
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah there are some countries which still insist on importing a lot of Russian resources. Some other countries/ experts say by doing that they finance Putin's war.
My opinion could be controversial. I am quite sure the rest of the world sees Germany as hypocritical and selfish.
I follow the news closely. You can read both positions in the newspapers of my country. I think we are hypocritical. Germany always pretends to be morally superior and acts like that. Always lecturing other countries about their policies. I think it is selfish of my country to further import these Russian resources.
On the other hand if I was chancellor I would probably also be hesitant on it. Many in this forum would probably critize this a lot. I can somewhat understand why we are not boycotting Russia completely. Is it selfish? Without a doubt. But I am pretty scared about inflation. And Germany is absolutely dependent on Russia. Our economy would be pretty fucked without Russian gas.

There are a lot of smartasses in German newspapers which pretend like Germany was not hypocritical. I think we are hypocriticial. There are different narratives in our newspapers which defend the import of Russian gas. My favorite is: other countries like Italy pretend like they would be in favor of a boycott but secretly they hope Germany will block it. And in the end Germany will get blamed. I think some people like that the model student (Germany) which loves being self-righteous is now exposed.

Others write this would hurt Germany more than Russia. We could not do this longterm. We would buckle fastly because the damage to our economy would be too severe. We cannot predict whether this would really stop the war. There are experts with different assessments how much the GDP would crash. etc.

To add one thing: I am absolutely in favor of giving Ukraine the best military technology we have. I think our army is bullshit but there are some pretty good German military companies.

On the other hand you can see this as quite cynical. We provide Russia with the money for the war but at the same time we are too hesitant on giving Ukraine the help they deserve. I think Putin knows he cannot start a war against NATO now. I think Russia's army is already very weak. This is why I am a full supporter of tanks, etc for Ukraine. I am not too scared about WW3.

I think the vast majortiy of countries on earth think Germany is exposed as a hypocrite with this policy. What is your opinion? Is there anyone who understands why Germany is doing that? Do you think some countries are secretly in favor of importing resources but just hope Germany gets the blame for it?
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Germany and France have failed Europe, they have failed Western civilisation, and they have failed humankind.

An EU led by its strongest economy (Germany) and its strongest military (France) has been found woefully lacking when it comes to defending Europe, European values, Western civilisation and humankind itself.

I'm so glad the Brits saw the EU for what it is, a hypocritical Franco-German superstate, and got the hell out while they could.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson just visited Kyiv and promised even more help in defending Ukraine from the barbaric Russian war criminal invaders. As for Germany and France, they still believe in shamelessly appeasing the genocidal Russkie dictator Poo-tin.

France's Macron and Germany's Scholz are the modern day Neville Chamberlains who are appeasing a bloodthirsty genocidal mass-murderer in the form of Poo-tin.

The predecessors of Macron and Scholz were even worse than them. We all know it was Sarkozy and Schröder who shamelessly blocked Ukraine and Georgia from joining NATO. Shameless Schröder is Poo-tin's primary lackey in Europe who still continues to head Russkie Gazprom. Merkel and Hollande were just as bad as Sarkozy and Schröder. It was former East German commie Merkel who ensured that Germany became completely dependent on Russkie energy. Shame on these German and French politicians!

The respect I had for Germany and France has gone down badly.

My respect for Poland and the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania is higher than it ever was! Poles and the Baltic peoples have not forgotten how evil Russkie imperialism is, how barbaric genocidal Russkie invaders & occupiers are, and how wrong it is to appease a bloodthirsty Muscovite mass-murderer like Poo-tin.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and others like Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia & Slovenia are small countries and they may not be able to lead Europe.

Poland can! 🇵🇱 Poland should take leadership of the EU by sidelining Germany and France with the help of smaller countries of the EU.

Poland has always played a crucial role in defending Europe and European values from barbaric, genocidal invaders. They're doing so again, despite not being the strongest member of the EU now.

Poles have emerged as the natural leaders of Europe. It would be advisable for the spineless Germans & French to step aside and let Poles take control of the EU! Humankind would be much better off if Poland leads Europe against the barbaric Muscovite war criminals.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Germans are silly to be afraid of nuclear energy. France has fifty-six nuclear power plants & produces 70% of its electricity in them. Macron has announced a vast program to build fourteen new nuclear reactors. :haha: Finland has five of them & one more is planned, to take the nuclear contribution to 60% of electricity. China is supposedly going to build 150 nuclear reactors by the 2030s. :ahhha:

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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Didn't Elon Musk draw up plans for around 3 off shore, under water 'fans' that would be enough to fuel most of the western world? My memory of it is quite vague but I remember thinking it was a good idea at the time that was essentially quashed because it would put a lot of buisness out of action. Namely oil. Anyone remember this or have more details than my vague flakey memory?
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
Of course it is selfish. Putin is a murderer.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
that's what he does usually… for PR purposes
Yeah, you're probably right. It did seem to provide some real promise in this instance though.

In fairness the whole solar and power block thing he started running out would be pretty useful right now. Not sure it took off quite as intended at launch. I'm not a huge fan of the apple-esque nature of Tesla cars. I'm often perplexed by Musk. Lots of sullied good ideas.

