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Feb 4, 2020

Have been browsing the boards and megathreads for over a week now and thought I'd share some questions.

Attempted an overdose with prescription medication, but was found and briefly hospitalised in psych ward.

Have attempted with NN method but had very little luck in finding and sufficiently compressing my carotids.

Same poor result attempting with tourniquet/ligature method.

Have attempted with C02 in bag (vinegar/bicarb reaction) but SI led to tearing it off.

Have attempted cutting carotids with a knife but missed and instead cut something more minor which bled quite profusely for a while but ultimately clotted.

I am now looking at either one of the drugs mentioned in the megathreads (SN/N/F etc) or an exit bag using helium/nitrogen/argon.

Being in Australia, customs importation regulations and restrictions on gasses and medication sales are both very stringent compared to elsewhere in the world.

Can anyone with some local knowledge suggest sources for any of the drugs and gasses involved? Feel free to PM me if easier/more discreet.

As my overdose attempt was known to both police and emergency services, I would be very worried that possible detection of any attempts to import/purchase items for suicide might lead to an involuntary hospitalisation and the loss of opportunity to catch the bus.

Many thanks in advance, and it's great to have found such a knowledgeable community like this one.

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May 28, 2019

Have been browsing the boards and megathreads for over a week now and thought I'd share some questions.

Attempted an overdose with prescription medication, but was found and briefly hospitalised in psych ward.

Have attempted with NN method but had very little luck in finding and sufficiently compressing my carotids.

Same poor result attempting with tourniquet/ligature method.

Have attempted with C02 in bag (vinegar/bicarb reaction) but SI led to tearing it off.

Have attempted cutting carotids with a knife but missed and instead cut something more minor which bled quite profusely for a while but ultimately clotted.

I am now looking at either one of the drugs mentioned in the megathreads (SN/N/F etc) or an exit bag using helium/nitrogen/argon.

Being in Australia, customs importation regulations and restrictions on gasses and medication sales are both very stringent compared to elsewhere in the world.

Can anyone with some local knowledge suggest sources for any of the drugs and gasses involved? Feel free to PM me if easier/more discreet.

As my overdose attempt was known to both police and emergency services, I would be very worried that possible detection of any attempts to import/purchase items for suicide might lead to an involuntary hospitalisation and the loss of opportunity to catch the bus.

Many thanks in advance, and it's great to have found such a knowledgeable community like this one.

You can buy SN online . It is not illegal in Australia and you can find some sellers in ebay .
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Feb 4, 2020
You can buy SN online . It is not illegal in Australia and you can find some sellers in ebay .

Thanks for the response.

I've seen it on an Australian eBay vendor, so that might be viable. I guess there is only the issue of purity in that case.

However, most anti-emetics here are prescription-only, and I wouldn't be able to obtain one without suspicion based on my attempt history.

The one exception might be Seroquel, which I already have prescribed and understand can work as an enti-emetic for the purposes of using SN?



May 28, 2019
Thanks for the response.

I've seen it on an Australian eBay vendor, so that might be viable. I guess there is only the issue of purity in that case.

However, most anti-emetics here are prescription-only, and I wouldn't be able to obtain one without suspicion based on my attempt history.

The one exception might be Seroquel, which I already have prescribed and understand can work as an enti-emetic for the purposes of using SN?

If you have concerns abut the purity of SN that you find in ebay Australia , you can buy it from any other overeas vendor . There will be no isue in custom . You can lie to your GP to give you the antiemic that you need or you can find some online resources to buy it online (If you do some research in this forum , you will find it )
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Oct 28, 2019
regarding SN:

some australian stores selling SN seem to have removed it from their inventory (e.g. Aussie Brewing Shop: "This is this is your shop to buy Home brew, Meat cures, Chemicals ... Meat curing Salt, Sodium nitrite & nitrates" -- they don't actually sell SN) and the first two australian SN sellers i tried on the world's largest auctioning site gave me the error message "The seller cannot accept payment at this time". paranoid of government meddling/interception, i purchased a few different batches of SN -- five, from five different sellers on the world's largest auctioning site.

three of the batches (100–200g) were from australian sellers, costing AUD 12–20. although all three came from different sellers, they came in identical "packaging" (a single, flimsy ziplock bag within a standard envelope) from a "company" whose "title" was the same single christian name written in pen. although these three passed the "blood test" and the powder had a yellowish tinge, the casuality of their packaging led me to doubt their reliability, so they're only my backups. the fourth batch was ordered via the auction site from a seller in a european country beginning with U -- this never arrived at all and a refund proved impossible.

