- Jul 22, 2018
- 28
Remember the suicide rate is X out Y people, so for example, 13.8 out of 100,000 people. Therefore, it cannot he explained by the increase in population.
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
- Social media fucking up the brain's reward system, making everything else dull and boring.
- Internet replacing essential human connection with pixels and texts
- Porn industry killing real relationship (Just imagine how fucked up the society is where it is normal to watch other's most private business at 60 FPS Full HD and jerk off to it)
- Government funded cultural marxism: Destruction of family, single parent children missing out on most important life lessions and traits, abuse and failure that follows. Destruction of culture.
- Over sexualization of children by the media resulting in premature sexuxal activity. Disrupts the natural order of physical/mental development from childhood>puberty>adulthood
- Fake empty calorie "food" making people sick from the inside.
- Video games making real life boring
- Everyone raised to believe they are some kind of special snowflake, celebrity and a VIP. When life starts getting tough many cant keep up.
- The list goes on
- Government funded cultural marxism: Destruction of family, single parent children missing out on most important life lessions and traits, abuse and failure that follows. Destruction of culture.
- Over sexualization of children by the media resulting in premature sexual activity. Disrupts the natural order of physical/mental development from childhood>puberty>adulthood
Enough with propaganda and blaming technology and real advancement. Instead of blaming the systems and the fuckers who abuse others.
People realized how life is absurd and how life is shitty. Anyone who wants to deprive humans of knowledge and valuable info is an asshole.
Just FYI, this advancement helped people to survive also and number of survivors and people who continue living is greater also. As much as I hate life but its hypocrisy to blame the advancement, people can be more creative, knowledgeable and do many things. Why blame the tools and not the users?
Nope thanks and as the previous post said its not better before. You want to me to live in a prehistoric era just because it "fits" the human functions and leave the advancement because we don't "fit". No thanks, if anything, I'm glad I lived in this time, a time when I can know and realize things, I can decide to ctb or live based on rationality instead of being a fucked up ignorant slave to the system and society.
I'm using the loose urban definition of cultural Marxism here. And you think I'm one of those red hatter Trump supporter lol.Hahaha. You obviously don't know what "cultural marxism" means. What goverment are you even refering to? The goverment under Trump that is controlled by republicans? By the way, excellent alt-right talking point. What's next? Destruction of the white ethno-state, white genocide? You people are clowns. Just a quick reminder, life 50 years ago wasn't any better. Yes, even if you were white and straight.
Bernie 2020. Oh well, I'm not gonna experience it anymore but I'm sure you people fear the "socialist uprising", right? Because anything that is left from Trump probably means cultural-marxist for you.
It was asked why the suicide rates have increased. I simply gave my opinions. I don't doubt that the advancement of technology has had many positive effects and saved many lives, but the question wasn't, "how has technology and the widespread availability of information, and the capacity for communication benefited mankind." It was simply, "why have the suicide rates increased?" If you don't think I am right, then you are entitled to your opinion. But I am entitled to my opinion as well.
It's not hypocrisy. Sure, people can be more creative, and knowledgeable, and do a great many fantastic new things. Just because there are lots of wonderful new things that have come from the advancement of technology doesn't mean there aren't negative things as well. As for myself, I feel overwhelmed by the vastness of information and abstract ideas floating around out there, and I don't know what to think or believe anymore. I am incredibly disturbed and confused.
Yes.If they want others to live, they should make life easier for others. Info are clear now, they can't lie or control people like before.
No, many people already thinks past are better. They want to be in a time when a simple disease can kill countless people and force their own way through propaganda. In the modern time, you have more choices instead of having forces. And no I'm not talking about you, the people who claim advancement is making things worse instead of blaming the fuckers are hypocrites.
Sure you don't know what to think or believe anymore, but do you think its better to be forced to fed lies by authorities to continue a shitty and miserable life until the end. Not everybody likes to think but you completely have the choice here instead of having no choice before. Moreover, even with this info being available, many chose to ignore and not know anything. Its not info that is overwhelming but life itself is a maze and one is overwhelmed already by life.
Finally, advancement is the cumulative result of previous knowledge. Positive and negative side effects are subjective. You get a problem, then it improves later. Anything that can be considered negative is nowhere as horrible as diseases or wars happening in the past for the example.
