

Mar 18, 2021
Before becoming chronically ill, I had an extremely high opinion of doctors and the medical profession in general. That was because I had barely come in contact with them, so my image of them was solely influenced by their portrayal in the media. E.g if you skip through television there is usually at least one show/ movie airing where doctors are made out to be infallible superheroes who will always do everything in their power to find out which illness the patient has and treat/cure it.

Once I fell ill over two years ago I had a rough awakening when I realized this was all a lie. I think the reason this lie is so popular is psychological: Once rationalism killed religion for good and belief in god wasn't an option for most people anymore, they needed a new way to deal with the random and unpredictable nature of life. Among other things, the doctor worship cult was born out of this desperation, so people can pretend that even if an illness befalls them (which they believe is almost impossible) there will always be a doctor helping them.

Every doctor I've seen in the past two years was either incompetent, ignorant or just a straight up asshole. My expectations quickly fell down to zero, yet I still become consistently disappointed. All they do is follow some script and if your body works differently they will start becoming dismissive about your symptoms and imply or sometimes even openly say they're psychogenic, because they cannot bring it over their egos to honestly tell you that they have no clue whats going on. Like at least half of the psych industry is just there for doctors to get rid of complicated patients. I remember hearing a radio interview a while ago where a man said he was "relieved" after finally getting a brain cancer diagnosis because they literally put him in a psych ward because they couldn't find a cause for his symptoms. I wish this was an exception, but its not.

The ideal patient for doctors is one that has an easily identifiable problem and just needs a surgery or some medicine to fix them after which they will fall to their knees and kiss their doctor's feet for healing them and letting them return to their purposeless hedonistic lifestyle. Everyone else gets fucked over.

Sorry for this childish rant, I know hate is irrational and the medical system is godawful so its not all their fault, but just seeing how society puts doctors on a pedestal despite all their failures makes me sick.
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Sep 28, 2021
I used to be hopeful that doctors could treat my ailments. They have mended my broken bones, and generally fixed any minor issues that I had to deal with.

However, this positive outlook has turned to hopeless despair as I've realized the reckless trial-and-error approach taken with psychiatric medication.

It has been a long and painful journey to realize that they struggle to treat symptoms of incurable psychiatric disorders.

They appear to have less insight than the patient regarding the effects of medication. Each doctor takes their own approach, none of which are guaranteed to be helpful.

I wish this process was a bit more objective. Given the information available about each medication, I would expect there to be a genuine strategy rather than simply following a script.

Because I deal with Bipolar Disorder I usually get pushed to take "mood stabilizers". Many of these meds were developed to prevent seizures and were experimentally found to stabilize mood. Well, they don't work for me, what's next? Antipsychotics. Great, these help me sleep but increase depression. What's next? Anti-depressants. Great, these don't work for me. What's next? A different blend of all the above.

Maybe I will just take a double-dose of SN and call it a day!
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Yes for all of the reasons you've stated. I've had to visit more doctors in that past two years than the rest of my life combined and my resentment has grown exponentially in that time.
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Sep 3, 2021
Yes I kind of dislike doctors. I have an uncle who died of cancer. He kept going to doctors for a long time complaining about a back pain, he was dismissed for a long time until the month of his death when a doctor finally figured out he had spine cancer. Or that's the story I am told anyway, I was pretty young when all that was happening.

In my own experience doctors have this tendency to be real pricks and just kind of unpleasant to even talk to even if the problem is straight forward. The profession must attract that sort of person.

I agree doctors are human and shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
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Oct 21, 2021
I used to be hopeful that doctors could treat my ailments. They have mended my broken bones, and generally fixed any minor issues that I had to deal with.

However, this positive outlook has turned to hopeless despair as I've realized the reckless trial-and-error approach taken with psychiatric medication.

It has been a long and painful journey to realize that they struggle to treat symptoms of incurable psychiatric disorders.

They appear to have less insight than the patient regarding the effects of medication. Each doctor takes their own approach, none of which are guaranteed to be helpful.

I wish this process was a bit more objective. Given the information available about each medication, I would expect there to be a genuine strategy rather than simply following a script.

Because I deal with Bipolar Disorder I usually get pushed to take "mood stabilizers". Many of these meds were developed to prevent seizures and were experimentally found to stabilize mood. Well, they don't work for me, what's next? Antipsychotics. Great, these help me sleep but increase depression. What's next? Anti-depressants. Great, these don't work for me. What's next? A different blend of all the above.

