

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Disclaimer: I'm not condoning nor encouraging vengeance as a way of life or necessarily ways to handle things in this world. I am merely giving my philosophical take and analysis on the concept of vengeance and revenge itself as well as it's function historically as well as logically. I'm doing this for educational and intellectual purposes only.

What is vengeance and it's brief history

To start things off, what is vengeance, or revenge? The concept of vengeance is where one inflicts punishment or retaliation for an injury, wrong, or slight committed against oneself by another party. This is the most basic definition and concept of vengeance. Back in the early times of humans, before civilization (and even in places where rule of law, legal system was weak), vengeance is used to settle the scores and even act as a deterrent towards other humans, meaning that if other (humans) did something that was harmful towards another human being, said human being will be punished, oftenly in brutal ways back then. At it's core, vengeance functioned as a deterrent to harmful behaviors and actions by others, and at best, a primitive form of justice. However, as the rule of law became stronger and civilization grew, vengeance was becoming less and less sought after as more people start to turn to the rule of law to get recourse for any grievances they had. Eventually, when legal systems were formed and what not, this allowed individuals to seek them as a form of recourse and phase out getting vengeance.

While vengeance still exists, it takes a different form, such as going through the legal system to seek redress for grievances (litigation, lawsuits, legal action, reparations, etc.). Then of course as the legal system grows in power and becomes larger over history, the concept of justice is born. To me, justice is just a civilized form of vengeance, in other words, legal vengeance against the offending party.

Pros and Cons of vengeance
Here are some pros and cons of vengeance, where they could be beneficial for the person versus where it could hinder, or otherwise result in more negative consequences for them.

Being able to get what is due for them due to a weak legal system or otherwise unactionable offense.
Being able to avenge one's losses and find closure.
Being able to deter (situation dependent) others from causing harm.

When vengeance goes unchecked, it can go too far.
The possibility of getting the wrong person, collateral damage.
The possibility of never-ending conflict and escalation over time.

I'm sure there are more pros and cons, but these are the ones that come to mind.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's a difficult one really. There is even confusion on whether it is a good or bad thing in religious texts: Old Testament: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. New Testament: Turn the other cheek. I guess attitudes change with the times.

I think many wars and conflicts are perpetuated by retaliation. Still- you're not just going to do nothing if another country invades you! Especially if there was no provocation.

Same with bullies- someone pushed me at school once (deliberately.) I thought about it and then- pushed them back. That was 'vengeance'- retaliation but I'm glad I did it- they didn't push me again! Sometimes I think you need to show people you won't be walked over. I'm not sure that's the same thing as vengeance. I think vengeance is more embittered and planned.

I think it's great if you can reason with people and sort things out in a non aggressive way. Still- I don't think everyone responds to that always.

I honestly don't know what I feel about the dealth penalty. I think I probably don't agree with it because of the risk of wrongful conviction. Plus- if the majority of people don't want to die- they simply won't confess and the case I imagine will need to be incredibly strong to convict them.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
It's a difficult one really. There is even confusion on whether it is a good or bad thing in religious texts: Old Testament: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. New Testament: Turn the other cheek. I guess attitudes change with the times.

I think many wars and conflicts are perpetuated by retaliation. Still- you're not just going to do nothing if another country invades you! Especially if there was no provocation.

Same with bullies- someone pushed me at school once (deliberately.) I thought about it and then- pushed them back. That was 'vengeance'- retaliation but I'm glad I did it- they didn't push me again! Sometimes I think you need to show people you won't be walked over. I'm not sure that's the same thing as vengeance. I think vengeance is more embittered and planned.

I think it's great if you can reason with people and sort things out in a non aggressive way. Still- I don't think everyone responds to that always.

I honestly don't know what I feel about the dealth penalty. I think I probably don't agree with it because of the risk of wrongful conviction. Plus- if the majority of people don't want to die- they simply won't confess and the case I imagine will need to be incredibly strong to convict them.
Very true, especially about how wars are started and aggression from other nations despite no provocation. Regarding what you did to stand up against your bullies, I would consider it more of a direct response, perhaps even self-defense, especially if it was done almost immediately (with no premeditation).

The death penalty is indeed a complicated matter altogether, while some may see it as retributive justice, in a way getting vengeance through the legal system, there are others who view it as an easy way out and/or like you said, the risk of wrongful conviction and not being able to bring back the dead. Personally, I do support it partly for practical and economic reasons, it is a kinder sentence than serving life in prison, but that's just me.
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Feb 1, 2023
The other thing abt vengeance is that the damage done is done. Can't b repaired. It's y I consider carefully b4 plotting revenge
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