That's pretty accurate, anybody who was at least born since the 70's or a little b4 has really suffered from the slow, gradual moral breakdown, as the size of the government has grown morals break down because governments always become corrupt and grow too big. You can't have a civilization when some people can force others to do things with coercion, violence. Almost everything the gov does is backed by violence against somebody. So as a result of this force, people become more selfish, the worst traits of people aren't kept in check by what used to be a free voluntary market. This is why it appears as society is dog eat dog. In a society that values what is truly in the best interest of individual persons becomes much more moral and you would see alot less major injustices like u see regularly these days. The natural state of people who are free is a lot more cooperative, moral, more social cohesion. This is how formerly white countries used to be, but as the governments around the world lets in cultures that don't value the same things it turns white countries that were formerly wealthy into shitholes because u can't raise the iq's of other ethnic groups and they are bleeding dry the welfare states of the formerly white countries. Sorry not to sound racist, because not all persons from an ethnic group are all the same obviously but on average if looked at as a group.
- Social media fucking up the brain's reward system, making everything else dull and boring.
- Internet replacing essential human connection with pixels and texts
- Porn industry killing real relationship (Just imagine how fucked up the society is where it is normal to watch other's most private business at 60 FPS Full HD and jerk off to it)
- Government funded cultural marxism: Destruction of family, single parent children missing out on most important life lessions and traits, abuse and failure that follows. Destruction of culture.
- Over sexualization of children by the media resulting in premature sexual activity. Disrupts the natural order of physical/mental development from childhood>puberty>adulthood
- Fake empty calorie "food" making people sick from the inside.
- Video games making real life boring
- Everyone raised to believe they are some kind of special snowflake, celebrity and a VIP. When life starts getting tough many cant keep up.
- The list goes on
Well, considering my state of mind, I think I would much rather have not been born at all rather than have lived in a previous era. But to be honest, and no offense, your statements are a little incoherent to me. I don't know anything about being fed lies by authorities, and I'm already living a shitty miserable life. Most of the kinds of things I think about are philosophical or existential in nature, so maybe you misunderstood exactly what I meant when I was talking about "all these ideas and information." I don't spend much of my time thinking about the government or whatever.
I agree that life is a maze and is overwhelming, and in my opinion, it is largely because of all this information and these crazy ideas all over the place. I don't have a choice. I can't unread all the stuff I've read, and unlearn all the things I've learned. I've been a deep thinker my whole life, and even when I'm not actively searching for information, ideas just come to me; they plague my mind and won't leave me alone. Ideas about right and wrong, objectivity and subjectivity, the nature of God and the Universe. Sometimes I just can't help but do a little research because of my obsession, but I don't even want to be bothered by these thoughts anymore. I just wish my mind could quiet, and I could be at peace.
I completely don't understand the statement, "anything that can be considered negative is nowhere as horrible as diseases or wars happening." I'm sure diseases make people suicidal sometimes, but as for war, I really have no idea to what extent that would or could make a person suicidal.
But honestly, I think asking questions about "would you have rather have lived like this or that, or during this or that time" are pointless questions; any kinds of questions about whether you would have lived in essentially a different world is meaningless to me because you would be a completely different person with a completely different life, and the results would be totally unpredictable. You just wouldn't be you anymore, you'd be somebody else.
Well I'm not only talking about govt/society but also nature and what I state are examples.
To each his own and its better to stop it here rather than dragging it to topics like "what if life is an illusion or is there free will..etc". I'm not defending life anyway and personally it doesn't matter when I'll ctb.
Its a stupid game anyway but for me I'll be better in a situation that lets me to quit the game rather than being forced to play it poorly
That's pretty accurate, anybody who was at least born since the 70's or a little b4 has really suffered from the slow, gradual moral breakdown, as the size of the government has grown morals break down because governments always become corrupt and grow too big. You can't have a civilization when some people can force others to do things with coercion, violence. Almost everything the gov does is backed by violence against somebody. So as a result of this force, people become more selfish, the worst traits of people aren't kept in check by what used to be a free voluntary market. This is why it appears as society is dog eat dog. In a society that values what is truly in the best interest of individual persons becomes much more moral and you would see alot less major injustices like u see regularly these days. The natural state of people who are free is a lot more cooperative, moral, more social cohesion. This is how formerly white countries used to be, but as the governments around the world lets in cultures that don't value the same things it turns white countries that were formerly wealthy into shitholes because u can't raise the iq's of other ethnic groups and they are bleeding dry the welfare states of the formerly white countries. Sorry not to sound racist, because not all persons from an ethnic group are all the same obviously but on average if looked at as a group.
lol it would never be reduced to that with me in this topic. I mean the question was just why are the suicide rates increased. I'm just trying to clarify the kinds of ideas I'm talking about, along with attempting to address your points. But fair enough : D To each his own.
- Social media fucking up the brain's reward system, making everything else dull and boring.
