

ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
I've read Stan's guide as well as the chapter on SN in the PPH.

I just am trying to weigh up whether or not there would be any potential downfalls to doing the stat dose as opposed to the 48 hr regimen. I would imagine that the longer regimen would ensure that you wouldn't vomit but due to circumstances outside of my control, I might need to rely on a quick stat dose. Any thoughts?


I just wanna go to my husband already.
Jun 5, 2020
Im not sure if theres any downfalls or not, but in my case 48 hour regimen would mean id have to devote, and its full 2 days, while stat dose could feel a bit more impulsive, easier on the mind. Medicaly im not sure, but mentally thats how i see it
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Apr 22, 2020
The 48 hour regime is handy if you want to see how the AE reacts with the body. Some people say they experience nausea and other symptoms.


Feb 4, 2020
My understanding, and that outlined in Stan's Guide, is that the two methods are equally effective. From my reading, the only difference is that the 48 hour regimen serves as a comforting, gradual process for mental reassurance ("Some people are concerned about vomiting all of the SN drink and failing. They find comfort going through a two day process to prepare them mentally for the event")(REF). Note that this does not mean that the gradual, repeated smaller doses of antiemetic over 48 hours makes vomiting less likely.

It's important to note that the 48 hour regimen ends with the exact same procedure and timings as that of the stat dose.

After first coming across SN as a method, and reading that the two methods were equally effective, I had naturally been drawn to the simplicity of the stat dose, and so hadn't looked any further at the 48 hour regimen in much detail. Doing so now, I am genuinely unsure why anybody would need to use it. While it has been said that it allows more time to see how the antiemetic is tolerated (especially regarding EPS), to my mind the flipside is that this also provides a much longer 48 hour period in which you could experience such negative side-effects, rather than merely in the 45 minutes before SN consumption in the stat dose method. You could also achieve a similar insight by taking a trial dose of meto on a one-off basis, and in the absence of side-effects, use the stat dose method in the future.

Perhaps @Quarky00 can clarify further, he wrote the various SN FAQ's, and I believe he covers the differences in these two methods somewhere.