Maybe I will just take a double-dose of SN and call it a day!
I can definitely relate to that. Sometimes I feel like a human guinea pig. I'm not so sure that psychiatrists know what they're doing. "Lets try this, let's try that"...Like you, I've tried antidepressants, antipsychotics, and some mood stabilizers. It's been over 10 years on and off with long episodes of severe depression. I'm exhausted, nothing seems to help. Atm, I'm bedridden and feeling like I want to give up. I feel like my brain is a ticking bomb. The next stage is probably an early dementia from brain damage. Who wants that?
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Oct 25, 2020
Inflated egos and superiority complexes. A rare few manage to keep their compassion and are pretty competent, but the vast majority of doctors just seem jaded and unwilling to do their jobs properly.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
All doctors are motivated by money. They just want to get rid of the patient as quickly as possible. Many doctors say that physical problems are all in your head, as that would mean they would not have to do a further investigation. I never want to see a doctor again. I have heard many stories of peoples lives being ruined by psych drugs and their health is damaged.
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Nov 29, 2020
I hate doctors with all my heart. They locked me up in a psych ward twice. Fuckers. Do I feel better now? Or just brainwashed to function in this society?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I do though I feel like my mistrust of them is far more petty/biased. I went to a pretty good high school though I didn't tryhard it because I didn't plan to be a doctor. Practically everyone I saw around me who was studying to be a doctor basically just cheated their way through high school and I'm willing to bet they also cheated in college and medical school too. I can't imagine so many people actually doing medical school legitimately since it indeed looks so hard.

Even current doctors admit they use WebMD and can't know about everything they come across meaning you're fucked if you happen to come to them with the one rare illness they've never seen before and they try to cover up their lack of knowledge by instead thinking your symptoms are similar to something they are familiar with.

Worst of all, no one I've ever met who actually became a doctor actually wanted to be one for fulfilling reasons. Every doctor only became that way to please their parents, to make a shit ton of money, or both. No doctor I've encountered seemed to actually care about people's well-being, all they care about is money or having the title.
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Dec 8, 2020
I don't trust the majority of medical professionals, man. So many are lazy, incompetent assholes. As you said, they prefer patients with easy problems. Seems like the minute anything is a challenge for them (whether it's the medical issue or the patient advocating for themselves, etc) it damages their ego and….yeah. It's pretty fucking stupid.

You don't fit into their little ideal box? Guess you're the problem! -_-
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Aug 17, 2021
I don't know if I hate them. But the medical world don't know the half of the worlds deseases. They dont know jack. We are far behind in knowing all we need to know about our bodies and mind. When we one day fully understand how our bodies and mind work, maybe we can stop suffering.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I kinda like medical-themed porn.

Glove Penetration GIF
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Oct 31, 2021
They literally just follow what is written in a book.

Surgeons have pratice on invasive methods that are the only thing they understand.

The health industry keeps away from the food industry. And that is why we are all sick. They want us sick.


fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
I think all those years of schooling kind of sucks peoples' souls out, even if they were pursuing the career out of genuine altruism. And even then, not everyone who wants to be a doctor should actually be a doctor. Sometimes all they really want is status or money or a way to feel good about themselves or to not disappoint their parents.

Some people become doctors because they "want to help people" but quickly lose sight of what that means beyond whatever's written in their textbooks. The book can't teach them how to be patient, empathic, a good listener, etc. etc. so if they don't already know these things, they'll probably never learn and we end up with one more shitty doctor looking at their patients as nothing more than a list of symptoms.

I've had much better luck with nurse practitioners versus actual doctors. They basically know the same shit except they haven't spent like 10+ years getting spiritually drained by their schooling process. Not a doctor (I think it still applies though), but I know someone who said they saw a young, fresh therapist and it went great but then they came back to her a few years later and she had gotten her master's in whatever and became just another generic and mostly unhelpful therapist. There seems to be this very narrow period of time where a person knows enough to do their job but hasn't become too jaded to actually be good at it.
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Nov 11, 2021
I also agree, I don't know quite how to put it but I have very negative feelings towards doctors. None have ever helped me with any of the things I have sought help for. I think the penny really dropped when I told my doctor nearly ten years ago now that I hadn't been able to taste or smell for about a year or more and he shrugged and said "what do you expect me to do about it?". I am still trying to get this problem treated now. This is related, but I really struggle to speak to doctors particularly, but medical people in the first place (not sure if its a chicken or egg thing), to the point of it being like mutism. I physically can't speak, completely clam up. Cannot get a syllable out. Thinking about it at this moment, it's probably just a manifestation of anxiety, my throat is going funny just thinking about it, but I wanted to ask if anyone else has the same thing too or is that just me?
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Jul 14, 2021
Before becoming chronically ill, I had an extremely high opinion of doctors and the medical profession in general. That was because I had barely come in contact with them, so my image of them was solely influenced by their portrayal in the media. E.g if you skip through television there is usually at least one show/ movie airing where doctors are made out to be infallible superheroes who will always do everything in their power to find out which illness the patient has and treat/cure it.

