Yes, but at the same time I know I couldn't have done it any other way. It is now, at 44 years old, that I am perhaps more ready to do all the things that I was supposed to have done when I was young but for which I did not show any kind of interest. Interest that has awakened me now, precisely now that I am in a situation of physical and mental wear and tear that prevents me from enjoying what I love most.
The problem is that at my age, and without any previous experience in anything other than work and study, it becomes very difficult to want to do according to what things, since you are as if out of sync with the people around you... and you can't ask the people around you to please make the effort to act like we're still in our teens and learning how to relate.
Many things are taken for granted and I am very lost.
I find it very difficult to find the balance of it all and throwing yourself into the pool without knowing how to swim and hoping to learn on the go is very risky and too easy for it to go wrong.. and yet it doesn't I have no choice but to do it, throw myself into it and try to learn as I go while being careful not to drown. It's very distressing.
But I think I need to quickly learn how to do these things and stop regretting having lost the opportunity to do it in easier times, because now is when the opportunity and the desire to do it presents itself.
In reality, there is nothing left for me and I have nothing to lose to take a risk, because in truth I am only stopped by fear, pure fear. But if I do nothing I have a lot to lose, my life after all, and I don't feel like it.
Si, però alhora se que no ho podía haber fet d'una altre manera. Es ara, amb 44 anys, que potser estic més preparat per fer tot allò que se suposa que hauría d'haver fet quan era jove però pel que no vaig mostrar cap tipus d'interés. Interés que se m'ha despertat ara, precisament ara que estic en una situació de desgast físic i mental que m'impedeix gaudir d'allò que mes m'estimo.
El problema es que a la meva edat, i sense cap tipus d'experiència previa en res més que treballar i estudiar, es fa molt difícil voler fer segons quines coses, ja que estàs com desincronitzat amb la gent del teu voltant... i no pots demanar a la gent del teu voltant que si us plau faci l'esforç de fer com si encara fossim a l'adolescència i estiguessim aprenent a relacionar-nos.
Es donen moltes coses per sabudes i jo vaig molt perdut.
Se'm fa molt difícil trobar l'equilibri de tot plegat i llençar-te a la piscina sense saber nadar amb l'esperança d'aprendre sobre la marxa es molt arriscat i massa fàcil de que surti malament.. i així i tot no tinc més remei que fer-ho, llençar-m'hi de ple i intentar aprendre sobre la marxa mentre's miro de no ofegar-me. És molt angoixant.
Però crec que necessito aprendre depressa a fer aquestes coses i deixar de lamentar-me per haver perdut l'oportunitat de fer-ho en époques més fàcils, doncs es ara quan s'em presenta la oportunitat i el desig de fer-ho.
En realitat ja no em queda rés i no tinc res a perdre per arriscar-me, doncs en veritat només m'atura la por, la pura por. Però si no faig res si que tinc molt a perdre, la meva vida al cap i a la fí, i no em dona la gana.