
Dec 17, 2021
I've seen a lot of men posting here about depression related to micropenises, but what about hair loss? I'm almost 32, and since developing a badly receding hairline at 30 interest from women has dropped about 80-90%+. Shaving my head does not particularly help; the simple fact is that, like a large majority of men, I look much, much better with hair than without, and facial hair ages me by several years already. Any other guys depressed about this? I was suicidal years before this, but it's definitely contributing. I feel like I'm 45 now. It's contributing to a nasty and compulsive misogyny my sperg brain is finding difficult to reject; when I was younger I enjoyed flirting with women, and was grateful for the occasional validating look, all that's gone, completely. Being unemployed and living with my parents (gold-medal loser) certainly doesn't help either. I have no career, almost no resume, and several mental issues. One of the few things I had going for me when I was younger was that I enjoyed my appearance.
I am not looking for normie advice, "go to the gym, bro, grow a footlong beard and wax it"; if I was searching for a copium den I'd go on Reddit. Snarky comments might be appreciated if they're clever, but I'm mostly curious how to let go of sexual and romantic desire and recover self-esteem, with or without a shaved head.
I hope this is a further contribution to postings related to male body issues, and offers a relief from micro threads.
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
Yep, me too. I'm 38yo KHHV, bald and short. It's Over.

how to let go of sexual and romantic desire
I can't, CTB is the only answer (for me), it's over.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
Yeah, I'm experiencing this too in my early 30s. It's been terrible for my self-esteem, although that was never good to begin with. A minority of men can rock a bald head; I'm definitely not one of them. I'm an average height and I have a very thin build. When I was younger and better looking I was too psychologically messed up from my religious upbringing to ever flirt or even engage romantically with women, although I realize now that some were actually interested in me. Now I'm just ugly and mentally ill. No one other than my immediate family cares about me now. It's been really hard for me emotionally.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
But some women go for balding men
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Feb 21, 2022
Have you considered a hair transplant?
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Aug 21, 2022
my hairline is already receding just before the early twenties + manlet by zoomer standards (5'9)
going to cope with impending wizardry dying earlier. simple as
Have you considered a hair transplant?
"A follicular unit transplantation procedure can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000. The actual cost of a follicular unit transplantation is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the surgical hair restoration."
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Dec 17, 2021
my hairline is already receding just before the early twenties + manlet by zoomer standards (5'9)
going to cope with impending wizardry dying earlier. simple as

"A follicular unit transplantation procedure can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000. The actual cost of a follicular unit transplantation is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the surgical hair restoration."
I'm grateful I guess that it got bad at 30, instead of 20. I really feel for the guys who are only 18 or 21. The psychological pain would be considerable. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through.
I've considered a transplant, but you still have to take Finasteride on it to possibly keep the hair. That drug is poison. My hope is that within the next few years an alternative medication will come out, since Fin and Minoxidil are both several decades old by now and neither do a good job. They weren't even originally developed for hair-loss.
If anyone does go with a hair transplant, definitely go with someplace like Turkey, because in the US and most other Western countries the cost would be well over $10k.
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Dec 10, 2021
It's been my experience that women like men. It's always been that way.

When I started balding in my late 20's- early 30's it really didn't matter much as far as my sex life was concerned... sure, there were some shallow women who wouldn't see past it, but there were plenty more who had no problem. If anything, some of the young ones with daddy issues liked me even more!

I don't think the hair thing is a problem as much as you think it is. I think the fact that you think it's a problem is the problem. Does that make sense?

You've got to figure out how to get over yourself and go flirt with them, anyway. It will lead to bigger and better things.

It would help if you score a steady income, though. Fuck a career, just look for something you can do to score cash, on the regular. I used to haul pallets in the back of a pickup to make an extra $600-700 a week, took me about 3 hours a night. Perhaps you can code. Design something. Write ad-copy. Sell tee shirts. I dunno... what do you like?

Living with the folks isn't as big a deal as you think it is, either. I knew a guy that lived with his mother, perpetual bachelor type, right behind my grandparents' house. Every time I'd go to visit, I'd get a kick out of watching the train of co-eds he'd have running in and out. This guy was bringing college girls home well into his 50s.

You're in your 30's, man. Why the fuck would you want to let go of sexual and romantic desire? Partake of the fruits of life, man. Hell, you might even end up as some rich widows' dream.

As to self esteem you know the score, there. *cogito ergo sum*
The biggest problems in life hit when you finally run into something that you can't think your way through. I've not read your post history, but from the bit I read above you seem pretty sharp... and I get the impression you can think your way through this.

I know you weren't looking for "normie" advice, but I'm not a normie, I'm an asshole. I'm toxic.
And I got a pretty skull. When I shave my head, Mr. Clean got nuthin' on me.
You'll find what you seek, OP.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Baldness is a poor substitute for penises, but I'll allow it.

