

Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018
@Daniparadox made a meme thread since "I thought something that wasn't suicide related would be good for everyone."
I thought that was a good idea which led to me create this.
I frequent reddit and the questions where from one user on r/CasualConversation.
Choose a random number between 1-227 and answer away. "Bonus points" if you have the drive to answer all.
I can't be arsed to count but I marked the more IMO interesting/"worthy" questions in red so IDK...if you want to answer more than a few but can't decide which ones then select from the red ones.

I'd answer but...the weird part of me would "force" myself to answer all/I just choose a handful as I "have to" answer all and that would be a bit self aggrandizing wouldn't it? Presumptuous for me to say: IF curious, summon me here or message which ones you want answered.

1. What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?

2. Who has had the most positive impact on your life?

3. If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward?

4. If you got a promotion, a job, a college acceptance, an accolade/award, or just generally accomplished something major, who is the first person you'd tell and how do you think they'd react?

5. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be and why?

6. Where do you wish you had grown up?

7. If you could be good at any profession without having to receive the accompanying education or trade experience, which would you choose?

8. What is something you're terrible at but wish you could do well?

9. What is the quality you admire the most in the person you dislike the most?

10. What was the most recent thing that made you cry? Laugh? Intensely ponder?

11. What are the books/movies/games that never get old and always make you feel better when you get down?

12. What is the most trivial thing about which you have a strong opinion?

13. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be and why?

14. If you've had more than one job, which job taught you the most?

15. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would you change?

16. What single event or decision do you think most affected the rest of your life? Was there a turning point in your life?

17. What is the one thing you've made that you're the most proud of?

18. Some historical figures have epithets attached to their names, like The Mad or The Wise. What would you like yours to be?

19. What was the best year of your life? The worst?

20. What one thing, whether it's something you did or something you made or something you caused to happen, would you like to be remembered by?

21. What has been the biggest change of heart you've had? Have you ever started off on one side of an issue and wound up on the other? What influenced that change?

22. What is your biggest non-academic, non work-related accomplishment?

23. What is your biggest academic or work-related accomplishment?

24. What is something you've done/felt/seen/etc. that you wish you could experience again for the first time?

25. If you could erase one thing or event from your memory, what would you choose?

26. Is there something about you that people assume because of your appearance or demeanour? What is a trait or preference you have that people don't expect you to have?

27. If you were a character in a movie, book, or television show, what genre would you live in? What is life like there?

28. What is the hardest way you've learned an important lesson?

29. What cliché do you think is bullshit? What cliché do you think holds truth?

30. What do you fear, despite having no real reason to do so? Basically, what is an irrational fear you have?

31. Imagine that you could choose when and how you die. At what age would you like to die (no maximum here) and how would you like to go?
[This question in all its iterations has been asked several times on here so it's not really original and this thread is aiming towards being more positive/neutral. I leave for sake of transparency.
If you choose 31, then this is the alternative questions (or you can answer both): what's the most random and/or bizarre train of thought that you had?]

32. What character archetype is closest to your personality? Here's a list

33. What was the happiest moment of your life so far?
[I know...for many here it evokes this (old) meme

If you choose 33, then this is the alternative questions (or you can answer both): what is underrated in your opinion? Book, movie, piece of art, person, etc]

34. What is one childhood memory that you remember especially well?
[Oh for FFS, this is kind of the same as above.
If you choose 34, then this is the alternative questions (or you can answer both): you now have unlimited supply of/access to 1 thing that isn't obviously influential (obvious would be things like money, some important resource like petroleum, etc) What is it? What does that mean for you?]

35. Is there a song/movie/food/etc. that strongly reminds you of someone whenever you experience it? Who does it remind you of?

36. What is your ideal birthday? Not the date, but rather your ideal way to spend the day.

37. Are there any smells that bring back memories for you? What are they, and what memories do they elicit? If no memories, favorite smell(s)?

38. What is the closest you've ever come to dying?

39. Do you have a personal mantra? If so, what is it?

40. What is the most memorable meal you've ever had? (It can be good or bad.) What made it so memorable?
[Kept for, again, transparency. Other threads already address this.]

41. What's the worst advice you've ever been given? If nothing comes to mind, what's the worst advice you heard of?

42. In what ways do you benefit the world? If you're too self-loathing and can't think of any, what ways would you like to be a benefit to the world?

43. What fact about yourself took you the longest to understand or accept?

44. What is your least popular or most controversial opinion?

45. If you could live in another time period but stay in the same place you live now, when would you want to live?

46. Do you have any conspiracy theories? If so, what are they?

47. What is the "strangest" thing you believe in? Do you believe in the supernatural? Heaven, angels, ghosts? Luck, fate, magic? Mind reading, lizard people, the Illuminati? Where do you draw the line of belief and disbelief?

48. What fictional character do you most relate to? If somehow you can't come up with anyone, what fictional character do you wish was real?

49. What have you been meaning to do but haven't yet done? Why haven't you done it?

50. Let's say that regardless of what job you have, you'll make $100,000 a year (£78,000; €90,000), enough to live comfortably without having to worry about expenses. What job would you choose to have if money were no object?

