
Oct 2, 2024
How certain are you there's no greater pain after death? I've been raised around Abrahamic religions and the idea of hell still scares me, even though I know it's all bullshit.

I'm not excited for death because I won't be "alive" to experience its sweet nothingness. I want to consciously observe unconsciousness. I want to experience its peace. But then it's not death.

I wish I could sleep for 5 years.
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Sep 24, 2024
Welcome to the forum!

And for me, yes after death that is it. Nothing else. Not worried about heaven/hell/underworld/whatever it might be. Once you have been here a bit and have more posts, you will also be able to search. There are a lot of discussions about contemplating if there is anything after death.

I hope you find everything you are looking for and get whatever peace & serenity you seek.
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Oct 2, 2024
Welcome to the forum!

And for me, yes after death that is it. Nothing else. Not worried about heaven/hell/underworld/whatever it might be. Once you have been here a bit and have more posts, you will also be able to search. There are a lot of discussions about contemplating if there is anything after death.

I hope you find everything you are looking for and get whatever peace & serenity you seek.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I suspected my access was restricted, as I can't search or view profiles or even access the chat people speak of. I wish you a nice life as well!


I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
I personally subscribe to reincarnation.
All I know is that there's a possibility things might be better if I die, there is no such possibility with continuing to live.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I'm not sure of anything except that I need to eat in a little while, and that tomorrow I must do the same, and so on. Half-jokes aside, there's very little philosophical knowledge to be 100% certain of, in my opinion. Even scientific knowledge is never set in stone.

But I do believe death to be a kindness and a gift. Sadegh Hedayat once wrote that, "Death is the kind mother who kisses, caresses, and puts her children to bed after a stormy day." This is how I see death. I believe it to be nothingness, or non-existence, as that is what I wish it to be. But I have no proof of this, just like any other's theory of what happens after death. Everyone has their own bullshit that they believe in, and this is my bullshit, lol.

But I highly relate to wanting to consciously experience that unconscious peace. I've never heard anyone else express that same desire. But at the same time, it would be totally paradoxical, especially since I want my subjective experience to cease when my brain turns off.
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Sep 11, 2024
well as someone above said things won't get better if i continue to live. so might as well take that gamble and die. maybe there's something better. instead of clinging to this. i do believe there's heaven. don't see the point of anything else after
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Tired of everything
Sep 27, 2024
Life wasn't kind but I hope death is
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the universe is going to catch you
Oct 1, 2024
for me, i think death is kind and an opening for new experiences. by thermodynamics first law, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only altered in form. souls keep us alive, and by living we create energy, ARE energy. we are made of stardust so i believe when we die our energy goes towards making new stars. in millions of years, when a star will die, the energy or soul of a star goes into something new again. Everything on Earth, from rocks, stones, water, crystals, to all living things like people, animals, insects, birds, fish, grass, trees and flowers, is made of this stardust. it excites me knowing that my soul will live as a new matter and see new places that i havent before, even if i wont remember it. so i have made peace with death and will accept it with open arms. even if i wont be alive as a human, i will keep on existing everywhere around.
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Mar 11, 2019
It's neutral, I don't know why it would be anything different
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Personally I've only ever believed death to be nothingness, I believe it to be the end of suffering in this cruel, torturous existence which is all I wish and hope for, I never want to exist ever again, for me death truly is the only relief.
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Jan 1, 2024
Our brain is the source of pain . So when we are dead no more pain . We are energy


Apr 15, 2024
How certain are you there's no greater pain after death? I've been raised around Abrahamic religions and the idea of hell still scares me, even though I know it's all bullshit.

I'm not excited for death because I won't be "alive" to experience its sweet nothingness. I want to consciously observe unconsciousness. I want to experience its peace. But then it's not death.

