Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
I ride unicycles and juggle, when I was a kid I'd unicycle to school ahaha! Being a kid makes you not care at all. Last day of school I hopped it off a bridge with people backflipping on either side (into water), it looked bizarre in the photos. I can play some musical instruments but not bad at drawing either (more like manga /comic book stuff), I know some Japanese, but only hirigana not kanji (I always wanted to go there). Anyone got anything odd they can do? or funny or anything?
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Aug 9, 2019
I can whistle really well.
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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
When i was younger a lot younger LOL i could pop my shoulders out of they sockets. When i was at school got me out of PE a few times LOL all so could bend my elbows back a good 20 to 30 degrees .
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Dogs absolutely adore me for some reason.

I can detect sarcasm over the internet.

I can wiggle my left ear (just the left). I used to do it in meetings at work to freak people out.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I used to have really good handwriting, in Chinese as well as English. Never quite perfected my Hebrew handwriting.

I'm excellent at hearing music, in a way that not every musician can. I know when it's right. I wish there were a word for this talent.

I usually pick out the most expensive item in a shop display. A Japanese lady once told me that "ability" will serve me well someday. I'm still waiting.

@drowinginsorrowww, I recommend learning kanji. The "logic" of them makes alphabet-based minds itch but when you start to get it, it's wonderful.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I'm excellent at hearing music, in a way that not every musician can. I know when it's right. I wish there were a word for this talent.
I know what you mean. I'm the same with design. I can see when things work with colour, layout and text, I can see why paintings work how they do, I can feel how to just tweak something so it communicates its message better. It took me years to realise that everybody else doesn't see the world like this.
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Dec 28, 2019
I am very good at sewing, especially when it comes to reparing garments. Holes, missing buttons, threads that have unravelled, you name it, I can fix it.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I am very good at sewing, especially when it comes to reparing garments. Holes, missing buttons, threads that have unravelled, you name it, I can fix it.
Oh my, I am appalling at sewing. I've always tried because I think there are things everyone should know how to do and i could muddle through but wow I'm bad at it. I'm also seriously incapable of changing a duvet. Its like sorcery to me. Weird.
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
I'm good at solving Rubik's cubes and similar puzzles. I used to have a 9x9 rubiks cube that I could solve.

Eventually I lost interest, don't remember the last time I tried to solve a rubiks cube.

Depression loves to take away your interests, hobbies, and passions.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Paradoxical endurance and immortality the ability to survive as long as I do not wish to, ironically.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
My talent is also musical talent, i.e. rhythm, Melody, harmony and so on. Sadly my personality isn't very conducive to practicing so I can only play the trumpet a little bit; I used to make beats and DJ a bit but gave it up a while ago.

As for weird, maybe beatboxing if you count that as weird. I can wiggle my ears independently from one another. As a kid I could lucid dream very easily and continue dreams at will after waking up. Somehow I pick up spelling mistakes effortlessly that's why I like to proofread stuff for people sometimes. I can also wiggle my nose. Oh I can make a mouth trumpet sound that people mistake for a real trumpet. I can stay awake easier than most people can (but I guess that's just insomnia lol). And I have a natural talent for cooking somehow. At least people tell me cooking is hard for them (but I don't believe them, I think they're simply lazy). Oh I can keep plants alive. You know a lot of those abilities boil down to a minimum of attentiveness towards the task zoure engaged in.
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Dec 28, 2019
Oh my, I am appalling at sewing. I've always tried because I think there are things everyone should know how to do and i could muddle through but wow I'm bad at it. I'm also seriously incapable of changing a duvet. Its like sorcery to me. Weird.

You're so funny @Underscore - "incapable of changing a duvet". Thanks for the laugh!
My talent is also musical talent, i.e. rhythm, Melody, harmony and so on. Sadly my personality isn't very conducive to practicing so I can only play the trumpet a little bit; I used to make beats and DJ a bit but gave it up a while ago.