51. What do you get the most compliments about?
[I many of these questions are assuming the person is relatively normal...
If you choose 34, then this is the alternative questions (or you can answer both): I'm running out of ideas and I'm more or less about 1/4th of the way are trapped in a room that is not lacking in the necessities (has food, water, shower, toilet, perfect livable temperature). It's 45ft x 25ft x 10ft. For people who live in a place that uses a measurement system that makes sense, it's 13.7m x 7.62m x 3.04m.
Whether real or fictional, pick your favorite person. Now your least favorite. You 3 are stuck together for a week. Anything interesting happen? You all buddies now/what's the relationship dynamic? ]

52. Have you ever had an epiphany? What was it about, and what sparked the realisation?

53. What is the most important quality you look for in a friend? A romantic partner?

54. What is a childhood habit or preference that you'll never outgrow?

55. What is your favourite word and why?

56. Which of your flaws are you most proud of?

57. What is the most ordinary-seeming thing that you find fascinating?
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Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018
2nd part since all of it was too long:

58. What lesson have you had to learn again and again?

59. What was your favourite thing about the place you grew up?

60. What scientific or technological advance blows your mind? Is there any technology that seems so futuristic and advanced you're surprised it actually exists?

61. If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?

62. What is something that gets cooler/more interesting the more you learn about it?

63. What would you title your memoir?

64. What was the hardest decision you've ever made?

65. What word would your best friend use to describe you? Your parents? Your significant other (if applicable)?

66. In what way would you most like to become famous?

67. How would you summarise your life so far in one sentence?

68. You're old and on your deathbed. With your last breath, you may deliver your last words to anyone you know. What do you say and who do say it to?

69. If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally?

70. What is the best advice you've ever received?

71. You have one year to live: how do you spend it?

72. Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, and what made them so special?

73. What is something you never thought you'd be able to do, until you actually did it?

74. If you could go back and relive one day in your life without changing anything about it, which day would you revisit?

75. If you had the power to completely eradicate one disease, which would you choose to abolish?

76. If you had the power to completely solve one social or political issue affecting the world today, which would you choose?

77. What was the scariest moment of your life thus far?

78. If you lived in a colonial or Medieval village, what would your job be?

79. Have you ever desired or longed for something, but once you got it, discovered it was overrated?

80. What is something you've done that you recommend everyone do before they die?

81. What do you know isn't real, but want badly for it to exist?

82. What is the greatest physical pain you've ever felt?

83. What is something you don't realise is weird until you really think about it?

84. What's your favourite joke you've ever heard?

85. Is there something you wish everybody knew about you without you having to tell them?

86. What trait do you admire in others but don't possess yourself?

87. What question do you most hate being asked?

88. What is something other people admire about you?

89. What's the best outcome of a complete accident you've experienced in your life?

90. Have you ever gotten the giggles in an inappropriate place? Where was it?

91. What's the best lesson you've learned from a difficult situation?

92. What do you think "success" means? How do you define it in your own life?

93. What's your favourite article of clothing you own?

94. What's something you wish you enjoyed but never can seem to?

95. If you could play any instrument or learn any language in two hours, which would you choose and how would you use your talent?

96. Have you ever challenged or questioned a belief you held for a long time? What prompted it and what was the result?

97. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

98. What's the coolest project you've ever worked on? If none, what's the coolest project you would want to work on?

99. Are you currently pursuing what makes you happy? Why or why not?

100. What did you know was a mistake as soon as you decided to do it, and why did you go through with it anyway?

101. In what ways are you stubborn?

102. What's a brief summary of your outlook on life?

103. What are you most likely to be arrested for (even if you don't do anything illegal—what crime do you think you're most likely to commit)?

104. Think of your biggest regret. If you could go back in time and make a decision to keep it from happening, would you?

105. If you could be any animal (real and/or fictional), what would you be and why?

106. What is the worst thing about the place you live?

107. What is the best thing about the place you live?

108. Does anybody beside yourself know your deepest secret? Do you ever intend to tell anyone?

109. What is one small change you made in your life that had a much bigger impact that you anticipated?

110. What historical event would you most like to have experienced?

111. Do you believe in fate, the idea that "whatever is meant to happen will happen"? Or do you believe more in a universe governed mainly by chaos and the unknown?

112. What unpleasant experience are you most proud of yourself for making it through?

113. In a "Freaky Friday" situation where you woke up in someone else's body, who would you like to be for a day and have them inhabit your body?

114. What's a quirk of yours that few people know about?

115. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

116. Are you currently holding a grudge against anyone or anything?

117. What small thing annoys you to an irrational degree?

118. Have you gone through any phases in your life? What is the most notable one?

119. What historical figure do you most admire and why?

120. Was there ever a moment when you thought you were going to die?

121. What was the best opportunity you ever received?

122. What always makes you nostalgic?

123. What would you like to accomplish before the year is over?

124. Have you ever been offered a good opportunity but refused? What was the situation?

125. Would you prefer your family to be smaller or larger than it is now, or neither? Do you wish you were more involved with your extended family?

