

Nov 5, 2022
I refused to get vaccinated for COVID. I considered it until different states/employers started mandating it though.
I just don't see the point in vaccines like COVID or the flu shot, cause the only way everybody is going to eventually stop catching it is if EVERYBODY catches it.

I was lucky enough to work all throughout COVID, but I didn't catch it until this past year when I was unemployed.

Then I had it for a month and some change... but everyone else who got vaccinated is still catching it, so I figured "wtf is the point in getting vaccinated now?"
Then I caught it again in the psych ward... which was actually a blessing in disguise, because it kept me from getting transferred around facilities for 2 months.

Anyone else here unvaccinated and unapologetic about it?
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Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
Back when I was still suicidal I refused to get vaccinated. After getting over my suicidal thoughts last November, I've been vaccinated 3 times now.

While I am able to get a fourth, I'm putting that one on hold for now, but this time for different reasons. I've been poorly with other things, and I wouldn't want a vaccination for something I never caught even before I got vaccinated somehow make me feel even worse.
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
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Dec 21, 2022
Nope, just got second booster last month.

cause the only way everybody is going to eventually stop catching it is if EVERYBODY catches it.
That isn't true.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I just don't see the point in vaccines like COVID or the flu shot, cause the only way everybody is going to eventually stop catching it is if EVERYBODY catches it.
FWIW the Covid vaccines aren't that great at preventing infection after a few months, but they are extremely effective at preventing serious illness. an infection can have lasting effects on anyone, so it's best to avoid catching it at all, but for many, the vaccine keeps them from needing to be hospitalized or having more severe long term complications.

Given the decline in healthcare availability and quality (at least in North America), preventing hospitalization is a no-brainer. I hear horror stories about ER wait times in both the US and Canada on a weekly basis nowadays.
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Dec 10, 2021
I completely understand why suicidal people would inject some unknown substance into themselves with no legal recourse for malpractice... in fact, it makes perfect sense, to me.

I've worked in factories and seen what passes for "quality control" in various sectors. lol

Yup... perfect sense.
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May 26, 2022
I did it only once because i was forced. Just like i thought it was a big mistake. For me personally that shit was poison. It ruined my health. I have never been healthy since that shit was put into my body and it was just once I cant imagine more than that. F k them health business honestly obviously not everything is as it seems when money is in hang
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Aug 9, 2019
I did it only once because i was forced. Just like i thought it was a big mistake. For me personally that shit was poison. It ruined my health. I have never been healthy since that shit was put into my body and it was just once I cant imagine more than that. F k them health business honestly obviously not everything is as it seems when money is in hang
How do you know it was the vaccine ?
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May 26, 2022
How do you know it was the vaccine ?
Because i was a healthy person, and didn't had any issues before. As soon i got it i started getting sickness and even my thyroids started to misfunction. I have never been able to recover from that big mistake.
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Aug 9, 2019
Because i was a healthy person, and didn't had any issues before. As soon i got it i started getting sickness and even my thyroids started to misfunction. I have never been able to recover from that big mistake.
It could simply be a coincidence. You need to dig deeper , the vaccine doesn't cause this as far as I know.
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Apr 19, 2022
Yes, because I want to die. However, I've had it 2 years in a row and left it untreated both times with other conditions (pneumonia last year, and being overweight this year), but sadly I am still alive.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Someone close to me was heavily against the vax. I was neutral, but slowly caught her fears too. I postponed getting it until I would have lost my job, so I said well what the hell - and got the first one. I was sick for a week with the worst headache, like my brain was pushing to come out, and I think I got heart inflammation too, coz just walking around got me breathless and sweating.
Looking back, I know my fears manifested in this outcome. Expectation is a powerful force. That's why what you fear, you can't run from.
I'm suicidal, but this is not how I want to die. Not by poisoning, not in pain, nothing hyper. I want to go in my sleep or just collapse from one moment to another. I want it to be smooth, for life was struggle enough.
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Golden Slumbers

