
Aug 18, 2020
I watched a comedy cartoon one episode was a satire of apocalypse series. I think in the US the movement to prepare for apocalypse is bigger than in most other countries. Of course weapons are necessary for that (in the US). I think one subgroup can be called preppers. In my country quite the opposite happened. After all the wars for example most air-raid shelters are now closed. There were TV reportings that this might was a stupid idea.

Many crises are currently happening. A pandemic, wars, climate change and inflation etc. Some might think this is a sign that the world will end. There are many different theories how the world will end. Like a meteorite could hit the earth, the climate crises triggers irreversible damaging effects, a killer virus spreads, there is a war with nukes etc.

I am no expert but if I had to guess which is the most likely scenario I would say the war with nukes. The world was close to one during the cuba crises. More countries try to obtain nukes and the new nukes are even way more effective than the old ones. It is a frightening thought that their destructive power gets more and more.

Something I don't believe in is for example a zombie apocalypse. Sounds too far fetched. Another idea AI develops a consciousness and has the aim to kill humankind. But also that sounds rather like a plot for a movie.

I think there are different kind of preppers. Some seem to be a little bit too much into this apocalypse scenario. It is pretty hard to predict something like that. I would not dedicate all my energy into it. Due to the fact we cannot really say what will happen. There are so many different scenarios and the investments are often quite expensive.

I don't really think the world will end soon. There are crises but I doubt that I will experience the end of the world in my life time even if I don't kill myself in a young age.

Moreover I don't spend too much time thinking about it. If the world ends I cannot do something about it. I am not shaped for a fight of survival. I am pretty vulnerable and weak. And I am not made for this shit. Though I have to say I collect a huge amount of medication because I am scared about a crises. There are several reasons for doing that. I don't have to pay for them, they don't go bad (in my country at least 5 years) and I am not dependent on supply chains. This is my only preperation for such a crisis. But even with that. I am dependent on several different medication. In such a disastrous scenario I would go insane without them after some years.

I don't have any resources to spend on this catastrophe plan. My life is already a catastrophe. I try to calculate the most likely scenarios to prepare my daily decisions. I mostly think about variables which I can influence. I cannot really influence whether there will be a kill virus. Furthermore we would probably be all in the same boat. Okay maybe not if it is a regional war. But I don't know if a large group is affected I am at least not the only one who has to face such a tragedy.

What are thoughts on that? How do you think will the world end? And do you prepare yourself for that?
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Lone Wanderer

Jul 28, 2022
I think the world will end due to a deadly outbreak. If not then most likely a space rock.


Jan 22, 2020
My 2 theories:

-Slow decadence. -Tragedies and catastrophes (nuclear nukes, chernobyl, environmental contamination, WW III, IV, V and so, pandemics, etc), made by us (directly or indirectly) because international conflicts and inconscious goverments starts a process that ends with a wasteland as big as earth. Like we are doing now? No. Way worse. I'm not as pessimist. We aren't so bad right now. Ask me in 30 years. If i'm alive.

-Spacial tragedy. meteorite, solar flare or something like that. Low chances, but there it is.

If i had to bet, i choose the 2nd. For now, our world is shit but has future. External forces would be required for an apocalypse.
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Zirkua ata heriotza
Jun 9, 2022
I have this fantasy about world ending between 2040-2100. I think that humanity can't survive global warming or will be a massive natural disaster. And even if some survive after 2101 resources will be limited and reproduction will be a challenge for everyone, since medicine or medical services will be virtually extinguished.


╰━≪ - ≫─╯
Nov 22, 2022
humans. greedy capitalism, wars, tech and AI advancement, inequality, over population. perhaps like in the movie hunger game. but in the end it all lead to war.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Our world or THE world? This world will survive without us on it. In my opinion- it would THRIVE without us... There we go- I don't have a very high opinion of humanity.

The ACTUAL world and all worlds I suppose may well end in 22 billion years- according to scientists. It doesn't feel too likely there will be humans on it by that point- considering where we are now.

It's hard to say how it will end for us really- even a more lethal pandemic, nuclear war, climate change disaster may still leave a few pockets of humans here and there- we're just about everywhere after all. I suppose it would just depend on how well they adapted and propogated the new world as to whether our race would survive. We are pretty good at surviving and adapting.

For total annihilation- I think either AI taking over- maybe even aliens or some kind of planetary collision- like a comet/asteroid- like with the dinosaurs. Something more global that we wouldn't be able to adapt quickly enough to- or- hide in our bunkers for long enough to outlast.

As for preparation- I have my SN if world war 3 breaks out. I'd much rather go on my terms. If it looks like the end of our world is more distant than my lifetime- then, I'm afraid it's up to future generations to deal with. I GREATLY pitty them but I'm just glad it won't be my offspring suffering. So my solution is: have your CTB method prepared and don't have children... Oh- and stock up on canned goods maybe. 😆
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