Honestly I would like to see more solar put in play. Where I live the roof is a flat slab of thick concrete. In summer the concrete bakes and the property is expensive to cool as a result. The amount of energy that solar could provide would be enough for many properties in the area and would soak up and reflect a lot of the heat, saving further energy use in air conditioning. There must be so many properties like mine across countries all around the world. It just makes sense to utilise this and get money out of the pocket of tyrant murdering ass holes with a napolean complex. Not to mention the other capitalising, monopolising sharks waiting in the wings.

So back on topic, yes, it's utterly selfish to continue funding a tyrants war if you have money to invest into becoming independent of them and anyone else for that matter. It just makes sense to be independent and self sufficient. Can't see why anyone wouldn't want that regardless! With the current state of affairs alongside the climate issues we're facing it's just insane not to be looking into self sustainable power sources. Nature is offering it on a plate and we have the technology. Why wouldn't we utilise it?! Crazy!

Instead we're getting more and more nuclear power plants. We can't get rid of the waste quickly enough. Oh and wind farms which, granted do harness natural energy but they also kill massive amounts of birds and can wipe out populations as they migrate. Surely there's a better way?
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
As if Putin can't sell Russian gas, oil & coal to plenty of non-Western countries... As if China & India give a crap about what he's doing in Ukraine...
Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
As if Putin can't sell Russian gas, oil & coal to plenty of non-Western countries... As if China & India give a crap about what he's doing in Ukraine...

China and India are uncivilised countries, along with the rest of the Third World. No one gives a damn about what they do. China & India are overpopulated hellholes which have a border dispute that occasionally flares up. They can wipe themselves out with nukes for all I care.

It is important for the civilised world to stop financing Poo-tin's genocide of Ukrainians. It's important for companies from the civilised world to pull out of Russia. It's important to starve the rogue Russian Federation and its evil war criminals of the technology, products and services from civilised countries.

This is not just a diabolical, genocidal invasion of a sovereign, democratic, peace-loving Ukraine by a filthy, mafiocratic regime of Russkie war criminals and mass-murderers.

This is a war for the future of humankind between civilised countries and rogue regimes. The rogue regimes must be defeated for the good of humankind.
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Sep 29, 2021
China and India are uncivilised countries, along with the rest of the Third World. No one gives a damn about what they do. China & India are overpopulated hellholes which have a border dispute that occasionally flares up. They can wipe themselves out with nukes for all I care.

It is important for the civilised world to stop financing Poo-tin's genocide of Ukrainians. It's important for companies from the civilised world to pull out of Russia. It's important to starve the rogue Russian Federation and its evil war criminals of the technology, products and services from civilised countries.

This is not just a diabolical, genocidal invasion of a sovereign, democratic, peace-loving Ukraine by a filthy, mafiocratic regime of Russkie war criminals and mass-murderers.

This is a war for the future of humankind between civilised countries and rogue regimes. The rogue regimes must be defeated for the good of humankind.
China and India lead the entire world with products and exports to other countries. They have significant impact and may replace the US role in the future.

Indian and Chinese people don't deserve to be wiped out with nukes
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Indian and Chinese people don't deserve to be wiped out with nukes

I didn't suggest they be wiped out with nukes.

China & India have a long disputed border which sees occasional flare-ups and fights. The two went to war in 1962 over the disputed boundary. A future war over this cannot be ruled out.

If another war breaks out between the two, it may go nuclear, and they could wipe each other out with nukes.

China and India lead the entire world with products and exports to other countries. They have significant impact and may replace the US role in the future.

Having populations of over 1.2 billion people each do not make China and India civilised countries.

China is run by a rogue commie regime that's a grave threat to the future of humankind. Winnie the Pooh (PRC's dictator-for-life Xi Jinping) is committing genocide on ethnic Uighurs, and he is dreaming of invading democratic, peaceful, civilised Taiwan and committing genocide on the free Taiwanese people. He has not abandoned, but has merely postponed his invasion plans for now.

Commie China wants to replace free America as the leader of the world. Such a horrific scenario would take humankind backward by several centuries, and should be prevented at all costs!

India is better than China, being a pseudo-democracy like many other Third World countries. However, India is much poorer than China, its infrastructure is much worse, and its industrial base is much smaller. The rise of Hindu fundamentalists in India who target religious minorities is a very worrying sign, though.

India can be useful to the civilised world in containing a rogue commie China. India can play a positive role for the advancement of humankind by transforming itself into a genuine liberal democracy and joining the civilised world in tackling the Chinese threat.

Everyone very much gives a damn about what China & India do...

They shouldn't!

Fear of China moving in to occupy the space vacated by civilised countries in trade with Russia is just stupid!

Let rogue Russia be taken over by commie China, who cares?

It should be clear to everyone that the genocidal regimes of Russia and China share the same diabolical values that are so abhorrent & extremely disgusting to civilised humans.

If Russia wants to become a larger North Korea, why should the civilised world attempt to stop that from happening? If Russians are willing to become North Koreans because they love their genocidal dictator-for-life Poo-tin so much, why should others prevent that?

As for India, it is at a crossroads. They can either join the civilised world in confronting the rogue regimes, or they can continue to appease Poo-tin shamelessly. Once China virtually colonises Russia, the latter course will come to a certain dead end. The choice is theirs to make.
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