126. What is something you're hypocritical about; something you believe but have a hard time sticking to in practise?

127. Has anyone close to you ever died? Was there anything that helped you to move past their death?

128. What is something you're inherently bad at, no matter how hard you try to improve?

129. Do you have any inherent talents?

130. What small, insignificant thing gives you joy?

131. If you could live anywhere in the world in any kind of domicile, and money was no object, where would you live and what would your dwelling be like?

132. What is one thing you've done/seen/eaten/etc. that turned out to be really good, even though you initially didn't expect it to be?

133. In the movie *Inside Out*, each person has a set of "core memories" that define who they are and how they behave. What's one of yours?

134. What is the biggest mistake you've made that actually turned out alright?

135. What's the best decision you've ever made?

136. When you're sick, what are some things you eat/drink/watch/etc. to be comfortable?

137. What are some core principles you have that you'll never give up or change?

138. Have you ever invented something? It doesn't have to be a traditional product either, it can be creating a new dish, coining a term.

139. What cause do you strongly support, even though it wouldn't directly benefit you?

140. What book, movie, film, or video game (or all 3) had the best ending?

141. You have enough money to make a sizeable charitable donation—to which charity do you donate it and why? Or, if you choose not to go through a charity, how would you spend this money in a philanthropic way?

142. What is something weird you do that you wonder if other people do as well?

143. Suddenly you're in a horror film, running from a masked murderer. Your only companion is the last person you texted, and your only weapon is whatever is currently closest to your left hand. What is the movie like and do you think you could survive?

144. What is one thing you're tired of telling/explaining to people?

145. What embarrassing memory will forever be burned into your mind?

146. What was the busiest day of your life thus far?

147. What was the greatest day of your life thus far?

148. What was the worst day of your life thus far?

149. What is one thing you're good at that people don't expect?

150. In what way do you differ most from your parents?
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Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018
78 part

151. In what way do you differ most from your best friend?

152. What stereotype are you most like?

153. What is one thing you're proud you haven't done?

154. What is something that's difficult for you but easy for most other people?

155. What is something that's easy for you but difficult for most other people?

156. What are you glad you learned as a child?

157. If you could know either when you die or how, which would you choose, if either?

158. What is something you had to learn the hard way?

159. What is something you want but will never have?
[No cheating: we all want death so that "isn't" an acceptable answer.]

160. If you could know for certain the answer to any question, what would that question be?

161. What is a quote that speaks to you, and why do you like it?

162. What advice do you wish you'd received earlier?

163. What was the hardest time of your life, and how did you make it through?

164. What is the best compliment you've ever received?

165. What character trait instantly makes you respect someone?

166. What is the best compliment you've ever given someone?

167. What is a fear you've faced and how did you face it?

168. What is an "everyday evil" you experience often? Something banal but deeply unfair.

169. What person you know do you look up to most and why?

170. Has anyone ever saved your life? Have you ever saved someone else's?
[That's a little exclusionary...How about: who's life do you want to save (homeless person you see frequently on streets, random cancer patient, someone you care about who has some terminal ailment, etc)? ]

171. What expensive thing is absolutely worth the money?

172. If you could change your name (first, last, middle, or any combination of the three), what would you change and why?

173. What historical figure would you most like to sit and have a conversation with over tea?

174. Who do you wish was still alive?

175. What is a story you always fall back on—one you've told so many times you nearly have it memorised?

176. How has your year been going?

177. There is an old, old man who lives deep in the forest. He is immortal, and was born in the year 0. You may ask him one question. What do you ask?
[Just a stupid commentary: if the cursory google search is to be trusted, all but 2 countries use the Gregorian calendar so year 0 is when Christ was born meaning there's still at least several years before year 0. I'm assuming the author meant zero to be the beginning of when we kept track of time not 0 AD]

178. How are you? No, really. How are you? Not "Fine," not "Good, thanks, and you?" How are you *really*? Now, today, at this moment?

179. What were you severely underprepared for?

180. What's the most selfish thing you've done?

181. What's the most selfless thing you've done?

182. If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be and why?

183. What is your favourite question to answer?

184. What is the biggest punishment you've ever received? Getting grounded, disciplinary file, prison?

185. What about yourself is completely different from what you were like 10 years ago?

186. What about yourself hasn't changed in the last 10 years?

187. If you could erase one memory from your mind, what would it be and why?

188. What *wouldn't* you do for someone you love?

189. If you could enhance one of your senses twofold (e.g. your hearing would be twice as good as it is now), which would you choose to enhance?

