

F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I used to be spiritual for less than a year after leaving religion. Then I left spirituality. How about you?
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Jan 5, 2020
I am religious
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm religious and spiritual. But not in the way that I go to church every Sunday or follow strict practices. I just have my own beliefs and follow my own principles or path.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I'm fascinated by religions but my faith is my own homemade deal. I don't know if "spiritual" is the right term for it. I believe there's reason to aspire, to thank and praise, to remain open.
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Deleted member 13227

Deleted member 13227

Good night
Dec 21, 2019
I was religious and somewhat spiritual before because was born and raised muslim.
Mark Edward

Mark Edward

Jan 19, 2019
I'm not all that religious, but spiritual, yes I like to think so.


Dec 20, 2019
tricky question, but i get what you're trying to say because the thread title explains my thought process perfectly. i still kind of have a hard time discerning between religion and spirituality because i was raised a christian. now i'm an "agnostic alltheist" (a term i coined). i'm skeptical of organized religion because it can be cult-like and some bad things have happened because of it, but i do believe some sort of higher power or deity exists. hope that makes sense!


Dec 26, 2019
I used to be spiritual for less than a year after leaving religion. Then I left spirituality. How about you?
I am very spiritual but I detest Churchianity. Since I got this inoperable brain tumour, I feel and see things before they happen. It's a fucking curse. And I see/feel that pain of strangers on the street. It's draining.


M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
I have my moral values, ethics which I use to decide if doing something is wrong on right and a lot of it is probably based on my religion.

Following a religion never made a lot of sense to me why someone who has the ultimate power to do anything needs us miserable humans. I don't know if I making any sense it's complicated.


Jan 12, 2020
Also knowing the world revolves around frequency. I've had cruel people go by and bug my home with "voices".
My ex had his tablet charging and I could hear things, I said who is this and "jack the ripper" came out .
I feel sick. In Albert Einsteins words spirituality must uphold tech. I got rid of my tele, smart phone etc for a year and wouldn't use internet but then going back to my ex after a breakdown (I was gang raped) he somehow knew about it. Like a spy! At his the place is bugged out to fuck.
He knows how to use mine control and hypnosis too. He has my children's voices in his phone but he can change words in it. It's sickening what they do with it today.
Working out "codes" to people's minds too. He threatened suicide in front of my children. Has said some really weird shit. His voice has the same frequency as mine too. I thought he was a 'twin flame ' but now I'm thinking evil twin. I tried telling him spirituality does exist because between 2018 up until past 2 months I was seeing 11:11 everywhere everyday. And had some made energy thing, felt excited and eccentric. Singing all the time, felt free. Full of life. I felt dead inside after getting knocked out and raped. I feel dirty, I hate myself, mainly the ones who did it but I fucking feel violated. As a woman out bodies are sacred but I hate mine right now. I hate men who think it's okay to make a woman unconscious before launching an attack on her!!! No love in that!
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Jan 4, 2020
I am a Pagan Spiritualist, believe in mother earth and the afterlife etc.
One time I was religious for a time, kept having more and more questions which had no answers to and the hypocrisy and dogma didn't sit well with me.
So these days am spiritual and its part of my life although sadly when very very low, its hard to get any comfort from, which for me is very upsetting.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I consider myself spiritual and I rejected Religion, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Science and Mankind a long time ago.
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Going Blue
Dec 9, 2019
Also knowing the world revolves around frequency. I've had cruel people go by and bug my home with "voices".
My ex had his tablet charging and I could hear things, I said who is this and "jack the ripper" came out .
I feel sick. In Albert Einsteins words spirituality must uphold tech. I got rid of my tele, smart phone etc for a year and wouldn't use internet but then going back to my ex after a breakdown (I was gang raped) he somehow knew about it. Like a spy! At his the place is bugged out to fuck.
He knows how to use mine control and hypnosis too. He has my children's voices in his phone but he can change words in it. It's sickening what they do with it today.
Working out "codes" to people's minds too. He threatened suicide in front of my children. Has said some really weird shit. His voice has the same frequency as mine too. I thought he was a 'twin flame ' but now I'm thinking evil twin. I tried telling him spirituality does exist because between 2018 up until past 2 months I was seeing 11:11 everywhere everyday. And had some made energy thing, felt excited and eccentric. Singing all the time, felt free. Full of life. I felt dead inside after getting knocked out and raped. I feel dirty, I hate myself, mainly the ones who did it but I fucking feel violated. As a woman out bodies are sacred but I hate mine right now. I hate men who think it's okay to make a woman unconscious before launching an attack on her!!! No love in that!
11:11 is a powerful connection to other lands that are invisible to earthlings, only through death do we leave this prison planet and venture to these lands . Keep seeking 11:11 and enjoy .
Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I used to be religious, but after learning it's a farce I'm just spiritual. I'm not fond of religion, especially the Abrahamic ones.
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Remember being able to move?
Jan 18, 2020
Its very difficult to imagine there being an afterlife. Considering how conscious experience is connected to the brain and how said experience reflects chemical changes in the brain.
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
I'd think in comparison to a "higher power", a "process" to me sounds more right. I'm not religious at all, but I've always had this idea that when you die you somewhat reincarnate, but in like a parallel universe or something, maybe as a different person, but your weird/scary lucid dreams are experiences from the last guy that died "with your conscious" type of thing, not sure if that makes sense? Lol. Idk I've heard some say birthmarks are where they were killed in a previous life or some shit, kinda along that general concept I suppose.
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Finis Autem Spero

