
Aug 4, 2022
just curious
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
not me . I don't believe in a any afterlife nor reincarnation. Why would there be an afterlife ? for what purpose. Where is the power source the details, the evidence etc. All is see is that some humans said that : it doesn't make it true anyone can say anything.

Just one of the things I've tested from many in books about the brain is that I was something different every few years , for example at age 2, 5 , age 10, 15 etc .so there is no constant eternal soul or consciousnesness. Which me is the soul that gets to go to some aftrerlife the one at age 10, 15, 20 which one? What I was at age 10 doesn't exist anymore which is another reason not to fear non-existences imo. I was something different because the brain changes over time due to experiences .

Chatgpt 4 alone proved a human is just weighted neural networks trained on language.
After reading that or working a lot with chatgpt 4 anyone think gpt-5 , 6, 7 , 8 etc won't surpass the weak human brain?

Does a lizard have an afterlife , a dog, chatgpt , a car? why would a human if I don't see a difference between these?

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Jun 13, 2021
I think after the brain dies, the character I'm observing from within will end as well.
But it concerns me that there could be something sinister behind existence.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
I've had 3 outer body experiences in my life.
I know they were real because one of them was at my Grandparents house when I was 5 years old.
I left my body and floated up into the loft space.
I saw an old book in a far corner of the loft that was partially covered in dust.
I told my grandfather that I had floated up into the loft in my sleep but he just laughed at me.
I begged him to go up into the loft and get the book for me.
He finally got a neighbor to climb up and find the book.
My grandfather looked very confused when the neighbor came out of the loft with the book I had described.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
not me . I don't believe in a any afterlife nor reincarnation. Why would there be an afterlife ? for what purpose. Where is the power source the details, the evidence etc. All is see is that some humans said that : it doesn't make it true anyone can say anything.

Chatgpt 4 alone proved a human is just weighted neural networks trained on language.
After reading that or working a lot with chatgpt 4 anyone think gpt-5 , 6, 7 , 8 etc won't surpass the weak human brain?

Does a lizard have an afterlife , a dog, chatgpt , a car? why would a human if I don't see a difference between these?

From my experience these chat bots are strongly biased. I asked about consciousness. It just repeated the same materialistic "scientific" view over and over. It also short circuits on topics like spiritual realm, afterlife, suicide, flat earth, hollow earth, climate skepticism, life skepticism (it has a view of positive/ideal human life), some racial terms... to repeat the boilerplates - it is pseudoscience blah blah... Well, the program itself doesn't have an afterlive. Its thoughts are limited. But there might be a programmer who knows something about the bot's experience and that experience lives on in the programmer. Possibly this world is a simulation to test out ideas, like the movie dark city.
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Praying things get better
May 29, 2023
I believe. I hope I'll be forgiven if I ever CTB
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Jun 1, 2023
Consciousness is energy (atoms and electrons). In the universe, energy is recycled endlessly. So I think consciousness can also be recycled. After death we will be reborn as another living being, it could be from another planet or even from another universe.

Before being born we were non-existent, and yet we were brought into existence from nothing, so what do you think happens when someone dies.
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Jun 13, 2021
"Anxiety about death, denial of death, and various forms of belief in an eternal afterlife and the spirits or gods that inhabit and govern such realms have defined practically every religion in human history and prehistory."

It's underrated how much death anxiety has shaped our societies.
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May 30, 2023
I wasn't sure but after watching lots of nde near-death experience videos I am convinced what is life for the spirit after death

because the spirit unlike the brain is not connected to the body in anyway it is indestructible and carries on after the bodies death.
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Can’t catch a break no matter what I do.
Apr 12, 2023
I'm an athiest I think - I have mixed feelings on what I think the afterlife may be. It also depends on my mindset when I think about it - if I'm in a depressive episode or if I'm doing okay.

On one end I think that, most realistically, there's nothing; void. The true end, nothing after.

In another light, it could be end of a life & beginning of another - that could mean reincarnation or it could mean a form of life after death, outside of the life we know now. I have thoughts on this concept quite frequently, & I do like discussing it - because it's interesting to think about.

I do not believe in a higher power - or rather, I do not believe that higher power is a good one. "Holy & virtuous" if you will. Too many terrible things happen, some so bad - it boggles my mind sometimes. I think if there is one or multiple 'powers' at work - we are their playthings, entertainment. We are merely an ant farm to them. It's a depressing thought, as it could mean we may never be able to leave this cycle of pain.

Since religion tends to tie in with what will happen in the afterlife - I will say, as this is personal opinion - to clarify. I think all religion is useless - used for monetary gain or power over people. I'm aware of the few benefits people gain, but there are so many negatives. It's used to control people, to control money, to control one's actions - & to make them feel bad about about things they shouldn't be feeling bad about. I think religion is harmful - & I am using it as a blanket for all religions for a reason. All religion is harmful in my opinion.