30's a tricky age - you're too young to really "give up" on your looks, but at the same time, it is approaching the phase of life where you're going to inevitably start getting fewer looks from girls. I'm not balding at all but I also feel sad at becoming invisible or else no longer attractive to younger women.

I guess your only two options are to fight this with whatever means you have, or to find the best possible look that will work with thinning hair. Being an expert on men's style and fashion (ok I lied) I would imagine there are some ways to work with what you have going on, but you may have to consult a professional. Objectively I think hair transplantation is going to be too expensive (and possibly painful) for a large segment of the population.

It's quite possible there are good haircuts that work for men with partial baldness, and I'm positive there are facial hair styles that won't necessarily age you, but might in fact enhance your appearance (I'm thinking in particular the styles that are short and neat).

Whatever you do, avoid the Dr. Phil "monk" style haircut, as it only works because he wears more makeup than your average Kardashian and is a TV doctor.
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Dec 15, 2021
Despite having a disability very occasionally got some attention here and there but i went thru years of a lot of stress and anxiety and got noticeably worse, i have hair but my appearance and my energy has wilted.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I'm a trans man, and I always say the same things in these threads … I also have pretty much every possible unappealing trait, including receding hair. I'm 50 though, so at least most of my same-age peers look like me. On the other hand, a whole lot of my country's nominal leaders want me dead or in prison because people like me make them feel uncomfy in their tingly parts. So that's stressful.

I recommend bitter defiance in the face of a society that wants to devalue you. Don't dump all the hate out on women either, because that's not where it all comes from. Up above someone referred to himself as a 5' 9" "manlet." I'm 5' 5". That doesn't feel great. For that matter, most women are not especially interested in a man's penis size. Some are, for sure, but mostly it's a "shrug" kind of thing. Most women can't orgasm from vaginal penetration alone anyway, no matter whether that penetration is deep or shallow. And if you're with a woman who does prefer to cum that way, get a strap-on sheath, where the small penis goes in the sleeve, which then replicates a big penis. The big penis goes in the lady who likes deep vaginal penetration. If you want, get a sheath that vibrates. Get one that's purple with silver glitter in it. Get one shaped like a tenticle. All of these things are available, and sometimes artifice is more fun than nature.

It also helps a lot to have a community of people you can be real with, preferably all or mostly other guys, but not necessarily. Even this place can do in a pinch. The idea is to have people give you feedback that helps you deprogram the part of your brain that internalizes all this hateful shit that gets thrown in your general direction, especially on the internet. (Most of it isn't even personal enough to consider it thrown directly at you. They're more turds addressed "to whom it may concern.")

I understand that some people are here specifically to torment themselves, hoping to work up enough self-loathing to ctb. It's always difficult to watch that process and I don't think it works often, but given what this site is about, I can't really say not to do it. I would appreciate it if people didn't inadvertently take me down with them, though. Short men are not undateable. Most women prefer a man taller than them, and while that does limit a short guy's options, it doesn't wipe them out. Paul Simon is like 5' 4", and for a while he dated Carrie Fisher, who was five-foot-nothing. She was pretty hot back in the day, too.

I don't even date women, which is actually worse. In general, gay guys are as fixated on appearance as straight guys, and they don't even feel bad about it. Instead of "go to the gym, bro," it's "go to the gym, princess," or some such thing, and it's aimed at both potential partners and random dudes, but it's about equivalent. (I know somebody's gay cousin Larry isn't like that, but I'm not talking about Gay Cousin Larry right now.) However, even I get bites here and there. My bf is a little, middle-aged trans guy who is so over people and their opinions that he builds dungeon furniture in his parents' driveway. He had me the minute he told me that.

So I recommend flipping off everyone who tells you that you shouldn't exist, and then existing at them even harder and louder. If you can. I do understand that not everyone here plans to choose life. I think it's better not to go out in a hail of cognitive distortions, though. You are not the worst, the most loathsome, the most misshapen etc. There are people here who are clearly not what they wanted, which is painful enough without elaborating on it.
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Apr 5, 2020
Started balding at 16, it's horrible. It made me, and still makes me, feel like a freak. Like an ugly old man. You stand out being bald while young, and not in a good way. The worst thing about it is that there is no choice. If you have hair then you can just shave it if you want to look bald, but if you're bald you're forced into a particular look, and it only rarely looks good. (I don't consider a hair transplant a choice, because it's prohibitively expensive for most people.)

Baldness is the butt of many jokes and destroys the self-esteem of many. It definitely hurt my confidence badly. I know for certain that I looked a thousand times better with hair. Some claim that it's no issue, but for me and I'm sure many others, it certainly is.
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Jul 26, 2020
I started balding at 16 also and never really considered any alternatives. Going into the service and buzz cuts just made it a normal way of life. I've always had a knack for quick, sharp insults so the "oh look the bald guy" remarks usually get volley fired back with all kinds of appearance insults. Outside of that if someone didn't like it, fuck them. You could always check out Simpsons episode "Simpson and Delilah".

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