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Nov 13, 2020
I know some people may be more certain about their decision, even right up to the last second—they remain calm, cool, and collected. But I guess for the average person, who at some point in their life had hope that things would get better, the thoughts that cross your mind as the day approaches are not pleasant, to put it lightly. If you're someone who sees suicide as a possibility if everything goes wrong, please don't romanticize it. If there is still hope in your life and you think there is still some strength left in you, try to put some serious effort into making things work.

I'm going through this because of depression/anxiety and for being a dysfunctional adult male (almost 30 already with no higher education or job experience). Sometimes I think if I had put a little more effort into things, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today. Don't leave things for tomorrow, don't rely on ending it all as the ultimate solution to all your problems. You have to fight some nasty demons before you can consider that path. But I still hope I can get through with CTB; I don't have it in me anymore for another last dance
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
Great post. It's why I hate when people call suicide selfish. If normal people understood how strong survival instinct is they'd realize no one goes "oh well I had a minor inconvenience guess I'll blow my brains out" and really does it that quickly like that. They are in immense pain and see no other way out.
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Jul 6, 2024
Really well put. Of course, I respect everyone's opinions and perspectives, but it hurts my soul when I see people perceive suicide as something beautiful, poetic or freeing. Yes, it's freeing in the sense my suffering will end. But I hoped for so much more, I never imagined my life would come to this in a million years. For me, suicide represents something awfully tragic and devastating, something I have been forced to consider due to unimaginable suffering. This isn't even to mention the profound and long-lasting impact it'll have on my loved ones. For me, there is absolutely nothing to be romanticised or idealised about this, it's beyond horrific that I find myself here and I so deeply wish there were other options. It absolutely should be considered as a very last resort after exploring all other avenues in my opinion, but again this is based on my own experiences and life - I understand we're all in vastly different situations.

I'm so sorry you're suffering so much. Of course take what I say with a pinch of salt, I'm merely a stranger with no context or understanding of your life, but I want you to know that I in no way see you as dysfunctional for not having higher education or any job experience. I know it sounds trite, but you still have so much possibility to do exactly what you said and change your life at the age of 30, if this is something you wanted to do. But I fully appreciate this is infinitely easier said than done. I wish you the very best.
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Nov 13, 2020
Really well put. Of course, I respect everyone's opinions and perspectives, but it hurts my soul when I see people perceive suicide as something beautiful, poetic or freeing. Yes, it's freeing in the sense my suffering will end. But I hoped for so much more, I never imagined my life would come to this in a million years. For me, suicide represents something awfully tragic and devastating, something I have been forced to consider due to unimaginable suffering. This isn't even to mention the profound and long-lasting impact it'll have on my loved ones. For me, there is absolutely nothing to be romanticised or idealised about this, it's beyond horrific that I find myself here and I so deeply wish there were other options. It absolutely should be considered as a very last resort after exploring all other avenues in my opinion, but again this is based on my own experiences and life - I understand we're all in vastly different situations.

I'm so sorry you're suffering so much. Of course take what I say with a pinch of salt, I'm merely a stranger with no context or understanding of your life, but I want you to know that I in no way see you as dysfunctional for not having higher education or any job experience. I know it sounds trite, but you still have so much possibility to do exactly what you said and change your life at the age of 30, if this is something you wanted to do. But I fully appreciate this is infinitely easier said than done. I wish you the very best.
Yep, deciding if you're in a situation beyond all hope is really hard. What I wrote is and advice for me and others. I'm still somewhat divided but strongly leaning to ctb unfortunetely.
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Confused loser
Oct 25, 2023
I do agree with you, before end your life you should try everything as much as you can (also as hard as you can), it's true that life is a shithole for someone but least it gave you a change to improved your condition and it will be a big waste if you just go out without trying to improve your condition.

In my opinion i never see suicide as a solution rather it's a mean to a end, admiting that life is too much for you, some people think of it as a coward/selfish action but imo, there's no shame in admiting your incapability in fact i hate it the most when people being arogant bitch who overvalue themself or in this case thinking that our struggle mean nothing as long as we keep tRyInG, note that i do agree with OP sentimen that we shouldn't romanticize suicide but let's not turn our eye to the fact that sometimes life isn't worth living for someone else
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I agree that it's good to thoroughly assess your own situation. Sometimes it's easy to get so bogged down by everything that, it's hard to see the wood for the trees. Obviously, things like depression can skew our perspective too. So, I can see the sense in trying to treat possible mental distortions to see if that changes our perspective. What if that doesn't work though?

