In your opinion, are most people bad?

  • Yes, most of them are bad

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • No, most of them are good

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • I'm neutral

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • I'm unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My feelings about it are mixed

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.4%

  • Total voters


If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I voted "other", because it's not most people who are bad, we are all bad. Not everyone is equally bad, some people are worse than others. But just the fact of inhabiting this world makes us bad, because we are directly and indirectly exploiting other beings for our own sake.
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Jun 13, 2023
bad as in purposely malicious or accidentally malicious?

i'd say that most people have their ethical code clearly defined.

most people don't do harm on purpose, and considering the subject of this forum and the high amount of people who have voted that most are bad, i assume that its due to the cheesy comments like "suicide is a permanent solution to a termporary problem" and other cheesy comments, or being dismissive of suicidal ideation.

these people are not purposely being malicious, but they are still doing something bad.

purposefully, no. accidentally, yes.

it all depends on how you see the world my bretherin


Apr 13, 2023
bad as in purposely malicious or accidentally malicious?

i'd say that most people have their ethical code clearly defined.

most people don't do harm on purpose, and considering the subject of this forum and the high amount of people who have voted that most are bad, i assume that its due to the cheesy comments like "suicide is a permanent solution to a termporary problem" and other cheesy comments, or being dismissive of suicidal ideation.

these people are not purposely being malicious, but they are still doing something bad.

purposefully, no. accidentally, yes.

it all depends on how you see the world my bretherin
I'm not really sure. I left the question vaug

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
bad as in purposely malicious or accidentally malicious?

i'd say that most people have their ethical code clearly defined.

most people don't do harm on purpose, and considering the subject of this forum and the high amount of people who have voted that most are bad, i assume that its due to the cheesy comments like "suicide is a permanent solution to a termporary problem" and other cheesy comments, or being dismissive of suicidal ideation.

these people are not purposely being malicious, but they are still doing something bad.

purposefully, no. accidentally, yes.

it all depends on how you see the world my bretherin

I think a lot of people here have come across far worse people than 'do-gooder' pro-lifers! A lot of anger is focussed on pro-lifers here because they stand in the way of what a lot of people here want.

I imagine many people here have encountered abuse/ bullying at some point. That may be the REASON they got to this point in the first place. When I think of 'bad' people- it's not pro-lifers that come to mind. For the most part- they mean well. I think more of the narcissists/ sociopaths/ psychopaths out there that have really damaged people's lives.

Still- there's of course the question of whether people are just 'bad' or- if they got that way out of reaction to their own awful circumstances. I don't know really.
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Jun 27, 2023
I think most people think they are good. And they end up having a family and some social circle, despite how other people might think they're obnoxious. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

My father believed that everyone was bad. It was so sad. He didn't really form friendships and he only has a job because he doesn't share his smarts. People tolerate him.

I don't want to go down that same path of hermitical sadness.
I'd rather trust too much than not trust at all

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I doubt any one person is all good or- all bad. It's a personal perspective as well. Some people may be supremely confident which people may view as a good quality- others may see that as arrogance and bad.

I'm REALLY not sure to be honest. I think the majority of us are supremely selfish definitely. I definitly think some of our worse qualities tend to be tempered by cultural customs like being polite and helping others. I wonder just how we'd behave if we weren't taught to respect one another.

I guess I lean more towards the expectation for everyone to be unreliable at the very least. Which isn't exactly evil but- not good either. I guess I just think most people will be good if they think it will benefit them. Then- it maybe comes down to their conscience as to HOW bad they allow themselves to be.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Depends on what we mean by "good". If we're using Aristotle's meaning... depends on the society. Many societies pump out brutes focused on pleasure/utility. Chock full of mental viruses, bosses & cops keeping them from attaining intellectual/moral virtues necessary to be good

In most societies I know: most people are bad. Because they're not good. Those enablers on the fence: might as well be bad

But there's possible exceptions, which help people flourish into being good & noble
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God may judge, but his sins outnumber your own.
Nov 19, 2022
I think it's a mix of inherent personality and neurology as well as environment. Ability to experience empathy varies by person, but neuroplasticity can modulate it for a bit. But there is still a significant baseline for every individual whether they get to "practice" using that part of their brain or not.

Even a decent person may not be able to relate to the problems of those who have to deal with incredibly different lives. For example, those born into the upper class, uber wealthy are painfully unaware of the realities of the stress the lower class faces, from my encounters with them.
Many weren't even necessarily looking down on them, it was just something they'd never had to think about (partly because deep down they know it'd disadvantage them); Kind of like how the average person doesn't know the intricate details of the distress the animals we eat went through, just that we know they had it rough.

I don't think it's an inherent case of sadism for that many people, it's just everyone trying to survive in the only way they know: A species that is inherently codependent.
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Jun 30, 2023
Most people are selfish. Most people do very little to help others if there's nothing in it for them. But most people at most only commit a few petty crimes. So on the whole I'd say I'm neutral but leaning towards people being kinda bad
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