Once I fell ill over two years ago I had a rough awakening when I realized this was all a lie. I think the reason this lie is so popular is psychological: Once rationalism killed religion for good and belief in god wasn't an option for most people anymore, they needed a new way to deal with the random and unpredictable nature of life. Among other things, the doctor worship cult was born out of this desperation, so people can pretend that even if an illness befalls them (which they believe is almost impossible) there will always be a doctor helping them.

Every doctor I've seen in the past two years was either incompetent, ignorant or just a straight up asshole. My expectations quickly fell down to zero, yet I still become consistently disappointed. All they do is follow some script and if your body works differently they will start becoming dismissive about your symptoms and imply or sometimes even openly say they're psychogenic, because they cannot bring it over their egos to honestly tell you that they have no clue whats going on. Like at least half of the psych industry is just there for doctors to get rid of complicated patients. I remember hearing a radio interview a while ago where a man said he was "relieved" after finally getting a brain cancer diagnosis because they literally put him in a psych ward because they couldn't find a cause for his symptoms. I wish this was an exception, but its not.

The ideal patient for doctors is one that has an easily identifiable problem and just needs a surgery or some medicine to fix them after which they will fall to their knees and kiss their doctor's feet for healing them and letting them return to their purposeless hedonistic lifestyle. Everyone else gets fucked over.

Sorry for this childish rant, I know hate is irrational and the medical system is godawful so its not all their fault, but just seeing how society puts doctors on a pedestal despite all their failures makes me sick.
Everything you said. Same here. People who have not been shuffled around by the medical system have no clue how severely fucked up it is. If you have anything beyond a clear cut broken leg, diabetes or high cholesterol forget it If they don't know something then it must just be a mental issue on the patients end. Ugh I despise doctors.
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Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
They're human too. They're not you so they don't fully understand what's wrong with you completely. I believe if you're not in critical condition, there's no reason to go to a physician imo. I have a doctor in the family so I can somewhat grasp what you're saying to some extent.


Jul 14, 2021
I also agree, I don't know quite how to put it but I have very negative feelings towards doctors. None have ever helped me with any of the things I have sought help for. I think the penny really dropped when I told my doctor nearly ten years ago now that I hadn't been able to taste or smell for about a year or more and he shrugged and said "what do you expect me to do about it?". I am still trying to get this problem treated now. This is related, but I really struggle to speak to doctors particularly, but medical people in the first place (not sure if its a chicken or egg thing), to the point of it being like mutism. I physically can't speak, completely clam up. Cannot get a syllable out. Thinking about it at this moment, it's probably just a manifestation of anxiety, my throat is going funny just thinking about it, but I wanted to ask if anyone else has the same thing too or is that just me?
google selective mutism. Its an anxiety disorder

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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Doctors have ruined my life since childhood. I have always been told that I should relinquish my dignity and do whatever they say. Be compliant and follow orders from medical staff no matter what.

They don't take to it kindly when you tell them no or challenge them . They think your body is their property to tamper with however they like. At some point you are no longer human to them, manifesting in their minds as some sort of liability ridden mannequin with the intelligence of a toddler.

I have ptsd from what doctors have done to me and everyone thinks I am a crybaby and a pussy for being traumatized by getting unnecessarily stripped by them against my will as a very young child on top of other things that cause my memory to become hazy. I was displaying hypersexual behavior at age 6 because of some shit doctors pulled on me.

There is genuinely no help out there if you've been scarred by the medical industry. They are revered gods who can do no wrong. I have to suffer in silence from chronic pain and physical disabilities because the medical establishment does not take invisible disabilities seriously, and their warped mindset rubs off on the ignorant public.