I wish I could sleep for 5 years.
I don't know about islam, but ancient Judaism and early Christianity is not that clear on hell being eternal conscious torment. The Old Testament texts use the word Sheol often translated as hell, but it's also translated as grave very often. And it's described that the dead in sheol are silent, in darkness and not praising God. In other words, they are unconscious. The Old Testament also lacks a concept of a "soul" as in immaterial ghostly substance that a fleshly human possesses. The Hebrew phrase often translated as living soul is nephesh chayyah, but it's often translated as living being instead, and it's used to describe animals too. In the New Testament, hell is described as eternal, and as a second death, but it's more like that it's an eternal death, meaning with no chance of living again. The true afterlife being experienced as conscious eternal life without pain, sin and sorrow is the physical resurrection from the dust given to those who turned to Christ as savior. And those resurrected believers will live on a restored "new heavens and new earth". It never says believers "going to heaven". Death is described as a sting in 1 Corinthians 15 and as an enemy that Jesus will destroy. In other words, death is painful but if you rise again, then it's not the end. However, to unbelievers, death and the second death after judgment will be the end for them forever. The early Christian confessions don't mention disembodied souls or eternal torment, nor "going to heaven" except for Christ ascending to heaven.

Tl;dr: "hell" as eternal conscious torment and being disembodied "souls" may be myths not actually found in the Hebrew and Christian texts of the Bible, while the REAL biblical eternal afterlife is actually a physical resurrection of the body made to be without pain and sorrow to live on a restored earth after the final return of Christ and judgment.


New Member
Dec 2, 2023
I think it is the kindest. I look at what happens after death in purely materialistic way. Everyday part of my body "dies", be it my skin cells, red blood cells etc. Everyday they are replaced by new ones that are "born". I like to think about the ship of Theseus thought experiment and come to conclusion that death, as humans know it, does not exist. There exists a spectrum of energy transformations from small ones (food to energy, sunlight to sugar) to big ones (sum of small transformations over time like death). When I die the boundary between me and universe will probably shift and change. My body will be broken down to components by mushrooms and bacteria and nutrients will go on a ride in the ecosystem. I will become a tree, a bacteria, deadly virus and a human again. After Earth is gone I hope to become a part of a star like I did before. After the end of my life as a human I will become another part of the universe until everything is gone and then be part of another transformation. If energy cannot be killed, just transformed I cannot be killed either.

So for me death is kind by virtue of being me. The universe is me and I am a part of the universe. I was a part of universe and will be a part of it. What exactly I do not know and am not afraid of it. The only difference of what I was before and what I will be after human detour is what borders are given to me. Universe is everything and therefore it is nothing. It contains contradictions that cancel each other so it cannot explore each thing without isolation the other. In this life I explored humanity, being a living carbon based being. In next one I might explore microcosms of microorganisms. My problem is that I do not like this particular experience and would like to get to another one right now if possible.


À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
We are simply suffering beings and when our biological functions are exhausted it will no longer be possible to perceive our suffering. There is no death, you either suffer or you don't exist. Point. Anyone who talks about the afterlife has the burden of proof, otherwise what they say makes no sense. Evidence is evidence and in evidence there are no gods, heavens or hells. LIFE IS HELL!!! In fact, when Dante wrote the DIVINE COMEDY he didn't have any major problems describing HELL, he just had to look around. The problem came when he had to describe heaven, because he couldn't find the words.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I am sure that death is kind. Our current scientific knowledge points to the conclusion that death is just permanent non existence and I consider that to be the most kind thing that I can receive. I've also been raised as a religious person (specifically a muslim) but I broke out of that indoctrination as religion is just so obviously man made. The concept of hell is also so obviously man made too so it doesn't scare me in the slightest. The only thing that I follow is science which currently points to death being permanent non existence. Of course, in science, it's possible for new scientific knowledge to arrive that disproves death being permanent non existence but, if such a thing were to even come to fruition, it'd probably happen long after our natural lifespans anyway so we may as well just believe in what causes us the most peace. For me, that's permanent non existence

I find death to be peaceful because of how we don't get to experience anything. The peace arrives counterfactually when comparing existence to non existence instead of looking at non existence in a vacuum
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