- Internet replacing essential human connection with pixels and texts
- Porn industry killing real relationship (Just imagine how fucked up the society is where it is normal to watch other's most private business at 60 FPS Full HD and jerk off to it)
- Government funded cultural marxism: Destruction of family, single parent children missing out on most important life lessions and traits, abuse and failure that follows. Destruction of culture.
- Over sexualization of children by the media resulting in premature sexual activity. Disrupts the natural order of physical/mental development from childhood>puberty>adulthood
- Fake empty calorie "food" making people sick from the inside.
- Video games making real life boring
- Everyone raised to believe they are some kind of special snowflake, celebrity and a VIP. When life starts getting tough many cant keep up.
- The list goes on
Don't try to act as if you're little rant about destruction of the family wasn't refering to homosexuality and other marginalized groups that slowly get accepted by society.
I'm transgender and when people like you talk about the destruction of family, they want erasure of minorities like me. That's what you want, isn't it? You think white, straight people are the victims now because we're catching up to you.
Don't try to act as if you're little rant about destruction of the family wasn't refering to homosexuality and other marginalized groups that slowly get accepted by society.
I'm transgender and when people like you talk about the destruction of family, they want erasure of minorities like me. That's what you want, isn't it?
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not a bible carrying close minded christian. I'm an athiest and I don't hate on trans LGBT people. In fact, when I was a kid some teens were bullying a gay boy because he was "two person in one". I did't understand what was going on back then. Looking back, if I knew what was going on I would surely have stood up for him. I believe everyone should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hamper others. You are a dude and want to fuck another dude? Go ahead! None of my business. You are only responsible for your own happyness.
That being said, however, every animal needs proper parenting to survive and succeed. I'm merely reporting on the social degeneracy we are curretly witnessing. Do you not think a child deserves a mother and a father to learn his life skills from? Have you seen what crap the media crams into these young fragile minds? Do you not recognise that it's the parent's responsibility to install good moral value and belief system in their offspring?
And by good moral values I mean honesty, empathy, open-mindedness, courage and selflessness.
Conspiracy is it? Yeah sure, they have turned everything into "conspiracy theories" haven't they. All these flat earth, moon base, etc craps are created by our rulers to decoy and hide the real truth. It's the oldest trick in the book. Put hundereds if similar pens in your bag so that you can't tell which one is actually yours. And if by your logic, everything is what is seems, why is the world so fucked up. Inform yourself.
The only problem is that we can't go along with the notion that you "need" a mother and father anymore. I mean, I don't know, maybe it would be ideal, but it just isn't possible for homosexuals, for example. That doesn't mean they can't adopt a child and be great parents. This is part of what I was talking about when I was saying that we need to rethink (or just think more) about how to better integrate the people with uncommon sexual identities/orientations into our society and our families in a positive way.
Once you reach age over 35, you're gonna feel out of place (unless you start to wear some fancy scarfs or something) and you really start to question life, because the truth is that it's really downhill from there. And since everybody have been taught that life is amazing forever, you will never really accept that your best years are behind and your quality of life will only get worse little by little.
But anyway, it's kind of crazy to think that most of our everyday lives circle around things that didn't even exist 100-200 years ago. So now instead of religion, people look up to TV stars.
I live in the U.S. But of all the stuff you said, the one thing I took away that I never thought about was people who have other sexual identities and orientations, which makes me wonder about a few things...
This is probably going to sound stupid, but do we know if there are there more of those people now than there have been in the past, or are they just becoming more visible because of society's attempts to accept and integrate them into it? I wonder how we could even know, if we do.
For the sake of this post I'm just gonna assume that their numbers haven't increased, they've just remained silent, for obvious reasons. If I'm not mistaken, these people often have difficulties with their lives, for various reasons which again I think are obvious.
What I'm leading up to here is, I wonder if suicides for homosexuals, bisexuals, trans people, and others of the less common sexual identity/orientation are higher now or in the past, and (whichever is the case) why. I should try to look up what percentage of the population is non straight individuals.
Sorry for double posting, but I forgot the other thing I wanted to talk about (I'm so absent minded).
I've always been a believer in the idea that having a good family setup and support system is important for a person's upbringing and mental health. I think what we have to start asking ourselves is how to integrate these unfamiliar sexual things into society and into our families. I've never had a child, so I don't know a thing about raising one, but I imagine there's a lot of differences between raising a little girl and a little boy. We just have to learn how to raise ... everything else. This is probably going to be a difficult task because people don't realize they have an uncommon sexual orientation or identity until they hit puberty or something, but I think one thing that will be key is educating ALL children when they're the right age about all of the sexual information we now have, and to teach them about tolerance and understanding.