Sep 2, 2018
I do,oh so very much. Its been a huge source of misery for me all throughout my life. I don't know if I'll end up feeling the same about work once I'm done with college(or if...nothing is a guarantee),but I really wish for it to just fucking end ASAP.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
No but college yes bullied everyday got threatened
To have my head bashed in by a spade and got sand thrown into my eyes
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Aug 25, 2018
For me it ended ten years ago but I feel you. I hated every second of it. Not just the bullying - Teachers were awful. The building was dirty. Classmates were annoying and stupid. I never learned anything there. It was a waste of time. I learned more reading at home tbh. I hope it ends soon for you.
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Aug 5, 2018
I do,oh so very much. Its been a huge source of misery for me all throughout my life. I don't know if I'll end up feeling the same about work once I'm done with college(or if...nothing is a guarantee),but I really wish for it to just fucking end ASAP.
Yes, same here.
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Sep 2, 2018
No but college yes bullied everyday got threatened
To have my head bashed in by a spade and got sand thrown into my eyes
Its been the opposite case for me. pre-college was when I had to regularly deal with bullies and assholes. They were certainly the most miserable days of my life...But on the bright side,I did get a happy ending out of it,by beating the hell and serving justice against the biggest bully of the school. Here's the account of it:
(I'm RedKryptonite)
The dude's no longer an asshole(as far as I can tell),but I remain very proud of what I did on that day. One of the few memories I can look back to with a stupid smile on my face.

Now that I'm here in college,I no longer deal with these problems...unfortunately,I still have to deal with study work. Studying boring shit I ain't (yeah,I know "ain't" is improper. I don't care,I'm using it)interested in. Makes me wanna pull my hair out.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Its been the opposite case for me. pre-college was when I had to regularly deal with bullies and assholes. They were certainly the most miserable days of my life...But on the bright side,I did get a happy ending out of it,by beating the hell and serving justice against the biggest bully of the school. Here's the account of it:
(I'm RedKryptonite)
The dude's no longer an asshole(as far as I can tell),but I remain very proud of what I did on that day. One of the few memories I can look back to with a stupid smile on my face.

Now that I'm here in college,I no longer deal with these problems...unfortunately,I still have to deal with study work. Studying boring shit I ain't (yeah,I know "ain't" is improper. I don't care,I'm using it)interested in. Makes me wanna pull my hair out.
That was a really interesting read strange reaction from him though
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Aug 20, 2018
yeah, i think the constant bullying in high school and college fucked me up. why the system is wired like this, beats me... not like i learned jack shit either...
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Some part of me wishes they just hit me with the spade I wouldn't of resisted
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Sep 2, 2018
That was a really interesting read strange reaction from him though
According to Marc(the self-defense instructor I was talking to),its apparently a common reaction to extreme fear. I've seen it happen in anime and movies(people laughing hysterically in horror)but never knew it was a real-life thing too. I do know plenty of people laugh inside horror movie theaters though.
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Sep 2, 2018
Some part of me wishes they just hit me with the spade I wouldn't of resisted
I feel the same about the time I got appendicitis. I was in EXTREME physical pain,but I've been told if it were left long enough,my colon(?)would have burst and poisoned my blood resulting in my death.

How long that would have taken though,I don't know. Dying from that might have just been a prolonged agonizing death,so I guess I'm still kinda glad I was operated on in the hospital. I at least got a taste of Morphine. (An opioid,same class as heroin but weaker if I'm not mistaken)
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Sep 2, 2018
yeah, i think the constant bullying in high school and college fucked me up. why the system is wired like this, beats me... not like i learned jack shit either...
Ever heard of Sudbury Schools? I really wish I got enrolled in one as a child. Not only would I likely have learned more(because you're free to pursue topics you're actually interested in),but I almost certainly would have had a much happier childhood as the community in such schools is much nicer. (at least from what I've heard)
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Sep 1, 2018
I despise high school but not community college or 4 years college. I have one year of high school left but I am not going to wait that long and I have a ton of other reasons why I want to CTB.
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Sep 2, 2018
I despise high school but not community college or 4 years college. I have one year of high school left but I am not going to wait that long and I have a ton of other reasons why I want to CTB.
Good luck man. Its certainly a way better bus to catch than the one towards school.

I better go play my video games now,hopefully it'll wash down this awful mood I'm in from today's classes. See you all later.
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Jun 26, 2018
Yup, I always did because it felt like prison.
The schooling system in my country is absolutely awful, it doesn't teach anything even remotely useful. The teachers are mostly losers who got their degree but then couldn't find a better job. The students are a bunch of retarded monkeys, for the most part.

I think school does a lot of harm, especially to those who don't quite fit in.
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I don't know how to express all this correctly.


I think burning flames explain very well how I felt. They burn, consume and eventually killed me. Exactly as school does.
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Aug 25, 2018
I do,oh so very much. Its been a huge source of misery for me all throughout my life. I don't know if I'll end up feeling the same about work once I'm done with college(or if...nothing is a guarantee),but I really wish for it to just fucking end ASAP.
being a wage slave will be just as miserable sadly. it really is a tragic state of affairs in the world we live in.
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Sep 1, 2018
Yup, I always did because it felt like prison.
The schooling system in my country is absolutely awful, it doesn't teach anything even remotely useful. The teachers are mostly losers who got their degree but then couldn't find a better job. The students are a bunch of retarded monkeys, for the most part.

I think school does a lot of harm, especially to those who don't quite fit in.

