didn't provide me with any protection and pretty much no one at school, children or teachers, believed my story. Up until the day I graduated, I had to be taught by several teachers who were friends with the boy who groped and molested me, and they despised me for "trying to ruin a good, hard working religious man's reputation". Other teenagers threatened to brutally kill or assault me. My family decided I could not be trusted at school after I begged to be somewhere else, and they locked me away, paying for some dodgy homeschooling software which wasn't actually educational and was just religious brainwashing.

For two years, I had to endure so much abuse from my aunt and my father's horrible mother. They would both take turns screaming at me and verbally degrading me almost daily, then would scold the other for being abusive, rinse and repeat. My aunt was a violent person, much like my drunkard father was, and despite her being disabled and terminally ill would smash and bust glass everywhere when she had an episode, throw a chair at my door and bust a hole on it, or take my things and throw them outside threatening to make me homeless as a 14 year old child. She attempted ctb in front of me many times and would get sent to wards for weeks at a time.

I had no one, no friends, no one to rescue me, and not even a single social outlet besides the Internet. My family chastised me so badly about being weird and retarted that I could not verbally speak much, and as a result I could never join online games or anything requiring voice chat. I think my record was going 6 months without leaving the house at a crucial period where children were meant to socialise and experience those pivotal kodak moments which they can look back on fondly.

During this time, I cycled through 4 different therapists and not a single one of them cared about how abused and isolated I was. They either referred me back to psychiatry to get on pills, or told me to write gratitude journals and do hobbies to distract myself from my nightmarish life. To them, I was mentally ill and not resilient enough, when in no universe should a child be considered mentally ill to deflect blame from familial abuse.

My other grandparents who actually cared about me took me to counselling, but they couldn't do much because they were forced to raise more children popped out by our deadbeat parents. During this time, I was threatened by my aunt and grandmother that if I kept "tattletailing" on them that they were going to blackmail me and get my grandparents to disown me, because they were devoutly religious and hate gay people.

My aunt found out that I liked girls and constantly used that wave that fact in my face to keep me in line, because being gay was social suicide where I grew up and it was not uncommon for people to be estranged from their families because of their "sinful lifestyle."

Despite all this going on, the therapists would cheerily tell me that it was going to get better as I aged, that hope was just on the horizon. I have always hated bullshit platitudes like this because they are not productive and offer no path forward, they are simply well intentioned words that serve no purpose but to piss in the wind and make the other party feel better about themselves.

Even though these "professionals" were meant to report abuse, they could not do anything unless my family started directly hitting me and leaving marks, and all of my relatives had stopped beating me with belts and whipping me when I was around 10 years old. I had to watch life passing me by from a window from the ages of 14 to almost 16. Eventually I was in contact with my other friend from school, and her parents just happened to be working in the social care system. They got me out, legally fostered me, and put me back in school.

Perhaps, you might think that this was Matilda finding her Miss Honey, and that there was a storybook ending to this tale. I wish that was the case. Even though there were some improvements, life continued to spiral downwards. My best friend in school, the girl, confessed she liked me, but was afraid of other people finding out she was gay as well.

Not having any experience at all with proper relationships or dating, I tried to coax her into kissing and exploring being romantic in private where no one could see us, and kept it secret. This was the biggest mistake of my life because she used it to manipulate people into thinking something bad went on behind closed doors.

Eventually an argument broke out between her and my sister in the foster home, and she wanted revenge, because my sister had lied and placed the blame on me for what started their quarrelling. So my closest friend went around our very small high school telling everyone that I raped her. Of course this never happened, but who were they going to believe? An outgoing, athletic, successful girl, or the weirdo autist who was already being slung through the mud because no one believed she'd been a victim of molestation and was pitiful enough to be living in foster care?

Thus, my school life was just two more years of torture. My sister did not defend me, even when our mother scolded her and told her off for orchestrating all of this. My life in the foster home was unstable due to arguments with my sister, and not getting enough to eat, but it was still better than constant abuse. Things did get worse and worse though and eventually, I ran away after almost two years, because my parents let our pets die right in front of us and I had had enough of not even getting half a plate to eat while our parents had steaks.

At this point, I lived with whoever would let me through their door. Teachers at school gave up on me and thought I was lazy and a lost cause, when the reality was that I was beginning to get physically ill and had no stable home. At first it was another teenage girl and her mother from the internet who kicked me out for being autistic and not being social 100% of the time, then back to my abusers, then I got groomed by a 26/27 year old man who had similar nerdy interests as me and had no qualms about hanging out with and flirting with a 17 year old.

Because I was a developmentally stunted child who knew no better and had never had a proper romantic relationship, I sincerely thought that this man had good intentions and loved me. Though I should have realized it sooner, as his first encounter with me alone was nudging me into doing sex acts which I'd never done before. I became dependent on him, and graduated high school with a 27 year old man and two abusive family members being the only ones sitting in the audience.

