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Apr 25, 2024
I'm going to sound lazy (maybe I am a bit), but I just can't possibly accept the idea that we literally spend more time at work than at home. I mean, we have 8-9 hours shifts every day of the week. Let's say we spend 1 hour going to work cause everyone goes to work at the same time mostly (traffic jams), and spend 1 hour to get home, because AGAIN, everyone leaves work at the same time. That's easily around 11 hours outside of home (unless you work at a site close to where you live or work from home).

I just think it's bullshit, we wake up every day, with anxiety, then spend half the day out of home, come back with 12 hours available for ourselves, 8 or more of those hours are spent sleeping. If you sleep less and spend more time doing things you enjoy then you get sleep deprivation, which gives you more anxiety.

How can so many people be ok with this? I don't mind working to get money but how is this so-called life exciting in any way? Having the exact same routine: wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

Things wouldn't be so bad if at least I felt good with myself or didn't have this horrible anxiety following me. I think life is empty for the most part.

I know this sounds like a venting, but I put this in the discussion category because I want to see your opinions.
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May 11, 2024
I'm going to sound lazy (maybe I am a bit), but I just can't possibly accept the idea that we literally spend more time at work than at home. I mean, we have 8-9 hours shifts every day of the week. Let's say we spend 1 hour going to work cause everyone goes to work at the same time mostly (traffic jams), and spend 1 hour to get home, because AGAIN, everyone leaves work at the same time. That's easily around 11 hours outside of home (unless you work at a site close to where you live or work from home).

I just think it's bullshit, we wake up every day, with anxiety, then spend half the day out of home, come back with 12 hours available for ourselves, 8 or more of those hours are spent sleeping. If you sleep less and spend more time doing things you enjoy then you get sleep deprivation, which gives you more anxiety.

How can so many people be ok with this? I don't mind working to get money but how is this so-called life exciting in any way? Having the exact same routine: wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

Things wouldn't be so bad if at least I felt good with myself or didn't have this horrible anxiety following me. I think life is empty for the most part.

I know this sounds like a venting, but I put this in the discussion category because I want to see your opinions.
Yup and then you get to retire when you're old and too tired to enjoy life anyway and then die! Yayyyy!
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Jun 2, 2024
Completely agree, it's come down to my ability to beat down the rising panic I have simply existing, knowing my money is fucked, the job market is fucked, I don't see anything improving and I refuse to kiss ass to eat. Been there, over it, even as I panic send out resumes and research ctb in the meantime.
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Apr 25, 2024
Yup and then you get to retire when you're old and too tired to enjoy life anyway and then die! Yayyyy!
For real, fuck everything. Kinda wish I was a born in a rich family, and attractive. One can dream...
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May 16, 2024
😂👍 I think about that alot too! Our entire lives spent getting up, going to work, sleep, repeat. Constant day in, day out, over and over, til we hit like 70, then we can rest and die.. very few are lucky enough to be able to not work, or at least enough money for occasional vacations and what not, but for most of us its the "daily grind" think all that stress, its a miracle not more people are depressed. And alot of it goes to the government, the rest to bills and house, and cars so its a vicious cycle..
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Jan 1, 2024
Yep and then they bring kids into the world that they barely get to see cause they are always at work and then their kids get to look forward to working their life away to
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Sep 15, 2023
Slavery never ended, it only evolved. Now get back to your cagie worker No.6147895972 and contribute to the society, or we'll make you starve to death on the streets.

Go reproduce while you are at it so we can easily replace you, once you are dead and useless, by your offsprings whom we'll hold in big rooms of labourer factories since their early childhood and program them to become obedient workers, just like you!

Thanks for keeping the cycle alive. As a reward, you can buy new shiny things such as black boxes to stare into while you are laying on the couch exhausted from your slavery contracts, with no time left for anything else. You can distract yourself by consuming various orchestrated contents so you stay brainwashed enough to believe that it's not too bad.

And if you keep doing this long enough, you'll receive all the freedom to enjoy your few bucks from pension in cozy retirement home, because you are way too weak and wrinkely to be productive enough for us at this point.

Have fun!
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Jul 23, 2022
That's why people devote so much time, money, and energy to education and strive to have careers that they generally enjoy.
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Serial Experi Pain

Serial Experi Pain

I hate me more :P
Sep 12, 2023
No... You aren't wrong. It should never be this complicated. It's fucking ridiculous how many thigs we have to worry about in order to "survive"... I'm really tired of it. It's truly exhausting.
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All goes to waste.
Apr 8, 2023
you spend upwards of two decades stressing over school, then around four extra decades slaving away at a job you don't care for, just to get a handful of years of retirement if you're lucky. The system is made to benefit the 1% and keep them wealthy
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Sit and stay
Oct 7, 2023
Absolutely agree that it is bullshit. What's considered normal, functional day-to-day human life is a large factor of why I want to CTB. I feel so much dread when I stop distracting myself for a moment and remember that I work 45-50 hours a week > so that I can afford rent and bills and food > so that I have a place to sleep and maintain my body > so that I can go to work > rinse and repeat every single week.

