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Oct 28, 2019
I've attempted and failed at suicide multiple times. I've hung myself twice, overdosed multiple times (including on benzos with alcohol), tried to electrocute myself, and attempted partial suspension (and backed out) more times than I can count. All within the last year. Combined with ECT sessions and a plethora of different drug regimens while being in psych wards, my brain has taken a lot of damage. This is compacted with the fact that the original reason I was suicidal was that I was noticing cognitive and bodily issues from the use of medication (SSRI / amphetamine induced anhedonia, PSSD, emotional blunting, etc), so it was damage on top of damage. At this point I'm surprised I'm not disabled or severely mentally handicapped, albeit I do notice a lot of cognitive and emotional damage and changes. At this point my end by suicide is guaranteed, I think about suicide almost every minute of the day and can't stand living. It's gotten so bad I get no reward (dopamine / serotonin) out of doing the things I once loved or even via having a few beers or a vape, there's literally no enjoyment of life for me anymore. Laying in bed all day passing time browsing stupid posts on reddit and looking at these forums while waiting to sleep are honestly all I would do if left to my own devices. Basically, running out the biological clock. My brains fried, the damage is done, I want out.

I'm struggling to muster up the will to kill myself for good. After stripping away so much of me, I'm emotionally dead and do not even feel sadness or suffering anymore beyond a strong mental inability to 'like' being conscious for any reason. Thus, the drive to do so is dead. I look at life completely emotionally dead, apathetic and lacking in the 'will from within'. I can see suicide for what it is, an ending of being conscious, without any emotional allurement - no hype or 'it'll be relieving when I'm dead'. While death is what I honestly believe I prefer most of the time, the ability to make the conversion to that state escapes my grasp.

I wish I could die in my sleep but alas I have serious doubts about that as I've suffered so much damage, and taken so many benzos (and OD'd on them), that my tolerance to passing out from benzo overdose is pretty darn strong. I've downed like seven beers and taken 30 mg of Zopiclone (double the maximum dose), and was conscious. I've drank, took 10 mg of Ativan, 37.5 mg of Zopiclone, 7.5mg of mirtazapine and 6 mg of melatonin and just ended up walking the house in my boxers in a benzo-induced semi-conscious state. Benzos just don't seem to keep me sleeping for any longer than 7 or 8 hours if I'm lucky - whether that's due to tolerance, damage to my GABA system, or both, I don't know. I've even tried SSRI sleep meds like Trazadone but they don't do anything except make me a zombie (empty brain) for several hours. At this point I wish I had access to barbituates or something similar just to be able to go to sleep at 9 and wake up at 7, let alone OD.

Thus, my faith in taking SN is fairly low as I'd want to fall asleep before I die, preferably by benzo. Unfortunately, benzo tolerance probably won't let me, even with alcohol, and my docs are suspicious of me as-is so asking for more potent stuff is a strict 'no'. 15mg of Zopiclone a day is already very high, they say.

I'm a stay-at home reliant on my parents so things like CO poisoning are out (plus the potential for even MORE brain damage if failed), same thing with amitryptaline OD.

Even as I type this, I've taken 0.5mg clonazepam, 15mg zopiclone, some valerian root extract, melatonin and I'm not even tinged with tiredness. But I don't have it in me to hang myself or other method.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this besides info for other members. Maybe you'd like to give advice, maybe you've got questions about my SA's, IDK. I just wish I could get some help killing myself because I really don't want to be on this earth anymore.
  • Aww..
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Nov 11, 2019
Out of curiosity, if you're happy to share, how was your experience of ECT?


Apr 30, 2018
Hey. I can hear you're in a tough place; I can 'hear' it in your voice. You've made a ton of attempts, and I can't even begin to imagine the frustration that must come with not being able to complete a life-choice decision. Added to that pain is the reality of the damage done to you by the vast array of psychiatric medicine scripted for you. Here's a short list of what I've seen in my life. Oh, and for fun, if you recognize any, let me know

List of pharmaceutical and other interventions:

ZoloftSeroquelThorazine + others but unable to remember names
ECT, DBS Surgery
Interventions have also included 4 stays at psychiatric facilities
In total. total number of psychoactive medications (those remembered)30

I hope you don't see this as a pissing match. I'm trying to say that I know what a ridiculous onslaught of of powerful psychoactive meds. can do to our systems.


Oct 28, 2019
Out of curiosity, if you're happy to share, how was your experience of ECT?
Copy-pasting my response from another thread:

I received ECT and while it temporarily made me 'feel better', cognitively it wrecked me. Memory loss and decreased ability to form new memories, decrease in cognitive function, loss of 'self', emotional blunting, etc. Insomnia and lack of appetite were a bitch, still face these issues over six months later. I don't have the energy to link the studies and youtube videos but ECT is basically a low-intensity lobotomy. It causes a disruption in brain function, tiny patches of neural cell death, and an overall decrease in cerebral communication. There have been many lawsuits over ECT and the manufacturers were basically forced to admit that the way it worked was by causing brain damage. Some people seem to have a higher tolerance to these treatments and get away with less side effects but the result is the same. It's a fools gold, a trick that somehow technology has found a way to cure depression when really it's just a barbaric running of electricity through your skull multiple times causing small TBI's which in turn in some people cause the release of feel-good chemicals. You're better off suffering what you have, don't make it worse in the long run for possible temporary relief.