the final batch was ordered from a european auction-site store selling 250g of "Natriumnitrit" for AUD ~22. it took a week for the order to be shipped, three days for it to leave the country, and 35 days for it to arrive in western australia. it came in a sturdy, opaque bottle with a safety seal and is ostensibly technical grade (99.9% purity). the wrinkles on the label are the result of my squeezing the container to break up the SN within it; i assume that it's formed hardened chunks because it lacks an anticaking agent. i'll test this one before i use it; if it fails or any issues arise (e.g. maybe it'll be too rock-hard to use) i'll write back.

none of the deliveries were met with any suspicion, customs didn't inspect anything to my knowledge, and i don't think anything was intercepted. there's a new australian seller (or i missed them) on the auction site whose SN comes in a similar sturdy container to my fifth delivery from country P***** for AUD ~30. i'd probably go for them, but i'm wary of the "seller can't accept payment" thing.

personally i've found maxolon (metoclopramide) extremely easy to get from GPs just by mentioning persistent nausea and having used it with success in the past. tagamet (cimetidine) prescription second-easiest to get -- for heartburn. propanolol hasn't been too hard to get either; i've had it prescribed by mentioning that i get anxious in public, suffering a racing heart and getting the shakes from nervousness. the hardest "luxury item" to get for the SN method is a benzodiazepine... most of the GPs in my area won't prescribe it as a rule. it's prescribed routinely for alcohol withdrawal, so you could try mentioning that; and panic attacks... but if you get any at all you probably won't get much unless you find a pill-happy croaker.
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Feb 4, 2020
Thanks for the response.

Am now looking into SN as an option, seeing as it can be sourced easily and locally, despite it sounding less peaceful than the much harder to source illegals such as N/F/H etc.

Unfortunately my GP would most likely have been made aware of my recent overdose attempt and hospitalisation, so I'd be unlikely to convince them of any sudden new conditions requiring those medications which best accompany SN.

So the only OTC option that leaves is basically Anagraine (Meto/Paracetemol), which is still a Schedule 3 and would require me to convince a pharmacist that I need it. Which sounds possible at least compared to a GP. Otherwise using my current Quetapine (Seroquel) for its anti-emetic effects, although reading through some of the threads it's not entirely clear to me at what dosage it achieves that.

Any more thoughts or ideas from anyone? Many thanks for helping me brainstorm all this.


Feb 7, 2020
I have found it easy to get almost any prescription drug by saying I have just returned from 5 years living abroad (true) and need to get more of "insert foreign brand name." Then looked up on my phone to find the Australian name used... Also more luck with older, foreign, very low rated bulk billing gps. I can just tell them what I want and they seem happy to get me out of there. I'm looking into buying SN on Alibaba by requesting a "test" sample from their commercial sales (which they sell by the ton!). Will update if I get a reply.
I have found it easy to get almost any prescription drug by saying I have just returned from 5 years living abroad (true) and need to get more of "insert foreign brand name." Then looked up on my phone to find the Australian name used... Also more luck with older, foreign, very low rated bulk billing gps. I can just tell them what I want and they seem happy to get me out of there. I'm looking into buying SN on Alibaba by requesting a "test" sample from their commercial sales (which they sell by the ton!). Will update if I get a reply.
Edit- im suspicious of the quality of what I can find online elsewhere.
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Jul 10, 2020
I know this is an old thread but I was able to get Anagraine easily from a pharmacy here in Australia by saying I had migraines. Barely any questions asked.
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Apr 22, 2020
I know this is an old thread but I was able to get Anagraine easily from a pharmacy here in Australia by saying I had migraines. Barely any questions asked.
Same. Was also able to get meto from an online scripts website. Literally answered some logical questions (are you allergic? Do you have this condition?) and I was prescribed meto.
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Feb 4, 2020
I know this is an old thread but I was able to get Anagraine easily from a pharmacy here in Australia by saying I had migraines. Barely any questions asked.

Sorry for not having updated this thread at all.

I too was able to get Anagraine easily from a pharmacist for reported migraines.

My general preference is now for SN, which I have detailed in a guide as to its apparent legality in each state of Australia.