As for weird, maybe beatboxing if you count that as weird. I can wiggle my ears independently from one another. As a kid I could lucid dream very easily and continue dreams at will after waking up. Somehow I pick up spelling mistakes effortlessly that's why I like to proofread stuff for people sometimes. I can also wiggle my nose. Oh I can make a mouth trumpet sound that people mistake for a real trumpet. I can stay awake easier than most people can (but I guess that's just insomnia lol). And I have a natural talent for cooking somehow. At least people tell me cooking is hard for them (but I don't believe them, I think they're simply lazy). Oh I can keep plants alive. You know a lot of those abilities boil down to a minimum of attentiveness towards the task zoure engaged in.

I can't wiggle my nose, or my ears. I tried to now, when I read your post.

I would ask you to teach me, but Seneca said "wiggling non discitur", so there's no point, is there @a.n.kirillov ?
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
You're so funny @Underscore - "incapable of changing a duvet". Thanks for the laugh!
It's true! It takes me an hour and three toilet breaks and a huge amount of swearing and even tears! I don't get it; how come I can change the oil on a car, rebuild a computer and do quadratic equations in my head, but I can't change a sodding duvet. People are weird.


Dec 28, 2019
It's true! It takes me an hour and three toilet breaks and a huge amount of swearing and even tears! I don't get it; how come I can change the oil on a car, rebuild a computer and do quadratic equations in my head, but I can't change a sodding duvet. People are weird.

I would probably be able to sew you a new duvet in the time it takes you to change one.

Hang in there, buddy! Be kind to yourself. Life is hard, and changing duvets even more so. You are doing the best you can.
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
I used to have really good handwriting, in Chinese as well as English. Never quite perfected my Hebrew handwriting.

I'm excellent at hearing music, in a way that not every musician can. I know when it's right. I wish there were a word for this talent.

I usually pick out the most expensive item in a shop display. A Japanese lady once told me that "ability" will serve me well someday. I'm still waiting.

@drowinginsorrowww, I recommend learning kanji. The "logic" of them makes alphabet-based minds itch but when you start to get it, it's wonderful.
Oh my god hirigama already did that, looks like I'll have my hands full til the bus arrives!
My talent is also musical talent, i.e. rhythm, Melody, harmony and so on. Sadly my personality isn't very conducive to practicing so I can only play the trumpet a little bit; I used to make beats and DJ a bit but gave it up a while ago.

As for weird, maybe beatboxing if you count that as weird. I can wiggle my ears independently from one another. As a kid I could lucid dream very easily and continue dreams at will after waking up. Somehow I pick up spelling mistakes effortlessly that's why I like to proofread stuff for people sometimes. I can also wiggle my nose. Oh I can make a mouth trumpet sound that people mistake for a real trumpet. I can stay awake easier than most people can (but I guess that's just insomnia lol). And I have a natural talent for cooking somehow. At least people tell me cooking is hard for them (but I don't believe them, I think they're simply lazy). Oh I can keep plants alive. You know a lot of those abilities boil down to a minimum of attentiveness towards the task zoure engaged in.
Can you still do the lucid dreaming? I loved that when I was younger, its like a whole other universe you get to visit every night! I've lost it a bit but I can still 'get back' to whatever dream I was having if I want to, but it's harder to control (I have nightmares a lot, they follow the same theme; something happens, I say/do one thing and everyone around me in the dream tells me I'm wrong then either locks me away or leaves me in a place I can't leave. Oddly similar to real life)
Also how'd you wiggle your nose?! I can do the ears independently but I've been trying for hours, my nostrils just flare. No wonder my family thinks I'm weird lmao
I would probably be able to sew you a new duvet in the time it takes you to change one.