It's absolutely insane to me that this is just how things are and people are okay and fulfilled with it. Like some cruel joke.
Even since I was a child I'd see something horrible on the news or there would be some kind of violence in the area. But combined with being in school learning about how incredible nature is and how beautiful the world can be, day trips to the redwood forest in my area- I've consistently had the thought that this might be hell.

Thousands experiencing homelessness and cruelty and war and violence and depression, people are overworked and underpaid, I'll likely never own a home because of the cost of living, but there's also the beauty of the natural world around us....that's being destroyed for profit. Nature is something city folks have to like, have a day off and the energy and resources to go TO.
I feel trapped by a system that doesn't care whether I live or die. It's so much cheaper to die.
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May 1, 2023
For real, fuck everything. Kinda wish I was a born in a rich family, and attractive. One can dream...

If this is what you want, you should create wealth and beautiful children with your attractive spouse.

People want things, but they don't appear out of thin air! :pfff:


Jun 2, 2024
I'm going to sound lazy (maybe I am a bit), but I just can't possibly accept the idea that we literally spend more time at work than at home. I mean, we have 8-9 hours shifts every day of the week. Let's say we spend 1 hour going to work cause everyone goes to work at the same time mostly (traffic jams), and spend 1 hour to get home, because AGAIN, everyone leaves work at the same time. That's easily around 11 hours outside of home (unless you work at a site close to where you live or work from home).

I just think it's bullshit, we wake up every day, with anxiety, then spend half the day out of home, come back with 12 hours available for ourselves, 8 or more of those hours are spent sleeping. If you sleep less and spend more time doing things you enjoy then you get sleep deprivation, which gives you more anxiety.

How can so many people be ok with this? I don't mind working to get money but how is this so-called life exciting in any way? Having the exact same routine: wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

Things wouldn't be so bad if at least I felt good with myself or didn't have this horrible anxiety following me. I think life is empty for the most part.

I know this sounds like a venting, but I put this in the discussion category because I want to see your opinions.
I agree which why I think this capitalistic society is bullshit. I just want an escape from all this nonsense.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes, I completely agree with you and deeply resent being brought into this. I'm marginally lucky in that I have at least gotten to pursue a job I at least used to find fulfilling. Ultimately though, I do way more than a 40 hour week. I doubt I'd get it to work without letting it just consume my life but, the alternative is even worse! And, if I complain to my Dad, he'll tell me how much worse he had it. Which- is probably true. But then- you have to think- so- you could see the reality of the situation. Yet, you still brought children here. Why would you do that?!! Why create more financial burden for yourself and complain about how much your kids cost you and why then dump that burden to financially self sustain themselves on them- when you knew how hard it was? Not that I say any of that to him.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
You're not wrong, I also find life empty and I'm working my dream job at a very good company. Everyone else seems very happy though so I'm not sure if in my case it isn't just my deeply depressed brain...

Either way, I've been trying to get more than one source of income to try and don't need my main job so much but I doubt I'll ever get to that point.

In a way I wish I was brainwashed like everyone else, ignorance is bliss and all that. Maybe I would be happy that way, maybe being brainwashed isn't that bad if it makes life more bearable, I don't know.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I think that our modern life is absolutely bs. From ever since we are around 5 years old, we have to slave away in school for around 2 decades then we have to slave away in work for around 4 to 5 decades until we then die painfully from old age and tons of diseases that have a significant chance of appearing due to old age. The average human life isn't enjoyable at all. Only the top 1% are truly living whilst the rest are merely surviving. Life isn't worth living at all for me and I won't let these brain dead pro lifers act like life is worth living for every human. I don't want to live at all and I never did to begin with... I want to escape the human experience, not be a part of it.

I will only be free and find peace once I'm dead because it's only in death where I don't have to slave away. It's only in death where I don't have to suffer. It's only in death where I can finally be in complete inertia like how I wished to be from day 1
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Mar 25, 2023
I find it total BS. I remember seeing someone make the argument that we spend our own life to live our own life and I think it's pretty accurate. Spending our life would be working as it's not doing the things we want to do (living our life) and the to live our own life part would be being forced to work if you want to have basic necessities. There are exceptions but generally this is how it goes. I don't want to even live my own life so why would I want to be apart of the cycle?

I remember seeing a reddit post on how much suicide costs the economy in the UK and apparently it's because of lost labor. It feels very dystopian to me and makes me wonder if suicide prevention efforts are motivated by the economic loss.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Everyday human life is bullshit. It's fucked and cucked. This world is literally absurd. It's evil that we all are born into and exist in a state of modern day slavery. Life itself is also slavery. Society is inherently predatory and exploitative and we are all exploited for our work, labor and productivity. We are born to be human capital and resources, wageslaves slaving away to make our bosses richer. We are born to be workers, consumers, and taxpayers. I'm surprised that no one has tried to rebel or go against this. People submit to modern day slavery and work their lives away (just to die in the end). They work for their whole lives, 50 years spent slaving away just to survive.

