Sweet emotion
- Sep 14, 2019
- 1,325
Do you know how when an animal dies, people say, don't get that upset it's just an animal. Yet these animals have more rights than we do when it comes to death! I love animals don't get me wrong. But we are aninals too and I don't see why we don't have the same rights as they do. I'm 34 and have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history for 14 years. That's pretty much half of my life. There are no treatments snd no cures. It's a progressive disease and every day is like Russian roulette. Something awful may happen that will add another kind of kayer of pain and suffering onto your body or something won't. Now I have horrible tinnitus for the past month and I'm losing my mind over it. This condition is so bad that people have actually had their limbs amputated to try to get relief! Can you imagine going to sleep with your arms and waking up without them? I don't even know what the point of that is because it's not the way I would want to live. Or go into the operating room with my legs and wake up without them. Unfortunately I have this condition in my head. Someone really got me there haha. Can't have a head transplant. And because these lousy, greedy, disgusting, lying pain management doctors can't help me they want me to see a therapist. I'm already seeing a psychiatrist. I don't see a therapist because the more I talk the more the pain pressure and nerve sensitivity increases in all areas of my ears and head. I have to rub numbing cream on my ears to be able to touch my pillow at night. I don't have a mental disorder. I'm depressed because of the pain and isolation I am in. I was not seeing a therapist or psychiatrist before I got sick. But yet they want to put me in more pain because they can't help me. If I was a dog or cat, I would have been put down a long time ago. People are trying to get the dying with dignity law passed but onoy for those who have cancer. I'm sorry but this is worse than cancer if you can believe that. At least with cancer you have hope. There are cures for certain types of cancer. You fight to live when you're diagnosed with cancer. But you have to kill yourself to get rid of this disease or you let it drive you insane. I've had enough! We need to fight for dying for dignity not just for those with cancer. If you have cancer you either get cured and live your life or you die and are put out of your misery. I pray for cancer for Christ sakes so I can refuse treatment and let it take me out! So people better wise up in this world because one day it's going to be them. I pray my doctor's and every doctor who has hurt me while I've had this disease, or any doctor who has said I have a problem with pills, or any doctor who has said I have a mental problem to get my condition and see what it was like walking in my shoes.