

she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
It seems like there arent many from what ive seen but idk. anyone else here trans?

for me personally dysphoria is like one of the biggest reasons i want to ctb. even if it hasnt been that bad usually it's always lurking in the background as a reminder that even if i were to treat any other issues i have, i'd still never be able to live a happy life in this body. even ignoring the current media craze and hate towards trans people, i will never be satisfied with my body. i will never be able to have kids. i wont even be able to have sex properly (unless i get SRS which id only get from like thailand so itd be as realistic as possible and self lubricating or i'd feel worse but thats super fucking expensive, but even with that it just isnt the same.) it just makes me not even wanna try and treat anything else yknow?

so like as i said, any fellow trans people here? and like how has been trans affected your desire to CTB, do you think if you recieved your desired body that you'd no longer want to CTB?
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Sep 11, 2024
yes hi its me im trans people. i think there are a decent amount but its also like. tran r only like what 3% of the pop. and while id imagine they'd be over-represented here, i think not everyone is obviously tran going by their profile even if they are.

it is one of the reasons for me, probably main reason. bc dysphoria ofc, i hate being a man and looking like a man etc. also bc my dad really did not react well when i got outed, but i dont think thats really a reason for me to kms just makes me sad lol.

my current plan is to kms when i get kicked out, since i cannot find a cs job after graduation. and since im a fuckup that cant find a good job, i'll never afford FFS which is really the reason. bc i think if i was just existing as a woman (or passed) i wouldnt really care what my life situation was that much. but since i need FFS to get there, if im stuck in wagie job forever i just dont think thats worth it since ill never afford it. so really even unemployment reasoning goes back to being a tran. lol.

i think if i had my desired body, or honestly just desired face, then i wouldnt want to kms yea. idk if id be happy but i dont think id be here at least lol
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Sep 3, 2024
yep that's me hi, i'm ftm. it's not my main reason why im here but it sure isnt helping, i always hated my body and i don't think i'd be happy continuing to live like this. it's also kind of shattered my ability to trust my family because i don't think a single one of them would be even remotely supportive, but i guess that's what i get for being ethnic korean. i want to transition after im able to be financially independent but this economy is a nightmare and i don't think i'll be able to transition for a long time. i'd rather just die than live another three years in this body

i'm sorry you're on this site. i'm sorry any of us are on this site. the world fucking sucks and i want it to burn
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death come kind. lay no curse on me.
Jun 29, 2024
I'm trans and I honestly feel like the percentage of trans people on this website is larger than the percentage of us at pride.
To me dysphoria is only one of the lesser reasons to want to die, but it's definitely like a constant buzzing in the back of my mind.
To those of you who 'only' need a few surgeries, I'm fucking furious that you don't have a state health care system to provide for you.
To those who are rejected by their families, I really hope you'll find a better family of your own choice.
I know the suicide website is probably not the best place to say this but we kind of should survive out of spite and to not become part of a statistic.
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Apr 16, 2024
I'm MtF. Funnily enough estrogen (which I've been on for almost 3 years at this point) did wonders to my face but not my body, and I think most trans women have the opposite problem. Switching to injections didn't help with that. I added progesterone around 2 months ago. I'm hoping that's the missing key, but I can't be too optimistic. Least I can do in retreat into my fantasy world for the next few centuries, or die impatient. Obviously my collection of disorders doesn't end at gender dysphoria though.

Edit: The fact that I wasn't born female or at least transitioned earlier (even though I started "early") is a trauma in it of itself that I don't believe is resolvable.
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Sep 12, 2024
If I had my dream body and face I wouldn't want to kms. But my chances of getting to that point are gone. Too late to take puberty blockers since I had no idea transition was an option and my only exposure to trans people as a child was everyone mocking them and calling them freaks. I can't afford to get the shit tons of surgeries to attempt to undo the effects of puberty and look even remotely like a women. Can't afford going private and the NHS is shit. Diy would help with hrt but hrt will just make me look like a man with boobs. I'm fucked. My only hope is that reincarnation is a thing and I can get reincarnated as a women, or at the very least a trans person with access to treatment in a world that doesn't hate them.
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Gone soon

Gone soon

Guy who likes wearing womens' clothes
Jun 11, 2024
I am trans too. Feel free to contact me if you want to
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