Golden Slumbers

golden slumbers fill your eyes
Jan 23, 2023
I'm young and healthy so covid never posed any risk to me. Never got it out of spite that we were funneling public money to pharma execs buying vaccines for everyone, and forcing them to take it to participate in society, despite the research clearly showing it didn't stop transmission at all and was only a risk to older people and those with comorbidities. I got covid once and it was basically a cold for me.
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Jul 31, 2020
I turned it down and got covid and I'm still alive nothing against anyone who wants to take it just don't try to force me into anything
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Jan 10, 2020
If I wanted to live a long healthy life then I would definitely not ever consider getting vaccinated and I never have. However since I'm now suicidal worse than usual I've actually considered doing that as one way to end my life sooner. Be another one of the sudden deaths out there.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I'm not vaccinated, fuck that! I fucking hate needles. Injections in particular. Let alone 2+ shots! Fuck that!! I haven't caught COVID yet. Hopefully it'll stay that way. I barely go out which helps. It's not my fault, or my problem, that other people are so interconnected that they cause diseases to become global pandemics. I'm not a part of all that. So I see no reason why I should get vaccinated.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I refused to get vaccinated for COVID. I considered it until different states/employers started mandating it though.
I just don't see the point in vaccines like COVID or the flu shot, cause the only way everybody is going to eventually stop catching it is if EVERYBODY catches it.

I was lucky enough to work all throughout COVID, but I didn't catch it until this past year when I was unemployed.

Then I had it for a month and some change... but everyone else who got vaccinated is still catching it, so I figured "wtf is the point in getting vaccinated now?"
Then I caught it again in the psych ward... which was actually a blessing in disguise, because it kept me from getting transferred around facilities for 2 months.

Anyone else here unvaccinated and unapologetic about it?
I originally got vaccinated to avoid getting into corona isolation ever again since the first time I ever tried to suicide was during a 14+ days long isolation at hospital, I knew I could never take doing that ever again. Every vaccine I ever had after that was for the sake of my relationship so I could travel with and to the guy I was with.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I'm afraid of getting vaccinated, but not because of the vaccine itself, but because of that damned mind of mine that makes anything unusual or out of place upset me so much that I get hit with torrents of anxiety.
If it happens to me when I eat something that has been bought in a different place than usual or when I try a new toothpaste I don't even want to think about the insanity of injecting myself with two doses separated by three weeks. I don't think I could handle it without serious consequences unrelated to the vaccine (and on top of that if the vaccine did give me adverse effects the strong anxiety wouldn't let me see them).


A mi em fa por vacunar-me, però no per la vacuna en si, sinó per aquesta maleïda ment que tinc que fa que qualsevol cosa inusual o fora de lloc em trasvalsi molt golpejant-me amb torrents d'ansietat.
Si em passa quan menjo alguna cosa que s'ha comprat en un lloc diferent de l'habitual o quan provo una pasta de dents nova no vull ni pensar la bojería d'injectar-me dues dosis separades per tres setmanes. No crec que ho pogués suportar sense que hi haguessin conseqüències greus sense cap tipus de rel·lació amb la vacuna (i a sobre si la vacuna em fes efectes adversos la forta ansietat no els deixaría pas veure).
Professor K

Professor K

your eyes vacant and stained
Feb 9, 2023
always got forced by everyone but never got vaccinated and now in 2023, i haven't been sick once since the begining of the pandemic, never caught the virus.
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Feb 7, 2023
I am pureblood, meaning proudly unvaxxed. I also recently posted another thread about this subject, with substantial details:

The linked thread also includes a poll - a big thank-you to software designers and admins of this forum who have made it so easy for anyone, even newcomers, to post not only regular threads but also polls!