190. What's the best gift you've ever received?

191. What's the best gift you've ever given? Who did you give it to?

192. What one thing changed the way you see the world?

193. If you died today, what would be your biggest regret?

194. What is a completely rational, justified fear that you have?

195. What is something you love that most people hate?

196. What is something you hate that most people love?

197. What do you wish was possible?

198. Who was the last person you called, and what did you talk about?

199. What will never cease to make you smile?

200. What will always be funny to you?

201. What is something that happened to you, despite the odds being stacked against you?

202. If you were a superhero, what would be your name, costume, and catchphrase? Who would you fight?

203. What was the last song that got stuck in your head?

204. What is the longest or most complex thing you have memorised?

205. Assume that god exists. For our purposes, he created the universe and has witnessed everything that has happened since. He also has control over everyone's lives and destinies. Once a millennium, he appears to somebody in his human form and will answer one question with absolute truth. He has chosen you. What do you ask him?

206. If you could have any superpower for just one day, but you get to choose the superpower and when you activate it, what would you choose and when would you use it?

207. In what way have you experience the saying, "You don't know what you have until you lose it"?

208. Someone you love will die at the end of today. Only you know this; they don't. How do you spend your last day with them and when do you tell them that they're going to die, if ever?

209. What do you wish you remembered better?

210. Who is the single best person you have ever met? What makes them the best?

211. What is something you know is going to happen, but hasn't yet?

212. Have you ever gotten a "hunch" about something that turned out to be true?

213. What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done, and why did you do it?

214. What do you think is worth dying for, if anything?

215. Is there anything you have vowed never to do?

216. Under what circumstances do you think you could kill someone, if any?

217. What's your favourite memory with your best friend?

218. What is a profession you admire but could never be a part of?

219. What is something you enjoyed doing but would never do again?

220. What object best defines who you are?

221. What is the strongest emotional connection you've ever felt with a person? (It doesn't have to be romantic.)

222. Do you have or have you ever had a nemesis?

223. What's the biggest fight you've gotten into, and what was it about?

224. What would the ideal version of your life look like?

225. What was the most recent thing that made you belly laugh?

226. What is the dumbest purchase you've ever made?

227. If you had to write your own eulogy to be read at your funeral, what would it say in brief?
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
I like answering questions.

3. If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward?
The one that goes back.

8. What is something you're terrible at but wish you could do well?
3D modeling.

15. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would you change?
My species.

27. If you were a character in a movie, book, or television show, what genre would you live in?
A fantasy detective thriller.

38. What is the closest you've ever come to dying?
My last attempt, obviously.

49. What have you been meaning to do but haven't yet done? Why haven't you done it?
It is quite easy to guess on this forum.

51. What do you get the most compliments about?
My appearance.

57. What is the most ordinary-seeming thing that you find fascinating?

67. How would you summarise your life so far in one sentence?
"A mistake."

69. If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally?

76. If you had the power to completely solve one social or political issue affecting the world today, which would you choose?
It is quite easy to guess. [2]

81. What do you know isn't real, but want badly for it to exist?
Lycanthropy/shapeshifting or magic.

93. What's your favourite article of clothing you own?
Any of my T-shirts.

95. If you could play any instrument or learn any language in two hours, which would you choose and how would you use your talent?
Japanese or Proto-Indo-European.

101. In what ways are you stubborn?
In any way.

104. Think of your biggest regret. If you could go back in time and make a decision to keep it from happening, would you?
Of course.

13. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be and why?
105. If you could be any animal (real and/or fictional), what would you be and why?

An undead shapeshifter.

117. What small thing annoys you to an irrational degree?
The colour of blood.

127. Has anyone close to you ever died?
Was there anything that helped you to move past his death?

132. What is one thing you've done/seen/eaten/etc. that turned out to be really good, even though you initially didn't expect it to be?

159. What is something you want but will never have?
A mechanical/non-organic body.

161. What is a quote that speaks to you, and why do you like it?
"What's worse:
This world or my only way out?" ©
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Dog Food

Dog Food

Mar 27, 2018
117) The sound of rubber balls bouncing makes me absolutely murderous.
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Sep 19, 2018
1. What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
I do have a roof over my head and financially secure.

2. Who has had the most positive impact on your life?
My aunt / ex wife.

3. If you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward?

Forward in when our universe is devoid of all life.

5. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be and why?
A vibrator. At least I'd be getting more action that I'm getting now.

6. Where do you wish you had grown up?

7. If you could be good at any profession without having to receive the accompanying education or trade experience, which would you choose?
A vet (for odvious reasons)

8. What is something you're terrible at but wish you could do well?

10. What was the most recent thing that made you cry? Laugh? Intensely ponder?
Probably when I got really drunk recently. Laugh? South Park. Intensely ponder? Wether or not I could really go though with hanging myself.

12. What is the most trivial thing about which you have a strong opinion?
I am against traditions and ceremonies. Anti-wedding, anti-funeral, anti-cemetery, and anti-turkey at thanksgiving. Despite the last one, I don't think the other 3 are that trivial.

13. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be and why?
God so I could end all this bs suffering.

15. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would you change?
My face.

16. What single event or decision do you think most affected the rest of your life? Was there a turning point in your life?
Damn that is a very difficult question. I'll pick a random one - when I was 13 I totally lost it after being so afraid of my biomom and step dad. I wanted to be with my dads side of the family. I was tired of yesrs of abuse. So I ripped up everything in my room and just started raging (never did that before cuz I was too afraid). I didn't get any beatings that night and by the next week I was living with my aunt waiting for her to get custody.

