

Can't mistakey if not awakey
Jun 29, 2019
Hello, friends. I'm just wondering if anyone here has an official diagnosis (not self diagnosed) of Anti-Social Personality Disorder (Dissocial in the UK). This could be on it's own, traits or comorbid with another disorder. When/where were you diagnosed? How does it manifest and what were the first signs? What are you relationships like with others? Myself- I have a diagnosis of BPD and Mixed Personality Disorder (traits from other Cluster B Personality Disorders).

NOTE: I'm looking to engage people who have this particular diagnosis, not people who have had a negative experience with a person with this disorder. If you'd like to share your negative experience, please start your own thread.

Thank you kindly.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
Multiple psychologists said that I had traits seen in people with ASPD but could not officially diagnose me because I was under 18 at the time. However, that was thought to be more of a trauma response by another psychologist who officially diagnosed me with PTSD years later. I was also diagnosed with autism, which might explain things.

I was abused severely as a kid and learned pretty early on to lie. I got into a lot of fights at school and had behavioral issues. I was a victim of bullying but I also did some excessive things to people in retaliation and have ended up causing serious harm. Teachers fucking hated me and so did other kids. I also stole stuff, binge drank, vandalized property, etc. When I was 18, I ran away and became a stripper. I'm glad that I don't dance anymore but I have no regrets at all. I've always been drawn toward jobs that require some degree of sangfroid, which is why I decided to go into emergency medical services. Relationships have always been incredibly difficult for me but that's due to my huge caboodle of mental health fuckery and not because of antisocial traits per se.

I can see why more than 1 psychologist said that I have traits that are commonly seen in people with ASPD. However, I genuinely am capable of empathy. I have autism and severe PTSD. That's not the same as ASPD.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
Aren't people with ASPD capable of having high cognitive empathy (though, I'd imagine that their affective empathy is low)?
My cognitive empathy is pretty high for sure. However, I do think that my affective empathy is on the lower side, but that would make me more suitable to work in fast paced and high stress jobs where I'm interacting with patients. It means that I can understand how they feel, and act appropriately, but without having my own judgement affected by someone else's emotions.

Empathy is on a spectrum rather than black and white. And at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what my exact diagnosis is, because what I'm doing with my life at the moment is clearly steering me in the right direction.

I apologize for not being very articulate but I'm absolutely exhausted from my responsibilities.


Can't mistakey if not awakey
Jun 29, 2019
Multiple psychologists said that I had traits seen in people with ASPD but could not officially diagnose me because I was under 18 at the time. However, that was thought to be more of a trauma response by another psychologist who officially diagnosed me with PTSD years later. I was also diagnosed with autism, which might explain things.

I was abused severely as a kid and learned pretty early on to lie. I got into a lot of fights at school and had behavioral issues. I was a victim of bullying but I also did some excessive things to people in retaliation and have ended up causing serious harm. Teachers fucking hated me and so did other kids. I also stole stuff, binge drank, vandalized property, etc. When I was 18, I ran away and became a stripper. I'm glad that I don't dance anymore but I have no regrets at all. I've always been drawn toward jobs that require some degree of sangfroid, which is why I decided to go into emergency medical services. Relationships have always been incredibly difficult for me but that's due to my huge caboodle of mental health fuckery and not because of antisocial traits per se.

I can see why more than 1 psychologist said that I have traits that are commonly seen in people with ASPD. However, I genuinely am capable of empathy. I have autism and severe PTSD. That's not the same as ASPD.
Thanks for sharing, friend. To be diagnosed with ASPD, there has to be a history of conduct disorder before the age of 15. If you are under 18, this is what it will be diagnosed as. So it makes sense that they thought that, however- it was pretty unprofessional of them sharing it with you, especially since they weren't totally sure. I'm glad you finally got some clarity.

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