Suicide is obviously never the only choice left. If we are still here- we're still choosing to live- however we're managing to do that. I'd also argue that it's a frightening and risky enough prospect to make a lot of people think long and hard about it. I'd question whether all that many people on here especially are being flippant about it. I'd agree that some are romantacising it though certainly. Me included to be honest!

I suppose I'd like to question really- do you think the people you are refering to are so drawn to suicide because they haven't even considered their other options? Or, do you think they have considered them but rejected them for whatever reason? In which case- is that not permissable?

Should everyone try every possible thing before they quit? But, surely, you yourself haven't tried every possible thing? Why not? Probably because you're exhausted from trying maybe? Because past attempts to turn things around haven't worked? Because you no longer see life as being able to give you enough of a reward for trying that hard? Because you simply don't think you can possibly succeed with what you have? Because certain things perhaps terrify you and you aren't willing to put yourself through them? Why do you imagine other people haven't gone through the same thought processes? Aren't those thought processes/choices valid? Can they be valid for you but, not someone else?

Also- do any of us have the right to look at someone else's life or situation and say- 'You should be content with that. I would be. In fact- given what you do have, you ought to be trying harder to make things work.' To some extent, I think this is what this post is putting across. Is it?

Perhaps we do all think that sometimes. We may well read a tiny paragraph about a miniscule fraction of a strangers life and feel like they're giving up too easily or- they do still have genuine prospects and possibilities left to them.

I suspect this is particularly the case with younger members. To an extent, I suppose I do share this perspective. I think there are more opportunities open to us when we are young. More help perhaps. More vested interest at least. Plus, we possibly have less experience of life at that stage to know that we're going to hate so much about it! That said, I get a sense that a lot of our younger members simply don't want to participate in society or life. What do you do when they see nothing to even hope for?!! What is it you're asking them to aim at? I'd argue- that's a major problem.

I think it's so much easier to feel optimistic for other people though. It's probably a good thing too. I'm not in favour of promortalism. I think- if there is any hope and possibility left for a person to succeed in life, they deserve encouragement and support. Others believing they can make it and suggesting how is going to be more positive definitely.

But, I'd argue- the choice needs to come from them. If they insist they've had enough and tried enough, I don't personally think it is up to us to berate them that they haven't. Not saying that you would do this op but, I suppose the desire to is there maybe? Plus, honestly it's unrealistic to say- 'it's ok for everyone else but, not for me.' We simply don't know that. You may well have it worse than a lot of people- and I'm sorry for that. You probably don't have it worse than every single person on this planet though and- some of those people will defy all odds and recover. Does that undermine your situation? Does that mean you should be trying harder? Does it give you the motivation to try harder? Or, does it piss you off that you are being expected to live up to someone else's standards? Sorry- I didn't intend this to have a personal go at you. I expect the intentions of the post are good. ie. consider all your options carefully. And I agree with that. It's just how we go about it I suppose. I think suggesting life alternatives is fine but- not if the op objects. And certainly not in an authorative- 'you're not trying hard enough' way. That could probably said to any of us. Would you welcome it?
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Nov 13, 2020
I agree that it's good to thoroughly assess your own situation. Sometimes it's easy to get so bogged down by everything that, it's hard to see the wood for the trees. Obviously, things like depression can skew our perspective too. So, I can see the sense in trying to treat possible mental distortions to see if that changes our perspective. What if that doesn't work though?

Suicide is obviously never the only choice left. If we are still here- we're still choosing to live- however we're managing to do that. I'd also argue that it's a frightening and risky enough prospect to make a lot of people think long and hard about it. I'd question whether all that many people on here especially are being flippant about it. I'd agree that some are romantacising it though certainly. Me included to be honest!

I suppose I'd like to question really- do you think the people you are refering to are so drawn to suicide because they haven't even considered their other options? Or, do you think they have considered them but rejected them for whatever reason? In which case- is that not permissable?

Should everyone try every possible thing before they quit? But, surely, you yourself haven't tried every possible thing? Why not? Probably because you're exhausted from trying maybe? Because past attempts to turn things around haven't worked? Because you no longer see life as being able to give you enough of a reward for trying that hard? Because you simply don't think you can possibly succeed with what you have? Because certain things perhaps terrify you and you aren't willing to put yourself through them? Why do you imagine other people haven't gone through the same thought processes? Aren't those thought processes/choices valid? Can they be valid for you but, not someone else?