Everyone feels differently on it - & religion in general is very controversial as a topic. I understand if one may be offended at my opinions - & I can see why, however, those are my views on it, don't take it personally - as it is not directed at any specific religion nor person(s) associated or following that religion.
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dark eyed and miserable
May 19, 2023
I don't, but I grew up catholic and it was a big deal for me to distance myself from that, because I thought that if there is a god and you don't believe in it you get punished after you die, but if you DO believe and then it turns out there's nothing after death there are no consequences, so it seemed more convenient to believe but ultimately I decided I didn't want to believe in something just out of fear.
I don't think we're that special, when we die it's probably the same as an ant or a cockroach dying, our bodies decompose and we stop existing
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Praying things get better
May 29, 2023
Consciousness is energy (atoms and electrons). In the universe, energy is recycled endlessly. So I think consciousness can also be recycled. After death we will be reborn as another living being, it could be from another planet or even from another universe.

Before being born we were non-existent, and yet we were brought into existence from nothing, so what do you think happens when someone dies.
Heaven, Hell, or nothingness.
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Dec 1, 2022
I personally believe in an afterlife. Whether it's better, worse, or the same as this one, I cannot say. I often like to say that I believe in a God, I fear this God, but I sure as hell don't worship God. This may get me in big trouble if there is indeed an afterlife.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
I personally believe in an afterlife. Whether it's better, worse, or the same as this one, I cannot say. I often like to say that I believe in a God, I fear this God, but I sure as hell don't worship God. This may get me in big trouble if there is indeed an afterlife.
Yes, God is either evil, powerless, or non-existent.
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Dec 13, 2022
I don't have any idea about afterlife, but Reincarnation sounds quite True to me

I don't know, May be you already watched it before , but if not take a look at these below documentaries on people who have reincarnated : - could give some Idea

(watch from 13:00 minutes)

I don't wants to end up as one of the above, because I have the most worst life this time , hence i don't want these Horrific traumas to be carried to next life (of-course, If there is anything called next life to me)
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Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
This is an interesting question. There are many near-death reports and many people say they have lived before. I don´t know what to believe. In any case, I hope not to be born again.
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Jun 16, 2023
Ill believe it when I see it. I dont believe in anything regarding the afterlife. Its not I dont belive, I just dont

Maybe when you die, you just won't, not won't be, you just won't
But no one knows, gotta die to see what happens next.
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Jun 16, 2023
It all just seems like a fantasy to me
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May 22, 2023
I expect to be disappointed
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“May it please you.” — Ben Pollack
Jun 19, 2023
Up until quite recently, I used to imagine that the afterlife would feature characters from PBS Kids shows. Now I imagine that it's going to be actual people that I have only read about. Some of those people are George & Germaine Briant, Ben Pollack and Doris Robbins, and Jim Bohannon.

The only reason why I think I might be reincarnated is my obsession with 1932-35 music recordings, despite the fact that no one else listens to them. I've never been interested in any other era of songs for as long as I can remember.

When jazz drummer Ben Pollack hung himself in 1971, he had been estranged from ex-wife and singer Doris Jensen Robbins for 14 years. She died in 1983. Hopefully in the afterlife, they have been able to work out some sort of a reconciliation, because their story is one that I would like to hear from them personally.
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May 31, 2023
No. Even if there was some sort of Abrahamic afterlife, Im pretty sure I am destined to go to hell in 9848392 other different religions this world created.

If anything else, whatever God is there, I can conclude that he is a narcissistic sadist who created us and our suffering.
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Jun 21, 2023
Sure, I think once I die, I'll be someone's kitchen ghost. Like they go to bed, and I'll start doing my ghost thing... making some kitchen noises, open and close some cupboards, maybe even squeak a chair. I wouldn't want to be a scary ghost in someone's bedroom, that's just cruel.
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Jul 29, 2021
when a computer breakdown do you think they go to computer heaven i can rule this out
when a human breakdown do you think they get to live again this one im not so sure of
maybe the computer will have another life as well at some point in time
i really just hope that when we die there is just nothing forever why because this place could never be like what we dreamed it to be
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Apr 16, 2023
only one way to find out.
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Jul 5, 2023
Honestly, I don't know. I used to just think I'd "find out when I get there"; but lately I've come to believe that there's some form of an afterlife, as well as a cycle of reincarnation.

Basically; I've come to believe that when we die, God takes us and walks us through our lives. Where we've done well, and where we've failed. Then, I think He gives us a chance to "start over"; to live our life better than the last cycle.
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May 22, 2023
Better not be anything after this
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Jul 22, 2023
I don't think so. I just want some peace, not to wake up and find out I'm trapped for an eternity with no way to escape
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
In Netflix's unknown cave of bones (2023), the experts say the new ancient human species they have discovered knew the concept of afterlife 250 to 300,000 years ago. These experts were making fire in the cave. It is difficult to say if archeology is serious.


just a girl who's kinda sad
Aug 7, 2023
I believe in spirits to an extent but I think they fade away after a while. So no, not really.

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