Seeing my friends, spending time with them. My friends matter more to me than anything- I'm ruled by love. I'm also a bit of a hedonist who grew up deeply poor, so material things and pleasure are pretty much the only other things. I want to buy more clothes, experiment with waistcoats and long white skirts. Get new combat boots, I wrecked my current ones wearing them at my dishwashing job. Elaborate bone earrings from my favorite taxidermy shop. A new perfume that smells like the forest. And I want to try cooking vegetables a bit differently, I wish to experiment with asparagus. Buy a March Violets vinyl. Drink drink drink whiskey and cider every day, it turns me into a tolerable person. Gorge on my gourmet edibles. Dance in the rain and lie in the grass the morning after when it's turned cold and faintly damp. Continue having a great deal of sex. Be alone in a forest. Kiss somebody in the snow. Write some more. Get my own apartment, a small humble one with green plates and houseplants, and blankets and pillows and candles everywhere so people feel comfortable. The apartment thing is my biggest hope, but so laughably unrealistic in my city's economy. Of course I'm borderline, so I can type all 200 words of that and then be huffing N two weeks from now.