

Jan 21, 2023
So I have multiple disabilities (autism, chronic pain, DID) and the DID (I think I have partial DID but we're not sure yet , my psychologist takes time with this) made it hard lately. I have my plans for CTB in more than a year, but am trying to find ways to not have to CTB. However, one of my alter wants to hurt me (it often shows in self harm, she's been doing that for years), and lately another one just feels extremely depressed and wants to CTB.
Does anyone here have experience with that? I'd really need help to get her to feel better because I don't want to die yet.
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I stay in my power
Aug 20, 2020
I am so sorry, I cant help you. But I write you, because no one do it at the moment. That sounds really difficult. Do your psychologists know how sad and depressed she is? It touch my soul to hear how good you try to care for her. I really hope, you can help her!!
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Jan 4, 2022
Sadly, I know what you are talking about. I do not have DID, but I do have parts (IFS style parts) and one of them wants to hurt me. Treating this part with compassion helps. I suggest doing this with a therapist, though, there is probably a lot of difficult material held by this part, you might not want to approach them while you are alone. Also, check out https://integralguide.com/50+Perman...Therapy/šŸ’”+The+6+Fs+of+Internal+Family+Systems . This is a useful guide for parts work.

I hope you can treat yourself kindly, eventually!
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
My system has decided on suicide as an acceptable way to move forward if our life gets bad enough (which is likely but hasn't happened yet - March at the earliest.) we have an alter who wants to die much sooner & impulsively, instead of following our plans and timeline. We rely a lot on written communication. She has different handwriting which I recognize and sometimes she signs her typed messages.

She feels pain intensely and feels the need to escape it. We try to prevent her from getting triggered, so we cut off the worst sources of stress, emotional and physical. I no longer talk to my family or get too close to my parents' neighborhood. I have a restricted diet because I have gastroparesis and a lot of foods cause problems for me. It took a lot of work (journaling and therapy) for us to understand the external sources of pain and connect them to how we all feel.

We acknowledge her pain and remind her that we DO have a plan to end our life. We set up barriers to prevent impulsively doing so. Our chosen method is incomplete, we have the hard to obtain part but to be successful it requires driving to a store to buy something, so I have to be sober & since we only have one car, I can't go buy that thing when my gf isn't home. We let her cry and scream when we're home alone. We use drugs for multiple reasons, preventing her from attempting is one of them. We finally got medical marijuana and edibles this week; I'm hoping that helps so I don't have to do harder drugs as often.

I don't know how to make her feel better but I am trying to prevent her from feeling like the rest of our life will be miserable, by avoiding pain when it's in my control and assuring her we have a peaceful way out to use before we end up homeless.
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dissociated angel.
Jul 8, 2023
hi, i think i have DID and i have PTSD.

i have an alter who hurts me. one night he (his name is bitch, don't ask me why) took the largest knife we had and aimed it towards my heart and another alter took over and stopped us from CTB.

it's a struggle really.
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Feb 1, 2023
DID guy here. Converse more logically and positively w/ ur personalities. It may help
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disheveled cuss
Jul 11, 2023
So I have multiple disabilities (autism, chronic pain, DID) and the DID (I think I have partial DID but we're not sure yet , my psychologist takes time with this) made it hard lately. I have my plans for CTB in more than a year, but am trying to find ways to not have to CTB. However, one of my alter wants to hurt me (it often shows in self harm, she's been doing that for years), and lately another one just feels extremely depressed and wants to CTB.
Does anyone here have experience with that? I'd really need help to get her to feel better because I don't want to die yet.
while i do not have DID, my mother and a former partner do. it's always very hard if one of your alters is deep in disgust of an ally or even yourself because you basically can't trust it. the best approach is not to bargain, but to explain. if the majority are in unison or agreement enough, then you should be able to convince them. if not, they have a minority share and the rest should work against them.
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Wondering Waevern
Sep 19, 2023
hi, i think i have DID and i have PTSD.

i have an alter who hurts me. one night he (his name is bitch, don't ask me why) took the largest knife we had and aimed it towards my heart and another alter took over and stopped us from CTB.

it's a struggle really.
The traumatised alters man, its real rough on them, hope you guys worked something out, also love that profile image the show was super good. maybe you guys can tryb and work out a system in the system as rules as to what to do in certain situations, rules for certain alters if they are going against the majority.. stuff like that.
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dissociated angel.
Jul 8, 2023
The traumatised alters man, its real rough on them, hope you guys worked something out, also love that profile image the show was super good. maybe you guys can tryb and work out a system in the system as rules as to what to do in certain situations, rules for certain alters if they are going against the majority.. stuff like that.
yeah, i feel really bad for them because some of them are just "stuck" in their pain/trauma, or they put on a brave face for me. i feel so selfish bc i have no role in my system. my role is just "existing," but yet most of them are willing to help me out. i mean i kinda wanna cry because i feel like i don't deserve this kind of help. but one of them would just say, "don't be stupid, you deserve everything."

and yeah, i should make rules. i think one of my alters did, though i forget. i guess we haven't switched out until extremely recently, but yeah. these are all good ideas!
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(She/He/They) The void will claim us all
May 4, 2023
I can relate alot to that alter cause I'm that alter for our system I hate myself I sh I wanna ctb in our system alters who are a danger to the body and other people were put under watch by another alter I know not all systems are able to do that if you wanna chat feel free to pm us

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