I don't know if you live in the US but I will throw in some of my dimes with the schooling system:

School starting time: Most schools start way too early. My school schedule for instance, starts around 6:30 and since most teens sleep around midnight, they just get sleep deprived for the whole day.

TOO MUCH PRESSURE: This is perhaps one of my reasons for wanting to CTB, there is too much pressure on students. Yes I agree our academics may not be as great as other countries but when you have someone who can barely sleep due to mental issues and can't even study for some tests. The pressure is too much.

School to Prison Pipeline: Simple stuff like fighting at school gets you straight into juvie or even prison and as a result, you will have a criminal record along the way and are more likely to commit a crime again. This can all be avoided with a visit to a principals office like in the old days.

Mental counseling: It is trash, I would say it is basically the school's version of the suicide hotline.

Grades: The way some schools penalize students for having bad grades just irks me in some ways. You see, many of them tend to just impose punishments on you rather than looking at the root of the problem.

Absences: This is one of my biggest pet peeves, have one or two absences because you have a job to help pay for your family economical problems? You're as bad as that juvenile who as over 50 absences. To make matters worse, the school can FINE your family because you had unexcused absences.

Besides all of this, I think the students (well at least my classmates) are nice as long as you don't do something fucking stupid. But I would understand those that had to drop out due to the problems they faced at school.

And that is my pathetic little rant.
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Sep 1, 2018
I don't know if you live in the US but I will throw in some of my dimes with the schooling system:

School starting time: Most schools start way too early. My school schedule for instance, starts around 6:30 and since most teens sleep around midnight, they just get sleep deprived for the whole day.

TOO MUCH PRESSURE: This is perhaps one of my reasons for wanting to CTB, there is too much pressure on students. Yes I agree our academics may not be as great as other countries but when you have someone who can barely sleep due to mental issues and can't even study for some tests. The pressure is too much.

School to Prison Pipeline: Simple stuff like fighting at school gets you straight into juvie or even prison and as a result, you will have a criminal record along the way and are more likely to commit a crime again. This can all be avoided with a visit to a principals office like in the old days.

Mental counseling: It is trash, I would say it is basically the school's version of the suicide hotline.

Grades: The way some schools penalize students for having bad grades just irks me in some ways. You see, many of them tend to just impose punishments on you rather than looking at the root of the problem.

Absences: This is one of my biggest pet peeves, have one or two absences because you have a job to help pay for your family economical problems? You're as bad as that juvenile who as over 50 absences. To make matters worse, the school can FINE your family because you had unexcused absences.

Besides all of this, I think the students (well at least my classmates) are nice as long as you don't do something fucking stupid. But I would understand those that had to drop out due to the problems they faced at school.

And that is my pathetic little rant.
I went to high school in America and it was HORRIBLE. If you came 1 minute late into a class there was some automatic number that called your parents informing them about this. I didn't fit in anywhere and couldn't find any friends. My grades dropped and you couldn't even leave the school property if ill to go home. There was some nurse's office where you had to wait the rest of the day until school was out. I spent 2-3 hours doing homework every day that was boring and repetitive and I didn't learn anything. People made fun of me in classes and it was like being in a prison.
I was so happy to be back in my country where I found friends again and learned so much more than in America. And there was no automatic number calling my parents and I could leave school property if sick.
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Sep 1, 2018
I went to high school in America and it was HORRIBLE. If you came 1 minute late into a class there was some automatic number that called your parents informing them about this. I didn't fit in anywhere and couldn't find any friends. My grades dropped and you couldn't even leave the school property if ill to go home. There was some nurse's office where you had to wait the rest of the day until school was out. I spent 2-3 hours doing homework every day that was boring and repetitive and I didn't learn anything. People made fun of me in classes and it was like being in a prison.
I was so happy to be back in my country where I found friends again and learned so much more than in America. And there was no automatic number calling my parents and I could leave school property if sick.

Oh, I'm sorry you had to go through that, not all schools are that harsh. But in my school, if you were even a second late to the 1st period of your schedule. You get a nice detention. No excuses are accepted even if you brought your parent in unless you have a doctors note.
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Sep 1, 2018
Oh, I'm sorry you had to go through that, not all schools are that harsh. But in my school, if you were even a second late to the 1st period of your schedule. You get a nice detention. No excuses are accepted even if you brought your parent in unless you have a doctors note.

I also landed myself in detention for finishing a text when coming into class.
All in all, it was a horrible experience (was there only for 4 months) and I was so happy to come back to Europe and finish school where I was. I found amazing friends during my school experience back home and those times were the happiest in my life.
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Sep 1, 2018
I also landed myself in detention for finishing a text when coming into class.
All in all, it was a horrible experience (was there only for 4 months) and I was so happy to come back to Europe and finish school where I was. I found amazing friends during my school experience back home and those times were the happiest in my life.

Must be really nice, but yeah, you get a lot of freedom in college in the US. I do have just one year left of high school (technically less than a year). But I'm not going to let college be the reason for me to skip the bus when I have a lot of other problems in my life.
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Sep 1, 2018
Must be really nice, but yeah, you get a lot of freedom in college in the US. I do have just one year left of high school (technically less than a year). But I'm not going to let college be the reason for me to skip the bus when I have a lot of other problems in my life.
I would really recommend college, it is so much better than high school and you can always catch the bus later.
I am 27 now and can tell you that life holds so much more than the high school experience.
But it is up to you.
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