A bit of a similar experience for me.
I'm not an impulsive person, I think a lot before I act even for small things. It's also pretty obvious when I'm feeling sad. I cry a lot. And sometimes I do it in public, whatever. People notice, whatever. People then approach and want to talk to me, uh oh.
This must of happened at least a dozen times for me now, I'm out in public, somewhere pretty visible, it's usually an older lady who comes up. There's no explicit need for physical intervention; they just sit down next to me and try to console me. I'm not impulsive enough to actively resist other people and make a scene like that. So I just tell them what's on my mind, nothing really wrong with me but lots of problems with society. They can't offer a quick fix and their motivational speech doesn't work, so they usually leave after half an hour.
One of my near death experiences was also a bit like this. I took a lethal dose on hypernatremia with AE and I was going to enter a coma in about an hour and die an hour after that. She saw I was stumbling a bit on the sidewalk, I just let the lady get a cab and take me to hospital, I got all better and no permanent damage. She was nice about it and all, but then I got really gutted when she didn't want to stay to be my friend and sit with me at hospital. I mean, of course she wouldn't want to be friends with someone she saw doing that. Then I had a bit of fun teaching the medical resident on shift about hypernatremia, but of course he wouldn't want to be my friend either despite both of us working on pretty cool research projects. Sigh. I'm sure both of them gave themselves an angel on the bridge medal; without really fixing the iceberg of the problem, friendship.
Sure, what they did *in the moment* was good and all. But I want friends that stick around. The best friends help when there's problems instead of running for it. What about all the anorexic girls who starve themselves, and people think that's perfectly healthy since thinness is some kind of god in our society? No, there's no angels on the bridges for them.