Hang in there, buddy! Be kind to yourself. Life is hard, and changing duvets even more so. You are doing the best you can.
Fantastic quote haha
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Dec 28, 2019
I have a freakishly heightened sense of smell. It's more a curse than an asset though because a lot of odors trigger my migraines or they are so offensive that they make me gag. But yeah, I can smell a dish from across the room and identify every single ingredient. Hell, I could probably smell someone's fart and tell what they ate for lunch. :tongue:
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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
I have already put sum thing on here but just remember this little thing . I used well sort of still can i can tell how long sum thing is just by looking at it . Of course its in good old feet and inches ;) could go up to 10 to 15 ft after that bit hit and miss . But below that could be with in an 8th of and inch . 12 inches of smaller could get with in a 1/32 of a inch . Dont know now tho not had my eye in on it for a long time .
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Dec 13, 2018
Having a chat about some desigion making with "badass", "dangerous", fearless and so on people, triggers to the absolute maximum their animal part involved with the survival instinct, without any kind of agression from my side. I'm not sure is this some kind of telepatic ability they have or i'm simply not that covered after all.


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I somewrites write poems and can write a long poem just in 15-20 minutes. There were some cases when I was speaking and creating poems while speaking. Also can improvise with music.
Edit: can write 1 page of novel in Word in just 12-14 minutes, can easily improvise with text
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Seawater and stardust
Dec 30, 2019
I am very good at sewing, especially when it comes to reparing garments. Holes, missing buttons, threads that have unravelled, you name it, I can fix it.
I always stab at least one finger! You can tell any garment I've worked on by the bloodstains. I have a fancy customizable doll that came nude and needs clothes, but I don't dare try . People who can make clothes for these things are in demand and can sell their work.

My talent used to be finding things around the house. My whole family are packrats, and when they couldn't remember where they put something, they asked me. Now, after we threw away a lot of stuff, I can't find the remaining stuff.
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Does procrastination count?
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Queen of the night
Dec 9, 2019
I can eat strawberries with my vagina
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Dec 20, 2019
i can write exceptionally well. essays, prose, articles, poetry... anything. i'm seriously good at it, and i didn't even know until high school. teachers kept asking me to join the literary magazine club and would constantly commend me for my written work. i became the second editor (aka the guy in charge) of all time for my school's journalism program and wrote the front page article for the annual newspaper. it was and still is considered the best front page article the school has seen.

i'm also a really good photographer. i haven't used my camera in months, though. i used to go out and take pictures when my depression wasn't as bad. now, my dslr sits in my closet and collects dust. another reason why i stopped taking photos was because i went to college without it last semester.

oh, and i love to play the guitar. i wouldn't say it's an "odd" or "weird" talent (almost everyone i know has played a stringed instrument like guitar, bass, or ukulele before) but i'm pretty good at it and the rate i've been learning it at is strangely quick. i started playing consistently when i was 12 and then stopped for 6 years. then, when i got to college last semester, i took it up again because i met some friends who were really into making music. i could only play 5 songs and maybe 3 chords (i preferred tabbing at the time) when i first met those people back in november of 2019. now, it's february and i know at least 60 songs and can play just about any chord (though i hate barre chords because my hands are really fucking tiny). i can only imagine how much more i'll improve by the end of the year!
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Ham Commander

Ham Commander

RIP in peace.
Feb 13, 2020
I can make my nose run any time I want to, I havent gotten plugged up for a couple years now because I've destroyed the inside of my face by sending powders up there at high velocity

I can eat strawberries with my vagina
Go on...
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Deleted member 14573

Feb 2, 2020
I play the violin, I dance, I code and I'm fluent in 3 languages. Nothing special in particular, but I am a very quick learner.

So I have a lot of confidence when I learn something new, whatever that may be. I've never ruled anything out of my abilities ;)
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Jan 7, 2020
For Yanks born in the 80s, driving standard is a fucking superpower. Downside: many who can are such douchebags about this non talent, I feel pressured to hide it like Clark Kent

Other than that, I turn beer into piss without getting sick.

I've hidden my current plan to make my head disappear pretty well, too :-)

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