Jul 10, 2020
That's okay! Thankyou for all your detailed info regarding this method. I've been reading as much as I can. I really appreciate all of the research you've put into this.

Whatismylife I'd like to PM you regarding where you were able to source the Meto but as I'm a new member I don't have that access, nor am I sure if its appropriate. I would prefer to do the 48 hour regime but because I could only get Anagraine and can't get around the paracetamol thing I'm leaning towards Stat dose.
Last edited:
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Apr 22, 2020
That's okay! Thankyou for all your detailed info regarding this method. I've been reading as much as I can. I really appreciate all of the research you've put into this.

Whatismylife I'd like to PM you regarding where you were able to source the Meto but as I'm a new member I don't have that access, nor am I sure if its appropriate. I would prefer to do the 48 hour regime but because I could only get Anagraine and can't get around the paracetamol thing I'm leaning towards Stat dose.
You need five posts to PM me :)


Jun 5, 2019
I'm in Australia and I've sourced SN and antiemetic without issue. N I managed to order the first time it came but I've tried to order more without success.
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Jul 10, 2020
Thanks for the replies. 5th post, so hopefully PM access now.


Feb 4, 2020
[...] I would prefer to do the 48 hour regime but because I could only get Anagraine and can't get around the paracetamol thing I'm leaning towards Stat dose.

What is your particular concern about the paracetemol?

Each Anagraine tablet is 5mg meto and 500mg paracetemol . Maximum recommended intake of paracetemol per day is 4g (4,000mg) [PDF reference].

So an example of the 48 hour regimen would appear as follows, with my revisions in red:

Day 1Medication and Dose
08:00hrs1 X 10mg Metoclopramide (as 2 x Anagraine)
16:00hrs1 X 10mg Metoclopramide (as 2 x Anagraine)
24:00hrs1 X 10mg Metoclopramide (as 2 x Anagraine)
Total daily paracetemol intake: 3g (3,000 mg).
Day 2Medication and Dose
08:00hrs1 X 10mg Metoclopramide (as 2 x Anagraine)
16:00hrs1 X 10mg Metoclopramide (as 2 x Anagraine)
23:00hrs600mg of Ibuprofen or 1000mg of paracetamol. You can use any painkiller as long as you stay within the recommended dose (additional painkillers not needed due to paracetemol component of the Anagarine)
23:15hrs3 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg in total) (as 6 x Anagraine)
Total daily paracetemol intake: 5g (5,000 mg).

Admittedly the second day does put you slightly over the recommended daily maximum intake of paracetemol, but this isn't really a concern here. That amount in itself does not constitute an overdose that would have any effects on you whatsoever. And chronic liver damage only comes about from repeatedly exceeding the maximum daily dosage (or from taking a massive single overdose), not from a single occurrence where you are only slightly over.

I note Anagraine does only come in packs of 8 tablets, so you would need to obtain two packs in order to have enough pills (16) for the 48 hour regimen. This would be achieved by returning to your pharmacist or doctor on a second occasion, timed for when after the first pack would have been used up in a normal usage scenario (and preferably not too close to this point to generate concern for your symptoms having been in one single lengthy episode that might warrant further clinical investigation). Or you could attend a different pharmacy sooner after purchasing your first pack, although I'm not sure whether Anagraine purchases are logged or not, although I believe possibly not as the drug isn't in a restricted schedule nor has any sinister potential such as making speed.

Or do you have a different issue with or sensitivity to paracetemol that I'm missing?
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Jul 10, 2020
Thanks for the table! It makes things easy to follow. I've been dealing with cognitive issues and hadn't calculated the paracetamol dosage out properly so thought it could be potentially problematic. I know that seems strange considering the end goal but I'd rather pass from the effects of SN than deal with a paracetamol overdose. I plan to get another packet of Anagraine tomorrow.
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Feb 4, 2020
Thanks for the table! It makes things easy to follow. I've been dealing with cognitive issues and hadn't calculated the paracetamol dosage out properly so thought it could be potentially problematic. I know that seems strange considering the end goal but I'd rather pass from the effects of SN than deal with a paracetamol overdose. I plan to get another packet of Anagraine tomorrow.

No problem, glad I could help.


Jul 10, 2020
I was able to get another pack of Anagraine yesterday as well as a prescription for Propanolol. 10mg tabs × 100.
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