18. Some historical figures have epithets attached to their names, like The Mad or The Wise. What would you like yours to be?
The Tourmented.

19. What was the best year of your life? The worst?
Best - when I first got married / hanging with my grandparents / hanging with my friends in 2002 and in 2006. Worst? Pretty much everything else.

20. What one thing, whether it's something you did or something you made or something you caused to happen, would you like to be remembered by?
I don't really care about being remembered. If I ever finish that right to die manifesto I'd like for that document to be remembered.

21. What has been the biggest change of heart you've had? Have you ever started off on one side of an issue and wound up on the other? What influenced that change?
When I was 16-18 I went though a phase were I was a right wing religious person. I don't talk about it much because it is embarrassing. I was rebelling because I didn't fit in with the goths even lol. Jesus fuck! Then I went though a nervous breakdown and started to think about our reality and study life. Since I was already skilled on many topics, once I stopped being delusional and started thinking for myself, my entire belief system changed.

26. Is there something about you that people assume because of your appearance or demeanour? What is a trait or preference you have that people don't expect you to have?
People must assume that I am a dumb pushover. I'm pretty intelligent and know what's going on. I just don't like confrontation

27. If you were a character in a movie, book, or television show, what genre would you live in? What is life like there?
Sometimes I feel like I'd be a Steve Brule

28. What is the hardest way you've learned an important lesson?
Trying to be optimistic then having reality slap me in the face.

29. What cliché do you think is bullshit?
"It gets better"

31. Imagine that you could choose when and how you die. At what age would you like to die (no maximum here) and how would you like to go?
Now. Nembutal.

33. What was the happiest moment of your life so far?
Hard to say. Maybe when I found out my aunt would get custody of me. But 3 months later I developed a panic disorder. When I got married? Then it all feel apart.

34. What is one childhood memory that you remember especially well?
Another hard question so I'll pick a random one - in the summer or 1995 when my grandpa was driving me over a bridge telling me the doctors told him he had 27% lung capacity. Prob trying to prepare me for the worst.

36. What is your ideal birthday? Not the date, but rather your ideal way to spend the day.
A guarenteed peaceful death would be nice.

38. What is the closest you've ever come to dying?
Not accounting failed attempts - when I had pneumonia at age 9. I was rushed to the hospital with blue lips. Didn't even feel any suffering. My bitch of a biomom never even told the ones I loved that I was in the hospital for nearly week. Blamed my pneumonia on my grandmas cig smoking.

39. Do you have a personal mantra? If so, what is it?
Because our mothers had the absolute right to bring us into this world, we, as adults, have the absolute right to leave it. We signed no contract or gave consent to be here. Therefore, we should be under no obligation to stay.

40. What is the most memorable meal you've ever had? (It can be good or bad.) What made it so memorable?

I had the Taste of Italy at Olive Garden when I was a kid. I remember it being so good.

41. What's the worst advice you've ever been given? If nothing comes to mind, what's the worst advice you heard of?
Have to pick a random one - when I was 19 I was talking to this woman online. She wanted to come down from NC to have sex. Her husband was in Iraq. So I took my aunts advice and said no because I didn't want to take part in cheating. I know cheating is wrong but damn. I didn't get too many opportunities after that. ALSO "give life one more chance" - my aunt in 2009.

42. In what ways do you benefit the world? If you're too self-loathing and can't think of any, what ways would you like to be a benefit to the world?

I would like to help with the right to die cause.

43. What fact about yourself took you the longest to understand or accept?
Trying to better myself will not change how others precieve me.

44. What is your least popular or most controversial opinion?

Natalism should be a illegal. There I said it!

49. What have you been meaning to do but haven't yet done? Why haven't you done it?
I want to write my Right to Die Manifesto. Haven't finished it due to depression.

51. What do you get the most compliments about?
My sense of humor probably.

53. What is the most important quality you look for in a friend? A romantic partner?
Loyalty, down to earth, and a good heart. I'm done with relationships.

54. What is a childhood habit or preference that you'll never outgrow?
Smelling myself

55. What is your favourite word and why?
Euthanasia. It's a good sounding word and it's a very powerful one to me. Means "the good death". Orgasm sounds nice too.

57. What is the most ordinary-seeming thing that you find fascinating?
I've always been interested in extremes. Like size for example. I was always fascinated in the size of our universe or how small an object can be.
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Nov 8, 2018
95. If you could play any instrument or learn any language in two hours, which would you choose and how would you use your talent?

