-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
They will easily blame everyone and everything other than themselves for their loved ones deaths, but everyone created is doomed to die. Or worse before they do.

So, if someone creates life sending it to it's decay and death, why they never consider themselves responsible for it? Even a little bit?
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Belief is the enemy of knowledge
Aug 20, 2023
No, it's all too easy to blame others. Actually our anger should be directed elsewhere. After 30 years of research, I've come to the conclusion we are tricked into reincarnation. Our souls are tricked. It has nothing to do with your parents, if it wasn't your current parents, it would be different parents. It's the evil on the other side that's to blame. Next time round I'm absolutely not going to be tricked into coming back. That's the focus of my spiritual work now (and has been for the last 3 years).
It will take alot of effort and yet the vast majority of people do no prep work and will end up right back here, possibly in a worse situation.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The short answer is 'yes' I agree but they just seem to be following a different rule book where all the onus is placed on others. To start with, they'll claim 'It's just the way life is'- death is a natural part of life. I guess they can also blame the natural and cultural demand to reproduce as being the norm.

Presumably, they enjoyed life or- at least, saw it's merit- so- it probably never even occured to them that their child could end up so desperately unhappy. They were naive rather than malicious. They probably hoped their child would lead a good life before it suffered and died.

When it comes to things like suffering, depression and struggling in life- all the onus is placed on the individual. They seem to have subconsciously signed up to some life contract that- no matter what- they will fight to keep living. And- they expect us to do the same. I think for many of them- suicide simply isn't an option that anyone should consider. Haven't we all heard from others and specifically parents- 'Well- I coped with much worse than you in life.' They just seem to accept the expectation that it's what you have to do.

In terms of suicide- in their eyes- I imagine either we break the rules if we CTB. We were struck down by some mental illness that made us do it- which they won't see as their fault- even though it's likely it can be hereditary. Or- they'll think their child was just feeling a bit low but became brain washed by somewhere like this.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
Never? What some people are prepared to admit in public yet think to themselves don't necessarily have to be the same.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Never? What some people are prepared to admit in public yet think to themselves don't necessarily have to be the same.
I agree, I should have said rarely.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
Don't wish to split hairs though. I think for many it would be as you say.
Next time round I'm absolutely not going to be tricked into coming back. That's the focus of my spiritual work now (and has been for the last 3 years).
It will take alot of effort and yet the vast majority of people do no prep work and will end up right back here, possibly in a worse situation.
I'm interested about finding out about your spiritual work. CTB or not, I'm definitely not interesting in coming back again if I have a choice.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, as if people didn't procreate in the first place then nobody would die. I'm very much against imposing existence onto people, to me such a thing is a harmful crime, it's so cruel to burden one with the ability to suffer endlessly.

And I hate how many people who procreate are so anti-suicide yet everyone will die anyway and those people ultimately caused that person to die. If they really are so against death they should have just left the non-existent alone in peace where they are eternally unaware.
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Nov 9, 2023
Depends on the point of view

Let's say that I buy one of those triple A video games, like Far cry 6 for example! Does that means I am responsible for killing innocents lifes ?
By buying this game I give money to the industry making the game (Ubisoft), By getting this money they will get richer while making the poor poorer, the poor are now depressed and decide that the best choice is to exit life. So I am reponsible for the death of those persons!
Well I am overdramatizing it of course but it's just an example to show how indirect responsabilty and direct responsabily is different...
If we take the example of a normal familly, where there is no trauma nor domestic violence involved nor uncare of the familly members, just a familly loving eachothers, and that the child of a father of this familly decide to exit life by himself, I think the dad is only indecerctly responsable, not directly!

Of course I have an opinion on antinatalism that is pretty oposite than the majority of this website, though I totally agree with the choice of CBT
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Jun 12, 2023
After 30 years of research, I've come to the conclusion we are tricked into reincarnation.
30 years wasted.
They will easily blame everyone and everything other than themselves for their loved ones deaths, but everyone created is doomed to die. Or worse before they do.

So, if someone creates life sending it to it's decay and death, why they never consider themselves responsible for it? Even a little bit?
Well yes, if it were not for the beginning of your life, you would not be able to die in the first place. So in a way you are right. And perhaps for some, their pain is currently so high, that they'd prefer to have never existed to begin with.

But the way you worded this question and the logic you used to justify your reasoning is flawed, it sort of assumes that the parents are evil. But that is not the case. For most parents, the death of their child is the last thing that they'd want to think about. And obviously, they know that within the next 100 years it will happen, but their wish is that it won't be before they pass on. Generally, their wish is that their children will carry the torch & pass it on. But yeah, of course they know that everyone who lives, will eventually die one day, that is common sense. Their only wish is that you live a good life, rich with emotion, a life of adventure, prosperity, and a life of success.

You suggest that the parents "blame everything but themselves" for death, but no, most people understand that we will die with old age. BUT if the child dies earlier due to someone else's irresponsible actions (such as drunk driving, homicide, etc), then they have every right to be mad. They have every right to place the blame on the person who took the life from the greatest thing that ever happened to them. They know that one day we will all die, but they at least wish their children can live a good life in the short time we do have on this earth.

Listen man, I think you're a good and likeable person, but just based on the fact you asked this question and the logic you used, I can tell you have some unhealthy viewpoints not conducive to recovery. And asking it an echo chamber such as this one where most of us are severely depressed with negative thinking patterns is like asking for confirmation bias to justify your suicidal ideation.

I'm not coming for you personally, but I am questioning the viewpoint you brought up and I'd just like to share a different way of viewing it, that's all.
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