

If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
I just wanted to make an update on my post about my items going missing after a deep clean of my flat

I just want to start by saying that about a week after the deep clean , which was back in August , I had the estate office send round an electrician to do a routine check of the plug sockets . He took photos of all the socket locations . At the time of his visit, I had a smashed glass bottle on the floor that I had swept up. I had dropped the bottle on the floor after the panic about my items going missing and I was frantically looking for them . The electrician said he would be back in 5 minutes after getting some equipment . He never came back

I have also been visiting Michelle ( the estate officer ) periodically for the last two months about my missing items and she has acted all sympathetic , talking to me about my hobbies and saying how she understands my frustration about my missing items. Especially the meaningful ones that can not be replaced. She has asked me to write a letter of complaint and forward it to her, but she has ignored my emails

Yesterday morning I received a huge parcel with what seemed to contain a book or something. I thought that I had received a surprise birthday present as it is nearing my birthday . I opened it and it contained a book - thick stack of papers giving me a court date and a bunch of photos of my flat taken when the smashed dropped glass bottle was swept up on the floor. It also has pictures of the things I had re-arranged, trying to look for my missing items after the deep clean . The photos were made to look like I had made the flat a mess. There is also a damaged door that has been like that since around 2005 ( I have my support worker and neighbours as a witness to that, but Michelle thinks I did it out of anger after the missing items ). They are taking me to court over the mess and re-arranged stuff and possibly the door too, to try and make me lose my flat and also pay for the damage of the door that had nothing to do with me and was like that when I arrived 15 years ago

Michelle is listed as a court witness against me with a witness statement

So for the last two months , while she has been acting all sympathetic with me , talking to me about my hobbies and saying how she understands how heart broken I am after the missing items .... she has been plotting to try and make me lose my flat / apartment and get me on the streets

I have no idea who took the photos as I wasn't told about it . I have two theories : One theory is that Michelle secretly sent round the electrician to take photos of my place without my knowledge ( after I had told her I had rummaged the place to look for the missing items and she came to the flat and saw it and the swept up glass bottle ) . It fits, as the pictures have images of the swept up smashed glass bottle, that happened to be on the floor when the electrician came in to do the routine check of the electrics and took the pictures of all the plug socket location's . It would also explain why he never came back after he said he was going to fetch some equipment and be back in five minutes . The second theory is that the estate office have a spare set of keys and went in to my flat without my knowledge , while I was not there, and took the pictures

Either way is against the law, I am sure , as a guy working for the corporation said to me that they have to give me 24 hours notice before they can go in my flat . I received no knowledge of the pictures or the planned court date . I was just hit by surprise

I went to see her yesterday morning and she saw me and then went to the back, avoiding me altogether. The girl in the desk told me Michelle is in a meeting

I also then find out yesterday, after calling him for advice on the matter, that my support worker is no longer working with me and hasn't been for the last few months. Despite that, he has sometimes taken my calls and come to visit me from time to time acting as though he is still working with me . Even up to last week

He said he can only give me advice and not help me like before . Why wasn't I informed of his being taken off my case months ago ?

He only tells me now as he thinks Michelle took the first opportunity to strike me after he told her the same thing

Life is seriously trying to make me catch the bus as soon as possible
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Jun 1, 2019
You need to read your tenancy agreement. All renters, private and otherwise have them. If you have broken any of the terms of that agreement, they can seek eviction. Maybe a visit to your local CAB could help here as they have access to people who know the law surrounding housing.


If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
You need to read your tenancy agreement. All renters, private and otherwise have them. If you have broken any of the terms of that agreement, they can seek eviction. Maybe a visit to your local CAB could help here as they have access to people who know the law surrounding housing.

I didn't break any terms . If I did , Michelle would have told me in my meetings with her . They did a deep clean of my flat because I was in able to cope with it because of my depression , after the gas safety wanted to do a check . They did the clean and stuff went missing

I re-arranged some of the stuff to look for the items . The damaged door was like that when I arrived 15 years ago . I have witness's to that . I have done nothing wrong . Michelle has acted all sweet and sympathetic to me , while at the same time plotting to try and get me chucked out

They had no right to go in to my flat with out my knowledge , it is called trespassing


Jun 1, 2019
I am a tenant and I am not criticising you, I am trying to help you. My tenancy agreement states,

Your main responsibilities are to:

  • pay your rent
  • use the property as your main and principle home
  • keep your home in a good condition
  • not breach your tenancy agreement

It could be argued, that if they had to send someone in to do a deep clean of my property, that I had not kept my home in good condition. Therefore, I could be in breach of my tenancy agreement. Thats why you need to take advice. Take the eviction papers, your tenancy agreement and go see CAB, they can and will help you.


If I am no good , then let me out
Jun 30, 2019
I am a tenant and I am not criticising you, I am trying to help you. My tenancy agreement states,

Your main responsibilities are to:

  • pay your rent
  • use the property as your main and principle home
  • keep your home in a good condition
  • not breach your tenancy agreement

It could be argued, that if they had to send someone in to do a deep clean of my property, that I had not kept my home in good condition. Therefore, I could be in breach of my tenancy agreement. Thats why you need to take advice. Take the eviction papers, your tenancy agreement and go see CAB, they can and will help you.

I under stand what you are saying and I thank you for trying to help me

The Corporations rules and agreements are the same as what you have listed

But I have been under a support worker for years and the corporation are aware of my depression and my inability to maintain my flat regularly . They have written to me stating this many times and have also offered help with a support officer and other things as long as I have a written note from the doctor

Michelle is aware of this too

I was offered the deep clean because of their knowledge about my depression and they said that they will provide me with help to maintain it

After I complained to Michelle about my many items going missing and also the fact that my support worker told her he was taken off my case .... she has suddenly turned and is trying to get me kicked out on to the street . It is her who has initiated this court date

Despite the fact of my many meetings with her and light hearted chats about my hobbies , my missing items and my depression , of which she says she under stands as her son has depression and her motherly looking sweet talk

Add to that the fact that she has sent in a bogus electrician on the sly to take pictures of the stuff I re-arranged after looking for my missing items that was caused by their deep clean , calling it mess when it isn't .... with out my knowledge

What they did is against the law . Trespassing with no consent from the tenant is against the corporations rules , even if it is from some one who is working for them
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
I honestly think that you should consult an attorney. I've hung out in the gallery during eviction court. The judge here tries really hard to work everything out. Just keep all of your documents and witnesses ready to go.
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Nov 29, 2019
I'm also thinking that there might be something bigger going on. Any other neighbours getting harassed? A new roadway going through? Nearby posh housing estate? Look for a deeper pattern.

I know this is so hard to face when depression is dragging you down.
Peace and kind thoughts.

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