I sit down in some futuristic looking chair and a keyboard. This thing is meant to pump knowledge my into brain, assuming it's either a language or a musical instrument. I take a couple minutes for a short prayer despite the fact I'm not a religious man and type in a single word: music.
If the device works the way I imagine and interprets the word as both a language and a skill, it would hopefully pump me full of both musical theory and practice of every musical instrument known to man. My arms grow calluses, bleed, heal, grow more calluses, bleed more and heal again. The process repeats a few times during the two hours. I wake up, feeling like I've been shot with a thousand paintball guns all over my body

The first instrument I pick up is an acoustic guitar, the second, a good harmonica. I'll keep the harmonica on me at all times simply because it's a neat thing to have. It fits in your pocket and fits with any instrument. I may not be a street smart vagabond, but I too have seen and experienced an amount of shit.
The guitar would be more of a job tool - street performers, at least the ones who know what they're doing make decent money, actually.
The problem with the guitar, though, is that it's easily visible, and if you bring it somewhere, you better play.
The harmonica is easier to conceal. Being able to pull off a legendary sax solo is a very welcome bonus.
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Sep 19, 2018
60. What scientific or technological advance blows your mind? Is there any technology that seems so futuristic and advanced you're surprised it actually exists?
It's still in the experiment phase, but the prospects of Claytronics always fascinated me.

61. If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?
Still suffering now that you're a stiff?

63. What would you title your memoir?
Born Without A Life

65. What word would your best friend use to describe you? Your parents? Your significant other (if applicable)?
Funny, "negative", handsome (according to my ex wife and aunt).

67. How would you summarise your life so far in one sentence?
Pushing a brick up a steep cliff made of broken glass.

68. You're old and on your deathbed. With your last breath, you may deliver your last words to anyone you know.!

71. You have one year to live: how do you spend it?
The same way I spent last year.

72. Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, and what made them so special?
It was in 8th grade. Due to my panic disorder I was put in a small behavior modification class with a man named Mr.Greyley. He was so nice. We all respected him. He was like a cross between my Grandpa and Hank Hill. He was very hands on. Made learning easy, fun and practical. For the first time In my life I actually wanted to get good grades and impress him.

73. What is something you never thought you'd be able to do, until you actually did it?
Get married. Divorced now but that's a diff story.

74. If you could go back and relive one day in your life without changing anything about it, which day would you revisit?
Why would I want to do that? It would be depressing knowing that once that day was over I'd be in the hellhole I am today.

76. If you had the power to completely solve one social or political issue affecting the world today, which would you choose?
The right to die!

77. What was the scariest moment of your life thus far?
Too many to even be able to single one out.

82. What is the greatest physical pain you've ever felt?
A severe pinched nerve when I was doing slave like labor at age 13. Had to rake rocks in a huge yard at my biomoms house so grass could be planted. No matter how bad it hurt I still had to do it! Then put the rocks in a wheel barrel then dump em in the creek bed. If I didn't do it I'd get beaten. Felt like I was being stabbed. I couldn't even move my head hardly. The fear of getting hit forced me to push though. I had back problems from that until I was around 20.

83. What is something you don't realise is weird until you really think about it?

85. Is there something you wish everybody knew about you without you having to tell them?
That I NEED to die. It's more than just a want.

87. What question do you most hate being asked?
"Thought about trying a different medication?"

88. What is something other people admire about you?
I guess my intellect and sense of humor.

90. Have you ever gotten the giggles in an inappropriate place? Where was it?
When I was married my wife and I use to go to Sonic. I ordered my own though the drive though. I over thought everything. Was like "I NEED 2 cheeseburgers" then started laughing because I was thinking "this is the last thing I need

95. If you could play any instrument or learn any language in two hours, which would you choose and how would you use your talent?
The gutair so I could do DSBM

96. Have you ever challenged or questioned a belief you held for a long time? What prompted it and what was the result?
Of course. Reality slapped me in the face enough for me to better know the difference between what's bullshit and what's not.

102. What's a brief summary of your outlook on life?

104. Think of your biggest regret. If you could go back in time and make a decision to keep it from happening, would you?
not sticking to my diet after losing all that weight in 2006

111. Do you believe in fate, the idea that "whatever is meant to happen will happen"? Or do you believe more in a universe governed mainly by chaos and the unknown?
Chaos which sucks

116. Are you currently holding a grudge against anyone or anything?
Everyone who as ever wronged me. Not healthy but it's hard to help.

118. Have you gone through any phases in your life? What is the most notable one?
Gothic phase followed by a Christian conservative phase in my teens.

119. What historical figure do you most admire and why?
Jack Kevorkian maybe. Or Philip Nitsche. The right to die is very important.

120. Was there ever a moment when you thought you were going to die?
Everytime I had a panic attack and when I attempted to CTB twice.

123. What would you like to accomplish before the year is over?
CTB but that's likley not going to happen this year.

125. Would you prefer your family to be smaller or larger than it is now, or neither? Do you wish you were more involved with your extended family?
A very small family like I have now. Too many people = too much noise.

126. What is something you're hypocritical about; something you believe but have a hard time sticking to in practise?
I am an Efilist who eats meat.

127. Has anyone close to you ever died? Was there anything that helped you to move past their death?
Yes. My grandparents, 2 best friends. What got me though it was knowing that they were no longer suffering.

128. What is something you're inherently bad at, no matter how hard you try to improve?
Feelimg comfortable in my own skin.

