

Can't wait for the summer
Feb 23, 2019
A talk I heard on YouTube. Thought I'll share.

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Can't wait for the summer
Feb 23, 2019
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
I find TED about as interesting as a wet napkin. It's where shills, sellouts, and nobody of noteworthy distinguishment talk about nothing with bits of "facts" everyone already heard about from a shitty huffpo article or something, which more likely than not is either outright wrong or oversimplified.

What we call depression (and most so-called mental illness, violence, and addictive behavior) I think is a measurement of society's failure to tend to the needs of its people, with suicide being a big 0 in red marker. Psychology/Psychiatry is a tool for the establishment, its primary development and current use is propaganda, hence the term "mentally ill". It's your fault you're miserable, just like it's your fault you're poor. Don't change the system, change yourself, if you take these pills, have happy thoughts, conform to our standards, and do enough yoga then you might "make it". Sure there's all these things we know influence or determine behavior, but in the end it's your choice, despite evidence in practically every field suggesting otherwise. -That's psychiatry, its function is to deflect attention from the status quo, and propagate hyper-individualism to isolate us from our communities.

Psychology is slightly more rooted in some sense of science, but it's more or less a trade in some ways than a profession. Psychology is the art of modern propaganda developed by the US in the early 20th century via the rise of the PR industry. Propaganda aims to control public thought, which is why psychologist are heavily reliant on polls and surveys which are used to read the public thought. When a company or political figure starts a PR campaign they search for a core group of people to target, through mass surveilance and data mining they learn this demographic's likes, dislikes, and can even predict with reasonable accuracy how this group will react to new information before airing.

There are many examples of this throughout the political and "entertainment" industry which are the two most reliant on PR because they're inherently worthless and/or detrimental to society. That's scratching the surface of how US propaganda works, but sums up the purpose of psychology.

"It is known that [Joseph] Goebbels studied the way advertising companies worked in America."

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will."

"You have nothing to fear, if you have nothing to hide" -Joseph Goebels

(Chomsky is a 90-something year old jew btw, he remembers WWII)

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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
@Divine Trinity. I fully agree psychiatry invented the concept of mental illness to blame the victim and to create a perceived public health crisis which serves to justify coercion and mass drugging campaigns. Anyone who's done any serious reading into the subject will have quickly realized there's no science to it at all and it's simply public morality disguised as medical diagnosis.

The role of the media in this process of pathologizing emotional and social suffering (which is of course very real) is to push this narrative and indoctrinate the public by repeating the same platitudes over and over (depression is an illness, depression causes suicide, depression can be treated therefore suicide can be prevented) and place self-appointed experts unto a pedestal and lend them credibility instead of critically examining their outrageous claims.

There were elections in my country not long ago and quite literally every political party tried to outdo the others in completely impractical, insanely expensive ideas and proposals. The media did not debunk these claims but just reported them knowing full well it was all balony. This is what democracy has become: one big media and propaganda campaign every 4, 5 or 6 years to give the people the illusion their opinion actually matters and they control those in power while it's really the other way around.

Thanks for your critical input and the link to the video. I really do think it would be beneficial to have a separate philosophy forum here to discuss such matters but of course that's not something I can decide. Perhaps if enough people requested it the admins would entertain the notion.
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
@Divine Trinity. I fully agree psychiatry invented the concept of mental illness to blame the victim and to create a perceived public health crisis which serves to justify coercion and mass drugging campaigns. Anyone who's done any serious reading into the subject will have quickly realized there's no science to it at all and it's simply public morality disguised as medical diagnosis.

The role of the media in this process of pathologizing emotional and social suffering (which is of course very real) is to push this narrative and indoctrinate the public by repeating the same platitudes over and over (depression is an illness, depression causes suicide, depression can be treated therefore suicide can be prevented) and place self-appointed experts unto a pedestal and lend them credibility instead of critically examining their outrageous claims.

There were elections in my country not long ago and quite literally every political party tried to outdo the others in completely impractical, insanely expensive ideas and proposals. The media did not debunk these claims but just reported them knowing full well it was all balony. This is what democracy has become: one big media and propaganda campaign every 4, 5 or 6 years to give the people the illusion their opinion actually matters and they control those in power while it's really the other way around.

Thanks for your critical input and the link to the video. I really do think it would be beneficial to have a separate philosophy forum here to discuss such matters but of course that's not something I can decide. Perhaps if enough people requested it the admins would entertain the notion.
I just added a resource thread, generally same message but I added a bit more detail and reference two interesting polls I think highlights the points made.