
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah at first I want to emphasize one thing. By questioning whether children are really innocent I don't want under any circumstances justify violence against children. I experienced child abuse for more than a decade. People/ Adults who intentionally hurt children are monsters. But it is exactly this differentiation that I want to talk about. The difference here between people or adults. I want to emphasize some minors also hurt other minors.

This is the point of this thread. Children can be pretty cruel. Children hurt each other. I was bullied a lot in school. The most sick stuff happened when I was a teenager. My life was really nightmarish (and still is). At school I was extremely bullied for being obese and at home my mom beat the shit out of me every single day. Not sure whether I really mean teenagers when I am speaking about children in this thread.

It is obvious that teenagers bully each other in very horrible ways. I was an easy target. Due to chid abuse I developed OCD which was often the aim for mockery. My mom fattened me in a sick way. Everything was and is deeply cynical. On the news you sometimes hear about teenagers who rape other minors or even kill younger children. I think this is quite insane. And in my country they barely get a punishment when they are younger than 14. This is quite sick when you think about it. I think there are also a lot of psychopath teenagers around. I think many adult murderers/shooters tortured animals when they were younger. I think this is a sign whether someone will become a sociopath. But I am not an expert I think I have read this once.

I can remember in kindergarten we bullied another child. I feel really bad about it. I ask myself whether he remembers me. I think I felt really guilty even in this young age. Though I think I might have become too much of a good person after that. I did not defend myself as a teenager. But this thought is kind of toxic. It is kind of victimblaming. It could also be true that I just was way too vulnerable: I should not blame myself too much. Most people were against me. The domestic violence let me become a wreck. I had no chance against my bullies under these circumstances.

I can remember I killed once some ants when I was roundabout 8. I stopped doing that because I felt guilty. But in these moments I wanted to feel mighty. I was interested about the feeling. I wanted to feel like God who has the choice to take and give life. Yeah that sounds kind of sick. But I think I am not the only child who has ever done that. Gladly I stopped doing that after a short time.

I know even other children who did worse things. I think there was one guy who had a crush on my sister. When he was like 12 he killed myriads of slugs to impress my sister. I can remember it even in this age I found it quite sick. He killed them in a very brutal manner.

Now to the answer to the question: Are children who do something like that really innocent? I mean the animals suffer a lot. Or other minors too. I think it is quite a tough question. But I want to end with the same appeal from the start. No matter what the conclusion is it is no excuse for hurting children.


Apr 29, 2022
I think it really depends on the child and adult. Some teenagers are far more mature than adults, and some adults far more immature than teenagers. There are undeniable physical and physiological differences between them, and I think ignoring them would be dangerous and a mistake. In regards to what you said about cruelly between children, I don't really think that is an important factor. Some people across all demographics are cruel, just as many people across all demographics are kind.


and this with thee remains.
Jan 14, 2022
Kids are innocent, and therefore they sometimes do not understand what hurting someone other means, how much pain that brings, why is it bad to hurt each other, and vice versa. Imho.

Deleted member 847

Innocent children murdered a kid in my middle school, tried to asphyxiate me and set my sister's hair on fire (and also ripped her earring out of her ear)
And they're also the reason why I suffer from social anxiety disorder

There's no "innocent"

If you're alive, you'll want stuff
and inevitably you'll also want stuff that others don't (that causes them pain, and think of pain as anything that even slightly irritates you, it doesn't have to be something huge like death),
which is where the "evil" happens

I'm sincerely and wholeheartedly irritated and repelled by all human beings regardless of their age and mental capacities

It almost amazes me how we've managed to find a way to live together peacefully,
since we're so different when it comes to our sensibilities and beliefs about how life should be lived

Every time I interact with a human being in real physical space, the son of a bitch always finds a way
to limit my freedom in some way (I won't be able to wear my fedora because of him not liking fedoras or some other crap)

Don't worry about playing god with ants, they probably don't feel pain
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