I'd rather die now to bypass working. The end result is the same. We will all die anyways, so why work away your life? Everyone dies, it's a fact of life. I don't see any point in putting in useless work and effort (becoming a wageslave) just to reach the same fate and end (death) as those who didn't put in the effort (Neets). For me, everything is about the least amount of work and effort for maximum gain and reward. Wageslavery is cucked because it's effort for little to no reward.

Why do people just submit to the system without putting up a fight? They willingly become slaves to the system. Me? I'll defy the system until my death. I'm a rebel by nature. It's NEET or rope for me. I also see no point in becoming a wagie. I don't see any merit to work or contributing to society
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"It's all just a dream"
Oct 26, 2019
I don't know I'm honestly new to the everyday human life. I'm 35 years old and just now really starting to work. I've lived on the streets off and on since I was about 23/24 years old. From 23/24 it was the streets or rehabs for me. I worked for a little bit prior to this but I never really held anything down for a super long time. I honestly don't think it's too bad. Albeit I don't pay a lot of bills at the moment but I don't make much at all either. I live at home with my parent and have only lived on my own once at the age of 22. TBH I think I'm just happy that I don't have to panhandle/beg people for money on the streets anymore and that I have an actual roof over my head. The streets were pretty bad I guess...I mean it sucks having to go to libraries to have a place to try to get from being outside or get some AC. There were other places I went to as well but it's not the same as actually being in a dwelling. When I get a better job someday and a car/move out maybe then I'll complain more. But yea... the routine is kinda sketch but that's why people go to school to have higher paying jobs so they can do more I guess.
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Apr 25, 2024
I don't know I'm honestly new to the everyday human life. I'm 35 years old and just now really starting to work. I've lived on the streets off and on since I was about 23/24 years old. From 23/24 it was the streets or rehabs for me. I worked for a little bit prior to this but I never really held anything down for a super long time. I honestly don't think it's too bad. Albeit I don't pay a lot of bills at the moment but I don't make much at all either. I live at home with my parent and have only lived on my own once at the age of 22. TBH I think I'm just happy that I don't have to panhandle/beg people for money on the streets anymore and that I have an actual roof over my head. The streets were pretty bad I guess...I mean it sucks having to go to libraries to have a place to try to get from being outside or get some AC. There were other places I went to as well but it's not the same as actually being in a dwelling. When I get a better job someday and a car/move out maybe then I'll complain more. But yea... the routine is kinda sketch but that's why people go to school to have higher paying jobs so they can do more I guess.
Good to hear that you are in a better situation now bro/sis. Just to clarify, don't let my comments make you feel bad about what you have. If you are satisfied with what you have and what you do, by all means keep doing it. We all have different mental states so obviously all of us don't feel the same. Wish you the best.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
God forbid you criticize the system, then you are labelled defective and a problem needing to be "fixed". We've collectively fed into this sadomasochistic apparatus governing our day-to-day lives and turn a blind eye to any dissenting opinion because the consequences are so damning, so terrifyingly alienating, that it's simply not fucking worth it. You have to subject yourself to hours of strenuous, mind-numbing labour for laughable compensation and you have to smile to the suits higher up, knowing full well that the barrel of a gun is pointed at your head at all times. Your well-being never mattered, and should you dare express any discomfort, they make it clear to you that their finger is resting on the trigger, their sights lined up, like vultures feasting their eyes on carrion. Anything to make the shareholders happy, after all. You must convince with your life that you're irreplaceable (lol), an impactful asset worthy of their hard-earned capital, and the extenuating circumstances—genuine they may be—will not impede your unwavering dedication to their cause. Grovel, if you have to.

The Faustian bargain we have allowed ourselves to fall prey to is just... appalling. Mental health has been on a steep decline for the past few decades as work slowly creeps into every facet of our waking lives, to the point of ritualistic obsession. It's not uncommon for at least one in ten of your peers to suffer some form(s) of work-based physical and/or mental affliction(s), and it's distressing that a not-so-insignificant chunk of this statistic hesitate to address their ailments, choosing silently to compound their issues down the line instead. How can you blame them? They are terrified of the labels. Defect. Deficient. Ersatz. Failure. Replaceable. These scars will never leave them and they will spread, fester, and rot. Those who express great psychological distress (e.g. attempted suicide), for instance, are less likely to receive promotions, are met with fewer career opportunities (good luck trying to get into the States), and will almost always be viewed and met with distrust.

We are swiftly accelerating towards feudalistic capitalism—a modern day l'Ancien Régime. We will zealously toil in our labour, consequences be damned. We will humble ourselves and accept meager accommodation, only to die in debt. But hey, at least the billionaires and the shareholders are happy, right?
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