I wish I never did ECT. After being in a few psyche wards and watching others undergo ECT I saw the same pattern - reduction in cognition but some seem to brighten up temporarily despite being obviously less cognitively 'there' or so to speak. Some had it so bad they were just zombies, nothing really there cognitively anymore. Some I talked to had it in the past, they said it temporarily made them feel better but they lost pieces of themselves or so to speak - cognitively, memories, etc - permanently.

Chinese acupuncture has a longer history of working well with depression and it doesn't have brain damage as a side effect, I wish I tried that instead of being fried. Hell, a case of beer would have less long term effects and make you feel better than ECT.

Hey. I can hear you're in a tough place; I can 'hear' it in your voice. You've made a ton of attempts, and I can't even begin to imagine the frustration that must come with not being able to complete a life-choice decision. Added to that pain is the reality of the damage done to you by the vast array of psychiatric medicine scripted for you. Here's a short list of what I've seen in my life. Oh, and for fun, if you recognize any, let me know

List of pharmaceutical and other interventions:

ZoloftSeroquelThorazine + others but unable to remember names
ECT, DBS Surgery
Interventions have also included 4 stays at psychiatric facilities
In total. total number of psychoactive medications (those remembered)30
I hope you don't see this as a pissing match. I'm trying to say that I know what a ridiculous onslaught of of powerful psychoactive meds. can do to our systems.

I don't see it as a pissing match. I just feel bad whenever I hear someone else was tricked by these docs / pharma companies into taking these poisons too. I took Zoloft and Adderall for a few years, burned out my serotonin / dopamine / etc systems. Since January I've trialed Wellbutrin, Clonazepam, Ativan, Seroquel, Trazadone, ECT as well as Olanzapine, Ketamine (yes, really), Citalopram and Zopiclone. Zopiclone, initially, is great for sleep but you get hooked and then you can't sleep even if you take it, and getting off it is the worst hell imaginable. Unfortunately since my last hospitalization I'm back on benzos so I've got 0.5mg Clonazepam 2xdaily and 15mg zopiclone 1xnightly plus ativan as needed. I also take a ton of melatonin and valerian root. I'm starting to get to the point where I'm building a tolerance and the benzos aren't sedating any more, which I'm not looking forward to as I do not have it in me to go through another withdrawal. Sleep is basically the only part of the day I look forward to and not getting it is hell. Tonight looks like another one of those nights as its 130am and I've taken Zopiclone, Clonazepam, Melatonin, Valerian and Unisom (Doxylamine) to no effect.


Nov 11, 2019
Copy-pasting my response from another thread:

I received ECT and while it temporarily made me 'feel better', cognitively it wrecked me. Memory loss and decreased ability to form new memories, decrease in cognitive function, loss of 'self', emotional blunting, etc. Insomnia and lack of appetite were a bitch, still face these issues over six months later. I don't have the energy to link the studies and youtube videos but ECT is basically a low-intensity lobotomy. It causes a disruption in brain function, tiny patches of neural cell death, and an overall decrease in cerebral communication. There have been many lawsuits over ECT and the manufacturers were basically forced to admit that the way it worked was by causing brain damage. Some people seem to have a higher tolerance to these treatments and get away with less side effects but the result is the same. It's a fools gold, a trick that somehow technology has found a way to cure depression when really it's just a barbaric running of electricity through your skull multiple times causing small TBI's which in turn in some people cause the release of feel-good chemicals. You're better off suffering what you have, don't make it worse in the long run for possible temporary relief.

I wish I never did ECT. After being in a few psyche wards and watching others undergo ECT I saw the same pattern - reduction in cognition but some seem to brighten up temporarily despite being obviously less cognitively 'there' or so to speak. Some had it so bad they were just zombies, nothing really there cognitively anymore. Some I talked to had it in the past, they said it temporarily made them feel better but they lost pieces of themselves or so to speak - cognitively, memories, etc - permanently.

Chinese acupuncture has a longer history of working well with depression and it doesn't have brain damage as a side effect, I wish I tried that instead of being fried. Hell, a case of beer would have less long term effects and make you feel better than ECT.

Thank you for this. I know quite a lot about it medically speaking as I come from that working background but just hadn't really managed to see many people talking about whether or not it had worked/ their thoughts on it. From reading on here, it seems many people form the same opinion and have had the same type of experience as you, sorry it was so awful for you.


Oct 11, 2019
Had several ect.... 10 or more? I don't remember and don't want to.
It worked for 3 days for me after relapsing in an worse state that I have ever experienced.
But it's a fact that it work for some people.


Oct 28, 2019
I just need some help with mustering up the will to commit suicide and advice on how to do it despite my limitations. I know I could technically go hang myself anytime I was free for an hour but I just don't have that will in me anymore. I was thinking about SN but honestly nothing makes me sleep anymore and I don't want to be awake for it.
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