129. Do you have any inherent talents?
Reasoning skills, ideas, writing stories, comedy. Been too depressed to presue those lately.

131. If you could live anywhere in the world in any kind of domicile, and money was no object, where would you live and what would your dwelling be like?
Switzerland for odvious reasons

137. What are some core principles you have that you'll never give up or change?
Efilist principles

139. What cause do you strongly support, even though it wouldn't directly benefit you?
the right to die, LGBT rights, the complete separation of church and state, universal healthcare, tax increases on the wealthy, legslized weed and brothel styled prostitution.

140. What book, movie, film, or video game (or all 3) had the best ending?
Red Desd Redemption, Misery

144. What is one thing you're tired of telling/explaining to people?
Why I should have the right to die and why I deserve to obtain those tools.

146. What was the busiest day of your life thus far?
Probably the day my ex wife got into a horrible car wreck and had to be life flighted to a hospital in San Antonio.

150. In what way do you differ most from your parents?
I am not a narcissistic sociopath.
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Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018
@Skathon Oh boy do I have some follow ups

First, how did you put spoilers? I'm and idiot and/or couldn't find a user guide to the formatting of replies...

13/105. Neat but I'm wondering why undead? As in, what specific characteristics (or whatever) about the undead appeals to you?

15. It's mentioned in one of the questions but since you mentioned this, what species would you want to be?

95 Ooo neat. I'm universal in that I like all languages and instruments. Where does the appeal of Japanese and Proto-Indo-European lie for you?

117. Do you have a preference of what color it should be?

132. Nice. I love buckwheat noodles. Anything buckwheat good for you? Do you cook/bake?

159. You may still chose to CTB anyway but, if you had the option to transfer you consciousness to a robotic one...well you probably would.
If yes, how do things look now?
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Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018

3. Straight to heat death of universe. Perfection. I fucking hope eternal recurrence is not a thing.

6. Switzerland is like the haven of the world.: gun owners in America always mention their. Here at SS it holds obvious appeal. Naturalists/outdoor lovers is the other obvious one...hence I hear (don't know the numbers or if things have changed) it's very hard to get into. Would you "settle" for Belgium?

18. Just text but I'm sorry that epithet applies to you...
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Sep 19, 2018
152. What stereotype are you most like?
The basement dweller

154. What is something that's difficult for you but easy for most other people?
Simple shit like cleaning my room or doing the dishes. Depression makes everything harder.

155. What is something that's easy for you but difficult for most other people?
Seeing our imposition for what it truly is (in my opinion of course)

156. What are you glad you learned as a child?
To never have children.

157. If you could know either when you die or how, which would you choose, if either?
When probably.

159. What is something you want but will never have?
[No cheating: we all want death so that "isn't" an acceptable answer.]
A partner in person ever again.

160. If you could know for certain the answer to any question, what would that question be?
What would be like in the year 2100.

162. What advice do you wish you'd received earlier?
Don't get attached to people too quickly.

165. What character trait instantly makes you respect someone?
Not being an asshole.

168. What is an "everyday evil" you experience often? Something banal but deeply unfair.
Life itself

170. Has anyone ever saved your life? Have you ever saved someone else's?
Nobody can save a life. Only prolong it.

174. Who do you wish was still alive?
I would never wish for something cruel and selfish like that on someone who's already gone.

176. How has your year been going?
Like shit. I'll probably write a year end "rear end) review of 2018 on SS.

179. What were you severely underprepared for?

181. What's the most selfless thing you've done?
Stayed in the hospital with my ex wife for 10 days after her car accident in 2012. Never felt so exhausted in my life.

183. What is your favorite question in the world?
How old was you when I had my first orgasm?

184. What is the biggest punishment you've ever received? Getting grounded, disciplinary file, prison?

185. What about yourself is completely different from what you were like 10 years ago?
I am a lot wiser and more realistic about things I guess.

186. What about yourself hasn't changed in the last 10 years?
Still want to CTB. Still an atheistic Negative Utilitarian antinatalist.

189. If you could enhance one of your senses twofold (e.g. your hearing would be twice as good as it is now), which would you choose to enhance?
My eyesight

190. What's the best gift you've ever received?
The gift of love. Lol jk. If I only had Nembutal!

193. If you died today, what would be your biggest regret?
The dead have no regrets.

194. What is a completely rational, justified fear that you have?

195. What is something you love that most people hate?

196. What is something you hate that most people love?
Kanye West

197. What do you wish was possible?
A peaceful passing.

198. Who was the last person you called, and what did you talk about?
My ex wife. I can't remember.

201. What is something that happened to you, despite the odds being stacked against you?
Like I said, I did get married.

202. If you were a superhero, what would be your name, costume, and catchphrase? Who would you fight?
Busman / I would help people CTB and fight anyone who is against the right to die. Maybe I'd wear Jack Kevorkians blue sweater and polyester pants.

203. What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Ghost by Badflower

205. Assume that god exists. For our purposes, he created the universe and has witnessed everything that has happened since. He also has control over everyone's lives and destinies. Once a millennium, he appears to somebody in his human form and will answer one question with absolute truth. He has chosen you. What do you ask him?
Dude.....the fuck?