Finis Autem Spero

Dec 30, 2019
I was raised Christian, but I loved reading about mythology from other cultures and that got me questioning who decided that Jesus was the one true god and ended up being athiest. I've had spiritual experiences from shrooms (some where I thought I was literally a god :pfff:) and I've always appreciated animistic beliefs as it feels to me that it's more appreciation for the world around us that nourishes us rather than a list of rules to follow in order to get into heaven. Only rule that matters is don't be a dick, but that's because kindness is better for everyone, not as a karmic currency.

Part of me would love there to be some higher being out there rather than just what we see, but I think that's just wishful thinking on my part.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I consider myself an atheist and while I can't prove that there isn't a god, I also don't claim that there is a god. I personally don't believe in god or unexplainable miracles. Oftenly, I clash with religious people when it comes to proof, evidence, and beliefs. Nowadays, I do my best to avoid such conflicts as they are not constructive nor helpful towards my goals and values.


May 18, 2019
11:11 is a powerful connection to other lands that are invisible to earthlings, only through death do we leave this prison planet and venture to these lands. Keep seeking 11:11 and enjoy .
11 has always been my lucky number ever since I was very very young. I have always counted to 11 before doing things etc, it's interesting now that it seems to have become very 'popular' as a spiritual number. I don't really know much about what the number is supposed to mean, as like I said, I liked it before it was 'cool'
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Sep 9, 2019
The natural world brings out my spirituality. I've sometimes referred to it as "my church". And through that I've managed to feel somewhat connected to a greater thing, the universe. Never people. I am a non-believer regarding religion, a process that began independently when I was maybe 5 or 6.
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Nov 11, 2018
For me always had interest in spirituality, gnosis. I'm a truth seeker and dived down every "conspiracy" rabbit hole I could find all my life. Research and spiritual ponderings has been an intrinsic part of my life. I also see the repeating numbers like others mentioned, all of them but 33, 3.33 by far the most.


Better to reign in hell...
Mar 3, 2023
I tried spirituality and I was religious (buddhist) at some point but have left both.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't like a lot of elements of official religion. In that regard- I try to lean towards aetheism. I do have a spiritual bent though. I had relatives who were very spiritual and I suppose the romantic side of my nature likes the magic of it.


Aug 11, 2022
I used to find a lot of comfort in spiritual practices, and I still believe in a good deal of it, but I no longer find that I have time or energy to practice.