I spent years getting abused yet again, lured in by sweet promises and saccharine lies. It always starts out so loving, fun, and wonderful, until the abuser sinks their talons into you and never lets go, unmasking their true sordid nature. Out of all my abusers, I think he was the worst one. He degraded me and would yank my wrists or grab me in public, yelling in my face that I acted like a stupid child and a baby when I'd become nonverbal or show other autistic behaviours like being unable to make eye contact. He took loads of naked photos of me and sent them to all of his friends, even sometimes posting them publically.

I had became ill around this time and like everyone else my ex would gaslight me and tell me that I was mentally ill and lazy. My main complaint for many years had been relentless fatigue, despite this I was never given any blood tests or proper investigations besides being poked by a doctor while severely uncomfortable, laughed at, and told that I needed SSRIs and therapy for my supposed depressed malaise.

It turns out that likely as a result of malnourishment that I had serious vitamin deficiencies, but nothing improved once this was corrected. Once again, was informed smugly that I am depressed and unmotivated. My ex went around telling everyone that I didn't want to work and how I was a lazy leech, despite the fact that I quit my first try at university and was working full time in a physically demanding job.

I was told that you get used to the pain, but I never did. Work made me want to cry, I was always in constant physical pain and it was not taken seriously. I was told that being uncomfortable is a part of life and I needed to suck it up and deal with it. When I would get home, in great suffering and physical pain because every inch of my body was burning and sore, my ex would make me sit in one corner of the room and I wasn't allowed to speak to him while he was watching TV.

He treated me worse and worse. One time I got a skin infection, and he screamed in my face and told me that I was such a spoiled complaining little brat and that he wanted to make me homeless, even though I'd gotten the infection from being in the hospital with my grandfather as he was DYING. This scumbag forced us to live in a shed of a house with no heat and rotting floors because he spent all of his money on luxuries, then threw a tantrum when he had to replace a bedsheet because my sores had touched it.

Around this time, his best friend raped me and despite having visible injuries, I was not believed because I did not feel comfortable dealing with the incompetence of the police again. Later on my ex told people that I was bruised and swollen because I was a whore who wanted to cheat and have rough sex with another man, not because I was raped until I was bleeding.

My ex also became a criminal and developed a compulsion for stealing. He would go to small businesses and figure out how to bypass their security systems, stealing thousands of dollars of books, games, and anime merchandise. I did not want to be involved in this whatsoever, and when I attempted to tell our mutual friends about it, they didn't believe me and thought I was trying to slander him. My ex was very outgoing, charming and funny, and throughout all of the abuse I was never believed because all he had to do was play the "mentally ill crazy suicidal woman" card and I was instantly disenfranchised and silenced.

When I reached out to people online and tried to escape this, I was accused of being a cheating whore because the only person who offered to help me get out of that living situation, an online friend, was a man who didn't have the purest intentions himself. My ex told me to kill myself, adding that I should do it because I am a worthless whore. He would harass people who tried to defend me when I came out and admitted what was happening. When I had enough of this, I tried to take the phone from him and he punched me so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

To this day, most of the people I knew during that time, all through my ex and our community of shared interests, do not believe me even though I have so much evidence of his abhorrent behavior, including messages, proof that he was posting nude photos of me online, conversations with his friends where he discussed manipulating me and wanting to film a sex tape so he could use it to blackmail me, proof of his thievery, etc. In the end my ex stole probably 1000$ worth of things from me including game consoles that I'd had since childhood, and he posts photos of them online, yet I am the liar, huh?

All of this taught me that I must be inherently defective due to my disabilities and my trauma history, because somehow I am seen as far less credible simply because I am not charismatic and confident. My health problems were framed as a moral failure, a sign of laziness and weakness, and it took many years and worsening symptoms for me to stop invalidating myself and realise that I did have physical diseases and these people were using the term mental illness as a weapon.

I went through another abusive relationship after that, though it was mostly happy and the abuse was sexually coercive rather than emotional. All the while, my health deteriorated and I was so far behind everyone else my age due to this checkered past. I did not get an autism diagnosis until I was 17, so I was told that there was nothing that could be done. Multiple tests could not pin down my illnesses or what is causing them.

Due to being locked away and out of education during my youth, I was lagging behind academically and didn't have the foundations to succeed in any degree program. I have no support system and have had to meander through life without a single person believing in me or holding my hand, a 180 to most people my age who have been nurtured by their parents, teachers, or peers and were primed for success.

All this time, I have consrantly been told that I am making excuses and that I am an adult now who needs to take responsibility for my own happiness and wellbeing. The prevelance of this attitude has made me severely jaded, because it has made it crystalline that there is no actual help out there. It's either motivational speeches for people who need nothing more than a little push, or individualistic self help nonsense which is like a bandaid on a festering bullet wound. One needs to already have a lot of basal needs met before they could even begin to contemplate individualistic solutions.

All I have ever needed in my life is love, care, respect, community, stability, security and my health problems taken seriously. Apparently, this is too monumental of an ask. Ever since I found out that I have CFS, and PTSD, and autism, and IBS, and a myriad of other problems, I am understandably castigated and outcast because I am objectively a drain, providing no benefit to greater society or other people on a microscale.

