

Oct 14, 2019
tl;dr "psychologists" are supposed to be tolerant towards people with all kinds of disabilities but they aren't. Hopefully I didn't shock you too much.

I was planning to make a thread about my political views something like "what's the worst thing about left-winged people and their views" but my mental state isn't good enough to discuss with people so just a quick vent about something that has annoyed and depressed me. Okay it isn't as short as I planned it to be nevermind XD

So I'm autistic I have been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome but autism sounds softer. And my verbal communication skills suck. What it means is don't try to talk to me. You want to really communicate with me? Write/Type to me. So I basically know two languages because I'm Polish - English and Polish. I can speak a bit Polish and I can't speak English at all. I write quite well (I'm 19 I'm not much educated yet) in both of them but voicing is hard for me. There are two reasons for that both are related to autism. So first one is basically from what I know (I'm not an expert) autism makes your verbal communication skills worse. The second is I have never had much interaction with other people around me. When I was a little child at school they would always interrupt me in the middle of a sentence so I have never learnt how to say anything longer.

It all depends on what I'm saying. If it's something easy and I don't have to think it through I can say it pretty well. So if you asked me "tell me something about the book you have recently read" I would reply quite well I would say a lot. Because it's recent and relatively simple I just have to think about one particular book without considering things around it. My reply would be accurate to what I think inside myself. Inside myself all my thought are fucking perfect. In my head I speak like a fucking actress. But if you asked me "describe to me the trauma that happened to me when you were ~11 years old" I would have a problem. Because it happened a few years ago and it was quite complex. I would probably say something along the lines of "emmm many bad things have happened like many things and it made me sad".

As you can probably guess the questions from the psychologists are the second kind that is harder for me to reply to. Normally I look like a very verbal girl but when some complex stuff comes in I'm done. Now you guys are going to think that I'm dumb. I felt like I needed to vent but not to you. I know your reactions and I wanted to vent to someone else. It's only because I wanted to try something new. Yeah it was very dumb. I'm making this thread so I will know never to make this mistake again. This situation happened twice because first time I didn't learn on my mistake.

I found a suicide help line. They allowed to write emails to them so I was fucking glad. I wrote a vent that was as long as this thread. But don't worry I used safe measures I wrote via tor and from an anonymous mail I made for that purpose only. I wrote them a few emails and the different psychologists would reply saying "you need to go and get help". But lately they would reply "call us because we don't want to talk via e-mails it's easier for us to talk on a phone". I explained to them that there is no point in me voicing because I would just say hello and that would be all.
THEY FUCKING SAID THAT THEY WOULD NO LONGER EMAIL ME BACK!!!! YOU HEAR ME?! THEY REFUSED TO HELP ME (yeah this help was quite bad but the ability to vent and have a reply was a relief for me) BECAUSE I CAN HARDLY SPEAK!!! THIS IS FUCKING ABLEISM!!
So yeah this got me fucking mad. You might think "oh you met boorish people on your way that happens". No it also has to do with my self esteem. I see people with autism in other countries get help they need. There was one Japanese guy whose name I don't remember. He can't speak at all. Did they say "oh you can't speak so you won't communicate"? No. They allowed him (and taught to) to write on a typewriter. And no one (at least from what I know) has a problem with it. So in which place of myself am I worse than him? In what way is he better than me if he deserves to get help he needs and I don't? What am I doing badly?
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
I am so sorry that anyone has this experience it is unfair and a disgusting way to treat anyone.
You are clearly a bright and intelligent soul who is seeking help to navigate a journey that I can not even begin to fathom.
Again I am extremely sorry that those who are meant to help have failed in such a tragically awful way due to their own inadequacies.
Please know that this situation had nothing to do with your intrinsic value as a human being but sadly it says much about the world you live in.
I hope you find this a safe space to vent and chat and enjoy interactions with others who will relate, in many different ways, to YOU.
My heart to yours.
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Oct 14, 2019
I am so sorry that anyone has this experience it is unfair and a disgusting way to treat anyone.
You are clearly a bright and intelligent soul who is seeking help to navigate a journey that I can not even begin to fathom.
Again I am extremely sorry that those who are meant to help have failed in such a tragically awful way due to their own inadequacies.
Please know that this situation had nothing to do with your intrinsic value as a human being but sadly it says much about the world you live in.
I hope you find this a safe space to vent and chat and enjoy interactions with others who will relate, in many different ways, to YOU.
My heart to yours.
Thanks for understanding :heart:
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
No need for thanks when understanding is the least we all deserve. I am glad you are here.
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Escape Artist

Escape Artist

Jun 3, 2019
I don't know if I'm on the autism spectrum but I do have severe sensory processing problems and would definitely rather communicate via writing. I have a brain malformation that causes sensory problems (including auditory) and I read that a lot of people who have this type of malformation are on the spectrum and/or have adhd.

Not only were they being ableist toward you but they were probably trying to trick you into calling so they could find you and drag you to the psyche hospital - two hideously evil things IMO. I don't know where you live but I've been dragged to the hospital by police and screamed at by them just because I talked to a suicide hotline. They handcuffed me and took me barefoot in the winter just because I couldn't explain in time.

The MH system is severely broken and they'd rather let us suffer than risk any legal action against them should something happen to us and they didn't bring in the full force of the law.

I don't post often but this website is my only refuge now.

You're 1000% justified in your rage.


Oct 14, 2019
Not only were they being ableist toward you but they were probably trying to trick you into calling so they could find you and drag you to the psyche hospital - two hideously evil things IMO. I don't know where you live but I've been dragged to the hospital by police and screamed at by them just because I talked to a suicide hotline. They handcuffed me and took me barefoot in the winter just because I couldn't explain in time.
Oh my goodness that must have fucking sucked... Thanks for understanding :(
Yeah that's why emailed only via TOR they lied to me they wouldn't be able to force me but I'm not that naive.
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May 28, 2020
Generally people on the other side of suicide hotlines are first year psych students at best, most are just volunteers, which does not excuse the douchbaggery, yet... Don't put your hopes on a telephone call/chat /email :(
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Oct 14, 2019
Generally people on the other side of suicide hotlines are first year psych students at best, most are just volunteers, which does not excuse the douchbaggery, yet... Don't put your hopes on a telephone call/chat /email :(
Nah those claimed to be real psychologists. Yes you're absolutely right.


Aug 5, 2019
I'm sorry OP, I know how hard it is too, I'm autistic and awful at verbalising when it comes to topics like this. I've recently tried writing down my thoughts beforehand, it helps me to remember my point, maybe could help you?
It's so frustrating trying to talk about it with mental health professionals, they're not used to communicating with us, I think they expect people to just get to the point. Speaking only ever helps me if the person I'm talking to understands it can take me longer and that it's more difficult
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Oct 14, 2019
'm sorry OP, I know how hard it is too, I'm autistic and awful at verbalising when it comes to topics like this. I've recently tried writing down my thoughts beforehand, it helps me to remember my point, maybe could help you?
It's so frustrating trying to talk about it with mental health professionals, they're not used to communicating with us, I think they expect people to just get to the point. Speaking only ever helps me if the person I'm talking to understands it can take me longer and that it's more difficult
Good idea though it will only work if I know the questions... Or I might try it out next time though it wouldn't be writing out just the main points. I would better write everything out and then read it out loud o the psychologist.
Yessss they don't understand us and that sucks. BTW we have an idiom in Polish "in order to be sick you need to be healthy" which means that getting treatment is very very fucking very exhausting and only few tough people can endure. This fits perfectly.
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