I honestly don't think they do, but I don't want my opinion to prevent someone from seeking help and medication if they believe that can help them.
They smooth the edges and numb the pain a bit, but they also sort of numb you too and they all have side-effects. Fundamentally, they don't change anything: sure, you won't feel as bad, but your life won't magically change. Your trauma won't disappear, the abusive relationships around you won't change, the things missing from your life will stay missing. A very kind and empathetic psychiatrist that saw me once said: "Well, you're not crazy, you have every reason to feel the way you're feeling and I could pump you full of lithium but you'd just piss it straight out".
On top of that, we still don't fully understand the way the brain and the mind operate. We haven't solved —and I believe we will never truly solve— the hard problem of consciousness. Go read on Prozac/Fluoxetine, for instance: it's mechanism of action is still not fully understood how it works or why it can both ease suicide ideation or increase it. What are our feelings? Just physical stimuli? Abstract products of an equally abstract entity that's somehow dependent on physical matter? And, if we cannot answer these questions, then why can we presume we'd be able to effectively and safely have an effect on said feelings through chemistry alone? And that's just on a philosophical/epistemological surface level, the whole discussion about Big Pharma and how our culture fails to acknowledge that we're living in profoundly unhealthy socioeconomic systems is another can of worms. And an ugly one at that in which antidepressants aren't a good thing either.
Maybe antidepressants+therapy work in some cases and if you want to heal then my suggestion would be to go that route, emphasizing that therapy would be doing most of the heavy lifting. In others, well, if you don't have the will to live and were dealt a shitty hand in life, why would taking medication help? To distract you from the pain so you don't make a choice you do want to make? To keep living life all numb? Nah, I don't find any dignity in that. I don't need help, I don't need drugs: I need life to be a bit less fucking unfair to those of us who've done the work, who've done everything we can, and we still get fucking put down by life just putting more pain in our way.