I have tried many times to make myself more likeable and desirable, developing a unique fashion sense, growing my hair out, learning how to become more invested in socialising by asking people questions and showing interest in their answers, but fundamentally I cannot connect with anyone because I don't do anything fun, I am often mute and have nothing to say, my life is nothing like most people's, and my sense of humor is very weird and heavily influenced by proto shitposting online culture. It is a futile effort.

I don't have the configuration of autism that gives you hyperfocus and creativity. Besides having aphantasia, chronic fatigue siphoned away any ability I had to be creative, imaginative, or spontaneous. My cognitive abilities, especially learning and memory, processing, etc are impaired, and I have permanently blurred vision and brainfog. I have only survived my third attempt at university only because I gave up my dream of doing computing and am doing Neurosciences instead, which is something I already had a great deal of knowledge about and don't have to actively learn too much in my course.

Being alone just seems like the outcome fate has always had in store for me, and that is not the life that I want to live. I already struggling so much to survive, depending on a boyfriend who resents me and is only with me because he has autism himself and cannot find anyone else who will accept him. If he did, he would be gone in a heartbeat. He constantly threatens to leave me on my own because he knows that I have no close friends, no family, no support, and no hope. He knows that all of my chronic illnesses make it nearly impossible for me to work or function.

I have put myself through so much to try and improve my life, and it never pans out. Despite my ptsd which goes into hyper drive around medical staff, I forced myself to have more scans, a 4th round of blood tests, and to see an optometrist. Like everyone else they did not listen to a word I said and didn't really believe me that I am having drastic vision issues because "my glasses prescription doesn't change".

It makes me sick to have to consrantly see people's full, happy lives where they are surrounded by family, friends, and success. Since I don't really have any interest or hobbies anymore, I don't have any way to benefit people or connect with them. I cannot relate to the vast majority of people my age who are in good health and didn't experience years of trauma. I have heard a lot of nonsense about finding a chosen family, but I think this is only possible if you are not greatly impaired and are healthy enough to do loads of activities, have no social deficits, and so many other caveats.

I have come to accept that no one is ever going to let me into their family. I am never going to sit around a dinner table with people who love me, engrossed in conversation and laughter. I am never going to have lovely memories of adolescence or young adulthood, no crazy adventures during university, no aspirations or achievements. I will never be able to feel healthy, functional, or whole.

It really sunk in for me, when I tried one last time to do an internship and immediately got ill the first day because my immune system fails me, that it is over for me. There's no one to call when I'm on my knees and have nowhere to go. Most of my family is dead now and I was disowned by the grandmother who abused me and her husband when I ceased contact and wouldn't tolerate her spamming vitriolic messages at me anymore.

Normal people don't fall asleep 5 times trying to work an 8 hour day. Normal people don't have to mask and hide every detail of their lives to avoid making other people uncomfortable. Normal people don't have their illnesses invalidated and told that they aren't real and all in their head. Normal people don't have burning pain all over their body and crash from trying to sit at a desk.

I hate being told that as I age, things will improve. I have been invalidated so many times, even by people on this website, and been told that I am "only 23" and there is so much hope and time for things to change, but I don't want to put in the work or whatever nonsense cope is convenient for their argument at that point and time.

Sure, there may be hope for some people, but when you are unhealthy, autistic, alone, and suffered a lifetime of abuse, you cannot simply trudge through life alone. You need tangible help from other people to survive, and that help doesn't exist. Every intervention is designed to blame YOU for your problems, and ascertain that any failure to overcome them is faulty psychology. My mind is empty and foggy, yet people will always peg it on the convenient scapegoat of depression. I am not depressed, in fact I would consider myself quite motivated and happy when something goes right, but I have neurological issues that make it impossible to concentrate, socialise, focus, and immerse myself which makes it hard to enjoy anything. People just don't want to admit that illnesses like this exist where there is currently no cure or treatment.

I don't think people understand that in my situation, there is no option but to kill myself. There is no magical hope on the horizon, it has been getting worse for years and years, and I am sick of being forced to sit in my bed, alone, suffering every day. Keeping me alive is cruel when there are never any positive changes. I will not be one of those people with mourning family members, with tributes plastered all over social media, I am part of the dregs of society and many people won't even admit to themselves quietly that they view truly hopeless people like myself in this manner.
You've been through a lot. I have autism as well. I've known alienation my entire life. People are cruel. I've been through a lot too. You said you're 23? I'm 37. But, at 23 I felt the same way I did then as I do now. It's so hard to connect to people. And when you do you get betrayed. My problem has always been being too truthful to people. I tell people something because I trust them and they use it against me.
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The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Read it all, I'd say death is a blessing. Things don't pan out, there is no corrective karma equalisation, luck doesn't balance out & a coin flipped 100 times isn't 50/50.

Those that are vulnerable or without a strong group around protecting them in one sense or another have a bullseye on their back that brings out all the predators.

I really don't think your situation can be of a level I'd call adequate at this point unless you had good ppl in your life but then; this isn't a movie.

I'm sorry.

P.s - Just want to add that your comprehension of the written word is amazing; you have very good writing skills which I'm sure you honed due to the non verbal thing & no one listening hence extra effort put into writing instead.

If you feel the want to talk with another autistic then throw a message into my inbox.
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