

death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
in my past all things which used to make me happy and give my life a meaning got ripped apart from me. i'm not exaggerating, each thing has been ripped of me and now im left with nothing but pain and people that judge me, make fun of me, while i'm already in pain, how cruel is this fucking world..
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
Hi I'm with you on that point and I'm sorry to hear you're suffering too. I've now been at crisis point for so long that I am looking for method to ctb. I am so done wth life's death, and rather just have death now.
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Aug 27, 2020
The lower u are on the "power" ladder, the harder it is to go up. People just come rushing over you
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Aug 15, 2020
Definitely can relate. It feels like my entire life has been deliberately sabotaged by the universe.
The second my life begins to improve somehow, immediately there are extraneous circumstances that ruin everything. There's always some great injustice done to me, and I can't help it.
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
The lower u are on the "power" ladder, the harder it is to go up. People just come rushing over you

So true this point. Thank you for putting it into words.
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Aug 8, 2020
Definitely! I wouldn't call it Universe or God, etc., it most certainly is just self-sabotage because of all the shitty life experiences and traumas some of us had to endure. And there's no answer to the question "why me?!" unfortunately.
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Aug 22, 2020
Definitely! I wouldn't call it Universe or God, etc., it most certainly is just self-sabotage because of all the shitty life experiences and traumas some of us had to endure. And there's no answer to the question "why me?!" unfortunately.

OP said that things "got ripped apart from me". That didn't sound like self-sabotage at all.
I do know about self-sabotage because I've done it to myself often enough; but I also know about having things "ripped apart from me" because that's happened to me too & that's nothing to do with self-sabotage it's when other people (or circumstances or whatever) come in & destroy things & you have absolutely no control over that.

Sorry that has happened to you _Minsk
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Aug 8, 2020
That didn't sound like self-sabotage at all.
Of course it didn't. I was referring to the title of the post, not the content. What I mean is the things like these later in life lead to self-sabotage because there's nothing but memories and feelings of powerlessness and injustice so you just stop believing in yourself. Thought it was clear.


Aug 22, 2020
Of course it didn't. I was referring to the title of the post, not the content. What I mean is the things like these later in life lead to self-sabotage because there's nothing but memories and feelings of powerlessness and injustice so you just stop believing in yourself. Thought it was clear.

Sorry timetogonow, I misunderstood what you meant.
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Hablo español
Aug 9, 2020
Definitely can relate. It feels like my entire life has been deliberately sabotaged by the universe.
The second my life begins to improve somehow, immediately there are extraneous circumstances that ruin everything. There's always some great injustice done to me, and I can't help it.
Just experienced that lots of times.
A couple of hours ago it happened last time. My phone was on, my mum called me and something strange happened but telephone acted like it was off. It was on and there was signal. When I came back to home we had discussion due she thought my phone was off. It was on.
What happened? Just mistery...


Aug 17, 2020
yes, just recently a girl I have been talking to for a while and started to see these past few weeks recently told me that she doesn't want to see me anymore, and what hurts even more she is already seeing someone else. she is outside enjoying social life and the outdoors while as usual I'm stuck inside the house. she like everyone else doesn't know how much I'm hurting. no one knows I even exist or what I'm going through. I hate this world, wish I was never born.


Hablo español
Aug 9, 2020
Definitely! I wouldn't call it Universe or God, etc., it most certainly is just self-sabotage because of all the shitty life experiences and traumas some of us had to endure. And there's no answer to the question "why me?!" unfortunately.
Lots of strange things have happened to me.

Of course, you ask... why me?
I have not answer.


Jul 19, 2020
I had a spiritual awakening in Jan-March, I trusted someone deeply against my better judgment but I was losing stability and needed help, it was my dad's fiancée now wife, long story short she made me believe I was sick and manipulated me into getting treatment… I went to the hospital and they injected me with antipsychotics, I was overdosed and never needed it in the first place, now I have extreme brain damage possibly dementia, I get headaches all day can't finish my degree or work, read or watch TV, don't have a personality or interests, "self" part of brain is gone, can't hold a conversation, not functioning at all and she laughs at me, I think she was threatened by me and set out to destroy me, I feel so stupid for letting this happen but I was vulnerable and weak. I feel like I was in a delicate state processing trauma and growing / leveling up and I got slammed, should have kept my gifts hidden and kept my head down and I would have been safe


Welcome to hell on Earth
Aug 28, 2020
Definitely yes, and it has been going on my hole life


Mental anguish..no more please.
Oct 3, 2019
This year has been my third beeaking point for the past 9 years where I had to get myself out of the crappy situations I was/am and I refuse to keep trying. It only gets worse and it's so tiring to have the same thoughts all the time torturing what's left of my late beautiful mind ( I had such great imagination where I could even touch the objects I interacted with and felt people and a memory of an elephant and that was gone 9 years ago.

Besides to be complaining for nothing but to foul one's own nest.....you try to change something and it only ends worse than it was before( particularly and in general) .
I am probably seen like a lazy and crazy person but know that I'm not (lazy , crazy somehow) I gave up already and let it all go for once and for good.