Me being pureblood is the only reason why I am alive: if I were vaxxed, I would be absolutely required by my belief system to CTB immediatetely, by any means available to me, no matter how horrible or how painful - if my body were to be defiled and desecrated in that manner, there would be no SI for me whatsoever, instead I would have absolutely no other goals or purpose than ctb. If anyone has seen the movie Bird Box, I am talking about that level of suicidality.
Given the decline in healthcare availability and quality (at least in North America), preventing hospitalization is a no-brainer. I hear horror stories about ER wait times in both the US and Canada on a weekly basis nowadays.
When you are talking about "preventing hospitalization", I can only reason that you mean preventing forced hosp? I know of course that the evil bastards forcibly hosp people for suicidal thoughts, which is why we have to bite our tongues in places outside of this forum where we don't have anonymity, but do they have any effective way to forcibly hosp people for Covid? Suppose a person like you or me were to get Covid, and I mean a case serious enough to where a "normie", non-suicidal person would willing go to a hospital. But we aren't normies, we are pro-mortalist contrarians (or at least I am), so what will happen if a person of our kind refuses hosp? By refusing hosp, I mean keeping silent outside of Internet forums like this one, not letting anyone know that you have that Most Evil Disease, and simply barricade yourself inside your house. And if the Grim Reaper decides to visit, that's what we want, right?
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Feb 7, 2023
Because i was a healthy person, and didn't had any issues before. As soon i got it i started getting sickness and even my thyroids started to misfunction. I have never been able to recover from that big mistake.
This is the question I've always been wanting to ask of every vaxx-injured person in the world, particularly those whose injuries appear to be irreparable, but this forum is probably the only place on the entire Internet where such questions can be asked out loud: are you potentially considering ctb as a direct result of and in response to that vaxx injury?
If I wanted to live a long healthy life then I would definitely not ever consider getting vaccinated and I never have. However since I'm now suicidal worse than usual I've actually considered doing that as one way to end my life sooner. Be another one of the sudden deaths out there.
Please don't do it, my dear sibling! The biggest problem with that poison is that it is not always lethal, and if anything, sublethal but permanent damage is a more likely outcome than the sudden death. Surely you know how some people try to ctb by jumping from heights or shooting themselves with a firearm, only to end up paralyzed and whatnot instead of dead - so much worse! I would say the risk of botched ctb (becoming a vegetable or something close instead of dying) is even higher with the vaxx than jumping from a highway overpass - so please don't go with vaxx as your potential ctb method, it is the worst method ever.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
When you are talking about "preventing hospitalization", I can only reason that you mean preventing forced hosp? I know of course that the evil bastards forcibly hosp people for suicidal thoughts, which is why we have to bite our tongues in places outside of this forum where we don't have anonymity, but do they have any effective way to forcibly hosp people for Covid? Suppose a person like you or me were to get Covid, and I mean a case serious enough to where a "normie", non-suicidal person would willing go to a hospital. But we aren't normies, we are pro-mortalist contrarians (or at least I am), so what will happen if a person of our kind refuses hosp? By refusing hosp, I mean keeping silent outside of Internet forums like this one, not letting anyone know that you have that Most Evil Disease, and simply barricade yourself inside your house. And if the Grim Reaper decides to visit, that's what we want, right?
If I had bad Covid I would go to the hospital. I do not want to die of a treatable respiratory infection, unable to get enough oxygen. Bad infection is painful and miserable. It'd be really embarrassing and my partner would be upset. And there is the possibility of not dying- but instead, surviving with damage to my body and mind that makes living harder & makes attempting harder. That is even worse. Vaccines prevent severe infections.

When I say the vaccine prevents hospitalization, I mean the vaccine can keep you from getting so sick that you'd want to go to the hospital. no one is forcing hospitalizations for Covid afaik! Suffering from severe Covid at home is something you can do. It seems incredibly unpleasant

most people, even if they historically denied the severity of the virus, even if they rejected the vaccine, will still voluntarily go to the hospital if they have severe Covid.
But if you're still conscious you should be able to refuse care? Just… friends/family might be concerned and instead of helping you keep on at home, want to call an ambulance for you and back off if you refuse. So you might end up dying alone in agony.

As a suicidal person (and someone who has had Covid once so far) I'd much rather live with functioning immune and respiratory systems so that I can best survive up until the point I am truly ready to kill myself.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I did refuse it at first, but then I caved to the pressure and got it anyway. I tried justifying it to myself later, but the things I told myself to get me to believe I made the right decision weren't on my mind before I got vaccinated. Sometimes I wish I would've stood my ground, but doing so might've been a mistake, so I went with the option that seemed easiest.

Call me a coward if you want, but I already knew that about myself. :pfff:
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The Best Thing (That Never Happened)
Feb 6, 2023
Took 2, don't really think about it since I haven't gotten covid once in the last 2 or so years.
My mama has gotten it a lot, not me tho.


Feb 11, 2023
My mother is hugely against it, so I agreed not to get it to placate her, but I don't really care that much.

I think it's overhyped by both sides - it's nowhere near as effective as they claim and I think the side effects are often hidden

Anyway I have survived so far so I think I will continue decline to take the risk.

The vitriol against people who chose not to take it at some points made me sick but only steeled my resolve tbh

I think everybody has calmed down now at least is the hope
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