These people get the legal authority to withhold pain relief from people who are in genuine agony, simply because they don't want a bad rap if their patient becomes addicted to opiates. Likewise, they'd rather jump off a cliff then offer novel/experimental treatment options to people whose conditions are incurable or left them on their last legs.

It is not about helping people or making them truly feel better. This industry thrives off of stroking egos and prolonging listless states of existence, rather than genuine contentnent, at all costs.
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Nov 4, 2021
My experience is that they are very busy. They don't have time to dig deeply into one persons case. If you are in a ward, it's largely up to the nurses to provide information for the doctor. They are quick to figure out which medication may work for you. They don't necessarily know what you are really going through, especially if you don't communicate yourself well. They are often trying their best though.

I think bigger problem than doctors big egos is that the industry relies so heavily on medicine. To me it's only a small part of fixing psychological issues, and may not work a lot of the time.
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Aug 17, 2021
The medical industry don't know anything near enough about the human body and mind. Maybe in 1000 years we will have evolved to a species that can cure itself totally. Maybe kids will be born without getting to be suicidal and without deseases.

Here's hoping for an alien race coming to rescue us with their advanced technology. But I'm guessing we are lost. I now I am. I hate my human body. I hate everything about it. I don't get why we get born into suffering. It doesn't make any sense. Why being born when all we do is suffer?

I don't get it. When my parents were having sex, a million (don't know the exact number) sperm cells raced from my dad to my mom, but it was me that was born. Why didn't a healthier cell get to the finish line? Instead it was me. Full of mental and physical unstableness.

I hate it here. I really do. I've been drugging myself all these years , hoping for a better day the next day. And so on. But it just gets worse and worse. And now when I'm out of my drug abuse I've realized that I'm a total mess. Without a future. I can't see myself growing old. I have no job, no place to live, little money. No drive. A body that fucking me up. And a mind that's totally fucked up.

I just want to leave really. I gotta get the nerves to it. I want fucking out.

That was a little off topic, but that's just the way I am. Rambling about my random mind. Sorry about that.
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Jul 22, 2021
Before becoming chronically ill, I had an extremely high opinion of doctors and the medical profession in general. That was because I had barely come in contact with them, so my image of them was solely influenced by their portrayal in the media. E.g if you skip through television there is usually at least one show/ movie airing where doctors are made out to be infallible superheroes who will always do everything in their power to find out which illness the patient has and treat/cure it.

Once I fell ill over two years ago I had a rough awakening when I realized this was all a lie. I think the reason this lie is so popular is psychological: Once rationalism killed religion for good and belief in god wasn't an option for most people anymore, they needed a new way to deal with the random and unpredictable nature of life. Among other things, the doctor worship cult was born out of this desperation, so people can pretend that even if an illness befalls them (which they believe is almost impossible) there will always be a doctor helping them.

Every doctor I've seen in the past two years was either incompetent, ignorant or just a straight up asshole. My expectations quickly fell down to zero, yet I still become consistently disappointed. All they do is follow some script and if your body works differently they will start becoming dismissive about your symptoms and imply or sometimes even openly say they're psychogenic, because they cannot bring it over their egos to honestly tell you that they have no clue whats going on. Like at least half of the psych industry is just there for doctors to get rid of complicated patients. I remember hearing a radio interview a while ago where a man said he was "relieved" after finally getting a brain cancer diagnosis because they literally put him in a psych ward because they couldn't find a cause for his symptoms. I wish this was an exception, but its not.

The ideal patient for doctors is one that has an easily identifiable problem and just needs a surgery or some medicine to fix them after which they will fall to their knees and kiss their doctor's feet for healing them and letting them return to their purposeless hedonistic lifestyle. Everyone else gets fucked over.

Sorry for this childish rant, I know hate is irrational and the medical system is godawful so its not all their fault, but just seeing how society puts doctors on a pedestal despite all their failures makes me sick.
Yes. Very much. More so after how I've seen them (and nurses) treat people I know. I'm certain I have latrophobia, though it possibly more of a hatred than a fear of them.
Doctors seem to hold a disdain for treating or dealing with people with life limiting physical illnesses or mental health issues, and they treat different demographics unequally (whilst pretending they hold no hidden biases). There is so much research on this.

Moreover, in my country family doctors seem to campaign for more income whilst working fewer hours. I'm now convinced they only enter the profession for the high salary and status it affords them.
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