Also- do any of us have the right to look at someone else's life or situation and say- 'You should be content with that. I would be. In fact- given what you do have, you ought to be trying harder to make things work.' To some extent, I think this is what this post is putting across. Is it?

Perhaps we do all think that sometimes. We may well read a tiny paragraph about a miniscule fraction of a strangers life and feel like they're giving up too easily or- they do still have genuine prospects and possibilities left to them.

I suspect this is particularly the case with younger members. To an extent, I suppose I do share this perspective. I think there are more opportunities open to us when we are young. More help perhaps. More vested interest at least. Plus, we possibly have less experience of life at that stage to know that we're going to hate so much about it! That said, I get a sense that a lot of our younger members simply don't want to participate in society or life. What do you do when they see nothing to even hope for?!! What is it you're asking them to aim at? I'd argue- that's a major problem.

I think it's so much easier to feel optimistic for other people though. It's probably a good thing too. I'm not in favour of promortalism. I think- if there is any hope and possibility left for a person to succeed in life, they deserve encouragement and support. Others believing they can make it and suggesting how is going to be more positive definitely.

But, I'd argue- the choice needs to come from them. If they insist they've had enough and tried enough, I don't personally think it is up to us to berate them that they haven't. Not saying that you would do this op but, I suppose the desire to is there maybe? Plus, honestly it's unrealistic to say- 'it's ok for everyone else but, not for me.' We simply don't know that. You may well have it worse than a lot of people- and I'm sorry for that. You probably don't have it worse than every single person on this planet though and- some of those people will defy all odds and recover. Does that undermine your situation? Does that mean you should be trying harder? Does it give you the motivation to try harder? Or, does it piss you off that you are being expected to live up to someone else's standards? Sorry- I didn't intend this to have a personal go at you. I expect the intentions of the post are good. ie. consider all your options carefully. And I agree with that. It's just how we go about it I suppose. I think suggesting life alternatives is fine but- not if the op objects. And certainly not in an authorative- 'you're not trying hard enough' way. That could probably said to any of us. Would you welcome it?
I guess my post is more directed at those who still see suicide in the far off horizon as a possibility if everything goes wrong. I'm just saying, ctb looked better when I hadnt planned it, had to write letters and now theres 2 days left until I drink some weird poison that is supposed to kill me. The thought of suicide can sometimes be an escape valve when you have to deal with certain things in your daily life, it sorts of creeps into your head saying " you dont have to deal with this bullshit, you dont even have to exist if you dont want to".

And as I said in the end " if you still have the strength in you", it would be nice to try. Should I have tried harder myself? I kind of think I should. Can I still continue to try and turn things around? Maybe, if I was willing to deal with all the bullshit. I guess everybody is trying as hard as they can at all times considering their situation, just wanted to raise awareness to the fact that suicide seems way better when it is still a very distant thing, because then you kind of get the best of both worlds, you dont really have to kill yourself at that moment, and you dont have to deal with all the shit life demands of you, but be warned, when the time comes, you rethink everything that lead you to this path.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess my post is more directed at those who still see suicide in the far off horizon as a possibility if everything goes wrong. I'm just saying, ctb looked better when I hadnt planned it, had to write letters and now theres 2 days left until I drink some weird poison that is supposed to kill me. The thought of suicide can sometimes be an escape valve when you have to deal with certain things in your daily life, it sorts of creeps into your head saying " you dont have to deal with this bullshit, you dont even have to exist if you dont want to".

And as I said in the end " if you still have the strength in you", it would be nice to try. Should I have tried harder myself? I kind of think I should. Can I still continue to try and turn things around? Maybe, if I was willing to deal with all the bullshit. I guess everybody is trying as hard as they can at all times considering their situation, just wanted to raise awareness to the fact that suicide seems way better when it is still a very distant thing, because then you kind of get the best of both worlds, you dont really have to kill yourself at that moment, and you dont have to deal with all the shit life demands of you, but be warned, when the time comes, you rethink everything that lead you to this path.

Yes, I completely understand. It's like, I find passive ideation comforting- the thought of being free from life. But, active ideation is something else. Even the more detailed thought process of going through an actual method I find terifying. I'm sorry if I came across as insensitive and argumentative at this time for you. It has to be really scary. I haven't actually attempted yet. I'm sure I'll be distraught if I ever do. I wish I knew what to say to make it easier.
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