206. If you could have any superpower for just one day, but you get to choose the superpower and when you activate it, what would you choose and when would you use it?
The power to press a red button to evaporate myself.

211. What is something you know is going to happen, but hasn't yet?

212. Have you ever gotten a "hunch" about something that turned out to be true?
Yup and oh how I wished I was wrong.

216. Under what circumstances do you think you could kill someone, if any?
Only for self defense or to protect someone else.

217. What's your favourite memory with your best friend?
Hanging out with him in 2006. R.I.P.

218. What is a profession you admire but could never be a part of?
The video gaming industry / politics

222. Do you have or have you ever had a nemesis?

227. If you had to write your own eulogy to be read at your funeral, what would it say in brief?
I don't want a funeral.
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
42. In what ways do you benefit the world? If you're too self-loathing and can't think of any, what ways would you like to be a benefit to the world?
When I was younger I taught social studies for one year through a national service agency training program. I was offered a job but stupidly turned it down, anxiety probably.
If things were different in my life I would continue in education. In addition to teaching social studies I would prepare kids for the times when bullshit is thrown at them in this life.

116. Are you currently holding a grudge against anyone or anything?
I'm definitely holding a grudge against a lying family member who for YEARS has told disgusting lies about me. I don't feel bad about my grudge against this liar. Hope I'm around when she gets hers.
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Quae Est Absurdum
Nov 6, 2018
@Going Home
I'm kind of brown-nosing since I can't make a fair assessment but I think you'd be an excellent teacher (in my stupid opinion anyway) that unfortunately would be canned because your worldview/teaching style is "too real/harsh" for kids.

My only proof that you would be excellent is because if you're here, it probably means you have spent a great deal of time introspectively everything: your role in society, society at large/the way things are, reasonably sufficient should's/should not, etc.
At the very least you aren't sheltered. CTB probably wasn't the first thing when things go bad. You tried, tried and tried again so CTB becomes the preferable option. So you've "been there" more than others. While not always, I think that experience and how one conveys that with the teaching material at hand is good in the classroom.
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
@Going Home
I'm kind of brown-nosing since I can't make a fair assessment but I think you'd be an excellent teacher (in my stupid opinion anyway) that unfortunately would be canned because your worldview/teaching style is "too real/harsh" for kids.

My only proof that you would be excellent is because if you're here, it probably means you have spent a great deal of time introspectively everything: your role in society, society at large/the way things are, reasonably sufficient should's/should not, etc.
At the very least you aren't sheltered. CTB probably wasn't the first thing when things go bad. You tried, tried and tried again so CTB becomes the preferable option. So you've "been there" more than others. While not always, I think that experience and how one conveys that with the teaching material at hand is good in the classroom.
Hi @NemoZeno. Maybe in some other life things would be different, if a better life exists somewhere else off this planet. I could be of some use, be a nice teacher who won't get canned. Today I'm not useful to anybody and just want this suffering over. I did try.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
First, how did you put spoilers? I'm and idiot and/or couldn't find a user guide to the formatting of replies...
There is indeed no formatting guide on this site, but it is the same as on most other ones that use BBCode, fortunately:

13/105. Neat but I'm wondering why undead? As in, what specific characteristics (or whatever) about the undead appeals to you?
I would like to breathe only whenever I wish to and let my blood become transparent, then amputate and sew everything as I prefer. Besides, being invincible is quite convenient. In my dreams I also sometimes break my neck or rip off my head to see how others (usually vampires) react.
The form/species/concept itself is from Slavic (at that time also Nordic and Romanian) mythology.

15. It's mentioned in one of the questions but since you mentioned this, what species would you want to be?
Either the one that I consider myself to be (which I cannot mention publicly owing to privacy) or a wolf. Though, I would not mind to be born as any species that has sight, fangs, claws, and a tail.

95 Ooo neat. I'm universal in that I like all languages and instruments. Where does the appeal of Japanese and Proto-Indo-European lie for you?
Games, manga, anime, (fan)art, articles/other works.
One of the best languages. It is not hard to learn it (any aspects of it), but there is not enough information.

117. Do you have a preference of what color it should be?
It should be like water: transparent. Though, if I had to choose, then... grey or pale blue, perhaps? The one that does not affect the colour of flesh/skin and is easy to wash off.

132. Nice. I love buckwheat noodles. Anything buckwheat good for you? Do you cook/bake?
I usually do not prepare it myself, but I like almost any buckwheat products/dishes, including noodles.

159. You may still chose to CTB anyway but, if you had the option to transfer you consciousness to a robotic one...well you probably would.
If yes, how do things look now?

Depending on how invincible the part with the brain/main system is, I would either instantly decide to become a new natural (logical?) selection for organic creatures or rest (at least partially) for the first time while still being alive. Nevertheless, my immortality would be temporal in any case.

P.S. Perhaps there are more such, hm, question collections? I would be interested in answering a few additional ones.
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